Lets all remember al gore....in 2006, shall we?

according to a group of scientists who study the probability of extreme weather events.


It starts with the ACTUAL DATA, and your theory is that

increasing Co2 in the atmosphere warms the atmosphere

What did the ACTUAL DATA say???


"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling"

Translation - for more than 30 years the two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons, showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2. This was clearly a 100% pure refutation of the theory and the cause. So it was FUDGED with bull that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Co2 went up. Atmospheric temps did not. Then your "scientists" fudged the data. And you PARROT that bullshit like the complete science invalid moron you are

It starts with the ACTUAL DATA, and your theory is that

increasing Co2 in the atmosphere warms the atmosphere

What did the ACTUAL DATA say???


"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling"

Translation - for more than 30 years the two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons, showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2. This was clearly a 100% pure refutation of the theory and the cause. So it was FUDGED with bull that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Co2 went up. Atmospheric
temps did not. Then your "scientists" fudged the data. And you PARROT that bullshit like the complete science invalid moron you are
You are so fucking wrong

Your own link says the information you climate change deniers use to suggest man made climate change isn't real is faulty. Should I click on the link to read on?
Are you really that uninformed?

July 2023 is on track to be the hottest month – not only since records began, but also in "hundreds, if not thousands, of years", said NASA climatologist.
Estimates, dumbfuck. Just like the premise of the OP. The failure of estimates, more like it.
Even if, who cares? That is nothing more than a blip in the grand scheme of things. But you fear mongering dumbfucks sure are having fun crying us rivers, huh?
150 year old records!
ZOMG the sky is falling!

You laugh at NASA? We laugh at you TN. I bet you think this is a hoax too? Like Covid? And the election was rigged? And Trump's innocent of all he's being charged with?

Is Fox lying too?

The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Hottest week of the year threatens 200 million on Tuesday​

Start your day with the latest weather news – The hottest week of the year is here and more than 260 million people will be threatened by this dangerous heat through midweek.​

The hottest week of the year so far is upon us, and more than 260 million Americans will bake as the deadly heat wave continues to encompass more of the U.S.

Heat Advisories and Excessive Heat Warnings are expected across portions of the country.

Do you want to wait till it gets too hot for humans to live on this planet? You will admit we are right when it's too late. Actually, you'll blame Democrats for it.
Estimates, dumbfuck. Just like the premise of the OP. The failure of estimates, more like it.
Even if, who cares? That is nothing more than a blip in the grand scheme of things. But you fear mongering dumbfucks sure are having fun crying us rivers, huh?
Seems like Al Gore was right. Hottest year EVER. Ready for the I told you so? Not yet? When then?
You laugh at NASA? We laugh at you TN. I bet you think this is a hoax too? Like Covid? And the election was rigged? And Trump's innocent of all he's being charged with?

Is Fox lying too?

The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Hottest week of the year threatens 200 million on Tuesday​

Start your day with the latest weather news – The hottest week of the year is here and more than 260 million people will be threatened by this dangerous heat through midweek.​

The hottest week of the year so far is upon us, and more than 260 million Americans will bake as the deadly heat wave continues to encompass more of the U.S.

Heat Advisories and Excessive Heat Warnings are expected across portions of the country.

Do you want to wait till it gets too hot for humans to live on this planet? You will admit we are right when it's too late. Actually, you'll blame Democrats for it.
What do you think would be worse... the planet getting warmer or the planet getting colder?
It's called weather.
Scientist say it's because we, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia, Russia are all polluting the atmosphere at an extreme rate.

It was okay during the industrial revolution because it was just us. Now everyone's doing it. DUH. No shit the planet can't take it. Actually the planet is fine. It's us suffering.

When Republicans stop denying man made climate change, because not all of you are this stupid, the next argument is "nothing we can do about it". Or, "why should we stop China and India and Russia and Mexico aren't stopping.

In Africa, we (white people) are starting to tell them they can't have an industrial revolution. Because of global warming. They say it's not fair to Africa. Look how rich the United States got because of the Industrial Revolution. Now we're telling Africa they can't? I know. It doesn't seem fair. But we have to go Green.

You know what's funny? Not one Republican I talk to face to face believes in Global Warming. Isn't that odd? As if you are all brainwashed or something.
What do you think would be worse... the planet getting warmer or the planet getting colder?
That's a twilight zone episode. I'd rather freeze to death. I would dress warm and when it got cold enough I would fall asleep and never wake up. Boiling to death must suck worse. I hate being hot at night. Waking up sweating.
You laugh at NASA? We laugh at you TN. I bet you think this is a hoax too? Like Covid? And the election was rigged? And Trump's innocent of all he's being charged with?

Is Fox lying too?

The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Hottest week of the year threatens 200 million on Tuesday​

Start your day with the latest weather news – The hottest week of the year is here and more than 260 million people will be threatened by this dangerous heat through midweek.​

The hottest week of the year so far is upon us, and more than 260 million Americans will bake as the deadly heat wave continues to encompass more of the U.S.

Heat Advisories and Excessive Heat Warnings are expected across portions of the country.

Do you want to wait till it gets too hot for humans to live on this planet? You will admit we are right when it's too late. Actually, you'll blame Democrats for it.
OMG! Hot weather during summer!
That's a twilight zone episode. I'd rather freeze to death. I would dress warm and when it got cold enough I would fall asleep and never wake up. Boiling to death must suck worse. I hate being hot at night. Waking up sweating.
That's good because the planet has been cooling for 50 million years with much higher levels of CO2 than we have today.
Scientist say it's because we, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia, Russia are all polluting the atmosphere at an extreme rate.

It was okay during the industrial revolution because it was just us. Now everyone's doing it. DUH. No shit the planet can't take it. Actually the planet is fine. It's us suffering.

When Republicans stop denying man made climate change, because not all of you are this stupid, the next argument is "nothing we can do about it". Or, "why should we stop China and India and Russia and Mexico aren't stopping.

In Africa, we (white people) are starting to tell them they can't have an industrial revolution. Because of global warming. They say it's not fair to Africa. Look how rich the United States got because of the Industrial Revolution. Now we're telling Africa they can't? I know. It doesn't seem fair. But we have to go Green.

You know what's funny? Not one Republican I talk to face to face believes in Global Warming. Isn't that odd? As if you are all brainwashed or something.
Everything comes down to politics for you, doesn't it. You got it bad.
You laugh at NASA? We laugh at you TN. I bet you think this is a hoax too? Like Covid? And the election was rigged? And Trump's innocent of all he's being charged with?

Is Fox lying too?

The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Hottest week of the year threatens 200 million on Tuesday​

Start your day with the latest weather news – The hottest week of the year is here and more than 260 million people will be threatened by this dangerous heat through midweek.​

The hottest week of the year so far is upon us, and more than 260 million Americans will bake as the deadly heat wave continues to encompass more of the U.S.

Heat Advisories and Excessive Heat Warnings are expected across portions of the country.

Do you want to wait till it gets too hot for humans to live on this planet? You will admit we are right when it's too late. Actually, you'll blame Democrats for it.

Seems like Al Gore was right. Hottest year EVER. Ready for the I told you so? Not yet? When then?

Scientist say it's because we, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia, Russia are all polluting the atmosphere at an extreme rate.

It was okay during the industrial revolution because it was just us. Now everyone's doing it. DUH. No shit the planet can't take it. Actually the planet is fine. It's us suffering.

When Republicans stop denying man made climate change, because not all of you are this stupid, the next argument is "nothing we can do about it". Or, "why should we stop China and India and Russia and Mexico aren't stopping.

In Africa, we (white people) are starting to tell them they can't have an industrial revolution. Because of global warming. They say it's not fair to Africa. Look how rich the United States got because of the Industrial Revolution. Now we're telling Africa they can't? I know. It doesn't seem fair. But we have to go Green.

You know what's funny? Not one Republican I talk to face to face believes in Global Warming. Isn't that odd? As if you are all brainwashed or something.
The Weather DGAF what the "climatologists" say about it, and there's not a damn thing they can do about it, either.

Humans cannot do a damn thing about the weather. Not in a million years. This is something that I realize, and you fail to see the logic there.

"Globull Wurmins" Amounts to some people taxing other people for the air they breathe,

maybe also partly because some people aren't smart enough to see that that is exactly what's going on.

And that's an egregious malefaction.

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Everything comes down to politics for you, doesn't it. You got it bad.
The question was never actually political, but the fossil fuel PR types quickly saw that the way to most easily sell their "arguments" was to make use of Al Gore's identification with the issue to make it as political as possible. They had a preexisting schism with preexisting prejudicial beliefs and biases they could build on. The right hand side of the political spectrum in America has been nothing but the fossil fuel industry's useful idiots. It is not the left that has made it political, it is the fossil fuel industry and the fools (you fools) on the right.
The question was never actually political, but the fossil fuel PR types quickly saw that the way to most easily sell their "arguments" was to make use of Al Gore's identification with the issue to make it as political as possible. They had a preexisting schism with preexisting prejudicial beliefs and biases they could build on. The right hand side of the political spectrum in America has been nothing but the fossil fuel industry's useful idiots. It is not the left that has made it political, it is the fossil fuel industry and the fools (you fools) on the right.
The Weather DGAF what the "climatologists" say about it, and there's not a damn thing they can do about it, either.

Humans cannot do a damn thing about the weather. Not in a million years. This is something that I realize, and you fail to see the logic there.

"Globull Wurmins" Amounts to some people taxing other people for the air they breathe,

maybe also partly because some people aren't smart enough to see that that is exactly what's going on.

And that's an egregious malefaction.

See everyone? First we aren't causing it and then slowly they'll shift their argument to it's real but nothing we can do about it.

Nothing we can do if you remain in office. The young people aren't as ignorant about this as you. And a lot of you died of covid so see you in 2020. Plus abortion. You guys are going to get smoked no matter who you run thank god.

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