Let's be real, isn't part of the continued outrage over the leaked decision dot-dot.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
. . annoyance at having been denied their dramatic moment?

Yes I get it. It's bad to put out a draft decision that the justices are likely still negotiating over. Yes, I understand it was probably some Lowlife partisan hack who did it.

But three days of wailing and gnashing of teeth, and an official statement by the Chief Justice himself? That smacks of petulance from a performer who got upstaged by an understudy.

Shouldn't they have just said in a press release, that they do not comment on pending matters? God knows that's the default excuse for every deep Stater called in front of the Congress.

As I mentioned in another thread, the media's feigned anger is particularly hypocritical, when it was one of their own that published the draft, and they who gleefully repeated the story.

Man, I sure miss when the country was run by grown-ups. But maybe it wasn't really, maybe when I was a kid they just seemed more grown up than they do now.
. . annoyance at having been denied their dramatic moment?

Yes I get it. It's bad to put out a draft decision that the justices are likely still negotiating over. Yes, I understand it was probably some Lowlife partisan hack who did it.

But three days of wailing and gnashing of teeth, and an official statement by the Chief Justice himself? That smacks of petulance from a performer who got upstaged by an understudy.

Shouldn't they have just said in a press release, that they do not comment on pending matters? God knows that's the default excuse for every deep Stater called in front of the Congress.

As I mentioned in another thread, the media's feigned anger is particularly hypocritical, when it was one of their own that published the draft, and they who gleefully repeated the story.

Man, I sure miss when the country was run by grown-ups. But maybe it wasn't really, maybe when I was a kid they just seemed more grown up than they do now.
isn't it interesting that within minutes of the illicit release of this draft, the courtyard in front of the SCOTUS was filled with outraged women with professionally made signs?
Yeah, it's almost as if they have held protests before or something.
Topic-specific protests aimed right AT a SCOTUS that hasn't even ruled but there is a hint that Roe may be correctly struck down.

Makes one wonder who is being 'dramatic'.
Topic-specific protests aimed right AT a SCOTUS that hasn't even ruled but there is a hint that Roe may be correctly struck down.

Makes one wonder who is being 'dramatic'.
I can't account for lies you make up out of thin air, dude.
Man, I sure miss when the country was run by grown-ups. But maybe it wasn't really, maybe when I was a kid they just seemed more grown up than they do now.
The biggest difference between now and when we were both kids is this: TV, printed and social media is controlled by The Democrats and Woke Leftists. When you lose the free press, you've lost a big part of what makes America tick.
The biggest difference between now and when we were both kids is this: TV, printed and social media is controlled by The Democrats and Woke Leftists. When you lose the free press, you've lost a big part of what makes America tick.
There is some truth to that, but also there is truth in the idea that mich of this country is just nutty and thinks anything that doesn't align with their bizarre fantasies is "leftist". So you guys need to meet us in the middle on this one.
The biggest difference between now and when we were both kids is this: TV, printed and social media is controlled by The Democrats and Woke Leftists. When you lose the free press, you've lost a big part of what makes America tick.
We haven't 'lost' anything. Media has always been controlled by the Democrats. That ain't even an argument.
There is some truth to that, but also there is truth in the idea that mich of this country is just nutty and thinks anything that doesn't align with their bizarre fantasies is "leftist". So you guys need to meet us in the middle on this one.
Oh, now the left is going to be hat-in-hand and asking to negotiate? From fierce and uncompromising zealots to soulful mediators in one prematurely announced USSC decision?

If compromise is really what you want, you're in luck. This decision will be a compromise. It will allow states to decide on the issue of abortion, just as the constitution calls for.
This Trump's revenge on the left, from beyond his political grave.

Nothing like Roe will ever be ruled by the USSC. Now the top jurists of the nation will tell their predecessor that they obviously made a political decision to insert a right that was never dreamt of as a right by the framers.

I don't see Trump winning in 2024, not with the media in full scorched Earth mode to stop him. This ruling may cause them to outdo themselves in their hysterical denunciations, and their news faking.

But this ruling will haunt the left for decades, as they ponder what went wrong on the path to the socialist utopia.

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