
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Our greedy power hungry leaders who want to legalize illegal immigration at any cost to Americans should be charged with crimes against society. Throwing struggling Americans under the bus at any cost. How much is illegal immigration already costing us in tax payers hard earned money in taking care the illegal aliens in prison. $18.6 million per day? U.S. Spending At Least 18.6 Million Per Day to Incarcerate Illegal Aliens More Than 195 000 Illegal Aliens Deported in Fiscal 2010 Had Committed Crimes Here
I am not going into detail of the cost of social services, education, healthcare, American lives, MS13 and other gangs, etc but it is way too much and will cost even more if our greedy power hungry leaders legalize illegal immigration. I am financially secure with my retirement and it does not effect me. (can I be this stupid?) Yes is does because if one dime is taking away from one American going toward an illegal alien it affects me. Hell no on immigration reform which is legalizing illegal immigration. So it is not amnesty what the hell it is call is still costing Americans billions is their hard earn taxes.
When these supposed miscreants are in prison, will their jobs include cleaning out the cells of the war criminals involved with the US invasion of Iraq and all the debt from that?
Our greedy power hungry leaders who want to legalize illegal immigration at any cost to Americans should be charged with crimes against society. Throwing struggling Americans under the bus at any cost. How much is illegal immigration already costing us in tax payers hard earned money in taking care the illegal aliens in prison. $18.6 million per day? U.S. Spending At Least 18.6 Million Per Day to Incarcerate Illegal Aliens More Than 195 000 Illegal Aliens Deported in Fiscal 2010 Had Committed Crimes Here
I am not going into detail of the cost of social services, education, healthcare, American lives, MS13 and other gangs, etc but it is way too much and will cost even more if our greedy power hungry leaders legalize illegal immigration. I am financially secure with my retirement and it does not effect me. (can I be this stupid?) Yes is does because if one dime is taking away from one American going toward an illegal alien it affects me. Hell no on immigration reform which is legalizing illegal immigration. So it is not amnesty what the hell it is call is still costing Americans billions is their hard earn taxes.
Yes, illegals are very costly to U.S. taxpayers, and have been for decades now. Just ask the state of California. The only ones that approve of illegals being here are those that directly benefit from their cheap labor. EXAMPLES: meat packaging plants, farmers, construction companies, motels, hotels, lawn care companies, and others that use cheap labor. It's called GREED. It's also called UNAMERICAN. Businesses and individuals are too damn cheap to hire American labor.
It is definitely 'unAmerican' in the spirit (hopefully) most of us associate with America; it is, however, all too 'American' in that such practices have been going on since the inception of the country. The greedy, avaricious and mean-hearted have always been ingrained here. Exploiting and using people is unethical, un-Christian, inhuman and down right dastardly. Living a life as such a person certainly is its own punishment, missing as it does the fullest meaning of life.
When these supposed miscreants are in prison, will their jobs include cleaning out the cells of the war criminals involved with the US invasion of Iraq and all the debt from that?
What does any of this have to do with illegal immigration???
Two wrongs do not make a right. When do we learn from our mistakes. 30 years after the 1984 amnesty to fix illegal immigration resulted in 30 million more illegal aliens seeking amnesty. And after Russia failed in Afghanistan after 10 years....are we listening to our own mistakes? No and we keep making them. May as well erase the border and take over Mexico and get rid of corrupt government like we did Saddam.
It is definitely 'unAmerican' in the spirit (hopefully) most of us associate with America; it is, however, all too 'American' in that such practices have been going on since the inception of the country. The greedy, avaricious and mean-hearted have always been ingrained here. Exploiting and using people is unethical, un-Christian, inhuman and down right dastardly. Living a life as such a person certainly is its own punishment, missing as it does the fullest meaning of life.
Anyone for immigration has it's hand in it's pockets expecting return of some kind. Business for cheap labor and politicians for Hispanic votes. No hard working American benefits from illegal immigration and immigration reform. And I have not figured out how, Hillary and Obama's claim, immigration will help the economy. From the view point of my little old pea size brain it appears to add to the national debt.because we are talking about low income earners. You know the rest.
Legalizing Marijuana for the economy and millions are being made from it will backfire on us also. No one is looking at the long term effect. God help us. I have friends who are using just because it is legal. Don't want to be in the car with them driving or on the streets with them driving and cannot have a simple conversation with them anymore. Response is slow. Correlation between legalizing illegal immigration and legalizing illegal drugs.
Tijuana Tarp

If we're legalizing marijuana, then certainly, we can talk about managing illegal immigration.

The upcoming vigilantism-fantasy comic book adapted Hollywood (USA) film "Suicide Squad" (Jared Leto) finds offbeat ethically-challenged super-unordinary people recruited for a crusader mission which could be daunting.

Such a pop culture project suggests we should start making comments such as, "Imagine recruiting arrested illegals in Tijuana (Mexico) for a patrol operation to secure pedestrian speak-easies at the prophetic bordertown."

After all, isn't Microsoft titan Bill Gates the new diplomat of free market pedagoguery?



Our greedy power hungry leaders who want to legalize illegal immigration at any cost to Americans should be charged with crimes against society. Throwing struggling Americans under the bus at any cost. How much is illegal immigration already costing us in tax payers hard earned money in taking care the illegal aliens in prison. $18.6 million per day? U.S. Spending At Least 18.6 Million Per Day to Incarcerate Illegal Aliens More Than 195 000 Illegal Aliens Deported in Fiscal 2010 Had Committed Crimes Here
I am not going into detail of the cost of social services, education, healthcare, American lives, MS13 and other gangs, etc but it is way too much and will cost even more if our greedy power hungry leaders legalize illegal immigration. I am financially secure with my retirement and it does not effect me. (can I be this stupid?) Yes is does because if one dime is taking away from one American going toward an illegal alien it affects me. Hell no on immigration reform which is legalizing illegal immigration. So it is not amnesty what the hell it is call is still costing Americans billions is their hard earn taxes.
Yes, illegals are very costly to U.S. taxpayers, and have been for decades now. Just ask the state of California. The only ones that approve of illegals being here are those that directly benefit from their cheap labor. EXAMPLES: meat packaging plants, farmers, construction companies, motels, hotels, lawn care companies, and others that use cheap labor. It's called GREED. It's also called UNAMERICAN. Businesses and individuals are too damn cheap to hire American labor.

But, look at what has happened to Alabama.

A cautionary tale, if I've ever seen one.
Our greedy power hungry leaders who want to legalize illegal immigration at any cost to Americans should be charged with crimes against society. Throwing struggling Americans under the bus at any cost. How much is illegal immigration already costing us in tax payers hard earned money in taking care the illegal aliens in prison. $18.6 million per day? U.S. Spending At Least 18.6 Million Per Day to Incarcerate Illegal Aliens More Than 195 000 Illegal Aliens Deported in Fiscal 2010 Had Committed Crimes Here
I am not going into detail of the cost of social services, education, healthcare, American lives, MS13 and other gangs, etc but it is way too much and will cost even more if our greedy power hungry leaders legalize illegal immigration. I am financially secure with my retirement and it does not effect me. (can I be this stupid?) Yes is does because if one dime is taking away from one American going toward an illegal alien it affects me. Hell no on immigration reform which is legalizing illegal immigration. So it is not amnesty what the hell it is call is still costing Americans billions is their hard earn taxes.
Yes, illegals are very costly to U.S. taxpayers, and have been for decades now. Just ask the state of California. The only ones that approve of illegals being here are those that directly benefit from their cheap labor. EXAMPLES: meat packaging plants, farmers, construction companies, motels, hotels, lawn care companies, and others that use cheap labor. It's called GREED. It's also called UNAMERICAN. Businesses and individuals are too damn cheap to hire American labor.

But, look at what has happened to Alabama.

A cautionary tale, if I've ever seen one.

So what happened in Alabama? If this is about the ole crop picking argument there are unlimited H-2A visas for legal, foreign crop pickers so there is no excuse for the farmers to whine about their crops dying on the vine when they chose cheap, illegal workers to increase their profits instead.

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