Vetting the national guard in Washington....aka the equivalence of hitler demanding loyalty oaths from his military.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
940 has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

Last edited: has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

We tried voting against the totalitarian in chief but it piss off the losers and anarchist of him and his base, when he lost. Guess we will have to work together for a path probably more to the center and give up on going against constitutional laws and norms for a generation or so. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

Here is where your link took me! Cancel culture strikes again. What to do about them?


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work together for a path probably more to the center
What's that? The extreme militant left wing of the Democrat Party?
and give up on going against constitutional laws and norms for a generation or so.
And why are you so dead set against the Constitution of the United States?

The laws and norms of our Constitutional republic do permit the ownership and carrying of firearms by private citizens.

Something Biden will not allow under any circumstances.
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work together for a path probably more to the center
What's that? The extreme militant left wing of the Democrat Party?
and give up on going against constitutional laws and norms for a generation or so.
And why are you so dead set against the Constitution of the United States?

The laws and norms of our Constitutional republic do permit the ownership and carrying of firearms by private citizens.

Something Biden will not allow under any circumstances.

Soon after the biden regime takes control there will be a massive effort to take away private firearms.....biden has already said he would declare war on the NRA.
Soon after the biden regime takes control there will be a massive effort to take away private firearms.....biden has already said he would declare war on the NRA
There are already “ladies in the office” at the NRA of the sort who tend to betray us to government, government, and more government.

The National Guard, of course, is being “vetted” — with an indoctrination of military careerism — to ensure that there are no Oath Keepers among them.

I see that in certain “survivalist” type manuals put out by different branches of the military — like some private soldier is going to go AWOL on his own, continue to draw basic pay from the government — and “survive” — they call it “traitor trash” amongst military officer ranks. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

That would be the expected interpretation from any of you RWNJs.

However, the fact is, veterans and off duty police officers participated in the deadly clown show their weasel-in-chief orchestrated intending it to be a coup. Sadly, this makes members of the National Guard, or any branch of the service, suspect of being prepared to violate their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The weasel-in-chief violated his when he incited the insurrection. So, it's proven the oath taken by some is meaningless to them. So, why not protect certain National Guard personnel from themselves, and remove them from a situation of temptation?

Many are young fathers, and joining in the treason committed by their weasel-in-chief would be a mistake that could destroy their families, and be regretted by them for the rest of their lives.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

work together for a path probably more to the center
What's that? The extreme militant left wing of the Democrat Party?
and give up on going against constitutional laws and norms for a generation or so.
And why are you so dead set against the Constitution of the United States?

The laws and norms of our Constitutional republic do permit the ownership and carrying of firearms by private citizens.

Something Biden will not allow under any circumstances.

Soon after the biden regime takes control there will be a massive effort to take away private firearms.....biden has already said he would declare war on the NRA.
Biden might be too late. The NRA is under suspicion of redirecting funds from its charitable foundation into its general fund. It's to the tune of a couple of hundred million bucks.

If an investigation proves this true, which is most likely, some NRA officials might be very unhappy with their futures. Chapter 11 make keep the wolves away from the NRA's door, but it can't protect the officials from being tried and convicted for their crimes.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Sadly, this makes members of the National Guard, or any branch of the service, suspect of being prepared to violate their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Anyone who lets Biden into office will be in violation of that Oath. The Democratic Party line's vicious interpretation and twisting of the Constitution and laws to deny our gun rights is absurd.

And you've got an indoctrination of “working soldiers” or hired mercenary servicemen who have usurped our gun rights or are somehow supposed to bear arms on our behalf after our rights to do so have been revoked by Democrats.
Sadly, this makes members of the National Guard, or any branch of the service, suspect of being prepared to violate their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Anyone who lets Biden into office will be in violation of that Oath. The Democratic Party line's vicious interpretation and twisting of the Constitution and laws to deny our gun rights is absurd.

And you've got an indoctrination of “working soldiers” or hired mercenary servicemen who have usurped our gun rights or are somehow supposed to bear arms on our behalf after our rights to do so have been revoked by Democrats.
There is no way for the government/Democrats to take away the gun nuts' firearms. You RWNJs b!tch about that anytime the Democrats are in control, and it's never been proposed. Unregulated gun ownership is a barndoor has been left open too long to successfully end gun violence.

However, regulations to prevent the mentally ill from owning such weapons are now a possibility, and a possibility the vast majority of Americans eagerly support, casual gun owners included. Also, prohibiting the regulation of ammunition is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution, so the gun nuts have no way to reinterpret a nonexistent provision for their well regulated militias.

With the regulation of ammunition, it would appear the many responsible gun owners across these United States will endanger far fewer children when they leave a firearm laying around and theirs or a neighbor's child finds it and accidently kills himself/herself or someone else. With ammunition hard to get, there will be far fewer responsible gun owners buying it. But, there's always a black-market for such items, so, the responsible gun owners' children aren't out of the woods entirely.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

NRA officials might be very unhappy with their futures
A lot of people are very unhappy with some of these officials — because not all of them have been faithful to goals of defending Constitutional gun rights.
Well, human greed often disappoints those not include in the dispersal of the stolen cash. But, maybe, next time, you'll get a cut.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

What’s wrong with background checks? They’re done all the time. We do them with teachers, health care workers and people in a lot of other jobs.
Sadly, this makes members of the National Guard, or any branch of the service, suspect of being prepared to violate their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Anyone who lets Biden into office will be in violation of that Oath. The Democratic Party line's vicious interpretation and twisting of the Constitution and laws to deny our gun rights is absurd.

And you've got an indoctrination of “working soldiers” or hired mercenary servicemen who have usurped our gun rights or are somehow supposed to bear arms on our behalf after our rights to do so have been revoked by Democrats.
There is no way for the government/Democrats to take away the gun nuts' firearms. You RWNJs b!tch about that anytime the Democrats are in control, and it's never been proposed. Unregulated gun ownership is a barndoor has been left open too long to successfully end gun violence.

However, regulations to prevent the mentally ill from owning such weapons are now a possibility, and a possibility the vast majority of Americans eagerly support, casual gun owners included. Also, prohibiting the regulation of ammunition is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution, so the gun nuts have no way to reinterpret a nonexistent provision for their well regulated militias.

With the regulation of ammunition, it would appear the many responsible gun owners across these United States will endanger far fewer children when they leave a firearm laying around and theirs or a neighbor's child finds it and accidently kills himself/herself or someone else. With ammunition hard to get, there will be far fewer responsible gun owners buying it. But, there's always a black-market for such items, so, the responsible gun owners' children aren't out of the woods entirely.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

However, regulations to prevent the mentally ill from owning such weapons are now a possibility,

And who decides who is mentally ill?

When Obama tried it, cubicle workers at the IRS made the decision, based on people that couldn't do their own taxes.
Sadly, this makes members of the National Guard, or any branch of the service, suspect of being prepared to violate their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Anyone who lets Biden into office will be in violation of that Oath. The Democratic Party line's vicious interpretation and twisting of the Constitution and laws to deny our gun rights is absurd.

And you've got an indoctrination of “working soldiers” or hired mercenary servicemen who have usurped our gun rights or are somehow supposed to bear arms on our behalf after our rights to do so have been revoked by Democrats.
There is no way for the government/Democrats to take away the gun nuts' firearms. You RWNJs b!tch about that anytime the Democrats are in control, and it's never been proposed. Unregulated gun ownership is a barndoor has been left open too long to successfully end gun violence.

However, regulations to prevent the mentally ill from owning such weapons are now a possibility, and a possibility the vast majority of Americans eagerly support, casual gun owners included. Also, prohibiting the regulation of ammunition is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution, so the gun nuts have no way to reinterpret a nonexistent provision for their well regulated militias.

With the regulation of ammunition, it would appear the many responsible gun owners across these United States will endanger far fewer children when they leave a firearm laying around and theirs or a neighbor's child finds it and accidently kills himself/herself or someone else. With ammunition hard to get, there will be far fewer responsible gun owners buying it. But, there's always a black-market for such items, so, the responsible gun owners' children aren't out of the woods entirely.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

However, regulations to prevent the mentally ill from owning such weapons are now a possibility,

And who decides who is mentally ill?

When Obama tried it, cubicle workers at the IRS made the decision, based on people that couldn't do their own taxes.

Good point and something else that harkens back to totalitarian government as in the communists in Russia used psychiatry as a tool of repression aka sending dissidents to psych wards where they were kept medicated, tortured and also subjected to torture by allowing them to be exposed to the cold weather ...aka inadequate clothing and bedding to keep them warm at night in those freezing Russian winters.

It is becoming more and more apparant regarding the goals of the control by what ever method they can use to accomplish that.....all made possible by a fraudulent election.

Not to mention....also with much help from the msm, hollywood, hollywood stars, in fact just about the whole entertainment industry, tv personalities, late night so called comedians directed a constant vicious attack on the President to demonize him....and do not leave out academia...all part of this leftwing crusade to gain complete control

Nothing comparable to this has ever been seen in American History.

Now ....tomorrow we will be confronted with the biden regime...and a very old, cognitively impaired puppet who lacks any capability or real desire to stand up for America....not even to mention being under the control of the Chinese Communists....our number one foreign threat.

Listen to this demented, stammering, tottering old geyser who should be in a nursing home....not even to bring up the biden family corruption.

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Soon after the biden regime takes control there will be a massive effort to take away private firearms.....biden has already said he would declare war on the NRA
There are already “ladies in the office” at the NRA of the sort who tend to betray us to government, government, and more government.

The National Guard, of course, is being “vetted” — with an indoctrination of military careerism — to ensure that there are no Oath Keepers among them.

I see that in certain “survivalist” type manuals put out by different branches of the military — like some private soldier is going to go AWOL on his own, continue to draw basic pay from the government — and “survive” — they call it “traitor trash” amongst military officer ranks.

they call it “traitor trash” amongst military officer ranks.
As well they should... has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

German soldiers swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler, himself. That's not happening here. The NG takes an oath to protect the country and the Constitution, NOT Biden. Thread fail!

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