Leo pledges $43m to restore Galapagos

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The $43m pledge will fund Galápagos projects including efforts to restore Floreana Island, home to 54 threatened species, and reintroduce 13 locally extinct species, including the Floreana mockingbird – the first mockingbird described by Charles Darwin.

Of course we all know now that Darwin was a commie hoaxer but I really cant see anything negative about this story. Especially in an age where Bezos is spending billions on a yacht. Da iawn Leo !!

Hey, the boy is putting his money where his mouth is. Can't fault him for that.

If I had as much money as he has the last thing I would be doing is spending it on Environmental Restoration for some island in the Pacific Ocean. I would be spending it on gun rights lobbying.
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Maybe if fewer tourists stomped around the island the wildlife would remain undisturbed.

The $43m pledge will fund Galápagos projects including efforts to restore Floreana Island, home to 54 threatened species, and reintroduce 13 locally extinct species, including the Floreana mockingbird – the first mockingbird described by Charles Darwin.

Of course we all know now that Darwin was a commie hoaxer but I really cant see anything negative about this story. Especially in an age where Bezos is spending billions on a yacht. Da iawn Leo !!

View attachment 490792

Is he selling one of his jets to pay for that? You're such a rube.

On reflection I think I may have been wrong. Listening to your well crafted arguments it is clear that we should not celebrate this bogus act of charity. Di Caprio is a marxist traitor and must die.
Maybe he will quit flying in private jets to climate conferences to show he really cares :lol:

I agree, he's a hypocrite and I don't care for him much in that regard, but I'll give him credit for doing this. That's incredibly generous of him. The Galapagos is one place I've wanted to visit for a long time and haven't made it yet. I was supposed to go back in 2008, but the trip got thrown on the back burner.
On reflection I think I may have been wrong. Listening to your well crafted arguments it is clear that we should not celebrate this bogus act of charity. Di Caprio is a marxist traitor and must die.
Maybe if fewer tourists stomped around the island the wildlife would remain undisturbed.

The country does limit the number of people who can visit per year
Obviously, it wasn't limited enough since the wildness of the island must now be "restored".
On reflection I think I may have been wrong. Listening to your well crafted arguments it is clear that we should not celebrate this bogus act of charity. Di Caprio is a marxist traitor and must die.
Maybe if fewer tourists stomped around the island the wildlife would remain undisturbed.

The country does limit the number of people who can visit per year
Obviously, it wasn't limited enough since the wildness of the island must now be "restored".

Who said it's because of over tourism? It doesn't state that anywhere in the article. You're making an assumption. As a matter of fact, it would seem to indicate that over tourism is not necessarily the issue

“Up to 97% of the land area of the Galápagos Islands comes under national park status. We are not trying to remove humans from the picture. We are trying to all work together to rewild these ecosystems, and support the community as well. They want to be able to continue to thrive together with nature.
Maybe if fewer tourists like him stomped around the island the wildlife would remain undisturbed.

I don't think it needs correction. But thanks for the input.

A trip to the Galapagos cost a pretty penny. Typically the tourists are the more wealthy people including the Hollywood jet setters.
I doubt the turtles and birds and all give a shit how rich the people are who invade their space.
On reflection I think I may have been wrong. Listening to your well crafted arguments it is clear that we should not celebrate this bogus act of charity. Di Caprio is a marxist traitor and must die.
Maybe if fewer tourists stomped around the island the wildlife would remain undisturbed.

The country does limit the number of people who can visit per year
Obviously, it wasn't limited enough since the wildness of the island must now be "restored".

Who said it's because of over tourism? It doesn't state that anywhere in the article. You're making an assumption. As a matter of fact, it would seem to indicate that over tourism is not necessarily the issue

“Up to 97% of the land area of the Galápagos Islands comes under national park status. We are not trying to remove humans from the picture. We are trying to all work together to rewild these ecosystems, and support the community as well. They want to be able to continue to thrive together with nature.
I think I'm making a reasonable assumption. If a place is wild, it is wild. It doesn't need help be be wild. If things have gone wrong, there is most probably a nonwild influence involved. That influence either caused or has the opinion that the wildness needs help.

The $43m pledge will fund Galápagos projects including efforts to restore Floreana Island, home to 54 threatened species, and reintroduce 13 locally extinct species, including the Floreana mockingbird – the first mockingbird described by Charles Darwin.

Of course we all know now that Darwin was a commie hoaxer but I really cant see anything negative about this story. Especially in an age where Bezos is spending billions on a yacht. Da iawn Leo !!

View attachment 490792

Leo Di Caprio spent $3 million on champagne for his birthday party.
He joined with Toby McGuire on his yacht, the Impromptu, off the shore in Southern France to raise $30 million for charity.
The US Justice Department filed a complaint against him the in District Court for being part of the planet's largest embezzlement case ...
When his Foundation siphoned $3 billion from the Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund (1MDB)

I think it is safe to say folks might want to be a bit more careful about who they pose as heroes ...
Because folks like Leo, don't need schooling on Darwinism, and aren't really worried about where your sorry ass may fall on the food chain ... :thup:


The $43m pledge will fund Galápagos projects including efforts to restore Floreana Island, home to 54 threatened species, and reintroduce 13 locally extinct species, including the Floreana mockingbird – the first mockingbird described by Charles Darwin.

Of course we all know now that Darwin was a commie hoaxer but I really cant see anything negative about this story. Especially in an age where Bezos is spending billions on a yacht. Da iawn Leo !!

View attachment 490792
Bezos is not spending billions on his yacht. He is spending $500 million. And what is this about Darwin being a "commie hoaxer?"

The $43m pledge will fund Galápagos projects including efforts to restore Floreana Island, home to 54 threatened species, and reintroduce 13 locally extinct species, including the Floreana mockingbird – the first mockingbird described by Charles Darwin.

Of course we all know now that Darwin was a commie hoaxer but I really cant see anything negative about this story. Especially in an age where Bezos is spending billions on a yacht. Da iawn Leo !!

View attachment 490792

Leo Di Caprio spent $3 million on champagne for his birthday party.
He joined with Toby McGuire on his yacht, the Impromptu, off the shore in Southern France to raise $30 million for charity.
The US Justice Department filed a complaint against him the in District Court for being part of the planet's largest embezzlement case ...
When his Foundation siphoned $3 billion from the Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund (1MDB)

I think it is safe to say folks might want to be a bit more careful about who they pose as heroes ...
Because folks like Leo, don't need schooling on Darwinism, and aren't really worried about where your sorry ass may fall on the food chain ... :thup:

While $3 billion was embezzled from the Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund, it was NOT embezzled by Leo DiCaprio. "Hollywood Actor 1" (DiCaprio) was mentioned twice in a 136 page complaint and no charges have been brought against him. You need to be careful who you malign without evidence.
While $3 billion was embezzled from the Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund, it was NOT embezzled by Leo DiCaprio. "Hollywood Actor 1" (DiCaprio) was mentioned twice in a 136 page complaint and no charges have been brought against him. You need to be careful who you malign without evidence.

Of course he wasn't, but his Foundation and the people he associates with were.

You still missed the point that Darwinism and Natural Selection doesn't give a damn about your 'feels'.
You want to set it up like he may think you are anything but a gazelle in the tall grass waiting to be supper.

Did you get your invitation to his $6 million birthday party ... :auiqs.jpg:


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