Let me 'splain somethin'.............


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...
"God" was invented in man's own image and likeness.
And here, "man's" is literal, not generic.

And oh yeah by the way, regardless whether you call it Jehovah, Allah, G-d, or something else, when that next war comes up, rest assured he's always on your side. Pretty convenient. And that's kind of fascinating since that enemy you're fighting ---- he's on their side too, simultaneously. Because Godhovallah can do anything. :thup:
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...
Well that's what you believe, does not mean what you believe is what I should believe...it's all about interpretation..
"God" was invented in man's own image and likeness.
And here, "man's" is literal, not generic.

And oh yeah by the way, regardless whether you call it Jehovah, Allah, G-d, or something else, when that next war comes up, rest assured he's always on your side. Pretty convenient. And that's kind of fascinating since that enemy you're fighting ---- he's on their side too, simultaneously. Because Godhovallah can do anything. :thup:

I seem to recall hearing that when it came to war God was always on the side of big battalions.
"God" was invented in man's own image and likeness.
And here, "man's" is literal, not generic.

And oh yeah by the way, regardless whether you call it Jehovah, Allah, G-d, or something else, when that next war comes up, rest assured he's always on your side. Pretty convenient. And that's kind of fascinating since that enemy you're fighting ---- he's on their side too, simultaneously. Because Godhovallah can do anything. :thup:

I seem to recall hearing that when it came to war God was always on the side of big battalions.
Depends who has the best uniform...Just like he preferred Abel the agrarian over Cain the animal husband...
"If" there is a god, it certainly does not belong to any one religion or group an people should not speak for it or give it human traits.

There might be some design or spark that triggered everything but I see no evidence of a god of the bible with mood swing and vengeful destruction of humans for this or that action. If there is anything out there, it more than likely sees us, if at all, more like ants does not interfere with us or this planet at all.

Man created the god of the bible to explain the mysterious long be fore science had answers for how the earth works.

Humans see god in their image, not the other way around. Humans create religion to bring order and rules to build civilizations. Humans speak for god to justify wars.

If there is any intelligent being out there watching, it probably is laughing as us and expecting us to destroy ourselves. If there is anything out there, any 'force', it is probably so far advance that we cannot begin to even comprehend anything about it, or absolutely neutral to this tiny planet.

This planet has been though a number of extinctions, and likely to see several more in the future. A superior energy out there is not going to snap a finger and change anything. We don't care if ants have any prayer. You think dinosaurs believed in god or prayed? You think apes do? You think dogs do? To them we are probably god.

Science might one day find something beyond a god particle. We might find some energy or force out there, but it is seriously doubtful there will be any resemblance to the god of the bible, or of any religion.

God is a reflection of man's ego and used to manipulate the masses.
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...
Well ..................I guess you told'em ........
You are of the simple minded child.

I keep telling people, religions are societal road maps, most religions have a GOD that is defined as a power greater than one's self.

Now if your mind only sees make believe fairies or you insist that you must be able to physically touch God for you to admit he lives, then you most likely are not mentally mature / smart enough to understand religions or God(s).

Yet, you folks who do not believe can not answer some simple questions.

Life begets life, in other words, life only comes from life.

How was the first life essence created and why can you oh so smart ones not throw some chemicals in a petri dish, hit it with a shock and have life??

How is matter created, it can be neither created or destroyed, where did it originally come from.

While we are here, I know you want to say we crawled out of the sea, but where are all the fossilized remains of the missing stages.

Yes there is a GOD, he is the one who does miracles mere men can not.
By the way, when I make statements like, "My God is a caring and compassionate God", you don't think that is the stereotypical Christian God??

Funny you seem to have the opinion that you know what the "one / true" god would think.

What makes you the great definers of others God's??

My relationship is kinda personal, who the fuck do you think you are to comment on it??

Guess you never heard the words sanctimonious or hypocritical??
How is matter created, it can be neither created or destroyed, where did it originally come from.

Matter/energy has always existed and will always exist because matter/energy is eternal.

Life consists of the most common elements in the universe.

Soft tissue doesn't fossilize well.

The onus is on you to provide evidence of your God if you want to convince others that he/she/it exists.
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...
Well ..................I guess you told'em ........
And then patters off...
You are of the simple minded child.

I keep telling people, religions are societal road maps, most religions have a GOD that is defined as a power greater than one's self.

Now if your mind only sees make believe fairies or you insist that you must be able to physically touch God for you to admit he lives, then you most likely are not mentally mature / smart enough to understand religions or God(s).

And the exact same applies to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Or the tooth fairy.
The difference?



Yet, you folks who do not believe can not answer some simple questions.

Life begets life, in other words, life only comes from life.

How was the first life essence created and why can you oh so smart ones not throw some chemicals in a petri dish, hit it with a shock and have life??

How is matter created, it can be neither created or destroyed, where did it originally come from.

While we are here, I know you want to say we crawled out of the sea, but where are all the fossilized remains of the missing stages.

Yes there is a GOD, he is the one who does miracles mere men can not.

Non sequitur. You pose a question, suggest an answer and then demand that yours be the only answer there is.

"It's raining outside. It must be because a flying saucer landed here last night. No other reasoning will be accepted."

Poster please.
However, to the degree it sells, it's a fine case against the death penalty.
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

1)God is not who you want Him to be.
If God is not what I or you want God to be, then just what in the hell is a God?

For instance:
I thought most theist wanted God to be the creator of the Universe. But God is not what they want it to be. So God is not the creator of the Universe.

Is 1) badly worded?

He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

You just undermined all the WWJD bumper stickers and T-shirts.

You also undermined the concept of using the Bible as a Blue print to understanding and connecting to God

Remember, we really do not know if the rules in the Bible are not just somebodys rules or God's rules.(faith requires believing in something that may or may not be true. You either have faith in the accuracy of the Bible or you do not). But we can test it.

All we need is a believer and some poison and......usually this test fail proving some statements in the Bible are not true.

Apparently, we should not trust the rules in the Bible because they probably are not God's rules....

In other words--We should face religion with skepticism and discard blind faith!!:eek:

3)There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it

Using 1), Is this not what you want God to be?

Maybe God is an idiot? Maybe God is a being with average IQ? Maybe there is no God, but a Goddess? Maybe there is no God? Maybe there are many Gods and Goddess? Maybe God is neither he nor she but an it? Or Maybe God is intersexed.

Damn that #1 How do we figure out what God is without using our intuition?
If we use it, then we are describing God the way we want God to be deep down in our itty-bitty hearts.

If we don't and use some others intuition, that person has the same dilemma!!

:confused:Oh what to do! Oh what to do!:confused:

What can you do?​
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

1)God is not who you want Him to be.
If God is not what I or you want God to be, then just what in the hell is a God?

For instance:
I thought most theist wanted God to be the creator of the Universe. But God is not what they want it to be. So God is not the creator of the Universe.

Is 1) badly worded?

He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

You just undermined all the WWJD bumper stickers and T-shirts.

You also undermined the concept of using the Bible as a Blue print to understanding and connecting to God

Remember, we really do not know if the rules in the Bible are not just somebodys rules or God's rules.(faith requires believing in something that may or may not be true. You either have faith in the accuracy of the Bible or you do not). But we can test it.

All we need is a believer and some poison and......usually this test fail proving some statements in the Bible are not true.

Apparently, we should not trust the rules in the Bible because they probably are not God's rules....

In other words--We should face religion with skepticism and discard blind faith!!:eek:

3)There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it

Using 1), Is this not what you want God to be?

Maybe God is an idiot? Maybe God is a being with average IQ? Maybe there is no God, but a Goddess? Maybe there is no God? Maybe there are many Gods and Goddess? Maybe God is neither he nor she but an it? Or Maybe God is intersexed.

Damn that #1 How do we figure out what God is without using our intuition?
If we use it, then we are describing God the way we want God to be deep down in our itty-bitty hearts.

If we don't and use some others intuition, that person has the same dilemma!!

:confused:Oh what to do! Oh what to do!:confused:

What can you do?
Have grilled cheese sandwich...
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

1)God is not who you want Him to be.
If God is not what I or you want God to be, then just what in the hell is a God?

For instance:
I thought most theist wanted God to be the creator of the Universe. But God is not what they want it to be. So God is not the creator of the Universe.

Is 1) badly worded?

He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

You just undermined all the WWJD bumper stickers and T-shirts.

You also undermined the concept of using the Bible as a Blue print to understanding and connecting to God

Remember, we really do not know if the rules in the Bible are not just somebodys rules or God's rules.(faith requires believing in something that may or may not be true. You either have faith in the accuracy of the Bible or you do not). But we can test it.

All we need is a believer and some poison and......usually this test fail proving some statements in the Bible are not true.

Apparently, we should not trust the rules in the Bible because they probably are not God's rules....

In other words--We should face religion with skepticism and discard blind faith!!:eek:

3)There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it

Using 1), Is this not what you want God to be?

Maybe God is an idiot? Maybe God is a being with average IQ? Maybe there is no God, but a Goddess? Maybe there is no God? Maybe there are many Gods and Goddess? Maybe God is neither he nor she but an it? Or Maybe God is intersexed.

Damn that #1 How do we figure out what God is without using our intuition?
If we use it, then we are describing God the way we want God to be deep down in our itty-bitty hearts.

If we don't and use some others intuition, that person has the same dilemma!!

:confused:Oh what to do! Oh what to do!:confused:

What can you do?
Have grilled cheese sandwich...

Oh, I just bloviated. I think I better stay away from the dairy for now on.
Take this discussion a step further.
G0d is not a man nor form, the Hebrews are describing a more finite source of life being an Essence and not a man nor being.
IF GOD WAS A MAN ALL KNOWING AND JUDGING US our human egos would not bare it and we would lash out like little children in a sand box. We'd be jealous, feel inadequate, display all kinds of deflective and displaced behaviors etc.... He would be totally abused by us, even those who live by a story of their god being persecuted would throw their teaching out the window for sake of torturing the brilliant man.
Hell they can't even take when I judge them, so can you imagine a perfect intelligent being waltzing into their EGOs den?
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...
Well that's what you believe, does not mean what you believe is what I should believe...it's all about interpretation..

You made my point perfectly Moonglow. Thanks.
"God" was invented in man's own image and likeness.
And here, "man's" is literal, not generic.

And oh yeah by the way, regardless whether you call it Jehovah, Allah, G-d, or something else, when that next war comes up, rest assured he's always on your side. Pretty convenient. And that's kind of fascinating since that enemy you're fighting ---- he's on their side too, simultaneously. Because Godhovallah can do anything. :thup:

I seem to recall hearing that when it came to war God was always on the side of big battalions.

God empowered much smaller battalions to beat much larger ones..... many times....
"God" was invented in man's own image and likeness.
And here, "man's" is literal, not generic.

And oh yeah by the way, regardless whether you call it Jehovah, Allah, G-d, or something else, when that next war comes up, rest assured he's always on your side. Pretty convenient. And that's kind of fascinating since that enemy you're fighting ---- he's on their side too, simultaneously. Because Godhovallah can do anything. :thup:

I seem to recall hearing that when it came to war God was always on the side of big battalions.
Depends who has the best uniform...Just like he preferred Abel the agrarian over Cain the animal husband...

You can think of it that way, and you will, because of your pride and stubborn refusal to submit to your God.
"If" there is a god, it certainly does not belong to any one religion or group an people should not speak for it or give it human traits.

There might be some design or spark that triggered everything but I see no evidence of a god of the bible with mood swing and vengeful destruction of humans for this or that action. If there is anything out there, it more than likely sees us, if at all, more like ants does not interfere with us or this planet at all.

Man created the god of the bible to explain the mysterious long be fore science had answers for how the earth works.

Humans see god in their image, not the other way around. Humans create religion to bring order and rules to build civilizations. Humans speak for god to justify wars.

If there is any intelligent being out there watching, it probably is laughing as us and expecting us to destroy ourselves. If there is anything out there, any 'force', it is probably so far advance that we cannot begin to even comprehend anything about it, or absolutely neutral to this tiny planet.

This planet has been though a number of extinctions, and likely to see several more in the future. A superior energy out there is not going to snap a finger and change anything. We don't care if ants have any prayer. You think dinosaurs believed in god or prayed? You think apes do? You think dogs do? To them we are probably god.

Science might one day find something beyond a god particle. We might find some energy or force out there, but it is seriously doubtful there will be any resemblance to the god of the bible, or of any religion.

God is a reflection of man's ego and used to manipulate the masses.

I actually understand Christian's trying to tell people about the Truth. Why?
Because they are genuinely concerned for the salvation of others and serving God.

I actually understand why people like you (and others) want to undermine and dismiss our one true God, and it's because Satan has you deceived. There is no other Earthly "logical" reason for it. Most people would just shake their head and move on rather than make concerted efforts, over and over, to try to prevent people from turning to Christ.

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