Less Than Half Believe in Man Made Global Warming

This happens every winter. A lot of people think like the logic-free conservatives, hence they see a snowflake and declare global warming isn't real. Then summer comes along, and they flip the other way.

Blame it on the deliberate dumbing-down of the USA by conservatives. After all, an uninformed voter is a conservative voter.

You take stupid to new lows

No conservative ever buys into the bull that there is man made global warming.

That farce is 100% liberal dummied down progressive junk science

Oh my. 100% liberal dummied down progressive junk science.

Except that 100% of the Scientific Societies, National Academies of Science, and major Universities state in the policy statements that AGW is a fact and a clear and present danger. And there are plenty of conservatives that recognize the dangers of significantly changing the composition of our atmosphere. However, our "Conservatives" deny science, denigrate scientists, and generally make regular asses of themselves with unsupported lies concerning this subject.
Not at all, Frankie boy, what that paper says is the the maximum effect of the present levels of GHGs will not occur for hundreds of years. In other words, dumb fucks like you are condemning tens of generations of our descendents to a harder life by your willfull ignorance and stupidity.

Did you miss the "There's no global warming these past 15 years" Part?

Your theory sucks, there's no "Hockey stick" and its only a matter of time before real scientists boot the Warmers to the curb

I hope you are right, but there is much occurring that would dispute your prediction.

Obama and the entire D party are fully behind AGW...and many in the R party are too. A good portion of all western governments are too. They know that they are very close to imposing an oppressive statist government which controls all human activity, while enriching and empowering themselves through oppressive taxation and government regulations, using AGW as the impetus.

The elite Left never gives up in their quest to impose their will of one world government controlled by a small leftist elite that controls everything. They know they can dupe millions to their cause.

How stupid must one be to think human production of CO2 will cause a worldwide catastrophe? Amazingly there are millions of people stupid enough to believe this absurd lie...and the elite Left knows this.

Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.............................

Fellow, you are a stupid bastard. What you are stating is that there is a conspiracy among the millions of scientists from every nation and political system in the world to mislead pool little dumb asses like you.
Why does it matter, global warming, when Obama is destroying America at its core? Kind of like worrying how my hair looks while laying in my casket..



Hey fellow, how about taking a one way boat ride to Somalia? No laws there, do what you want, no taxes either. So you would be happy, and the US would be a better place without you.
Did you miss the "There's no global warming these past 15 years" Part?

Your theory sucks, there's no "Hockey stick" and its only a matter of time before real scientists boot the Warmers to the curb

I hope you are right, but there is much occurring that would dispute your prediction.

Obama and the entire D party are fully behind AGW...and many in the R party are too. A good portion of all western governments are too. They know that they are very close to imposing an oppressive statist government which controls all human activity, while enriching and empowering themselves through oppressive taxation and government regulations, using AGW as the impetus.

The elite Left never gives up in their quest to impose their will of one world government controlled by a small leftist elite that controls everything. They know they can dupe millions to their cause.

How stupid must one be to think human production of CO2 will cause a worldwide catastrophe? Amazingly there are millions of people stupid enough to believe this absurd lie...and the elite Left knows this.

Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.............................

Fellow, you are a stupid bastard. What you are stating is that there is a conspiracy among the millions of scientists from every nation and political system in the world to mislead pool little dumb asses like you.

You have that wrong. They do not fool me, but they have fooled little dumb asses like YOU!

You have bought the lie that is AGW and now this lie....MILLIONS of scientists believe in AGW. Millions....really? How dumb must one be to believe that?

Secondly when the state supports you, as it does many scientists, they will support the state. But being that we have proven yourself a dunce, I suspect you do not understand this.
You have that wrong. They do not fool me, but they have fooled little dumb asses like YOU!

That's right. There's a vast global conspiracy against you, and you're one of the select few who possess the special wisdom necessary to understand TheRealTruth.

I've heard that before. Branch Davidians, Scientologists, Moonies, all kinds of cults.

Gipper, cultists like you are nothing new. The only question is whether you'll stick with your cult until they bring out the koolaid vat, or if you'll slip away into the jungle first.

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