Legitimate illegitimacy


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Legitimate illegitimacy
Legitimate illegitimacy - American Thinker
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By Michael Smith

We have a president who achieved his office though unconventional -- and in some cases, unusual -- electoral means in several key states, of that there is little question among honest people. He won despite a personal lockdown in his basement and socially distanced campaign events where the press made up most of his “crowds,” all while his opponent drew enthusiastic (and often raucous) overflow crowds in the tens of thousands. That Joe Biden, a lifelong politician of little achievement and substance, won the 2020 presidential sweepstakes after living pictures of incongruence played out on our televisions each night for month after month, leaves the rational mind with questions.
Often phrased in this way, “How the Hell did this happen?”, several of the questions are about the same characteristic – legitimacy.
What is legitimacy?
In a 1922 essay titled “The Three Types of Legitimate Rule,” Max Weber, the noted German sociologist and political economist, proposed there are three sources of legitimacy:
Traditional Authority: Legitimacy may rest on an established belief in the sanction of immemorial traditions and on the need to obey leaders who exercise the authority according to the traditions.
Charismatic Authority (Exceptional Personal Qualities): Legitimacy may secondly be based on “devotion to the specific and exceptional sanctity, or exemplary character of an individual person.”
Legal Authority: Legitimacy may rest on the belief that power is wielded in a way that is legal. What is done legally is regarded as legitimate.
If we accept these three aspects as accurate, it seems reasonable that the greatest legitimacy will be achieved by satisfying all three criteria and diminished legitimacy would result if there were failings in one or more. It would also seem logical that, if someone ascends to power during the opposite of these types, that would lead to illegitimacy or, at least, a form of false legitimacy, one marked by superficially doing things "the approved way" but rising to positions of authority by imitating tradition; presenting exaggerated or false personal qualities to the public; or achieving office, status, or power though corrupted legal processes.
I have said it before, and I will continue to say it — I have no definitive evidence that the election was compromised but, by the same token, I have no definitive evidence that it was not. I take no comfort in assurances, especially when those assurances are based on even less tangible evidence than that of real and obvious irregularities.
President Biden meets none of Weber's criteria for legitimacy.
And given that he has accelerated Obama's "fundamental transformation" of America, that is a problem for me — as it should be for all Americans.

Not a day goes by you don't sing us that sad song about poor, poor old Donald...
Joe Biden did not win the Presidential election in November, and that is true in two different senses: (1) The Electoral College vote was stolen through illegal and fraudulent manipulation of the vote in four or five key "Swing States," and (2) no one actually voted FOR Joe Biden. The vast majority of his voters were people voting AGAINST Donald Trump.

Which is ironic, since in 2016, a clear majority of Trump voters were rejecting Hillary Rodham Clinton, and not voting FOR DJT.

The real question in my mind is, will there ever be a public forum where the Trump Nation can present its evidence of (1) illegal and unconstitutional rules manipulation (some of which has already been verified in court), (2) phony ballots being produced and cast by unidentified forces, and (3) manipulation of voter software to produce the desired result?

Unfortunately, the political RIGHT has no appetite for this expose. At this point, when there is NO ACHIEVABLE VICTORY TO BE HAD, there is little to be gained by the attempt. The results of the election will not be overturned, regardless of what evidence is produced.
Legitimate illegitimacy
Legitimate illegitimacy - American Thinker
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By Michael Smith

We have a president who achieved his office though unconventional -- and in some cases, unusual -- electoral means in several key states, of that there is little question among honest people. He won despite a personal lockdown in his basement and socially distanced campaign events where the press made up most of his “crowds,” all while his opponent drew enthusiastic (and often raucous) overflow crowds in the tens of thousands. That Joe Biden, a lifelong politician of little achievement and substance, won the 2020 presidential sweepstakes after living pictures of incongruence played out on our televisions each night for month after month, leaves the rational mind with questions.
Often phrased in this way, “How the Hell did this happen?”, several of the questions are about the same characteristic – legitimacy.
What is legitimacy?
In a 1922 essay titled “The Three Types of Legitimate Rule,” Max Weber, the noted German sociologist and political economist, proposed there are three sources of legitimacy:
Traditional Authority: Legitimacy may rest on an established belief in the sanction of immemorial traditions and on the need to obey leaders who exercise the authority according to the traditions.
Charismatic Authority (Exceptional Personal Qualities): Legitimacy may secondly be based on “devotion to the specific and exceptional sanctity, or exemplary character of an individual person.”
Legal Authority: Legitimacy may rest on the belief that power is wielded in a way that is legal. What is done legally is regarded as legitimate.
If we accept these three aspects as accurate, it seems reasonable that the greatest legitimacy will be achieved by satisfying all three criteria and diminished legitimacy would result if there were failings in one or more. It would also seem logical that, if someone ascends to power during the opposite of these types, that would lead to illegitimacy or, at least, a form of false legitimacy, one marked by superficially doing things "the approved way" but rising to positions of authority by imitating tradition; presenting exaggerated or false personal qualities to the public; or achieving office, status, or power though corrupted legal processes.
I have said it before, and I will continue to say it — I have no definitive evidence that the election was compromised but, by the same token, I have no definitive evidence that it was not. I take no comfort in assurances, especially when those assurances are based on even less tangible evidence than that of real and obvious irregularities.
President Biden meets none of Weber's criteria for legitimacy.
And given that he has accelerated Obama's "fundamental transformation" of America, that is a problem for me — as it should be for all Americans.
That's a good, "legitimate", rendering- I most often use the last reference, usually in a derogatory manner, as I don't hold out much hope for our cursed "legal" system- it has been infected with the same disease that DC has- lawyers- lawyers, at the core, are trained (monkeys can be trained) to intentionally lie, albeit it legally, through intentional misinterpretation, or re-interpretation- btw, lawyers, pay others to teach them how to lie, albeit legally- yet, we seem to revere their intelligence- why?

There is a huge difference between intelligent and smart- esoteric knowledge doesn't, "legitimately", give access to either-

Lawyers are smart- if determined by material success- which is how we tend to judge- intelligent, not anymore so than others I know- keep in mind, like Dr's, they practice Law- a professional, was once described to me as; one who is a master at a task- that requires only determination- being a master at twisting, spinning, castigating is what?
Joe Biden did not win the Presidential election in November, and that is true in two different senses: (1) The Electoral College vote was stolen through illegal and fraudulent manipulation of the vote in four or five key "Swing States," and (2) no one actually voted FOR Joe Biden. The vast majority of his voters were people voting AGAINST Donald Trump.

Which is ironic, since in 2016, a clear majority of Trump voters were rejecting Hillary Rodham Clinton, and not voting FOR DJT.

The real question in my mind is, will there ever be a public forum where the Trump Nation can present its evidence of (1) illegal and unconstitutional rules manipulation (some of which has already been verified in court), (2) phony ballots being produced and cast by unidentified forces, and (3) manipulation of voter software to produce the desired result?

Unfortunately, the political RIGHT has no appetite for this expose. At this point, when there is NO ACHIEVABLE VICTORY TO BE HAD, there is little to be gained by the attempt. The results of the election will not be overturned, regardless of what evidence is produced.
The right wing does not truly want a legitimate inquiry, because a legitimate review of the election, will expose their Big Lie..... and they need the Big Lie of the election being stolen.... to fill their piggy banks, and they need the Trumper's votes...and being aggrieved works better, than Republican policy.

The election wasn't stolen.... there were problems everywhere, yet y'all only focus on the 5 states, the other 45, including Republican leaning states had the same minor change problems.... and you only began officially complaining, u til your side lost.

The covid safety changes, were equal opportunity changes.... both sides could have urged the use of absentee ballots for safety. But Trump CHOSE NOT TO, and promoted in person voting, for his personal scheme of calling the upcoming election that he knew he was going to lose, a fraud due to absentee....plus he knew the post master General donor friend put in plans to slow down drastically, the delivery of ballots in big cities by removing mail boxes and high volume mail sorting machines from the democratic leaning, big cities...

It's you and your new god, that is still cheating, and cheating you out o f the truth, which only harm's OUR Nation to the deepest level.
Anyone who denies the massive wrongdoing in the swing states either an idiot or a liar. Take your pick.

The citizen voted, according to the rules they were given to vote under.... there was no massive voter fraud by them...and they chose Biden over and above, giving Donald a 2nd term....by 7.1 .million votes.

There is no Instance, even without the voter rule changes for covid safety made that republicans are now complaining about, that Donald Trump could win any of the 5 contentious battle ground states.

He lost, he knew months before the election through internal polling of his campaign, that he was going to lose, and that is why he set the stage and began seeding, months in advance, that if he lost, it would be d u e to fraud....

The trump campaign needed to overturn 4 of those wins to beat Biden on electoral college votes....

He won none, even with recounts and audits his campaign legally requested.... He lost Michigan by 155,000 and Pensylvania by tens of thousands.... He couldn't find enough black voters to disenfranchise.

Any changes made to rules before the election, were equal opportunity rule changes... if those rule changes for covid were not made, that does NOT MEAN TRUMP would have won...as you all claim..... Democrats would have followed the rules in place, what ever they were, and found a way to vote in person or early voting or whatever it took, to kick that lawless piece of crap president out.

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