Let's Help Hillary With Some Canned One Liners for Her Debates


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Hillary kind of floundered with her rebuttal about her turn to be PResident cause she has a vagina, so lets help her out with some canned one liners she might be able to use and keep the USA from looking so stupid for letting one of two major parties hold a coronation.

Here's one, "Well, Bernie, at least I am not an old wrinkly fart." That is nice and concise.

Here's another, "Rubio, you lie worse than I do!"

Another, "I was raised a poor black child; no really I was!"

"I was married to the first black President of the United States."

"I'll be no worse than Obama!"

"My cankles give me super powers."

"Bernie, you're just as much a sell out as I am!"

"Well, I cleaned up the Comedy Club..."

"Well, I have always found Bill to be a little too playful at times..."

Sorry, best I can do.

Anyone have any others they would like to suggest?
"Hey, at least I'm not black or a Jew"

"Well, heck. Who hasn't ever broke the law!"

"With all the media attention you won't have to worry what Bill is up to if you send us back to the White House!"

"I will wipe out ISIS, just like I wiped out Vince Foster!"

"Bernie sucks black dick"

"If elected I am going to jam out with my clam out!"
Don't worry, the media will make anything I do look great.

I'll make SEAL team 6 go coed.

Vote me in and I'll control the world with the threat of making my daughter Sec of State
To Hillary's vagina voters, "I feel your pain, free sex toys under my new Hillary Kinda Cares . Vagina Plan."
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Vote for Hillary.............so she can Pardon herself for violations of National Security...............
Vote for Hillary. The last time she had sex with her husband was at the WH, and thinks Bill will do her again if they return..............

Vote for Hillary. The Booze is Free at the WH. She wants to party with Tax payers money again.

Vote for Hillary. So she can screw the people like Bill screws other women.

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