Let's be Real: The Right will nominate Romney

The right will line up behind him GOP debates are always just theater. They know whos going to be nominated before it happens. That's how the GOP rolls. It's not a surprise
I hope not but I suspect you are right. He still won't get my vote in the primaries though.

I don't know why so many conservative Republicans are against him. I am a conservative and have thoroughly studied his background and his job's plan. His health care plan has no other comparison to Obama's but the mandate- it dealt with 8% of the population "only" those that had insurance saw no changes. He set up exchanges so that people could shop for insurance carriers, " through the private sector," he expanded "HSA's" and 2 out of 3 people in MA are happy with the plan and as he says " if they don't like it they can vote it out." It dealt with people who could afford insurance but showed up at the emergency ward so they could let you flip the bill for it. He has also stated REPEATEDLY that he would repeal Obama care on his first day, issue a mandate for no implementation on his first day until he can get it to the congress and the senate for full repeal. He means it and he will do it.

He has been an awesome business man, turned the olympics into the most successful ever, turned around companies and made them successes and thereby created thousands of jobs. Yes, a few were laid off to make a company profitable, but in comparison to the jobs created he has a 98% success rate. He is a bean counter, right down to the penny, he is a waste cutter and that was very evident in the articles I have read.

Some call him a flip-flopper, well I used to be pro-choice and I changed my mind on that too. For someone to tell me that they have never changed their minds or positions is a bold face lie, everyone does, especially on the more difficult issues such as abortion and gay marriage.

Mitt Romney took a state that was 3 billion dollars in deficit and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus in a short 4 years and he did it without raising taxes. Keep in mind that he did that in a deep, deep blue state that continually re-elects the likes of Barney Frank and John Kerry.

The only problem I see with Romney, is that it was unfortunate that he was governor of one of the most liberal states in the nation and therefore many conservatives paint him as a liberal or moderate. He had an 85% democrat legislature, that was a deck stacked against him, there is nothing liberal about Mitt Romney.

Chris Christy would have had the same problem should he have run, conservatives would have painted him as liberal or moderate as he was elected governor of another deep, deep blue state. Chris Christy fully understands the battle that Mitt had to fight and what he was up against in MA, because he is fighting the same battle in New Jersey, that's also a major reason why Chris Christy has endorsed Mitt Romney.

What's not to like about Mitt Romney? he's been there, done that, he has an awesome record of success and most importantly he can BEAT Obama.

And as one author on Bill O'Reilly stated, that should we lose this election to Obama again, I will blame the " purists" who nominated a candidate that could not win against Obama. I agree, I will fully blame the purists should we elect someone who can't carry the independent vote which is what we have to have in order to WIN. Independents are breaking hard for Mitt Romney 54% to 41% Obama and that's a landslide win. It's important to be pragmatic get your emotions out of this, this is not a love relationship, it's a business deal. Use your brain and not your heart.
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The right will line up behind him GOP debates are always just theater. They know whos going to be nominated before it happens. That's how the GOP rolls. It's not a surprise

It only looks that way because its so damn easy to sew up the GOP nomination. Too many of the early states are winner take all. By about the 5th state in it isn't even worth fighting the rest of the schedule out.
And they will support him. That has been the plan from the beginning, the debates are just GOP theater.

The vast majority of Republicans don't want Romney as their nominee. The problem is that they can't find one candidate strong enough to get behind. They are so split amongst the remaining candidates that they will eventually just go with Romney despite not being enthused with him. And this is another reason the Republicans will lose in the general election, because there will be those who just are not enthused enough to actually go to vote come election day. It won't be a lot, but it will be enough.
I thought that this could use a bump since Cain has just been hit with bad press...suddenly.
The danger of being the front runner at this point is that if you perform poorly or get a surprise in an early state, you're toast. Ask Hillary or Giuliani how being the early front runners worked out for them.

I suspect that Romney will be the nominee, but I think there's a lot of potential for surprise in Iowa or New Hampshire. You could see Romney and Perry "annihilate" each other in Iowa and set up a real surprise result. If Romney wins there he'll probably steam roll down the line. Nevada is typically his playground, Florida looks favorable to him, etc. But if he loses there the field will change dramatically.

If the nominee isn't Romney, I'd bet good money that Newt ends up the nominee. At this point Perry isn't going to win, at best he's the spoiler for Romney. Cain is starting to lose momentum....which isn't good when you were just the flavor of the month. Bachmann is flat out insane, and Santorum is...well... Santorum. And Huntsman is completely unknown.

A lot will depend on Iowa.

Perry is so far down, he is never catching up, not after his statement about illegal immigration. Romney has at least a double digit lead in N.H, I suspect he will win there. Iowa is a toss up between Romney and Cain. Newt is steadily climbing, but don't know how far he can go. It appears we want business experience and certainly Cain and Romney have cashed in on that. The rest are career politicians with little outside experience and I think we have all had more than enough of that. I will support Romney in the primaries as I believe that he has the best private business experience and understands completely how the world works. Cain's a great guy, I love his personality, but I don't think he has a full understanding of how the world works and therefore my support has to go to Romney.,
And they will support him. That has been the plan from the beginning, the debates are just GOP theater.

The vast majority of Republicans don't want Romney as their nominee. The problem is that they can't find one candidate strong enough to get behind. They are so split amongst the remaining candidates that they will eventually just go with Romney despite not being enthused with him. And this is another reason the Republicans will lose in the general election, because there will be those who just are not enthused enough to actually go to vote come election day. It won't be a lot, but it will be enough.

Romney's greatest sin is that he was governor of a deep, deep blue state. He took a state that was 3 billion dollars in deficit and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus a short 4 years later and he did it without raising taxes. He did that with an 85% Democrat majority. I thinks it's funny and quite hypocritical of some who fully supported and endorsed Mitt Romney last time to ditch him now. All of a sudden people are incensed about Obama care and somehow attempt to compare that to Romney's plan. The "only" comparison is the mandate. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is also a major platform of the Republican party, but don't dare enforce PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, because if you do, you will be trashed.

Romney enforced PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and now that's just unacceptable.:cuckoo:
I think it was courageous and I hope and pray more governors do the same.
Romney isn't crazy enought for the right. Plus he's a Mormon devil.

I believe that is why they are splitting the "crazy" vote among the other candidates. If it were a one on one match up I think the "crazies" would vote for the "not Romney" candidate.

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