Levine not so tough

Skip to 3 min and you can hear it straight from the horses mouth. "I'll never vote for Trump. Period."

Yes, and he recanted that position a few days later on his show. I said the same thing at one point. People can change their minds and they can also say things in the heat of the moment when angered.

When Trump (and Stone) pulled the National Enquirer shit on Cruz, if infuriated many Conservative Cruz supporters.... some of them have never gotten over that.
Skip to 3 min and you can hear it straight from the horses mouth. "I'll never vote for Trump. Period."

Yes, and he recanted that position a few days later on his show. I said the same thing at one point. People can change their minds and they can also say things in the heat of the moment when angered.

When Trump (and Stone) pulled the National Enquirer shit on Cruz, if infuriated many Conservative Cruz supporters.... some of them have never gotten over that.
Agreed people can change their minds and if they do I can call it a flip flop because that's what a flip flop is... Feel free to recant that jack wagon comment of yours
He can't handle a private meeting with a guest prior to an interview? I don't see the big deal about making that request or why he reacted like he did... Perhaps he has good reason but that hasn't been articulated.

And being on Prime Time CNN isn't about publicity like he is saying, it is an extremely large platform to spread his message. If he truly believes in his conservative message and in his ability to articulate it then why would he pass up the opportunity to bring that message to a new audience? It makes no sense. This nobel card he is trying to play by saying that he doesn't need the publicity is BS. He is dodging it to avoid the questions about his flip flop on supporting Trump.

He didn't flip-flop on anything, jackwagon... he never said that he wasn't going to vote for Trump. In fact, he has repeatedly said he would probably vote for Trump. So how is "probably" to "will" a flip-flop?

He didn't meet with Prebus because he doesn't have to meet with him and he doesn't have to capitulate to demands of guests to his show. You don't have to see the big deal, it's not your fucking show. He didn't go on some liberal asswipe's show because he doesn't need to do that. It doesn't help him to go let some liberal goof try and sucker punch him. I don't blame him one bit.

This isn't about a "message" dipshit... it's about Conservative principles and values. Either you get those or you don't... either you want to learn more about them or you don't... there's no sales job happening here. Individual freedom and liberty doesn't have to be sold or packaged in a message.
Yep say what you will about Levin, but he'll sacrifice his principle's and values at the drop of a hat for the sake of the party.

I remember the night he railed against Trump for knowingly lying to the world that Ted Cruz's dad helped to murder JFK. But hey, the party comes first!

Jeeeeeesh.... this has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PARTY!

The next president will be a Democrat or Republican. That's just a fact of life that everyone needs to come to terms with here... it doesn't matter how you feel about the parties. There is not another option, it's going to be the Democrat or the Republican.

You can rest assured, Levin is not going to be a Trump cheerleader. He is not morphing into Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter. He will remain true to his core Conservative principles and he will continue to call Trump to task on things he says that contradict those principles. When he said that he will vote for Trump he stated unequivocally that he did not stand by anything Trump has said, nor did he trust that Trump wouldn't cave on things he has said.
Actually... I think I might actually believe you! I hope Levin learns a lesson from this about trying to appeal to the extremes of his listeners. He's as much responsible for Trump as any of them.
I like to flip to Levine every once in a while to get a good laugh and today he was talking about how Don Lemon invited him for an interview on his show tonight. Levine said he would rather eat a steak with ketchup and continued to talk about all the other shows and networks that have invited him for an interview, but he doesn't need them and is happy right where he is.

He then went down the list of people who want to be on his show and amongst that list was a request from Reince Priebus who Levine then dissed and banned from the program.

For such a big talker Levine is sure scared of confrontation. I hear him freak out on opposers that call in all the time... he usually ends up yelling over them, cutting them off and hanging up on them. Is he really that much of a control freak that he can't even handle a simple intellectual debate?

You can't have an intellectual debate with a libturd. You'd be better or talking to a box of rocks. I listen to Levin more than anyone else because I don't need to hear a moonbat's asinine retorts. I can listen to Hannity if I want to hear endless sound bites of hitlery and some paid stooge who insists we didn't hear what we heard. Levin doesn't suffer fools and I don't want to hear from retarded fucking liberals.

You listen to that whiny little bitch more than anybody else? That explains a lot.
Spoken like a true close-minded know-it-all, you and Levine must be cut from the same cloth. The thing about media and interviews like Don was offering Levine is that it isn't a simple discussion with another person, it is a platform to express your viewpoints. If your ideology, ideas, and arguments are strong and valid then you should be able to destroy a liberal in an interview or debate. You or Levine in this case could promote the conservative cause by articulating how a conservative would tackle problems. Instead he tucks tail and stays in his safety zone.

The reality is that after months of bitching and griping about Trump, being butthurt that Cruz didn't get the nod... Levine finally announced that he would bite the bullet and support Trump with his vote. He knows that is what Lemon wants to ask him about and he is scared to have that conversation outside the comfort of his control room. Unless he wants to further show off his hypocrisy he would do good not to complain anymore about Hillary's lack of engagement with the press.

Don Lemon is an idiot, just like you.

When you already know what a moonbat is going to say, because they all parrot the same insipid shit another discussion with them isn't going to do anything but validate the libturd as an equal with a "different point of view". Except that bed wetters all have the same point of view;

White people are causing global warming, and everyone else is going to die because of it.

Gun control works.

Abortion is a legitimate birth control service and should be free.

People have the right to identify as something they can never be as long as the deviance promotes the leftist agenda.

Government needs to steal from people I don't like and give it to people who I pretend to care about.

Borders should only contain and control the spread of white people.

Islam is a "religion" of peace and Christianity is a cult of terror and murder.

Only white people can be racists.

I used to be a liberal, till I started working for a living and grew up. I already know what moonbats "think" or are at least programmed to believe. I've heard it all. Liberals get destroyed on this forum everyday. No one watches Don Lemon, so if I were Levin I wouldn't waste my time increasing his ratings. I listen to Levin on occasion to hear what his point of view is. I don't agree with everything he believes in, but I don't want to hear him argue with a vapid liberal. I want him to argue with fellow conservatives. There's no point in putting an imbecile in the conversation when no one really wants to waste time on them.

Levin is behind Trump as much as it takes to get Hitlery defeated. Then we have to hope enough conservatives get into the Trump administration to make it something that can actually undo the damage the democrooks have wrought. How would the addition of an idiot make that conversation better? It's not about a "safe space". Bed wetters demand them for protection from thinking. Conservatives want distance from bed wetters on a sanitary level as well as so that we don't have to listen to their insipid shit for at least a couple hours a day.

Yes, and he recanted that position a few days later on his show. I said the same thing at one point. People can change their minds and they can also say things in the heat of the moment when angered.

When Trump (and Stone) pulled the National Enquirer shit on Cruz, if infuriated many Conservative Cruz supporters.... some of them have never gotten over that.

What Trump did to Cruz is inexcusable. He did the media's job for them better than they could have gotten away with it. The media gave us Trump by ignoring everyone except for him, and letting him bring down every republicrat one by one just like in 2012. I'm probably going to vote for him, if I don't write in Vermin Supreme.

Changing your mind on supporting Trump isn't "flip flopping". That doesn't mean you've changed your mind on principle or policy like democrooks do depending on the audience. That's another reason debating bed wetters is pointless. They don't even understand basic concepts or the definition of words. If someone insists the phrase "....the right OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" means something other than that then you're playing chess with a pigeon.

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Spoken like a true close-minded know-it-all, you and Levine must be cut from the same cloth. The thing about media and interviews like Don was offering Levine is that it isn't a simple discussion with another person, it is a platform to express your viewpoints. If your ideology, ideas, and arguments are strong and valid then you should be able to destroy a liberal in an interview or debate. You or Levine in this case could promote the conservative cause by articulating how a conservative would tackle problems. Instead he tucks tail and stays in his safety zone.

The reality is that after months of bitching and griping about Trump, being butthurt that Cruz didn't get the nod... Levine finally announced that he would bite the bullet and support Trump with his vote. He knows that is what Lemon wants to ask him about and he is scared to have that conversation outside the comfort of his control room. Unless he wants to further show off his hypocrisy he would do good not to complain anymore about Hillary's lack of engagement with the press.

Don Lemon is an idiot, just like you.

When you already know what a moonbat is going to say, because they all parrot the same insipid shit another discussion with them isn't going to do anything but validate the libturd as an equal with a "different point of view". Except that bed wetters all have the same point of view;

White people are causing global warming, and everyone else is going to die because of it.

Gun control works.

Abortion is a legitimate birth control service and should be free.

People have the right to identify as something they can never be as long as the deviance promotes the leftist agenda.

Government needs to steal from people I don't like and give it to people who I pretend to care about.

Borders should only contain and control the spread of white people.

Islam is a "religion" of peace and Christianity is a cult of terror and murder.

Only white people can be racists.

I used to be a liberal, till I started working for a living and grew up. I already know what moonbats "think" or are at least programmed to believe. I've heard it all. Liberals get destroyed on this forum everyday. No one watches Don Lemon, so if I were Levin I wouldn't waste my time increasing his ratings. I listen to Levin on occasion to hear what his point of view is. I don't agree with everything he believes in, but I don't want to hear him argue with a vapid liberal. I want him to argue with fellow conservatives. There's no point in putting an imbecile in the conversation when no one really wants to waste time on them.

Levin is behind Trump as much as it takes to get Hitlery defeated. Then we have to hope enough conservatives get into the Trump administration to make it something that can actually undo the damage the democrooks have wrought. How would the addition of an idiot make that conversation better? It's not about a "safe space". Bed wetters demand them for protection from thinking. Conservatives want distance from bed wetters on a sanitary level as well as so that we don't have to listen to their insipid shit for at least a couple hours a day.

Lemon presents logical arguements and allows for balanced debate on his show. I'll say again, Levin has every right to decide what he wants to do. I'm just stating the simple fact that for a guy that tries so hard to define himself and a devote conservative tough guy he is extremely gunshy to engage in debate with people of opposing ideologies, or even present his point of view to new audiences... He is weak and full of hot air in my opinion
Actually... I think I might actually believe you! I hope Levin learns a lesson from this about trying to appeal to the extremes of his listeners. He's as much responsible for Trump as any of them.

Well, I don't agree that Levin is responsible for Trump in any way. Nor does he try to appeal to the extremes of his listeners. Mark Levin is a staunch Constitutional Conservative. There is nothing "extreme" about being a Constitutional Conservative.

What is "extreme" about standing up for individual liberty and the inalienable rights we are endowed by our Creator? What is "extreme" about wanting our government to adhere to the principles established by the framers of our Constitution? How is it that we've gotten to the point where THAT is the "extremist" position?

What has happened is, the PROGRESSIVES have turned the Constitutional Conservative philosophy into an "extremist" viewpoint as they've promoted their progressive agenda as "the norm".
For such a big talker Levin is sure scared of confrontation. I hear him freak out on opposers that call in all the time... he usually ends up yelling over them, cutting them off and hanging up on them. Is he really that much of a control freak that he can't even handle a simple intellectual debate?
I don't know why anyone would bother to call his show with a contrary opinion.

He goes full tilt emotional drama queen almost immediately.
Actually... I think I might actually believe you! I hope Levin learns a lesson from this about trying to appeal to the extremes of his listeners. He's as much responsible for Trump as any of them.

Well, I don't agree that Levin is responsible for Trump in any way. Nor does he try to appeal to the extremes of his listeners. Mark Levin is a staunch Constitutional Conservative. There is nothing "extreme" about being a Constitutional Conservative.

What is "extreme" about standing up for individual liberty and the inalienable rights we are endowed by our Creator? What is "extreme" about wanting our government to adhere to the principles established by the framers of our Constitution? How is it that we've gotten to the point where THAT is the "extremist" position?

What has happened is, the PROGRESSIVES have turned the Constitutional Conservative philosophy into an "extremist" viewpoint as they've promoted their progressive agenda as "the norm".
He's spent his entire career stoking the flames of extremism in his listeners. There's a reason he spent years call Obama "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" with extra emphasis on the "Hussein." There's a reason he's spent his entire career saying anyone who thinks differently than him or you is actively trying to destroy America. Because it raked in the $$$ for him. But his listeners began to actually BELIEVE IT. And now here we are with Trump. It wouldn't have been possible without Levin and others convincing the GOP base that everyone on the planet not part of their group was trying to destroy them.
He's spent his entire career stoking the flames of extremism in his listeners. There's a reason he spent years call Obama "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" with extra emphasis on the "Hussein." There's a reason he's spent his entire career saying anyone who thinks differently than him or you is actively trying to destroy America. Because it raked in the $$$ for him. But his listeners began to actually BELIEVE IT. And now here we are with Trump. It wouldn't have been possible without Levin and others convincing the GOP base that everyone on the planet not part of their group was trying to destroy them.

It's a little bit late to be claiming you're not trying to "fundamentally transform" America. Don't you think?
He's spent his entire career stoking the flames of extremism in his listeners. There's a reason he spent years call Obama "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" with extra emphasis on the "Hussein." There's a reason he's spent his entire career saying anyone who thinks differently than him or you is actively trying to destroy America. Because it raked in the $$$ for him. But his listeners began to actually BELIEVE IT. And now here we are with Trump. It wouldn't have been possible without Levin and others convincing the GOP base that everyone on the planet not part of their group was trying to destroy them.

It's a little bit late to be claiming you're not trying to "fundamentally transform" America. Don't you think?
Trump is grateful for your role in helping him get nominated :thup:
He's spent his entire career stoking the flames of extremism in his listeners. There's a reason he spent years call Obama "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" with extra emphasis on the "Hussein." There's a reason he's spent his entire career saying anyone who thinks differently than him or you is actively trying to destroy America. Because it raked in the $$$ for him. But his listeners began to actually BELIEVE IT. And now here we are with Trump. It wouldn't have been possible without Levin and others convincing the GOP base that everyone on the planet not part of their group was trying to destroy them.

It's a little bit late to be claiming you're not trying to "fundamentally transform" America. Don't you think?
Levin says destroy, you say transform, others say progress... Whatever you call it, it's been happening since the inception of our nation. It is in the nature of how our government was created and how it has operated since its earliest days. Of the people, by the people and for the people...
I listen to savage for the humor. He is too full of himself. Gets tiring, but there are times he makes sense and when he goes Brooklyn on people, it is funny to me.

John Bachelor is actually the best show for good info.

Joe Pags is pretty good too.

Cannot stand Beck, Levin or Hannity. Their humor sucks and people who "try" to be humorous annoy me.

Limbaugh is still good.

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