Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘deprogram’ Trump

Inciting a crowd to riot is not covered by free speech. Trump's legal team isn't even aruging that. Your selective listening is truly pathetic. We saw him riling up the crowd, we heard him riling up he crowd. We heard another speaker at his rally encourage Trial by Combat. If you're telling people to go with you the Capitol Building, if he wasn't inciting a riot, what was he asking them to do when they got there, sit in the shade and have a nice little picnic. He was calling for action. And he got exactly what he wanted. And adding a half-hearted disclaimer at the end is like one of those tiny disclaimer at the end of a commercial. Too little to read and nobody takes it seriously.

"No man is so blind as he who will not see." I think the Bible had you in mind when that was written.

Riling up a crowd and promoting violence are two different things. Want to get rid of people who do that? Fine with me. Let's start here:

Then we'll get rid of this one too.

My son worked at 9. He delivered papers and cashiered at a game store.

I started working at 14. I waitresses in a diner in San Francisco.

I started working at the age of 10 with my father who was a bricklayer. He paid me one dollar an hour to mix cement, carry bricks and blocks to the job site, crawl up scaffolding to bring him supplies for a wall or chimney. I came home every night exhausted covered in sand and cement. As soon as I turned on the shower, the water turned black by the time it came off of me.
I don't get what you are talking about but thats common among republicans ... trump had all his constitutional frights honored by the government ...

It's quite simple really. Trump gave a speech, the commies made a false claim that his speech is what instigated the riot even though the FBI reported that the riot was pre-planned before his speech, and they impeached him on it. Therefore they impeached him for exercising his constitutional right to free speech. Trump never once urged anybody to be violent.
you're wrong here... even mcConnell said he made speeches to incite to riot ...,

Trump urged his supporters to ‘fight much harder’ against ‘bad people’ and ‘show strength’ at the Capitol. Trump insinuated that Republican officials, including Pence, would endanger themselves by accepting Biden’s win. Trump suggested that he wanted his supporters to stop the certification of Biden’s electoral win, not just protest it. As he dispatched his supporters into what became deadly chaos, Trump falsely told them that he would come, too. this is inciting to riot in any book of law ... free speech is allow by all, inciting to riot is not free speech ...

Read this and learn something for a change.

The Deep State and their allies—the media, the courts and the leaders of both Democratic and Republican parties—are at war with president Trump and all those who support him. Yes, even the Republican party is controlled by highly placed people working against our liberty and colluding with the other side. The false flag attack on the capitol was a diabolical move to discredit and de-platform Trump and his followers and bring new impeachment proceedings at the last minute to forever bar him from politics. It is also being used to discourage anyone from looking into the truth, and being associated with them. The Deep State is worried that more and more of the general public are beginning to see the clear evidence of falsified data in the exaggerated pandemic, the stealing of the 2020 election and the work of agent provocateurs in the protests the US Capitol.

Every time the media quotes president Trump saying that BLM and Antifa people were responsible for the violence they use the same phrase of “no evidence” that they used to deny the election fraud. So fearful are they of any hint of evidence, the media won’t even show any alternative views for balance. The entire establishment world has turned into a pit of liars, and they are marshaling all of their “private” partners in social media and corporations into a secret combination of power with Deep State forces to make sure the truth about these conspiracies and coverups are censored, de-platformed, and banned from the internet.

stop with the nut jobs World Affairs Brief is a conspiracy and pseudoscience website. According to their about page“The World Affairs Brief is a weekly news analysis service published by Joel M. Skousen subtitled, “Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.” Mr. Skousen concentrates on adding back into the news information that the establishment media and governments purposely omit in order to keep you from knowing the underlying agenda behind their actions or statements. He believes there is a globalist conspiracy to undermine national sovereignty and to create wars and other provocations that will justify a diminution of civil liberties.” your sources are nut jobs ... come back the you can quote a actual fact ... thats the problem with you right wing nut jobs you quote a conspiracy and pseudoscience website as if they are factual ... ev very thing you posted are false or as trump knows them to be lies ... nice try but you're making as fool of yourself with these a conspiracy and pseudoscience website
cat got your tongue thor ... when confronter with actual facts, people like thor gives you the thump down .. that a medal to me .. I nailed your lies is what I did ...
Inciting a crowd to riot is not covered by free speech. Trump's legal team isn't even aruging that. Your selective listening is truly pathetic. We saw him riling up the crowd, we heard him riling up he crowd. We heard another speaker at his rally encourage Trial by Combat. If you're telling people to go with you the Capitol Building, if he wasn't inciting a riot, what was he asking them to do when they got there, sit in the shade and have a nice little picnic. He was calling for action. And he got exactly what he wanted. And adding a half-hearted disclaimer at the end is like one of those tiny disclaimer at the end of a commercial. Too little to read and nobody takes it seriously.

"No man is so blind as he who will not see." I think the Bible had you in mind when that was written.

Riling up a crowd and promoting violence are two different things. Want to get rid of people who do that? Fine with me. Let's start here:

Then we'll get rid of this one too.

theres a big difference here they are calling for trump to resign and people to vote against his lies ... they told the truth where trump made up lies ... that illegal votes were being cast a bald face lie and and that illegal aliens were voting that was a lie ...that they need to go down to the capitol and take care of these democrats and pense... these leaders told the truth and you can stand that idea so nice try ... you lose again ...
funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...
Are you saying Conversion Therapy wouldn’t work? Boy there are gonna be a lot of disappointed wingnuts if Conversion Therapy isnt real.

They like brainwashing people is the question?
You’re not going to see anything done. It’s just idle chatter.

That is what you think. There is a great annoyance going and a lot of pissed off people. This will not be left unsaid and done trust me.
trust you ??? I can trust you are nuts ...

How am I nuts for stating a simple fact? You seem to be the nutty one since you drink all the Kool-Aid.
the only annoyance going on is you seeing republican start losing their office ... the only pissted off people will be trumpsters ,not the people who can determine what the difference of a conspiracy and pseudoscience website is and the real world ... you sir don't live in the real world ... makes you a nut case ...

You have really drunken the Kool-Aid haven't you? :auiqs.jpg:

You actually think the lies are the truth.:D I really feel bad for you, how ignorant you are. You get the trophy for being the sheeple of the day.

View attachment 445656
and yet you failed to prove your statements ... you come back with typical repub-lie-clown responces ... you can't defend your position with actual facts so you go to attacks I get it .. you can't defend your position ... you lost again ... do you like making a fool of yourself???
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one

I keep forgetting everyone is working ... thats your best??? there are signs everywhere .... real rocket scientist you are... you know, when the facts are put right infront of you losers fall by the waste side... it's like you can't seem to keep up with what was said ... I worked for 60 years ...everything I have I own... debt free thats something you republicans can't do ... seems every time you are in control you charge it up ... I personally don't owe anybody money ... from my retirement, I get 3000 dollars a month... I waste my time on restoring 1950's cars ... classic industries know me real well so does eckler ...so you go get yourself job to pay for your debts, or are you going to be like trump and file bankruptcy ... that way you won't be here telling trump lies, like there are jobs every where... do you really like making a fool of yourself ...

So, you're in your 80's?
No I’m 69 ... I retired when I was 52 i made so much money I did need to work anymore ... when I want something I go an pay cash . Do several covered call get the money I need then buy it ...

So, according to you, you started working when you were 9 years old? I doubt it....

As for your retirement, I'm glad things are going good for you...Others in your age group aren't doing so well....If you were honest about your position, You give up some of your wealth, and help them....But, nah, that's for someone else right?

He's not the only one, When I was 9 years old I started working in a bread bakery scraping pans, I also sold pretzels' for a nickel a piece or 3 for 10 cents..... Delivered the Long Island Press too. My first job working in a drugstore was at seventy-five cents an hour. Then I got my working papers at 14 years old. In my early 20's I also worked in a hospital for $1.25/hr preping patients, caring for Oxygen needed patients, etc....
No I don't have a pension plan, I saved for my retirement fot many years.

I amazes me when republicans has this idea that we liberals never work.. that we sat around and waited for the government to give us some money...sound like you too worked at a early age ... I remember getting .50 cents a person ... and we were doing great if we got a dollar ... that was bucks up ...

I never said you didn't work, just that I found it hard to believe that you were working at the age of 9.....The first job I had was at the age of 12...I caddy'd for the local Country Club....I don't count mowing lawns earlier....

But like I said, you should be sharing your prosperity with those who don't have what you have...White boy....

My son worked at 9. He delivered papers and cashiered at a game store.

I started working at 14. I waitresses in a diner in San Francisco.

Ok, good for him...when I was young you couldn’t get a paper route til 12.

this was on a airforce base and it was the airforce times ... I had a rout that I did once a month ...I got 10 dollars a month from them ... you had to be 16 to drive a motor cycle off base ... on base it was 13 ...so not everything is as you say... when we came back to colorado I was 14 and I delivered the denver post and mowed lawns in our area ... made enough to trade in my honda 50 and bought a 650 triumph bonneville ..still have it heres it picture


  • triumph 1.jpg
    triumph 1.jpg
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Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one

I keep forgetting everyone is working ... thats your best??? there are signs everywhere .... real rocket scientist you are... you know, when the facts are put right infront of you losers fall by the waste side... it's like you can't seem to keep up with what was said ... I worked for 60 years ...everything I have I own... debt free thats something you republicans can't do ... seems every time you are in control you charge it up ... I personally don't owe anybody money ... from my retirement, I get 3000 dollars a month... I waste my time on restoring 1950's cars ... classic industries know me real well so does eckler ...so you go get yourself job to pay for your debts, or are you going to be like trump and file bankruptcy ... that way you won't be here telling trump lies, like there are jobs every where... do you really like making a fool of yourself ...

So, you're in your 80's?
No I’m 69 ... I retired when I was 52 i made so much money I did need to work anymore ... when I want something I go an pay cash . Do several covered call get the money I need then buy it ...

So, according to you, you started working when you were 9 years old? I doubt it....

As for your retirement, I'm glad things are going good for you...Others in your age group aren't doing so well....If you were honest about your position, You give up some of your wealth, and help them....But, nah, that's for someone else right?

He's not the only one, When I was 9 years old I started working in a bread bakery scraping pans, I also sold pretzels' for a nickel a piece or 3 for 10 cents..... Delivered the Long Island Press too. My first job working in a drugstore was at seventy-five cents an hour. Then I got my working papers at 14 years old. In my early 20's I also worked in a hospital for $1.25/hr preping patients, caring for Oxygen needed patients, etc....
No I don't have a pension plan, I saved for my retirement fot many years.

I amazes me when republicans has this idea that we liberals never work.. that we sat around and waited for the government to give us some money...sound like you too worked at a early age ... I remember getting .50 cents a person ... and we were doing great if we got a dollar ... that was bucks up ...

I never said you didn't work, just that I found it hard to believe that you were working at the age of 9.....The first job I had was at the age of 12...I caddy'd for the local Country Club....I don't count mowing lawns earlier....

But like I said, you should be sharing your prosperity with those who don't have what you have...White boy....

My son worked at 9. He delivered papers and cashiered at a game store.

I started working at 14. I waitresses in a diner in San Francisco.

Ok, good for him...when I was young you couldn’t get a paper route til 12.

this was on a airforce base and it was the airforce times ... I had a rout that I did once a month ...I got 10 dollars a month from them ... you had to be 16 to drive a motor cycle off base ... on base it was 13 ...so not everything is as you say... when we came back to colorado I was 14 and I delivered the denver post and mowed lawns in our area ... made enough to trade in my honda 50 and bought a 650 triumph bonneville ..still have it heres it picture

Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one

I keep forgetting everyone is working ... thats your best??? there are signs everywhere .... real rocket scientist you are... you know, when the facts are put right infront of you losers fall by the waste side... it's like you can't seem to keep up with what was said ... I worked for 60 years ...everything I have I own... debt free thats something you republicans can't do ... seems every time you are in control you charge it up ... I personally don't owe anybody money ... from my retirement, I get 3000 dollars a month... I waste my time on restoring 1950's cars ... classic industries know me real well so does eckler ...so you go get yourself job to pay for your debts, or are you going to be like trump and file bankruptcy ... that way you won't be here telling trump lies, like there are jobs every where... do you really like making a fool of yourself ...

So, you're in your 80's?
No I’m 69 ... I retired when I was 52 i made so much money I did need to work anymore ... when I want something I go an pay cash . Do several covered call get the money I need then buy it ...

So, according to you, you started working when you were 9 years old? I doubt it....

As for your retirement, I'm glad things are going good for you...Others in your age group aren't doing so well....If you were honest about your position, You give up some of your wealth, and help them....But, nah, that's for someone else right?

He's not the only one, When I was 9 years old I started working in a bread bakery scraping pans, I also sold pretzels' for a nickel a piece or 3 for 10 cents..... Delivered the Long Island Press too. My first job working in a drugstore was at seventy-five cents an hour. Then I got my working papers at 14 years old. In my early 20's I also worked in a hospital for $1.25/hr preping patients, caring for Oxygen needed patients, etc....
No I don't have a pension plan, I saved for my retirement fot many years.

I amazes me when republicans has this idea that we liberals never work.. that we sat around and waited for the government to give us some money...sound like you too worked at a early age ... I remember getting .50 cents a person ... and we were doing great if we got a dollar ... that was bucks up ...

I never said you didn't work, just that I found it hard to believe that you were working at the age of 9.....The first job I had was at the age of 12...I caddy'd for the local Country Club....I don't count mowing lawns earlier....

But like I said, you should be sharing your prosperity with those who don't have what you have...White boy....

My son worked at 9. He delivered papers and cashiered at a game store.

I started working at 14. I waitresses in a diner in San Francisco.

Ok, good for him...when I was young you couldn’t get a paper route til 12.

this was on a airforce base and it was the airforce times ... I had a rout that I did once a month ...I got 10 dollars a month from them ... you had to be 16 to drive a motor cycle off base ... on base it was 13 ...so not everything is as you say... when we came back to colorado I was 14 and I delivered the denver post and mowed lawns in our area ... made enough to trade in my honda 50 and bought a 650 triumph bonneville ..still have it heres it picture


its a 1965 650 triumph bonneville no oil leaks other then the blow-by ... I ran the blow by tub to the drive chain sprocket ... it oils the chain when its shut off ... all trumps in the 1950's to the middle 80's had a blow by ... it was in 2001 I believe when they started producing the 650 triumph bonneville again ... when they stop letting the 650 triumph bonneville in the US because of pollution standards it went out of business ... when they brought them back in 2001 the bike look the same in some ways but they redid the whole design on the engine ... it still had the 2 barrels the top end changed where it became water cooled that was one of the reason they wouldn't let them in and they move the shift lever from the left side to the right side ... so in the sixties they shifted gears on the left and stopped on the right ... I had bought a V65 magna in 1984 I hate to tell you how many times I tried shifting the brake and stomp on the gear shift to ride it ... any way they started producing parts for it I bought a new charging system changed it from a 6 volt system to a 12 volt system put 11 to one pistons in it and it screams ... oh yes I did the paint job on it...
theres a big difference here they are calling for trump to resign and people to vote against his lies ... they told the truth where trump made up lies ... that illegal votes were being cast a bald face lie and and that illegal aliens were voting that was a lie ...that they need to go down to the capitol and take care of these democrats and pense... these leaders told the truth and you can stand that idea so nice try ... you lose again ...

How did I lose? I posted videos and you made comments not even related to what I posted, so obviously you don't have the guts to watch them. If you watch them, what you'll see is both commies are rallying their supporters to what anybody can construe as asking them to commit acts of violence, even though neither went into detail. Given Trump did the exact same thing, why weren't they thrown out of office? Watch the Schumer video, and remember what it led to afterwards.


theres a big difference here they are calling for trump to resign and people to vote against his lies ... they told the truth where trump made up lies ... that illegal votes were being cast a bald face lie and and that illegal aliens were voting that was a lie ...that they need to go down to the capitol and take care of these democrats and pense... these leaders told the truth and you can stand that idea so nice try ... you lose again ...

How did I lose? I posted videos and you made comments not even related to what I posted, so obviously you don't have the guts to watch them. If you watch them, what you'll see is both commies are rallying their supporters to what anybody can construe as asking them to commit acts of violence, even though neither went into detail. Given Trump did the exact same thing, why weren't they thrown out of office? Watch the Schumer video, and remember what it led to afterwards.

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View attachment 446362
I don't know what bull shit you are trying to pull, you said your videos were showing democrats doing the same thing trump did... by causing people to riot ... I called you on it ... one was on chuck Schumer ... the other was Maxine Watters ... she was telling the people they should shout "same on you" not kill NANCY PELOSI OR HANG MIKE PENCE BIG DIFFERENCE ... where Schumer said they should call them out on the supreme country Judges on their ruling ...you were comparing that to the thug that attack the Capitol ... shout lets kill Nancy pelosi and Mike Pence and any congressmen or senator we can find ... that's what your videos didn't show Schumer and waters saying to kill people... I did watch them.. seems you have no idea what you are posting ... like I say nice try you lose again... ya don't even know what you posted ...
I don't know what bull shit you are trying to pull, you said your videos were showing democrats doing the same thing trump did... by causing people to riot ... I called you on it ... one was on chuck Schumer ... the other was Maxine Watters ... she was telling the people they should shout "same on you" not kill nANCY PELOSI OR HAMNG MIKE PENCE BIG DIFFERENCE ... where Schumer said they should call the out on the supreme country Judges on their ruling ...you were comparing that to the thug that attack the Capitol ... shout lets kill Nancy pelosi and Mike Pence and any congressmen or senator we can find ... that what your videos didn't show Schumer and waters saying to do... I did watch them.. seems you have no idea what you are posting ... like I say nice try you lose again... ya don't even know what you posted ...

What I posted showed what a hypocrite you are. It's okay for Shoemaker to threaten judges by saying "You will release the whirlwind, and you will pay the price" but Trump telling people to go to the Capital and protest legally and peacefully is responsible for the actions of a minority of protesters. Pure hypocrisy. You have Waters there saying "You get in their face" and that can't be construed as instructing people to commit acts of violence? I can. When you instruct people to accost anybody associated with Trump, that is inciting violence.

You know, when the FBI went to the baseball field shooters home, they found copies of letters he wrote to various politicians demanding Trump and Pence be removed from office and tried for treason. Gee, now where have we heard this treason talk from before? But......we on the right didn't blame Sander's for the shooting. The guy was a nut and Sanders had nothing to do with it. Sander's called Trump a racist. Biden called Trump a racist, but that's okay with you, isn't it. Well........like I always say, Rush is right.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one

I keep forgetting everyone is working ... thats your best??? there are signs everywhere .... real rocket scientist you are... you know, when the facts are put right infront of you losers fall by the waste side... it's like you can't seem to keep up with what was said ... I worked for 60 years ...everything I have I own... debt free thats something you republicans can't do ... seems every time you are in control you charge it up ... I personally don't owe anybody money ... from my retirement, I get 3000 dollars a month... I waste my time on restoring 1950's cars ... classic industries know me real well so does eckler ...so you go get yourself job to pay for your debts, or are you going to be like trump and file bankruptcy ... that way you won't be here telling trump lies, like there are jobs every where... do you really like making a fool of yourself ...

So, you're in your 80's?
No I’m 69 ... I retired when I was 52 i made so much money I did need to work anymore ... when I want something I go an pay cash . Do several covered call get the money I need then buy it ...

So, according to you, you started working when you were 9 years old? I doubt it....

As for your retirement, I'm glad things are going good for you...Others in your age group aren't doing so well....If you were honest about your position, You give up some of your wealth, and help them....But, nah, that's for someone else right?

He's not the only one, When I was 9 years old I started working in a bread bakery scraping pans, I also sold pretzels' for a nickel a piece or 3 for 10 cents..... Delivered the Long Island Press too. My first job working in a drugstore was at seventy-five cents an hour. Then I got my working papers at 14 years old. In my early 20's I also worked in a hospital for $1.25/hr preping patients, caring for Oxygen needed patients, etc....
No I don't have a pension plan, I saved for my retirement fot many years.

I amazes me when republicans has this idea that we liberals never work.. that we sat around and waited for the government to give us some money...sound like you too worked at a early age ... I remember getting .50 cents a person ... and we were doing great if we got a dollar ... that was bucks up ...

I never said you didn't work, just that I found it hard to believe that you were working at the age of 9.....The first job I had was at the age of 12...I caddy'd for the local Country Club....I don't count mowing lawns earlier....

But like I said, you should be sharing your prosperity with those who don't have what you have...White boy....

My son worked at 9. He delivered papers and cashiered at a game store.

I started working at 14. I waitresses in a diner in San Francisco.

Ok, good for him...when I was young you couldn’t get a paper route til 12.

this was on a airforce base and it was the airforce times ... I had a rout that I did once a month ...I got 10 dollars a month from them ... you had to be 16 to drive a motor cycle off base ... on base it was 13 ...so not everything is as you say... when we came back to colorado I was 14 and I delivered the denver post and mowed lawns in our area ... made enough to trade in my honda 50 and bought a 650 triumph bonneville ..still have it heres it picture


its a 1965 650 triumph bonneville no oil leaks other then the blow-by ... I ran the blow by tub to the drive chain sprocket ... it oils the chain when its shut off ... all trumps in the 1950's to the middle 80's had a blow by ... it was in 2001 I believe when they started producing the 650 triumph bonneville again ... when they stop letting the 650 triumph bonneville in the US because of pollution standards it went out of business ... when they brought them back in 2001 the bike look the same in some ways but they redid the whole design on the engine ... it still had the 2 barrels the top end changed where it became water cooled that was one of the reason they wouldn't let them in and they move the shift lever from the left side to the right side ... so in the sixties they shifted gears on the left and stopped on the right ... I had bought a V65 magna in 1984 I hate to tell you how many times I tried shifting the brake and stomp on the gear shift to ride it ... any way they started producing parts for it I bought a new charging system changed it from a 6 volt system to a 12 volt system put 11 to one pistons in it and it screams ... oh yes I did the paint job on it...

That’s cool....
Our own tolerance of LWNJ bullshit for generations has resulted in this shit.
And why do still tolerate all those psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, mental health workers, therapists, counselors, and pharmacists?

Not to mention all the mental hospitals, insane asylums, psychiatric wards, with special torture chambers and isolation wards for prisoners and inmates?

And that's in the United States of America, in spite of our precious heritage of human rights throughout the world. They ought to be hanging their heads in shame until we the people succeed in hanging them in the gallows for their war crimes and the atrocities of injustice they have inflicted on us.
Inciting a crowd to riot is not covered by free speech. Trump's legal team isn't even aruging that. Your selective listening is truly pathetic. We saw him riling up the crowd, we heard him riling up he crowd. We heard another speaker at his rally encourage Trial by Combat. If you're telling people to go with you the Capitol Building, if he wasn't inciting a riot, what was he asking them to do when they got there, sit in the shade and have a nice little picnic. He was calling for action. And he got exactly what he wanted. And adding a half-hearted disclaimer at the end is like one of those tiny disclaimer at the end of a commercial. Too little to read and nobody takes it seriously.

"No man is so blind as he who will not see." I think the Bible had you in mind when that was written.

Riling up a crowd and promoting violence are two different things. Want to get rid of people who do that? Fine with me. Let's start here:

Then we'll get rid of this one too.

theres a big difference here they are calling for trump to resign and people to vote against his lies ... they told the truth where trump made up lies ... that illegal votes were being cast a bald face lie and and that illegal aliens were voting that was a lie ...that they need to go down to the capitol and take care of these democrats and pense... these leaders told the truth and you can stand that idea so nice try ... you lose again ...

Utter nonsense, of course. You people wouldn't know a "fact" if it bit you on your asses.
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one

I keep forgetting everyone is working ... thats your best??? there are signs everywhere .... real rocket scientist you are... you know, when the facts are put right infront of you losers fall by the waste side... it's like you can't seem to keep up with what was said ... I worked for 60 years ...everything I have I own... debt free thats something you republicans can't do ... seems every time you are in control you charge it up ... I personally don't owe anybody money ... from my retirement, I get 3000 dollars a month... I waste my time on restoring 1950's cars ... classic industries know me real well so does eckler ...so you go get yourself job to pay for your debts, or are you going to be like trump and file bankruptcy ... that way you won't be here telling trump lies, like there are jobs every where... do you really like making a fool of yourself ...

So, you're in your 80's?
No I’m 69 ... I retired when I was 52 i made so much money I did need to work anymore ... when I want something I go an pay cash . Do several covered call get the money I need then buy it ...

So, according to you, you started working when you were 9 years old? I doubt it....

As for your retirement, I'm glad things are going good for you...Others in your age group aren't doing so well....If you were honest about your position, You give up some of your wealth, and help them....But, nah, that's for someone else right?

He's not the only one, When I was 9 years old I started working in a bread bakery scraping pans, I also sold pretzels' for a nickel a piece or 3 for 10 cents..... Delivered the Long Island Press too. My first job working in a drugstore was at seventy-five cents an hour. Then I got my working papers at 14 years old. In my early 20's I also worked in a hospital for $1.25/hr preping patients, caring for Oxygen needed patients, etc....
No I don't have a pension plan, I saved for my retirement fot many years.

I amazes me when republicans has this idea that we liberals never work.. that we sat around and waited for the government to give us some money...sound like you too worked at a early age ... I remember getting .50 cents a person ... and we were doing great if we got a dollar ... that was bucks up ...

I never said you didn't work, just that I found it hard to believe that you were working at the age of 9.....The first job I had was at the age of 12...I caddy'd for the local Country Club....I don't count mowing lawns earlier....

But like I said, you should be sharing your prosperity with those who don't have what you have...White boy....

My son worked at 9. He delivered papers and cashiered at a game store.

I started working at 14. I waitresses in a diner in San Francisco.

Ok, good for him...when I was young you couldn’t get a paper route til 12.

this was on a airforce base and it was the airforce times ... I had a rout that I did once a month ...I got 10 dollars a month from them ... you had to be 16 to drive a motor cycle off base ... on base it was 13 ...so not everything is as you say... when we came back to colorado I was 14 and I delivered the denver post and mowed lawns in our area ... made enough to trade in my honda 50 and bought a 650 triumph bonneville ..still have it heres it picture


its a 1965 650 triumph bonneville no oil leaks other then the blow-by ... I ran the blow by tub to the drive chain sprocket ... it oils the chain when its shut off ... all trumps in the 1950's to the middle 80's had a blow by ... it was in 2001 I believe when they started producing the 650 triumph bonneville again ... when they stop letting the 650 triumph bonneville in the US because of pollution standards it went out of business ... when they brought them back in 2001 the bike look the same in some ways but they redid the whole design on the engine ... it still had the 2 barrels the top end changed where it became water cooled that was one of the reason they wouldn't let them in and they move the shift lever from the left side to the right side ... so in the sixties they shifted gears on the left and stopped on the right ... I had bought a V65 magna in 1984 I hate to tell you how many times I tried shifting the brake and stomp on the gear shift to ride it ... any way they started producing parts for it I bought a new charging system changed it from a 6 volt system to a 12 volt system put 11 to one pistons in it and it screams ... oh yes I did the paint job on it...

That’s cool....

I owned a Triumph Bonneville in 1965. Put about 4K on it and one day, driving up the coast highway between Big Sur and Monterey, for no reason I ever discovered, it threw me over the handlebars and then ran over me, missing a 100' drop by inches. When I got back to Monterey, I put a cardboard "For Sale" sign on it. An Army NCO came by and asked what I wanted for it. I asked how much he had, and sold it to him for $47 and never looked back.
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one

I keep forgetting everyone is working ... thats your best??? there are signs everywhere .... real rocket scientist you are... you know, when the facts are put right infront of you losers fall by the waste side... it's like you can't seem to keep up with what was said ... I worked for 60 years ...everything I have I own... debt free thats something you republicans can't do ... seems every time you are in control you charge it up ... I personally don't owe anybody money ... from my retirement, I get 3000 dollars a month... I waste my time on restoring 1950's cars ... classic industries know me real well so does eckler ...so you go get yourself job to pay for your debts, or are you going to be like trump and file bankruptcy ... that way you won't be here telling trump lies, like there are jobs every where... do you really like making a fool of yourself ...

So, you're in your 80's?
No I’m 69 ... I retired when I was 52 i made so much money I did need to work anymore ... when I want something I go an pay cash . Do several covered call get the money I need then buy it ...

So, according to you, you started working when you were 9 years old? I doubt it....

As for your retirement, I'm glad things are going good for you...Others in your age group aren't doing so well....If you were honest about your position, You give up some of your wealth, and help them....But, nah, that's for someone else right?

He's not the only one, When I was 9 years old I started working in a bread bakery scraping pans, I also sold pretzels' for a nickel a piece or 3 for 10 cents..... Delivered the Long Island Press too. My first job working in a drugstore was at seventy-five cents an hour. Then I got my working papers at 14 years old. In my early 20's I also worked in a hospital for $1.25/hr preping patients, caring for Oxygen needed patients, etc....
No I don't have a pension plan, I saved for my retirement fot many years.

I amazes me when republicans has this idea that we liberals never work.. that we sat around and waited for the government to give us some money...sound like you too worked at a early age ... I remember getting .50 cents a person ... and we were doing great if we got a dollar ... that was bucks up ...

I never said you didn't work, just that I found it hard to believe that you were working at the age of 9.....The first job I had was at the age of 12...I caddy'd for the local Country Club....I don't count mowing lawns earlier....

But like I said, you should be sharing your prosperity with those who don't have what you have...White boy....

My son worked at 9. He delivered papers and cashiered at a game store.

I started working at 14. I waitresses in a diner in San Francisco.

Ok, good for him...when I was young you couldn’t get a paper route til 12.

this was on a airforce base and it was the airforce times ... I had a rout that I did once a month ...I got 10 dollars a month from them ... you had to be 16 to drive a motor cycle off base ... on base it was 13 ...so not everything is as you say... when we came back to colorado I was 14 and I delivered the denver post and mowed lawns in our area ... made enough to trade in my honda 50 and bought a 650 triumph bonneville ..still have it heres it picture


its a 1965 650 triumph bonneville no oil leaks other then the blow-by ... I ran the blow by tub to the drive chain sprocket ... it oils the chain when its shut off ... all trumps in the 1950's to the middle 80's had a blow by ... it was in 2001 I believe when they started producing the 650 triumph bonneville again ... when they stop letting the 650 triumph bonneville in the US because of pollution standards it went out of business ... when they brought them back in 2001 the bike look the same in some ways but they redid the whole design on the engine ... it still had the 2 barrels the top end changed where it became water cooled that was one of the reason they wouldn't let them in and they move the shift lever from the left side to the right side ... so in the sixties they shifted gears on the left and stopped on the right ... I had bought a V65 magna in 1984 I hate to tell you how many times I tried shifting the brake and stomp on the gear shift to ride it ... any way they started producing parts for it I bought a new charging system changed it from a 6 volt system to a 12 volt system put 11 to one pistons in it and it screams ... oh yes I did the paint job on it...

That’s cool....

I owned a Triumph Bonneville in 1965. Put about 4K on it and one day, driving up the coast highway between Big Sur and Monterey, for no reason I ever discovered, it threw me over the handlebars and then ran over me, missing a 100' drop by inches. When I got back to Monterey, I put a cardboard "For Sale" sign on it. An Army NCO came by and asked what I wanted for it. I asked how much he had, and sold it to him for $47 and never looked back.

Sounds like it was a wise decision....After an experience like that, maybe motorcycles aren't for you....
I owned a Triumph Bonneville in 1965. Put about 4K on it and one day, driving up the coast highway between Big Sur and Monterey, for no reason I ever discovered, it threw me over the handlebars and then ran over me, missing a 100' drop by inches. When I got back to Monterey, I put a cardboard "For Sale" sign on it. An Army NCO came by and asked what I wanted for it. I asked how much he had, and sold it to him for $47 and never looked back.

I got a job delivering home medical equipment at the age 19 and worked in that field for about ten years. Like a lot of young men, I thought about getting a motorcycle license when I was able to afford one. From time to time I'd have to deliver hospital beds to motorcycle accident victims who were younger with a wife and small kids. They were paralyzed from the neck down. I was discussing the accident with one patient and asked him who's fault it was. He said "when you have to live the rest of your life like this, it doesn't matter who's fault it was." I Never had the desire to ride a motorcycle since.
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one

I keep forgetting everyone is working ... thats your best??? there are signs everywhere .... real rocket scientist you are... you know, when the facts are put right infront of you losers fall by the waste side... it's like you can't seem to keep up with what was said ... I worked for 60 years ...everything I have I own... debt free thats something you republicans can't do ... seems every time you are in control you charge it up ... I personally don't owe anybody money ... from my retirement, I get 3000 dollars a month... I waste my time on restoring 1950's cars ... classic industries know me real well so does eckler ...so you go get yourself job to pay for your debts, or are you going to be like trump and file bankruptcy ... that way you won't be here telling trump lies, like there are jobs every where... do you really like making a fool of yourself ...

So, you're in your 80's?
No I’m 69 ... I retired when I was 52 i made so much money I did need to work anymore ... when I want something I go an pay cash . Do several covered call get the money I need then buy it ...

So, according to you, you started working when you were 9 years old? I doubt it....

As for your retirement, I'm glad things are going good for you...Others in your age group aren't doing so well....If you were honest about your position, You give up some of your wealth, and help them....But, nah, that's for someone else right?

He's not the only one, When I was 9 years old I started working in a bread bakery scraping pans, I also sold pretzels' for a nickel a piece or 3 for 10 cents..... Delivered the Long Island Press too. My first job working in a drugstore was at seventy-five cents an hour. Then I got my working papers at 14 years old. In my early 20's I also worked in a hospital for $1.25/hr preping patients, caring for Oxygen needed patients, etc....
No I don't have a pension plan, I saved for my retirement fot many years.

I amazes me when republicans has this idea that we liberals never work.. that we sat around and waited for the government to give us some money...sound like you too worked at a early age ... I remember getting .50 cents a person ... and we were doing great if we got a dollar ... that was bucks up ...

I never said you didn't work, just that I found it hard to believe that you were working at the age of 9.....The first job I had was at the age of 12...I caddy'd for the local Country Club....I don't count mowing lawns earlier....

But like I said, you should be sharing your prosperity with those who don't have what you have...White boy....

My son worked at 9. He delivered papers and cashiered at a game store.

I started working at 14. I waitresses in a diner in San Francisco.

Ok, good for him...when I was young you couldn’t get a paper route til 12.

this was on a airforce base and it was the airforce times ... I had a rout that I did once a month ...I got 10 dollars a month from them ... you had to be 16 to drive a motor cycle off base ... on base it was 13 ...so not everything is as you say... when we came back to colorado I was 14 and I delivered the denver post and mowed lawns in our area ... made enough to trade in my honda 50 and bought a 650 triumph bonneville ..still have it heres it picture


its a 1965 650 triumph bonneville no oil leaks other then the blow-by ... I ran the blow by tub to the drive chain sprocket ... it oils the chain when its shut off ... all trumps in the 1950's to the middle 80's had a blow by ... it was in 2001 I believe when they started producing the 650 triumph bonneville again ... when they stop letting the 650 triumph bonneville in the US because of pollution standards it went out of business ... when they brought them back in 2001 the bike look the same in some ways but they redid the whole design on the engine ... it still had the 2 barrels the top end changed where it became water cooled that was one of the reason they wouldn't let them in and they move the shift lever from the left side to the right side ... so in the sixties they shifted gears on the left and stopped on the right ... I had bought a V65 magna in 1984 I hate to tell you how many times I tried shifting the brake and stomp on the gear shift to ride it ... any way they started producing parts for it I bought a new charging system changed it from a 6 volt system to a 12 volt system put 11 to one pistons in it and it screams ... oh yes I did the paint job on it...

That’s cool....

I owned a Triumph Bonneville in 1965. Put about 4K on it and one day, driving up the coast highway between Big Sur and Monterey, for no reason I ever discovered, it threw me over the handlebars and then ran over me, missing a 100' drop by inches. When I got back to Monterey, I put a cardboard "For Sale" sign on it. An Army NCO came by and asked what I wanted for it. I asked how much he had, and sold it to him for $47 and never looked back.

Sounds like it was a wise decision....After an experience like that, maybe motorcycles aren't for you....

I've ridden a motorcycle exactly twice since then for short rides up and down the street and that's over a period of 55 years. Neither of those instances made me any more enthusiastic about motorcycles. I've got several friends who still ride and ALL of them have had wrecks and been injured...sometimes severely. One friend just put his leg down after being attacked by a large dog. He wasn't traveling over 5 mph and he shattered his lower leg and was in traction and hospitalized for months afterward.

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