Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

It isn’t faith in the system. Or the belief that like all Americans Trump will get all his Constitutional Rights in the process. It isn’t even that the dummies haven’t had time to plan their actions. They haven’t. But that wouldn’t stop them from showing up.

They have built the imaginary Deep State into a boogie man of epic proportions. It is everywhere. Waiting for a chance to get them set up. Then they will be arrested and like the January 6th “Patriots” they will be locked up awaiting trial.

Besides. What do we have to be afraid of. These guys?

View attachment 819285

The fat guy wearing the bullet proof sports bra is no threat to anyone. The guy on the far right with the what are you looking at attitude is about as scary as a shit the next day after eating Mexican food. It may be a little spicier than usual, but not difficult.

I mean. Think for a minute. These guys thing they are hunted by this “deep state” and they are always on their phones chatting and texting. Their phones know their exact location. If they are identified the NSA is able to monitor their communications in real time.

So are they smart enough to vanish? To disappear into the world without any electronics? Become homeless and deal only in cash so the scary Feds don’t find them? Nah. They stay at home in Momma’s basement ranting about the Deep State and how they are going to defeat it.

And you can see how prepared they are. A bullet proof sports bra will totally protect them against the forces Biden control. Or something.

Foolish post.

While it would be easy to disappear and prevent anyone from targeting you personally, there would be no point in doing that, since it would surrender the entire country to the corruption that has slowly taken over.

This country has become criminal, and has to be actively resisted, like the illegal War on Drugs, the invasion of Iraq, the use of easily hacked voting computers, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.

And clearly the thing the in the yellow T-shirt is wearing is NOT kevlar.
Kevlar has to be thicker, both to be effective in spreading out the force of impact, and having room for padding.
That is just a magazine holder.
This is more what a kevlar vest looks like:

And what you also forget is that no one really likes or trust Trump either.
The idea people are not reacting because Trumps is going to get his day in court is Ludacris because the whole point of 97 charges is to prevent his campaign.
Which makes whether or not he is found guilty or not, totally irrelevant.
If all charges fail, that would still mean the system is totally corrupt and should be destroyed.

Your basic problem is that you are a hypocrite who is unwilling to admit that you do not trust the voters and want to illegally bias the election with fake charges.
That means you have even less faith in the voters than Trump supporters do.
The method you support is the MOST corrupt and least democratic, since it should be obvious the judicial system is the actual source of corruption in the US.
Otherwise we would not have the largest % imprisoned in the entire modern world.
Foolish post.

While it would be easy to disappear and prevent anyone from targeting you personally, there would be no point in doing that, since it would surrender the entire country to the corruption that has slowly taken over.

This country has become criminal, and has to be actively resisted, like the illegal War on Drugs, the invasion of Iraq, the use of easily hacked voting computers, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.

And clearly the thing the in the yellow T-shirt is wearing is NOT kevlar.
Kevlar has to be thicker, both to be effective in spreading out the force of impact, and having room for padding.
That is just a magazine holder.
This is more what a kevlar vest looks like:

And what you also forget is that no one really likes or trust Trump either.
The idea people are not reacting because Trumps is going to get his day in court is Ludacris because the whole point of 97 charges is to prevent his campaign.
Which makes whether or not he is found guilty or not, totally irrelevant.
If all charges fail, that would still mean the system is totally corrupt and should be destroyed.

Your basic problem is that you are a hypocrite who is unwilling to admit that you do not trust the voters and want to illegally bias the election with fake charges.
That means you have even less faith in the voters than Trump supporters do.
The method you support is the MOST corrupt and least democratic, since it should be obvious the judicial system is the actual source of corruption in the US.
Otherwise we would not have the largest % imprisoned in the entire modern world.

Oh bullshit.

First. Trump lost fair and square in 2020. So while I would want to see a different candidate for the Republican Party it is so that Biden can be beaten. I didn’t vote in 2020 because both candidates were giant steaming piles of shit. Sadly if given the same choice in 24 I’ll have to vote for Biden because the trump pile has grown so large it has picked up a measurable significant gravitational field.

The argument that only Trump deserves to run for President. Most people don’t buy that. And remember 62% of the people think that Trump committed a crime. More than half think he should or will be convicted.

But let’s pretend that this idiotic argument was valid. I can commit any crime I want to do long as I file to run for President before I’m arrested. Do you realize how stupid that is? Do you understand that most people utterly reject that argument?

Sixty percent believe the charges are legitimate. So if Trump wants to be elected he has to deal with them otherwise Biden is going to have a 40 state landslide re-election.
Sixty percent believe the charges are legitimate. So if Trump wants to be elected he has to deal with them otherwise Biden is going to have a 40 state landslide re-election.

The same number who believe that Biden is corrupt and the Hunter charges are legitimate.

Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one? You should, I think you might!
The same number who believe that Biden is corrupt and the Hunter charges are legitimate.

Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one? You should, I think you might!

And here we go. Hunter has been charged. He has been charged with crimes hasn’t he?
Trump is winning the MAGA Republicans. Enough to get him nominated. That represents about 20% of the electorate. It does not bode well for him in the general election, even against Biden.
Trump is beating Biden in the polls by a landslide, moron. The whole country is waking up to the fact that their president is a crook.
Rioting is strictly a left wing phenomenon. Republicans have only had 1 riot in US history. It should come as no surprise that we dont riot. Democrats on the other hand LOVE riots. You guys cheer it on and defend it. Thats why youve had hundreds of left wing riots.
What do you call Charlottesvill where someone was killed by a right wing rioter?


Trump is beating Biden in the polls by a landslide, moron. The whole country is waking up to the fact that their president is a crook.
Trump is tied with Biden in national polls. I predict any other Republican would be beating Biden at this point.

In 2016, Trump was way behind Clinton at this point. Trump's baggage continues to accumulate. It is only going to get worse for him. The best thing that could happen to the Democrats is for Trump to be the Republican nominee.

Trump is beating Biden in the polls by a landslide, moron. The whole country is waking up to the fact that their president is a crook.

Right. And you think Trump is going to win the four states he lost in 2020. While polling shows that sixty percent of the people think he committed a crime.

Which ones is he going to win? Pennsylvania?

Trump hasn’t beaten 50% ever, and hasn’t won a poll since June.


Georgia is a toss up. But he lost narrowly in a fair and square election before. And I doubt that he would win by much of a margin, if at all.
Right. And you think Trump is going to win the four states he lost in 2020. While polling shows that sixty percent of the people think he committed a crime.

Which ones is he going to win? Pennsylvania?

Trump hasn’t beaten 50% ever, and hasn’t won a poll since June.


Georgia is a toss up. But he lost narrowly in a fair and square election before. And I doubt that he would win by much of a margin, if at all.
Poll finds Trump beating Biden by 7 points, DeSantis tying president in matchup
Trump is tied with Biden in national polls. I predict any other Republican would be beating Biden at this point.

In 2016, Trump was way behind Clinton at this point. Trump's baggage continues to accumulate. It is only going to get worse for him. The best thing that could happen to the Democrats is for Trump to be the Republican nominee.

Poll finds Trump beating Biden by 7 points, DeSantis tying president in matchup
Your poll was taken 05/19/23. History.
The polls I referred to are from August 2023.

You point out another bad sign for Trump, he has declined in the polls 7 points since May.
Those polls were take after 4 Trump indictments and several months of the media lying about them.
I’m not sure what you think the lie is. Trump was indicted. The indictments are public record. What lies?
That is true, and the publicity for Trump is only going to get worse.

Trump ibecame President because of the attention he received from the press and social media. Now it is taking him down.

The press and social media report what he does and who he is. Many people are sick and tired of his schtick.

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