Lessons of History and Trying To Avoid the Same Mistakes

A federal judge struck down Florida’s prohibition on Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming care, the second decision to upend restrictions put into place at the urging of Gov. Ron DeSantis.

U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle on Wednesday ruled against the ban by using some of the same conclusions and language that he used in another recent decision where he determined three Florida transgender minors could receive “puberty blockers” and other types of gender-affirming care despite a state-enacted prohibition on such treatment for those under the age of 18. In both rulings, Hinkle has stated that “gender identity is real. The record makes this clear.”

(full article online)

An interesting anecdote. You sound like a relative youngster, perhaps a bit fascinated by consciousness-enhancing “psychedelic” drugs, some of which — like ecstasy / MDMA — can enhance social empathy and under the right circumstances even lead to profound spiritual experiences. Reportedly 7% of Americans have tried Ecstasy at least once — usually at “raves” as a “party drug.”

This subject probably deserves a separate OP … if you are interested in creating one.
After the newsletter became public, the chapter added context beneath the quote said its purpose was to notify parents about the dangers of government overreach. The quote itself comes from a 1935 speech at the Reichsparteitag, in which the Nazi leader was promoting the Hitler Youth program. It was the same event that the Nazi Party introduced the Nuremberg Laws.

The Hamilton County chapter later deleted the newsletter with the context and issued an apology.

“We condemn Adolf Hilter’s actions and his dark place in human history. We should not have quoted him in our newsletter and we express our deepest apologies,” the statement said.

Critics like state Sen. J.D. Ford (D-Indianapolis) condemned the chapter’s use of the quote.

Tonight, all eyes are turned toward Russia. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the volatile head of the Wagner Group, claims to be leading his troops from Ukraine into Russia. The Russian government is calling it a coup attempt. The Wagner Group, a private mercenary organization, has been fighting in Ukraine for Russia. No one knows for certain where this is heading as I’m writing Friday evening. But there is no doubt most people, whether they will admit it publicly or not, are relieved that Joe Biden, surrounded by competent advisers, is at our country’s helm at this moment. The idea that we could wake up in the middle of the night to a Trump tweet changing the course of world history for the worse if he were in power is all too real.

If there is anything that forces people to confront the reality of what a second Trump presidency could bring, it’s a moment like this one. The prospect of the twice-impeached, twice-indicted former president being in charge of foreign policy with a cornered Russian leader fighting for his political future is horrifying. Putin has no regard for the rules that protect noncombatants. He has kidnapped, bombed, flooded, and starved Ukrainians. And it’s impossible to discount the possibility Trump could win again, especially with a political group called No Labels advocating for a “unity ticket” and Trump far out in the lead in the Republican primary.

(full article online)


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