Levin Calls Out WaPo For Shocking Lies Regarding Barr Interview


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Hayward Wisconsin
I watched this interview yesterday, and just as Levin points out in a series of scathing tweets, the WaPo nakedly lied about antifa and its involvement in perpetrating violence on behalf of the Marxist owner of the WaPo, Jeff Bezos, and the democratic party, of which antifa is an organ. Its indisputable that antifa is a fascist clique of wealthy white college, and primary school educators, and their students, dedicated to the violent overthrow of the United States, such is indisputable. The WaPo's lying article is direct evidence that the media, as Levin has noted in past print and broadcast commentary, is heavily vested in advancing exactly that agenda! The media machine in the United States is openly conducting a civil war campaign against the United States, again this is indisputable, those attempting to dispute such are either fully approving of the Marxist/Leninist revolution, or literally speaking, impossibly fucking stupid!

On another note, did you folks happen to catch the Barr interview??? Did you see how he responded to Levins softballs regarding the so-called "Durham" investigation??? Did you hear him explain how hard it is to get people to come in for interviews, or to cooperate? I had to pinch myself listening to Barr lie his lips off about that, I actually had to pinch myself to see if I was indeed awake. Folks, its all a fucking scam lie, there is obviously no criminal investigation of the people who launched this coup d' tat, and that is just as indisputable as the WaPo's lying its lips off about antifa. Understand people, a US attorney running a criminal probe doesn't request your cooperation, and you don't get to just laugh at them when they come knocking. Yet this is exactly what Barr told Levin, and Levin a veteran of Ed Meeses DOJ knowing that Barr was clearly being dishonest in such representation, didn't press him on these lies.

US attorney's who ask for your company so as to discuss information pertaining to a criminal probe, and where that request is denied or in any other fashion blown off, don't ask twice, the follow up invitation will be delivered by a pair of US Marshals in the form of a subpoena, at which point even Bill Gates, Jeff Bezo's, Jack Dorcey ect ect ect all must come and sit down in front of grand jury and get asses grilled! Barr indicating how difficult it is for Durham to produce results is as open an admission from Barr that in truth there never has been a criminal probe as you're ever gonna hear from his lips....

Maybe Barr was trying to avoid laying out specifics of an ongoing investigation on TV. Wouldn’t want to jeopardize it.
No, there was no need to do such, he plainly stated, deliberately so, that it's damn near impossible to get cooperation out of anyone, such was clearly intended to present cover for Durham's eventual total disappearance from the news cycle! US attorney's MAKE people cooperate, they issue SUBPOENA's and they INDICT various conspirators and then FORCE their cooperation! Durham is doing exactly what Huber did, nothing, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has stated repeatedly, Durham hasn't even interviewed a single one of the principles, and he and Barr have passed entirely on obtaining indictments of James Comey, Andrew MccAbe, Peter Strouck, James Baker, and at least four other DOJ/FBI honchos clearly implicated in attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the United States via a series of faux investigations all set in motion by the previous occupant of the Oval office and his administration!
Maybe Barr was trying to avoid laying out specifics of an ongoing investigation on TV. Wouldn’t want to jeopardize it.
No, there was no need to do such, he plainly stated, deliberately so, that it's damn near impossible to get cooperation out of anyone, such was clearly intended to present cover for Durham's eventual total disappearance from the news cycle! US attorney's MAKE people cooperate, they issue SUBPOENA's and they INDICT various conspirators and then FORCE their cooperation! Durham is doing exactly what Huber did, nothing, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has stated repeatedly, Durham hasn't even interviewed a single one of the principles, and he and Barr have passed entirely on obtaining indictments of James Comey, Andrew MccAbe, Peter Strouck, James Baker, and at least four other DOJ/FBI honchos clearly implicated in attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the United States via a series of faux investigations all set in motion by the previous occupant of the Oval office and his administration!
Let’s wait and see. No need for any cards to be shown.
Maybe Barr was trying to avoid laying out specifics of an ongoing investigation on TV. Wouldn’t want to jeopardize it.
No, there was no need to do such, he plainly stated, deliberately so, that it's damn near impossible to get cooperation out of anyone, such was clearly intended to present cover for Durham's eventual total disappearance from the news cycle! US attorney's MAKE people cooperate, they issue SUBPOENA's and they INDICT various conspirators and then FORCE their cooperation! Durham is doing exactly what Huber did, nothing, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has stated repeatedly, Durham hasn't even interviewed a single one of the principles, and he and Barr have passed entirely on obtaining indictments of James Comey, Andrew MccAbe, Peter Strouck, James Baker, and at least four other DOJ/FBI honchos clearly implicated in attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the United States via a series of faux investigations all set in motion by the previous occupant of the Oval office and his administration!
Let’s wait and see. No need for any cards to be shown.
Are you fucking even serious? Its been two years, not a single indictment and not one, not one of the principle actors even interviewed by the US attorney supposedly running a criminal probe! The whole fucking thing is a sham, all of it, wake the fuck up and see truth naked before eyes!
Maybe Barr was trying to avoid laying out specifics of an ongoing investigation on TV. Wouldn’t want to jeopardize it.
No, there was no need to do such, he plainly stated, deliberately so, that it's damn near impossible to get cooperation out of anyone, such was clearly intended to present cover for Durham's eventual total disappearance from the news cycle! US attorney's MAKE people cooperate, they issue SUBPOENA's and they INDICT various conspirators and then FORCE their cooperation! Durham is doing exactly what Huber did, nothing, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has stated repeatedly, Durham hasn't even interviewed a single one of the principles, and he and Barr have passed entirely on obtaining indictments of James Comey, Andrew MccAbe, Peter Strouck, James Baker, and at least four other DOJ/FBI honchos clearly implicated in attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the United States via a series of faux investigations all set in motion by the previous occupant of the Oval office and his administration!
Let’s wait and see. No need for any cards to be shown.
Are you fucking even serious? Its been two years, not a single indictment and not one, not one of the principle actors even interviewed by the US attorney supposedly running a criminal probe! The whole fucking thing is a sham, all of it, wake the fuck up and see truth naked before eyes!
Yeah, I’m serious.
In the end will the average American citizen care about this? Will it go away after November 3rd, 2020?
Houston we have a problem.....
Barr and Durham better get off the dime and start some action or righteous Americans will eat them alive.....(figuratively speaking)
Maybe Barr was trying to avoid laying out specifics of an ongoing investigation on TV. Wouldn’t want to jeopardize it.
No, there was no need to do such, he plainly stated, deliberately so, that it's damn near impossible to get cooperation out of anyone, such was clearly intended to present cover for Durham's eventual total disappearance from the news cycle! US attorney's MAKE people cooperate, they issue SUBPOENA's and they INDICT various conspirators and then FORCE their cooperation! Durham is doing exactly what Huber did, nothing, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has stated repeatedly, Durham hasn't even interviewed a single one of the principles, and he and Barr have passed entirely on obtaining indictments of James Comey, Andrew MccAbe, Peter Strouck, James Baker, and at least four other DOJ/FBI honchos clearly implicated in attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the United States via a series of faux investigations all set in motion by the previous occupant of the Oval office and his administration!

How do you know who has been interviewed and that he has passed on indicting anyone? It's all classified information, so how exactly are YOU privy to it?
I watched this interview yesterday, and just as Levin points out in a series of scathing tweets, the WaPo nakedly lied about antifa and its involvement in perpetrating violence on behalf of the Marxist owner of the WaPo, Jeff Bezos, and the democratic party, of which antifa is an organ. Its indisputable that antifa is a fascist clique of wealthy white college, and primary school educators, and their students, dedicated to the violent overthrow of the United States, such is indisputable. The WaPo's lying article is direct evidence that the media, as Levin has noted in past print and broadcast commentary, is heavily vested in advancing exactly that agenda! The media machine in the United States is openly conducting a civil war campaign against the United States, again this is indisputable, those attempting to dispute such are either fully approving of the Marxist/Leninist revolution, or literally speaking, impossibly fucking stupid!

On another note, did you folks happen to catch the Barr interview??? Did you see how he responded to Levins softballs regarding the so-called "Durham" investigation??? Did you hear him explain how hard it is to get people to come in for interviews, or to cooperate? I had to pinch myself listening to Barr lie his lips off about that, I actually had to pinch myself to see if I was indeed awake. Folks, its all a fucking scam lie, there is obviously no criminal investigation of the people who launched this coup d' tat, and that is just as indisputable as the WaPo's lying its lips off about antifa. Understand people, a US attorney running a criminal probe doesn't request your cooperation, and you don't get to just laugh at them when they come knocking. Yet this is exactly what Barr told Levin, and Levin a veteran of Ed Meeses DOJ knowing that Barr was clearly being dishonest in such representation, didn't press him on these lies.

US attorney's who ask for your company so as to discuss information pertaining to a criminal probe, and where that request is denied or in any other fashion blown off, don't ask twice, the follow up invitation will be delivered by a pair of US Marshals in the form of a subpoena, at which point even Bill Gates, Jeff Bezo's, Jack Dorcey ect ect ect all must come and sit down in front of grand jury and get asses grilled! Barr indicating how difficult it is for Durham to produce results is as open an admission from Barr that in truth there never has been a criminal probe as you're ever gonna hear from his lips....

Mark Levin is one of the worst human beings in this country. He wants civil war.
I watched this interview yesterday, and just as Levin points out in a series of scathing tweets, the WaPo nakedly lied about antifa and its involvement in perpetrating violence on behalf of the Marxist owner of the WaPo, Jeff Bezos, and the democratic party, of which antifa is an organ. Its indisputable that antifa is a fascist clique of wealthy white college, and primary school educators, and their students, dedicated to the violent overthrow of the United States, such is indisputable. The WaPo's lying article is direct evidence that the media, as Levin has noted in past print and broadcast commentary, is heavily vested in advancing exactly that agenda! The media machine in the United States is openly conducting a civil war campaign against the United States, again this is indisputable, those attempting to dispute such are either fully approving of the Marxist/Leninist revolution, or literally speaking, impossibly fucking stupid!

On another note, did you folks happen to catch the Barr interview??? Did you see how he responded to Levins softballs regarding the so-called "Durham" investigation??? Did you hear him explain how hard it is to get people to come in for interviews, or to cooperate? I had to pinch myself listening to Barr lie his lips off about that, I actually had to pinch myself to see if I was indeed awake. Folks, its all a fucking scam lie, there is obviously no criminal investigation of the people who launched this coup d' tat, and that is just as indisputable as the WaPo's lying its lips off about antifa. Understand people, a US attorney running a criminal probe doesn't request your cooperation, and you don't get to just laugh at them when they come knocking. Yet this is exactly what Barr told Levin, and Levin a veteran of Ed Meeses DOJ knowing that Barr was clearly being dishonest in such representation, didn't press him on these lies.

US attorney's who ask for your company so as to discuss information pertaining to a criminal probe, and where that request is denied or in any other fashion blown off, don't ask twice, the follow up invitation will be delivered by a pair of US Marshals in the form of a subpoena, at which point even Bill Gates, Jeff Bezo's, Jack Dorcey ect ect ect all must come and sit down in front of grand jury and get asses grilled! Barr indicating how difficult it is for Durham to produce results is as open an admission from Barr that in truth there never has been a criminal probe as you're ever gonna hear from his lips....

Mark Levin is one of the worst human beings in this country. He wants civil war.

No, that would be you freaks.
Maybe Barr was trying to avoid laying out specifics of an ongoing investigation on TV. Wouldn’t want to jeopardize it.
No, there was no need to do such, he plainly stated, deliberately so, that it's damn near impossible to get cooperation out of anyone, such was clearly intended to present cover for Durham's eventual total disappearance from the news cycle! US attorney's MAKE people cooperate, they issue SUBPOENA's and they INDICT various conspirators and then FORCE their cooperation! Durham is doing exactly what Huber did, nothing, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has stated repeatedly, Durham hasn't even interviewed a single one of the principles, and he and Barr have passed entirely on obtaining indictments of James Comey, Andrew MccAbe, Peter Strouck, James Baker, and at least four other DOJ/FBI honchos clearly implicated in attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the United States via a series of faux investigations all set in motion by the previous occupant of the Oval office and his administration!

How do you know who has been interviewed and that he has passed on indicting anyone? It's all classified information, so how exactly are YOU privy to it?
Because Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch says Barr/Durham haven't interviewed a single principle, and he ought to know as that is all Fitton does, monitor DOJ and then sue them when he ascertains corruption, its not called "Judicial Watch" for nothing! As for the lack of indictments, have you had your head up ass the last two years???

Barr has repeatedly passed on prosecuting corrupt FBI agents, and DOJ lawyers, all of whom are caught dead to rights in perpetrating crimes of one magnitude or the other. The latter, is exactly how prosecuting attorney's generate cooperation from those who do not wish to cooperate, which is precisely what the corrupt Mueller team did to Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn, all of whom are either in prison, slated to be in prison, or had sentence commuted, while in stark contrast Barr has passed on even prosecuting Comey, Mccabe, Strouck, Page, Baker, and at least a half dozen other FBI/DOJ staff, all of whom were caught dead breaking laws that would have sent you to prison for 5-10 years!

If Durham was actually running a criminal probe, then a half dozen indictments would have been obtained over a year ago, Mueller was securing them in the 1st month of his faux investigation, yet Durham, nothing in over a year! I find it hard to believe you people are this ignorant, and naive, you seem to know absolutely nothing of how your legal system runs and operates, likely because most of you went to public schools which didn't teach you anything beyond how to roll a blunt....
I watched this interview yesterday, and just as Levin points out in a series of scathing tweets, the WaPo nakedly lied about antifa and its involvement in perpetrating violence on behalf of the Marxist owner of the WaPo, Jeff Bezos, and the democratic party, of which antifa is an organ. Its indisputable that antifa is a fascist clique of wealthy white college, and primary school educators, and their students, dedicated to the violent overthrow of the United States, such is indisputable. The WaPo's lying article is direct evidence that the media, as Levin has noted in past print and broadcast commentary, is heavily vested in advancing exactly that agenda! The media machine in the United States is openly conducting a civil war campaign against the United States, again this is indisputable, those attempting to dispute such are either fully approving of the Marxist/Leninist revolution, or literally speaking, impossibly fucking stupid!

On another note, did you folks happen to catch the Barr interview??? Did you see how he responded to Levins softballs regarding the so-called "Durham" investigation??? Did you hear him explain how hard it is to get people to come in for interviews, or to cooperate? I had to pinch myself listening to Barr lie his lips off about that, I actually had to pinch myself to see if I was indeed awake. Folks, its all a fucking scam lie, there is obviously no criminal investigation of the people who launched this coup d' tat, and that is just as indisputable as the WaPo's lying its lips off about antifa. Understand people, a US attorney running a criminal probe doesn't request your cooperation, and you don't get to just laugh at them when they come knocking. Yet this is exactly what Barr told Levin, and Levin a veteran of Ed Meeses DOJ knowing that Barr was clearly being dishonest in such representation, didn't press him on these lies.

US attorney's who ask for your company so as to discuss information pertaining to a criminal probe, and where that request is denied or in any other fashion blown off, don't ask twice, the follow up invitation will be delivered by a pair of US Marshals in the form of a subpoena, at which point even Bill Gates, Jeff Bezo's, Jack Dorcey ect ect ect all must come and sit down in front of grand jury and get asses grilled! Barr indicating how difficult it is for Durham to produce results is as open an admission from Barr that in truth there never has been a criminal probe as you're ever gonna hear from his lips....

Mark Levin is one of the worst human beings in this country. He wants civil war.
As opposed to all of those Obama people, everyone of whom conspired with Obama and then committed naked treason, you're okay with that, you approved of the treason, but you hate Levin because he does not, and actually wants the law applied blindly and equally, thus he's the worst! You should be fed to the pigs, you are grotesquely monstrous, I think you, and every democratic fascist like you, should be retro-aborted out of hand... :fu:
I watched this interview yesterday, and just as Levin points out in a series of scathing tweets, the WaPo nakedly lied about antifa and its involvement in perpetrating violence on behalf of the Marxist owner of the WaPo, Jeff Bezos, and the democratic party, of which antifa is an organ. Its indisputable that antifa is a fascist clique of wealthy white college, and primary school educators, and their students, dedicated to the violent overthrow of the United States, such is indisputable. The WaPo's lying article is direct evidence that the media, as Levin has noted in past print and broadcast commentary, is heavily vested in advancing exactly that agenda! The media machine in the United States is openly conducting a civil war campaign against the United States, again this is indisputable, those attempting to dispute such are either fully approving of the Marxist/Leninist revolution, or literally speaking, impossibly fucking stupid!

On another note, did you folks happen to catch the Barr interview??? Did you see how he responded to Levins softballs regarding the so-called "Durham" investigation??? Did you hear him explain how hard it is to get people to come in for interviews, or to cooperate? I had to pinch myself listening to Barr lie his lips off about that, I actually had to pinch myself to see if I was indeed awake. Folks, its all a fucking scam lie, there is obviously no criminal investigation of the people who launched this coup d' tat, and that is just as indisputable as the WaPo's lying its lips off about antifa. Understand people, a US attorney running a criminal probe doesn't request your cooperation, and you don't get to just laugh at them when they come knocking. Yet this is exactly what Barr told Levin, and Levin a veteran of Ed Meeses DOJ knowing that Barr was clearly being dishonest in such representation, didn't press him on these lies.

US attorney's who ask for your company so as to discuss information pertaining to a criminal probe, and where that request is denied or in any other fashion blown off, don't ask twice, the follow up invitation will be delivered by a pair of US Marshals in the form of a subpoena, at which point even Bill Gates, Jeff Bezo's, Jack Dorcey ect ect ect all must come and sit down in front of grand jury and get asses grilled! Barr indicating how difficult it is for Durham to produce results is as open an admission from Barr that in truth there never has been a criminal probe as you're ever gonna hear from his lips....

Mark Levin is one of the worst human beings in this country. He wants civil war.

No freak
I watched this interview yesterday, and just as Levin points out in a series of scathing tweets, the WaPo nakedly lied about antifa and its involvement in perpetrating violence on behalf of the Marxist owner of the WaPo, Jeff Bezos, and the democratic party, of which antifa is an organ. Its indisputable that antifa is a fascist clique of wealthy white college, and primary school educators, and their students, dedicated to the violent overthrow of the United States, such is indisputable. The WaPo's lying article is direct evidence that the media, as Levin has noted in past print and broadcast commentary, is heavily vested in advancing exactly that agenda! The media machine in the United States is openly conducting a civil war campaign against the United States, again this is indisputable, those attempting to dispute such are either fully approving of the Marxist/Leninist revolution, or literally speaking, impossibly fucking stupid!

On another note, did you folks happen to catch the Barr interview??? Did you see how he responded to Levins softballs regarding the so-called "Durham" investigation??? Did you hear him explain how hard it is to get people to come in for interviews, or to cooperate? I had to pinch myself listening to Barr lie his lips off about that, I actually had to pinch myself to see if I was indeed awake. Folks, its all a fucking scam lie, there is obviously no criminal investigation of the people who launched this coup d' tat, and that is just as indisputable as the WaPo's lying its lips off about antifa. Understand people, a US attorney running a criminal probe doesn't request your cooperation, and you don't get to just laugh at them when they come knocking. Yet this is exactly what Barr told Levin, and Levin a veteran of Ed Meeses DOJ knowing that Barr was clearly being dishonest in such representation, didn't press him on these lies.

US attorney's who ask for your company so as to discuss information pertaining to a criminal probe, and where that request is denied or in any other fashion blown off, don't ask twice, the follow up invitation will be delivered by a pair of US Marshals in the form of a subpoena, at which point even Bill Gates, Jeff Bezo's, Jack Dorcey ect ect ect all must come and sit down in front of grand jury and get asses grilled! Barr indicating how difficult it is for Durham to produce results is as open an admission from Barr that in truth there never has been a criminal probe as you're ever gonna hear from his lips....

Mark Levin is one of the worst human beings in this country. He wants civil war.
As opposed to all of those Obama people, everyone of whom conspired with Obama and then committed naked treason, you're okay with that, you approved of the treason, but you hate Levin because he does not, and actually wants the law applied blindly and equally, thus he's the worst! You should be fed to the pigs, you are grotesquely monstrous, I think you, and every democratic fascist like you, should be retro-aborted out of hand... :fu:

Pigs gotta eat too.
Because Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch says Barr/Durham haven't interviewed a single principle, and he ought to know as that is all Fitton does, monitor DOJ and then sue them when he ascertains corruption, its not called "Judicial Watch" for nothing! As for the lack of indictments, have you had your head up ass the last two years???

Barr has repeatedly passed on prosecuting corrupt FBI agents, and DOJ lawyers, all of whom are caught dead to rights in perpetrating crimes of one magnitude or the other. The latter, is exactly how prosecuting attorney's generate cooperation from those who do not wish to cooperate, which is precisely what the corrupt Mueller team did to Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn, all of whom are either in prison, slated to be in prison, or had sentence commuted, while in stark contrast Barr has passed on even prosecuting Comey, Mccabe, Strouck, Page, Baker, and at least a half dozen other FBI/DOJ staff, all of whom were caught dead breaking laws that would have sent you to prison for 5-10 years!

If Durham was actually running a criminal probe, then a half dozen indictments would have been obtained over a year ago, Mueller was securing them in the 1st month of his faux investigation, yet Durham, nothing in over a year! I find it hard to believe you people are this ignorant, and naive, you seem to know absolutely nothing of how your legal system runs and operates, likely because most of you went to public schools which didn't teach you anything beyond how to roll a blunt....

Judicial watch has no access to classified information.

So I ask again, how do YOU know who he has or has not interviewed or who he will or will not indict?
Because Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch says Barr/Durham haven't interviewed a single principle, and he ought to know as that is all Fitton does, monitor DOJ and then sue them when he ascertains corruption, its not called "Judicial Watch" for nothing! As for the lack of indictments, have you had your head up ass the last two years???

Barr has repeatedly passed on prosecuting corrupt FBI agents, and DOJ lawyers, all of whom are caught dead to rights in perpetrating crimes of one magnitude or the other. The latter, is exactly how prosecuting attorney's generate cooperation from those who do not wish to cooperate, which is precisely what the corrupt Mueller team did to Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn, all of whom are either in prison, slated to be in prison, or had sentence commuted, while in stark contrast Barr has passed on even prosecuting Comey, Mccabe, Strouck, Page, Baker, and at least a half dozen other FBI/DOJ staff, all of whom were caught dead breaking laws that would have sent you to prison for 5-10 years!

If Durham was actually running a criminal probe, then a half dozen indictments would have been obtained over a year ago, Mueller was securing them in the 1st month of his faux investigation, yet Durham, nothing in over a year! I find it hard to believe you people are this ignorant, and naive, you seem to know absolutely nothing of how your legal system runs and operates, likely because most of you went to public schools which didn't teach you anything beyond how to roll a blunt....

Judicial watch has no access to classified information.

So I ask again, how do YOU know who he has or has not interviewed or who he will or will not indict?
You fucking moron, its not classified, its supposed to be a criminal investigation, that means courtrooms, grand jury's, subpoenas, and leaks. Durham doesn't even have a grand jury seated let alone sought indictments, Fitton, and the rest of DC would all know of it if he did... Good god some of you are just tediously, impossibly, stupid!

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