Let's Talk about Tyranny from the FBI


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
This is something to think about...Do we or don't we wish to be governed by selfish tyrants? They've already used their offices to get rich quick. But that isn't enough. It's just about power now from leftist leaders. The swamp is well-protected, and they're using the FBI to decimate the Home of the Brave. Dan Bongino is worried about the left and the FBI organizing a no-contested government with power it has lifted from the best military in the world. Please listen to Dan Bongino. What say you about what he is telling us as a former agent before the current administration, an offshoot of other times government betrayed us.

Please listen to Dan Bongino.

What did you find when you searched for and found an accurate depiction of the other side of the story?

As everyone -- everyone -- knows, Dan Bongino is a hardcore right wing partisan ideologue.

As everyone -- everyone -- knows, a hardcore partisan ideologues (on either end) are going to give you ONLY one side of the story, with THEIR side made to look as good as possible, and the OTHER side make to look as bad as possible. Toss in a few ignorant assumptions and biased extrapolations, and you have fiction built on a factual foundation: The easiest type of propaganda to sell.

It just isn't honest to do that. Yet people will call it "The Truth", simply because they like what they're hearing and won't look for the rest of the story.

It really is disturbing that so many people put so much impulsive faith in voices they know are not being intellectually honest with them.
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What’s most ironic is how D pols and voters have responded to the FBI’s corruption and incompetence on so many recent actions they’ve taken. They completely support the FBI. The R pols and voters who normally supported the FBI, are now opposed to it.
What did you find when you searched for a found an accurate depiction of the other side of the story?

As everyone -- everyone -- knows, Dan Bongino is a hardcore right wing partisan ideologue.

As everyone -- everyone -- knows, a hardcore partisan ideologues (on either end) are going to give you ONLY one side of the story, with THEIR side made to look as good as possible, and the OTHER side make to look as bad as possible. Toss in a few ignorant assumptions and biased extrapolations, and you have fiction built on a factual base: The easiest type of propaganda to sell.

It just isn't honest to do that. Yet people will call it "The Truth", simply because they like what they're hearing and won't look for the rest of the story.

It really is disturbing that so many people put so much impulsive faith in voices they know are not being intellectually honest with them.
Agreed. It happens all the time

And we all know the current power structure is behind it (duopoly). They need us scared and angry at each other to keep power.

But all political power comes at the point of a gun, so I am a single-issue voter.

Machine guns or Valhalla.
This is something to think about...Do we or don't we wish to be governed by selfish tyrants? They've already used their offices to get rich quick. But that isn't enough. It's just about power now from leftist leaders. The swamp is well-protected, and they're using the FBI to decimate the Home of the Brave. Dan Bongino is worried about the left and the FBI organizing a no-contested government with power it has lifted from the best military in the world. Please listen to Dan Bongino. What say you about what he is telling us as a former agent before the current administration, an offshoot of other times government betrayed us.

We do not want to be governed by selfish tyrants, and that is exactly what we will have if trump snakes another term. He reveres tyrants from other countries and has all the characteristics of an autocrat.
What’s most ironic is how D pols and voters have responded to the FBI’s corruption and incompetence on so many recent actions they’ve taken. They completely support the FBI. The R pols and voters who normally supported the FBI, are now opposed to it.
The Democrats have also initiated another plan for paying their spending spree off. They've doubled the size of the IRS and told them to arm themselves for collection purposes. The founders wrote a Constitution to protect the common man from the avarice of tyrannical governments. The Democrats figured out a big payday for themselves using the people's money for protecting what they think is their right to picking a pocket or two, hell, they're draining our tax money to guarantee their swampy reelections.

Biden crippled the American people with off-the-wall price hikes on car gasoline and a deal with electric car companies to hide the amount of electricity that has to have quadruple use of oil, coal, uranium, and other earthly resources to produce enough electricity to fight off droughts with air conditioners and car mileage that if electricity is used will drain the fossil fuels industries endlessly, because when the clouds cover the sky, solar energy becomes quite unuseful, and if there is drought, wind farms don't have any flowing air to ignite the quadruple amount of dependency on fossil fuel for constant backup in some areas.

Everything the Swampy Democrats have done for the last two years is RAISE TAXES TO IMPROVE THE DEMOCRAT'S HOLD ON POWER and not to benefit widows and orphans, either. The Democrat politicians want to live lives of bathing in luxury, tubs full of cash they commandeered through such ploys as how Biden got rich--extorting countries of the Foreign Aid they voted for the American taxpayers to furnish. How else could the Speaker of the House dole out GOLD PENS TO HER FRIENDS for celebrating lying her butt off to get a Republican President in trouble because she hates his personality of being in charge of the county. She worships herself for the power she believes is her sole right to govern the people into poverty and fearful of the criminals she has loosed out in every state she controls like a selfish, self-serving bureaucrat she has become over the years of time in which she has stricken fear into her opponents that has jaded politics forever to beat down freedom of speech, to eliminate Christianity off the face of the earth, and to give our enemies the power to nuke us if they so desire. And we will have nothingburgers for our defenders they are trying to get rid of now except their personal bodyguards they get free to the tune of $Two million dollars a year for every Democrat who is on board with the pillage of the money in the Treasury, which Maxine the Stalker Watters has exclusive dipping powers in while she screams inanities at dignified Republicans in Congress that she hates with the greed of her enabler, Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker. It's time for the people to have EQUAL representation.

It's time to go back to the original Constitution with it's Thou Shalt Not Pillage working class, ordinary people for the illegal income tax their wealth depends upon. Suck, suck, suck. The mob is on the taxpayer's tit 24/7/365 for wealth beyond imagination. And I'm sick of alla them.

God save the people from the likes of the Democrats in power, the leader of the Senate has dirtied the Senate forever with his retaliatory speech against an innocent SCOTUS member, Juris Doctor Brett Kavanaugh, and his fellow justice, Juris Doctor Neil Gorsuch, for not letting the Democrats railroad innocent people based on their arrogant lies. How dare anybody call a truth-stretching, lying Democrat a liar? :cranky:
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I don't see any good guys.
We all have to agree the FBI is and has always been totally corrupt, like the way they supplied the bomb for the 1993 WTC bombing and were then going to try to blame it on their own agent, Salem Emad.
It was only his taping of his handler phone calls that prevented him from being set up as a patsy.

Trump has always been a selfish and arrogant jerk, but Hillary and Biden are far worse because they throw around trillions of our money, and murder tens of thousands of innocent people in places like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, etc.

If we stick to this particular search warrant, it is bad.
There are a gazillion of other and better ways this could have been handled, and it obviously was done in the single most destructive way possible.

I don't see any way out of this.
Both Trump and the FBI are totally and completely irredeemable.
We need to relegate them all to history and start over.
We do not want to be governed by selfish tyrants, and that is exactly what we will have if trump snakes another term. He reveres tyrants from other countries and has all the characteristics of an autocrat.

Except that Biden is the author of the 1994 federal crime bill that turned the US into a police state, with its federal War on Drugs, 3 strikes, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.
Biden and Hillary are the ones who supported murdering hundreds of thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, the Ukraine, etc.

There has to be a third alternative we have not found yet.
Perhaps Bernie Sanders?
We do not want to be governed by selfish tyrants, and that is exactly what we will have if trump snakes another term. He reveres tyrants from other countries and has all the characteristics of an autocrat.
Excuse me for livin', but President Trump didn't charge the American people a nickel for his million-a-year job because he has enough to get by on and stave off the liars who accosted him politically. Trump calls the Democrats on their follies, even when they give away lots of money to criminals, turn the FBI into their page boys and girls, and defund the police.

Trump stands up and got millions of people into decent jobs and reduced spending taxpayers were paying through the nose to support the overgrown welfare agency of this nation. And guess what. Those commoners who got high-paying jobs in the private sector became proud of being contributing Americans, because Trump saw their misery and turned them over to those who gave them the power to be owners of the American Dream.

Bobob, it just doesn't get better than that if you grew up poor and an opportunity like that Trump created from the goodness of the employers in businesses and manufacturing in the USA. He made those people great again. They were poor. Now they're rich and responsible for the good jobs he gave them. They know they did their part, and they will be givers in the future because Trump cared for the poor people on welfare that they used to be.

Pardon me if I don't share your hatred of a man who got hot under the collar about Democrat leaders who bathe themselves in luxury instead of looking out for the most destitute people in society.

Furthermore, Trump was so busy using his business skills to bring about world peace, he didn't have time to kissass to the ankle biters in the self-serving roles they play in the Congress. He even pissed off the barracudas in the Republican Rino barracks. <giggle>
Bongino says the corruption of the FBI goes back decades yet he also says he's been their biggest defender...
What did you find when you searched for and found an accurate depiction of the other side of the story?

As everyone -- everyone -- knows, Dan Bongino is a hardcore right wing partisan ideologue.

As everyone -- everyone -- knows, a hardcore partisan ideologues (on either end) are going to give you ONLY one side of the story, with THEIR side made to look as good as possible, and the OTHER side make to look as bad as possible. Toss in a few ignorant assumptions and biased extrapolations, and you have fiction built on a factual foundation: The easiest type of propaganda to sell.

It just isn't honest to do that. Yet people will call it "The Truth", simply because they like what they're hearing and won't look for the rest of the story.

It really is disturbing that so many people put so much impulsive faith in voices they know are not being intellectually honest with them.

It's also dishonest to say no truth can come out of HERE because this person is X.

Which you do all the time.
This is something to think about...Do we or don't we wish to be governed by selfish tyrants? They've already used their offices to get rich quick. But that isn't enough. It's just about power now from leftist leaders. The swamp is well-protected, and they're using the FBI to decimate the Home of the Brave. Dan Bongino is worried about the left and the FBI organizing a no-contested government with power it has lifted from the best military in the world. Please listen to Dan Bongino. What say you about what he is telling us as a former agent before the current administration, an offshoot of other times government betrayed us.

Dan Bongino is a former Secret Service agent who pimped his former job to run for political office, write a book, and become a right wing talk show celeb. He's not exactly a straight dealer.
his is something to think about...Do we or don't we wish to be governed by selfish tyrants? They've already used their offices to get rich quick. But that isn't enough. It's just about power now from leftist leaders. The swamp is well-protected, and they're using the FBI to decimate the Home of the Brave. Dan Bongino is worried about the left and the FBI organizing a no-contested government with power it has lifted from the best military in the world. Please listen to Dan Bongino. What say you about what he is telling us as a former agent before the current administration, an offshoot of other times government betrayed us.

Oh, let's get real.

Trump is in trouble because he felt the rules that applied to his 44 predecessors didn't apply to him. You can go on all day about how UNFAIR it is that the FBI keeps going after him when he breaks the law, but at the end of the day, Trump keeps breaking the law.

I'm less worried about the FBI and more worried about presidents who think they are above the law.
Except that Biden is the author of the 1994 federal crime bill that turned the US into a police state, with its federal War on Drugs,

Uh, the War on Drugs began long before 1994 - in fact that term was coined by Richard Nixon.

3 strikes, mandatory sentences,

Several states already had repeat offender laws on the books - the states is where the trend began.

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