The lefts is stroking out at the prospect of a Republican taking Teddy's old seat...
Keith Olbermann almost lost it when describing Scott Brown last night. But alas, you must first have it before you can lose it. Mr. Olbermann doesnt have it anymore. Im not really sure that he ever did have it. Anyway, I digress. It is nothing if not hilarious to see the left wingers losing their mind over Scott Browns surge in Massachusetts.
January 19, 2010 | Posted by Shannon Bell Keith Olbermann almost lost it when describing Scott Brown last night. But alas, you must first have it before you can lose it. Mr. Olbermann doesnt have it anymore. Im not really sure that he ever did have it. Anyway, I digress. It is nothing if not hilarious to see the left wingers losing their mind over Scott Browns surge in Massachusetts.
Libs like Olbermann, Matthews, and the rest think and thought that the Massachusetts Senate seat belonged to them in perpetuity. They think that simply because Martha Coakley has a (D) beside her name she would and should be allowed to just waltz right into the Senate.
To watch the reactions of Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, and the rest of the MSNBC clan is priceless. But to listen to the vitriol that these so called journalists spew at Scott Brown or the Tea Party movements direction is utterly sickening. In the video clip Olbermann has the nerve, the audacity to call Scott Brown a joke when we currently have Al Franken sitting in the United States Senate. That in itself is the joke.