Gee....I Hate To Rub It In, But.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Brooklyn, NY
Al 'the Guru' Gore and the warmists??????


In 'honor' of the tenth anniversary of “An Inconvenient Truth," the Daily Caller posted a new that normal folks would have a good laugh at the expense of the 'Global Warming' hold-outs.

1. "It’s been nearly one decade since former Vice President Al Gore released his film “An Inconvenient Truth.”.... warned increasing carbon dioxide emissions would spur catastrophic global warming that would cause more extreme weather, wipe out cities and cause ecological collapse. To stop global warming, humans needed to ditch fossil fuels and basically change every aspect of their lives...... a bitter presidential candidate was trying to rebrand himself as an environmental crusader.

2.... it wasn’t until 2006 he discovered a way to become massively wealthy off making movies about it and investing in government-subsidized green energy.... One of the first glaring claims Gore makes is about Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. He claims Africa’s tallest peak will be snow-free “within the decade.” Gore shows slides of Kilimanjaro’s peak in the 1970s versus today to conclude the snow is disappearing.

Well, it’s been a decade and, yes, there’s still snow on Kilimanjaro year-round..... preliminary findings show that the ice is nowhere near melting,” Imani Kikoti, an ecologist at Mount Kilimanjaro National Park,told

3. [He next] claims temperature rise from increases in man-made carbon dioxide emissions were “uninterrupted and intensifying.” He goes on to claim heatwaves will become more common, like the one that killed 35,000 people across Europe in 2003.

... look at what happened to global temperature after Gore’s film was released. Global temperatures showed little to no warming trend after Gore released his film. In fact,surface temperature data showed no significant global warming for a period of about 15 years, starting in the early 2000s. Satellite-derived temperature data showed,until the recent El Niño, no statistically significant warming trend for more than 21 years.

4. Gore also famously predicted storms would become more frequent and intense as man-made emissions warmed the oceans. “And of course when the oceans get warmer, that causes stronger storms,” Gore said in his film. “That same year that we had that string of big hurricanes, we also set an all-time record for tornadoes.”

Gore’s film came out just after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast. Indeed, footage of the destruction from that storm featured prominently in Gore’s film. He mentions how the U.S. was hit with a rash of severe storms in the early 2000s and how Japan saw a record number of typhoons.“The insurance industry has actually noticed this,” Gore said. “Their recovered losses are going up.”

a. [But] storms aren’t more extreme since 2006. In fact, not even findings from the United Nations’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) support Gore’s claim.

The IPCC found in 2103 there “is limited evidence of changes in extremes associated with other climate variables since the mid-20th century.” The IPCC also found “no significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency over the past century” and “[n]o robust trends in annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes counts have been identified over the past 100 years in the North Atlantic basin.”
An Inconvenient Review: After 10 Years Al Gore’s Film Is Still Alarmingly Inaccurate

So.....we have the Japanese soldier, Hiroo Onoda, who hid in the jungles for 30 years after the war ended, refusing to give up....
.....and the warmist's dead-enders still hand-wringing, after decades of being proven wrong...

Even John Kasich threw in the towel.....
When will the hot air brigade give up the ghost?
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The list of failed alarmist predictions grows.... And its been done by the earth and its own climatic systems acting normally... Showing the so called climate scientists dont now how or why the system works...

And yet the science is settled?
Oh look, the cultists have gotten their marching orders, hence the multiple threads. The talking points go out, and the parrots run to parrot them. Good cultists. PC here couldn't even be bothered to check that the previous top thread in the Environment folder was this same topic. When she's in a parroting frenzy, she can't be bothered with such basic courtesy.

An inconvenient review: After 10 years Al Gore’s film is still alarmingly inaccurate

The debunkings of that political hit piece are over there, and PC should go to explain why she so willingly parroted such PartyPropaganda. What mental defect makes all deniers such easy marks for such lame shilling?

I should also point out how such threads invoke the Gore Rule. That is, whoever brings up Gore first admits to being a political cultist, and therefore forfeits the discussion for their own side. Those who can talk about science, do. Gore isn't a scientist, so the rational people don't care about him. Denier cultists, alas, can't talk about the science, being how every bit of the science contradicts their kook ravings. But cults need enemies to demonize to survive, and the TheParty has designated Gore to be one of the OfficialEnemiesOfTheState. Very Soviet/Alinsky of them, which is why PC specializes in the tactic.
The list of failed alarmist predictions grows.... And its been done by the earth and its own climatic systems acting normally... Showing the so called climate scientists dont now how or why the system works...

And yet the science is settled?

When do you think these dunces will catch on????

Gotta be on some future April first.
Oh look, the cultists have gotten their marching orders, hence the multiple threads. The talking points go out, and the parrots run to parrot them. Good cultists. PC here couldn't even be bothered to check that the previous top thread in the Environment folder was this same topic. When she's in a parroting frenzy, she can't be bothered with such basic courtesy.

An inconvenient review: After 10 years Al Gore’s film is still alarmingly inaccurate

The debunkings of that political hit piece are over there, and PC should go to explain why she so willingly parroted such PartyPropaganda. What mental defect makes all deniers such easy marks for such lame shilling?

I should also point out how such threads invoke the Gore Rule. That is, whoever brings up Gore first admits to being a political cultist, and therefore forfeits the discussion for their own side. Those who can talk about science, do. Gore isn't a scientist, so the rational people don't care about him. Denier cultists, alas, can't talk about the science, being how every bit of the science contradicts their kook ravings. But cults need enemies to demonize to survive, and the TheParty has designated Gore to be one of the OfficialEnemiesOfTheState. Very Soviet/Alinsky of them, which is why PC specializes in the tactic.

Love the deflection master at work...

You are the enemy of 'we the people' because you think the state has your best interests in mind...

Your blind faith that Gores predictions are true, in the face of empirical evidence showing they are failures, is comical.
Oh look, the cultists have gotten their marching orders, hence the multiple threads. The talking points go out, and the parrots run to parrot them. Good cultists. PC here couldn't even be bothered to check that the previous top thread in the Environment folder was this same topic. When she's in a parroting frenzy, she can't be bothered with such basic courtesy.

An inconvenient review: After 10 years Al Gore’s film is still alarmingly inaccurate

The debunkings of that political hit piece are over there, and PC should go to explain why she so willingly parroted such PartyPropaganda. What mental defect makes all deniers such easy marks for such lame shilling?

I should also point out how such threads invoke the Gore Rule. That is, whoever brings up Gore first admits to being a political cultist, and therefore forfeits the discussion for their own side. Those who can talk about science, do. Gore isn't a scientist, so the rational people don't care about him. Denier cultists, alas, can't talk about the science, being how every bit of the science contradicts their kook ravings. But cults need enemies to demonize to survive, and the TheParty has designated Gore to be one of the OfficialEnemiesOfTheState. Very Soviet/Alinsky of them, which is why PC specializes in the tactic.

So good when one of you dunces drops generally has go to a soup kitchen or pool hall to find folks of your caliber.

But....far be it from I to deprive you of the spanking you yearn for.....

5. "Gore also claimed the Arctic could be ice-free in the coming decades. He said “within the next 50 to 70 years, it could be completely gone.” With no Arctic sea ice, polar bears and all sorts of Arctic animals would be threatened, Gore warned, showing an animated scene of a polar bear drowning.

This is actually one of Gore’s more cautious predictions —he did incorrectly predict in 2008 there would be no Arctic by 2013. ... Gore is likely wrong because of the Arctic’s geographical setting. The Arctic is almost completely surrounded by land, so the ice that forms there tends to stay there.

“I doubt the Arctic will be free of all ice in any summer, although the total area may well be greatly reduced in the future if it continues to warm there,” said Chip Knappenberger, a climate scientist at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Such a situation should not be overly worrisome, as there is ample evidence that it has occurred in the past and clearly, polar bears, and everything else up there managed to survive,” Knappenberger said.

And before I forget, the latest data shows polar bears are actually thriving, despite shrinking ice coverage."
An Inconvenient Review: After 10 Years Al Gore’s Film Is Still Alarmingly Inaccurate

Please don't hesitate to ask if you need another slapping-around....

Ask the way Oliver did....
The list of failed alarmist predictions grows.... And its been done by the earth and its own climatic systems acting normally... Showing the so called climate scientists dont now how or why the system works...

And yet the science is settled?

When do you think these dunces will catch on????

Gotta be on some future April first.

Not even then... Its the blind leading the stupid and blind.... Sheep!.
Oh look, the cultists have gotten their marching orders, hence the multiple threads. The talking points go out, and the parrots run to parrot them. Good cultists. PC here couldn't even be bothered to check that the previous top thread in the Environment folder was this same topic. When she's in a parroting frenzy, she can't be bothered with such basic courtesy.

An inconvenient review: After 10 years Al Gore’s film is still alarmingly inaccurate

The debunkings of that political hit piece are over there, and PC should go to explain why she so willingly parroted such PartyPropaganda. What mental defect makes all deniers such easy marks for such lame shilling?

I should also point out how such threads invoke the Gore Rule. That is, whoever brings up Gore first admits to being a political cultist, and therefore forfeits the discussion for their own side. Those who can talk about science, do. Gore isn't a scientist, so the rational people don't care about him. Denier cultists, alas, can't talk about the science, being how every bit of the science contradicts their kook ravings. But cults need enemies to demonize to survive, and the TheParty has designated Gore to be one of the OfficialEnemiesOfTheState. Very Soviet/Alinsky of them, which is why PC specializes in the tactic.

Love the deflection master at work...

You are the enemy of 'we the people' because you think the state has your best interests in mind...

Your blind faith that Gores predictions are true, in the face of empirical evidence showing they are failures, is comical.

What you are seeing in that poster is the result of having spent too much time hissing at Emmanuel Goldstein....

So good when one of you dunces drops generally has go to a soup kitchen or pool hall to find folks of your caliber.

But....far be it from I to deprive you of the spanking you yearn for.....

So you're not going to address how you've been acting all Alinksy-like, a proud apparatchik for TheParty, demonizing the EnemiesOfTheState for your DearLeaders?

Probably for the best. Band-aids can't fix shotgun wounds.

5. "Gore also claimed the Arctic could be ice-free in the coming decades.

No, he actually didn't. He said other people said that.

So, a lie on your part. You, credibility, toilet. Me, carving another notch in my commie-spanking stick.

Here's a thought. You could try being honest. Instead yet another of your cowardly, boring and dishonest cherrypicking song-and-dances, you could show what the consensus science said. That is, you could go into the IPCC AR reports, and quote the predictions there.

You won't, of course, because they're all correct. Hence, a-cherrypicking you will have to go. You're busted, fraud.

And before I forget, the latest data shows polar bears are actually thriving, despite shrinking ice coverage."

Is there any OfficialPartyPropaganda you won't fall for? PBI (Polar Bears International) says you're full of shit.

Are polar bear populations increasing: in fact, booming? | Polar Bears International

This piece tracks the history of the fabricated "polar bears are doing great" denier cult propaganda piece.

Society of Environmental Journalists: SEJournal excerpts

Please don't hesitate to ask if you need another slapping-around....

The both amusing and frustrating thing about dealing with someone as brainwashed as you is how you're literally incapable of understanding when you've been whupped. You're like one of those inflatable clown punching-dolls. Dreadfully easy to knock over, and a bit of fun to do so, but ultimately it's kind of pointless, being it always pops right back up with the same stupid look on its face.
Im laughing.............

One will note that Mamooth never backs his shit with a link!!! All conjecture.....he posts others links and then makes commentary on them with no supporting links? The wonders why he is the pre-eminent board member who consistently gets the :gay::gay:moniker.


This bozo was asked a year ago to provide the forum with ONE SINGLE LINK displaying where the "consensus science" is mattering in the real world?

Still waiting.............. ( but we sure get a lot of my head is exploding emotional rants:2up:)

We are talking textbook feminine male who never spent a moment in his life competing at anything. You can spot them a thousand miles away in their delivery ( then you have the fagotty cat avatar......:bye1::bye1:.......duh)
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But al gore is making millions in laws that he got passed b/c of his claims

gore is the greatest con man of all times, half the people he's ripping off cheer for him and shout down the other half that call him a con man.

no amount of facts, proof, evidence, polar bear attacks, will dissuade them from being ripped off some more with smiles on their faces asking him if he'd like more of their hard earned money.
So good when one of you dunces drops generally has go to a soup kitchen or pool hall to find folks of your caliber.

But....far be it from I to deprive you of the spanking you yearn for.....

So you're not going to address how you've been acting all Alinksy-like, a proud apparatchik for TheParty, demonizing the EnemiesOfTheState for your DearLeaders?

Probably for the best. Band-aids can't fix shotgun wounds.

5. "Gore also claimed the Arctic could be ice-free in the coming decades.

No, he actually didn't. He said other people said that.

So, a lie on your part. You, credibility, toilet. Me, carving another notch in my commie-spanking stick.

Here's a thought. You could try being honest. Instead yet another of your cowardly, boring and dishonest cherrypicking song-and-dances, you could show what the consensus science said. That is, you could go into the IPCC AR reports, and quote the predictions there.

You won't, of course, because they're all correct. Hence, a-cherrypicking you will have to go. You're busted, fraud.

And before I forget, the latest data shows polar bears are actually thriving, despite shrinking ice coverage."

Is there any OfficialPartyPropaganda you won't fall for? PBI (Polar Bears International) says you're full of shit.

Are polar bear populations increasing: in fact, booming? | Polar Bears International

This piece tracks the history of the fabricated "polar bears are doing great" denier cult propaganda piece.

Society of Environmental Journalists: SEJournal excerpts

Please don't hesitate to ask if you need another slapping-around....

The both amusing and frustrating thing about dealing with someone as brainwashed as you is how you're literally incapable of understanding when you've been whupped. You're like one of those inflatable clown punching-dolls. Dreadfully easy to knock over, and a bit of fun to do so, but ultimately it's kind of pointless, being it always pops right back up with the same stupid look on its face.

I hope your A.D.D. doesn't kick in...and, instead, you can stay tuned for the entire thread....

...I plan to instruct you as to why this bogus global, global warming, scam is sooooooo important to the dictatorship.

Wait....and be prepared to take notes.

And remember....
Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy.
Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Global warming isn't's politics.
True story.
But al gore is making millions in laws that he got passed b/c of his claims

gore is the greatest con man of all times, half the people he's ripping off cheer for him and shout down the other half that call him a con man.

no amount of facts, proof, evidence, polar bear attacks, will dissuade them from being ripped off some more with smiles on their faces asking him if he'd like more of their hard earned money.

"gore is the greatest con man of all times,"


This is a toughie, T.T......

I'd put him in the "Pantheon of Low-Life Con Men'......

Clinton (pick one)
Karl Mark many candidates, so little time.....
But al gore is making millions in laws that he got passed b/c of his claims

gore is the greatest con man of all times, half the people he's ripping off cheer for him and shout down the other half that call him a con man.

no amount of facts, proof, evidence, polar bear attacks, will dissuade them from being ripped off some more with smiles on their faces asking him if he'd like more of their hard earned money.

Conned a whole lot of people..........and I have to say I give him credit. Smart guy......figured out how to get back at the system after being publically humiliated after the election and sure as hell did a good job!!
But al gore is making millions in laws that he got passed b/c of his claims

gore is the greatest con man of all times, half the people he's ripping off cheer for him and shout down the other half that call him a con man.

no amount of facts, proof, evidence, polar bear attacks, will dissuade them from being ripped off some more with smiles on their faces asking him if he'd like more of their hard earned money.

"gore is the greatest con man of all times,"


This is a toughie, T.T......

I'd put him in the "Pantheon of Low-Life Con Men'......

Clinton (pick one)
Karl Mark many candidates, so little time.....
alinsky - not in als league
obama - soros sock puppet
bill - mmkay, but he's more media whore than outright conman
hill - best liar the world has ever seen, the teflon don is shocked at how good she is at getting away with crime.
marx - pfft, telling children what they want to hear isn't the same as conning grown ups.

seriously, al conned the whole world, The UN helps put money in his pocket
But al gore is making millions in laws that he got passed b/c of his claims

gore is the greatest con man of all times, half the people he's ripping off cheer for him and shout down the other half that call him a con man.

no amount of facts, proof, evidence, polar bear attacks, will dissuade them from being ripped off some more with smiles on their faces asking him if he'd like more of their hard earned money.

Conned a whole lot of people..........and I have to say I give him credit. Smart guy......figured out how to get back at the system after being publically humiliated after the election and sure as hell did a good job!!
And we all knew it was about revenge, nothing in his life spoke of a man that gave a fuck about the world, nothing.
But al gore is making millions in laws that he got passed b/c of his claims

gore is the greatest con man of all times, half the people he's ripping off cheer for him and shout down the other half that call him a con man.

no amount of facts, proof, evidence, polar bear attacks, will dissuade them from being ripped off some more with smiles on their faces asking him if he'd like more of their hard earned money.

"gore is the greatest con man of all times,"


This is a toughie, T.T......

I'd put him in the "Pantheon of Low-Life Con Men'......

Clinton (pick one)
Karl Mark many candidates, so little time.....
alinsky - not in als league
obama - soros sock puppet
bill - mmkay, but he's more media whore than outright conman
hill - best liar the world has ever seen, the teflon don is shocked at how good she is at getting away with crime.
marx - pfft, telling children what they want to hear isn't the same as conning grown ups.

seriously, al conned the whole world, The UN helps put money in his pocket

You're making this a tough decision......

I think I'll have to watch the "Pantheon of Low-Life Con Men' Convention and see who has the most delegates.
I hope we didn't scare off the human piñata, Mammouth

Here's more of that antidote:

6."... the 2004 blockbuster film “The Day After Tomorrow,” the Gulf Stream, which scientists say is essential for regulating the climate, shuts down and ends up causing another ice age.

... Gore hints this could happen if Greenland’s ice sheet melts and brings more cold water into the North Atlantic.

“At the end of the last ice age, as the last glacier was receding from North America, the ice melted and a giant pool of fresh water formed,” Gore said. “An ice dam on the eastern border formed and one day it broke.”

... fresh, cold water bled out into the North Atlantic and caused the Gulf Stream to stall, which sent Europe into another ice age. Gore then suggests Greenland’s ice melt could pose a similar threat.

Australian scientists, however, totally debunked claims the Gulf Stream, or AMOC, was weakening.“Claims of strengthening or reducing of the AMOC are therefore pure speculation,” Aussie scientistswrote in their paper published in March." An Inconvenient Review: After 10 Years Al Gore’s Film Is Still Alarmingly Inaccurate

Gore, the bore..... headlines no more.

Anyone want to see more of my poetry???
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