Lefty USC Professor tells students the 2016 election was inspired by “racism”

My daughter stops him and tells the entire lecture hall that the Obama elections were the most racist in modern history....A few kids clap and the rest shit their pants.
I’m so proud of my girl.

Yep, racism is handed down parent to child, you must be very proud to teach your child to hate those she has never met.

Do you mean like Obammy sending his kids to Rev Wright's racist church to indoctrinated in left wing hate?

WHy do you pretend to care about that?

Sadly (for him) he's dumb. His limited intellectual capacity prevents him from (metaphorically) walking in the shoes of others.

For those who can read without bias, read this: Zttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_Wright_controversy

and consider these sermons which have colored Rev. Wright as anti American, he has used rhetoric similar to Jefferson's Declaration of Independence.
nope, Wright is a racist cretin
So is the OP but you like him and his type of racism..
My daughter stops him and tells the entire lecture hall that the Obama elections were the most racist in modern history....A few kids clap and the rest shit their pants.
I’m so proud of my girl.

Yep, racism is handed down parent to child, you must be very proud to teach your child to hate those she has never met.

Do you mean like Obammy sending his kids to Rev Wright's racist church to indoctrinated in left wing hate?

WHy do you pretend to care about that?

Sadly (for him) he's dumb. His limited intellectual capacity prevents him from (metaphorically) walking in the shoes of others.

For those who can read without bias, read this: Zttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_Wright_controversy

and consider these sermons which have colored Rev. Wright as anti American, he has used rhetoric similar to Jefferson's Declaration of Independence.
nope, Wright is a racist cretin
So you say......are you sure he isn't just another "good person" like those marching in Charlottesville?
My daughter stops him and tells the entire lecture hall that the Obama elections were the most racist in modern history....A few kids clap and the rest shit their pants.
I’m so proud of my girl.

Your girl lacks logic it seems. The Obama elections being about race does not exclude the 2016 election from being inspired by racism.

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Trump won on shutting the border down...Good real Americans believe we have a right to sovereignty, good real Americans voted for the enforcement of law and the preservation of American sovereignty. There is nothing "racist" about that...in fact....its LOGICAL thought for all good real Americans....think once bud.

Then that would have been a much better argument from your daughter than “but...but...but...OBAMA”.

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BrokeLoser - "Hey girls, you see those people over there?"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Yeah Dad, what about them?"

BrokeLoser - "Well, they are terrible people and everything that is going to go wrong with your life is their fault. Our entire family would be retired and living the good life right now if it wasn't for those people right there!"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Oh my god! That's terrible! How do you know that they did this to us?"

BrokeLoser - "Well, it's easy. The pigment of their skin is darker than ours, which means they are inferior to us"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Wow that makes it easy to know who they are and hate them!"

BrokeLoser - "That's right! And that brings us to lesson #2. We never want to really put any effort into developing our beliefs. Easy is always best. Remember our family motto, don't work harder or smarter, leave that to the brown people and then complain later that they took your job"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Wow, that's White! I mean, that's right!"

BrokeLoser - "Hahaha, no you had it right the first time my dear!"

RDD_1210 - "Hey girls, you see those people over there?"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Yeah Dad, what about them?"

RDD_1210 - "They come here to steal from us and our fellow countrymen, they take jobs from our underclass and rob them of social services and entitlements. But but but they're awesome people just looking for a better life, you must smile while they fuck us over...allow yourself to be a suckered fool."

Unfortunate Daughter - "Oh my god! But Dad that seems wrong?"

RDD_1210 - "No hunny, they have the right to fuck us over...Whitey built this nation so they could fuck it all up....just trust me on this."

Unfortunate Daughter - "But Dad, it just seems like Americans should come first in America?"

RDD_1210 - "No hunny, American taxpayers should pay the worlds way and take it in the ass! And that brings us to lesson #2. We never want to really put any effort into developing our beliefs. This nation must always utilize slaves and exploit the worlds most desperate. Remember our family motto, don't work harder, leave that to the brown people and just beg good, hard working real Americans for FREE SHIT"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Wow, that's White! I mean, that's right!"

RDD_1210 - "Hahaha, no you had it right the first time my dear!"
My daughter stops him and tells the entire lecture hall that the Obama elections were the most racist in modern history....A few kids clap and the rest shit their pants.
I’m so proud of my girl.

Your girl lacks logic it seems. The Obama elections being about race does not exclude the 2016 election from being inspired by racism.

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Trump won on shutting the border down...Good real Americans believe we have a right to sovereignty, good real Americans voted for the enforcement of law and the preservation of American sovereignty. There is nothing "racist" about that...in fact....its LOGICAL thought for all good real Americans....think once bud.

Then that would have been a much better argument from your daughter than “but...but...but...OBAMA”.

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hahaha...Dude, you are the "BUT OBAMA" guy of this forum. You simply try to not so cleverly disguise it...that's all.
IT is truly sad that such people continue to "hate hoax" away their own failings...

Face it, Hillary blew a 30 point lead in 2 months, and she did not change color during that time period...
My daughter stops him and tells the entire lecture hall that the Obama elections were the most racist in modern history....A few kids clap and the rest shit their pants.
I’m so proud of my girl.

Your girl lacks logic it seems. The Obama elections being about race does not exclude the 2016 election from being inspired by racism.

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Trump won on shutting the border down...Good real Americans believe we have a right to sovereignty, good real Americans voted for the enforcement of law and the preservation of American sovereignty. There is nothing "racist" about that...in fact....its LOGICAL thought for all good real Americans....think once bud.

Then that would have been a much better argument from your daughter than “but...but...but...OBAMA”.

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hahaha...Dude, you are the "BUT OBAMA" guy of this forum. You simply try to not so cleverly disguise it...that's all.

I accept your surrender

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My daughter stops him and tells the entire lecture hall that the Obama elections were the most racist in modern history....A few kids clap and the rest shit their pants.
I’m so proud of my girl.

Yep, racism is handed down parent to child, you must be very proud to teach your child to hate those she has never met.

How do you arrive at that based on what’s been said?
I teach my daughters the law of total probability early on and they draw their own conclusions. Why do you hate those who practice basic principles?

What do you tell them about people who post thousands of times on an internet messageboard under an alias like "BrokeLoser"?

"Hey girls, that's someone you should strive to be like!"

Versus telling them to strive to be like RDD_1210 ?
The know better than to defend foreign criminals and beg for free shit...they’re nothing like RDD_1210

You are oh so right. RDD believes in having working people pay for freeloaders. She just loves socialism. Us hard working people need to take responsibility for every freeloader in America.

It works great till you run out of other peoples money.

You've posted on this site 33,000 times. Tell me how hard you work.

It seems I am paying for YOU to complain on the internet.

You're welcome.
Yep, racism is handed down parent to child, you must be very proud to teach your child to hate those she has never met.

How do you arrive at that based on what’s been said?
I teach my daughters the law of total probability early on and they draw their own conclusions. Why do you hate those who practice basic principles?

What do you tell them about people who post thousands of times on an internet messageboard under an alias like "BrokeLoser"?

"Hey girls, that's someone you should strive to be like!"

Versus telling them to strive to be like RDD_1210 ?
The know better than to defend foreign criminals and beg for free shit...they’re nothing like RDD_1210

You are oh so right. RDD believes in having working people pay for freeloaders. She just loves socialism. Us hard working people need to take responsibility for every freeloader in America.

It works great till you run out of other peoples money.

You've posted on this site 33,000 times. Tell me how hard you work.

It seems I am paying for YOU to complain on the internet.

You're welcome.

I'm working right now. I, unlike you, can do two things at the same time.

I doubt you could do my job and we are all PAYING for YOU to complain on the internet.

Your welcome.
BrokeLoser - "Hey girls, you see those people over there?"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Yeah Dad, what about them?"

BrokeLoser - "Well, they are terrible people and everything that is going to go wrong with your life is their fault. Our entire family would be retired and living the good life right now if it wasn't for those people right there!"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Oh my god! That's terrible! How do you know that they did this to us?"

BrokeLoser - "Well, it's easy. The pigment of their skin is darker than ours, which means they are inferior to us"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Wow that makes it easy to know who they are and hate them!"

BrokeLoser - "That's right! And that brings us to lesson #2. We never want to really put any effort into developing our beliefs. Easy is always best. Remember our family motto, don't work harder or smarter, leave that to the brown people and then complain later that they took your job"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Wow, that's White! I mean, that's right!"

BrokeLoser - "Hahaha, no you had it right the first time my dear!"

RDD_1210 - "Hey girls, you see those people over there?"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Yeah Dad, what about them?"

RDD_1210 - "They come here to steal from us and our fellow countrymen, they take jobs from our underclass and rob them of social services and entitlements. But but but they're awesome people just looking for a better life, you must smile while they fuck us over...allow yourself to be a suckered fool."

Unfortunate Daughter - "Oh my god! But Dad that seems wrong?"

RDD_1210 - "No hunny, they have the right to fuck us over...Whitey built this nation so they could fuck it all up....just trust me on this."

Unfortunate Daughter - "But Dad, it just seems like Americans should come first in America?"

RDD_1210 - "No hunny, American taxpayers should pay the worlds way and take it in the ass! And that brings us to lesson #2. We never want to really put any effort into developing our beliefs. This nation must always utilize slaves and exploit the worlds most desperate. Remember our family motto, don't work harder, leave that to the brown people and just beg good, hard working real Americans for FREE SHIT"

Unfortunate Daughter - "Wow, that's White! I mean, that's right!"

RDD_1210 - "Hahaha, no you had it right the first time my dear!"

I mean if you're going to steal from me at least make it good. This rambling mess is all over the place and is nowhere close to anything i believe. But this post is a good example of how you're lazy and stole from someone else who did all the work and your output is weak and a reflection of who you are. Congratulations!
How do you arrive at that based on what’s been said?
I teach my daughters the law of total probability early on and they draw their own conclusions. Why do you hate those who practice basic principles?

What do you tell them about people who post thousands of times on an internet messageboard under an alias like "BrokeLoser"?

"Hey girls, that's someone you should strive to be like!"

Versus telling them to strive to be like RDD_1210 ?
The know better than to defend foreign criminals and beg for free shit...they’re nothing like RDD_1210

You are oh so right. RDD believes in having working people pay for freeloaders. She just loves socialism. Us hard working people need to take responsibility for every freeloader in America.

It works great till you run out of other peoples money.

You've posted on this site 33,000 times. Tell me how hard you work.

It seems I am paying for YOU to complain on the internet.

You're welcome.

I'm working right now. I, unlike you, can do two things at the same time.

I doubt you could do my job and we are all PAYING for YOU to complain on the internet.

Your welcome.

What do you do for a living?

Unless your job is physically giving birth to a human being I am fairly confident I can do whatever menial task you do that you call a job.

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