Zone1 Leftists, do you agree that kids should receive sex-change operations without parental knowing?

The California bill referenced in the bill would not change parental custody laws, according to the bill sponsor and legal experts. It also won’t change requirements for parental consent, which is currently required for gender-affirming surgery.

Reading a USA Today article isn't "looking it up."

USA Today got it wrong. I don't think they're lying, the bill in question is confusing like most laws.

This bill, for purposes of this provision, would include a parents affirmation of the child's gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.

So a parent not consenting to gender affirming care will now be in the same category as neglect , abuse, and/or endangerment.

Surgery is NOT excluded from "gender affirming care."

It would be quicker if you would just say whether you believe children should ever have gender affirming surgery without parental consent.

Reading a USA Today article isn't "looking it up."

USA Today got it wrong. I don't think they're lying, the bill in question is confusing like most laws.

This bill, for purposes of this provision, would include a parents affirmation of the child's gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.

So a parent not consenting to gender affirming care will now be in the same category as neglect , abuse, and/or endangerment.

Surgery is NOT excluded from "gender affirming care."

It would be quicker if you would just say whether you believe children should ever have gender affirming surgery without parental consent.
They are talking about cases where child custody is the issue in divorces or separation.
-Most bathrooms I've ever seen are closed off. One person one stall. So why is bathrooms a problem?
-Showers are another matter, because I'm aware that some biological females would be uncomfortable with a biological male in the shower. On the other hand, in the 1950's most whites wouldn't have dreamed sharing a shower with a black person. Now, I don't think many high school kids find it problematic. Society adapts to shifting social norms.

- Sports is in my view the only reasonable objection. Although I will also say that social norms play a part here too. Sports at its base is about a fair contest, and a biological male has by definition some physical advantages. But here again I have to ask where draw the line? I've played sports my entire life. Even did so semi-professional. I'm average height, average weight, and average build. And I truly believe that it was this lack of exceptional physique that kept me from going full pro. I had both the technical ability and determination to excel. Would you accept my argument that only average people can compete because of this?
All I read in your first two posts is, you hate women.
Just go back and read your silly as shit.
How uninvolved in a kid’s life would a parent need to be to not know the kid was undergoing a sex change operation?

You have to ask this when we live in a culture where teachers tell their students to keep this a little secret from their parents when they're talking about the sickness of a boy thinking it's a girl and vice versa.



Reading a USA Today article isn't "looking it up."

USA Today got it wrong. I don't think they're lying, the bill in question is confusing like most laws.

This bill, for purposes of this provision, would include a parents affirmation of the child's gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.

So a parent not consenting to gender affirming care will now be in the same category as neglect , abuse, and/or endangerment.

Surgery is NOT excluded from "gender affirming care."

It would be quicker if you would just say whether you believe children should ever have gender affirming surgery without parental consent.
The bill is confusing but YOU personally, a guidance counselor from Texas has the legal chops the determine USA today is wrong?

The thing that I find the most maddening about you Seymour is that there's absolutely not any sense of humility, even when humility would serve you best.

You enter an OP accusing me of deflecting from an OP. Double down on it when I show you my answer to the premise. Then you accuse me of making claims I can't back. When I back them up. You claim my source is insufficient. State your own opinion. Call it superior and simply leave it at that.
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The bill is confusing but YOU personally, a guidance counselor from Texas has the legal chops the determine USA today is wrong?
Wow! Is that seriously your attitude or are you just grasping at straws? If you believe that an ordinary voter, especially in educated one such as a guidance counselor in a public school has no right to question the interpretation of a journalist who writes for a newspaper, then I can understand why you cling to some of your ideas.

You must believe that you, also, are not qualified to do anything but swallow whole whatever the USA Today tells you. If that is not the case tell me why you believe I should do it but not yourself?

The thing that I find the most maddening about you Seymour is that there's absolutely not any sense of humility, even when humility would serve you best.
Another amateur psychoanalysis? If it would not be even more maddening, I will ignore that until I see some credentials showing that you are qualified for that.
You enter an OP accusing me of deflecting from an OP. Double down on it when I show you my answer to the premise. Then you accuse me of making claims I can't back. When I back them up. You claim my source is insufficient. State your own opinion. Call it superior and simply leave it at that.
My opinion is that refusing to provide a child so-called gender-affirming care is not in any way abuse, and should never be construed as such under any circumstances.

I believe that not only should transgender surgery for children ever be required, or allowed without parent consent, I believe they should not be allowed ever. As my sig says, quoting an actual victim of underage transgender surgery, enough children have had their bodies damaged by this pseudoscience.

I know - based on understanding of plain english, that the amendment in question would call refusing to provide transgender surgery to child a form of abuse.

Again, the simplest thing would be for you to give your opinion on that instead of denying the basic facts.
Again, the simplest thing would be for you to give your opinion on that instead of denying the basic facts.


Why not teach kids to accept and love themselves who they are (biologically?) Which is the question you are really asking.

I'll counter with my own question. Why don't you, and people like you accept and teach kids that they can be who they are emotionally without feeling they're doing something wrong?
I think in many cases it is part of kids trying to figure who they are and how they fit in. Accepting them for who they are, without judgement, condemnation, ostracization would go a long way towards helping them work through it Whether they end up deciding they are the gender they were born to or something else, time will tell but we should do the least damage in the process.

With that in mind, I do not think surgery should be done on minors (and it rarely is). I also think treatment decisions should be based on best medical practices at the time and be between the parent, child and doctor, not politicians and a hyped up public on a witch-hunt.
Apparently, children can travel to California and get sex-change surgeries without their parents knowledge or consent. Do you support that?

i'm a centrist, and i definitely don't support this.
these kids will have to live under 1 roof with their parents for at least a few more years after the sex change op!
no. but there could be exceptions.

can you imagine a case where the parents might be required to be uniformed? me either. bit i do not think about this as much as conservative busybodies do.

Yes...the left is actively pushing mutilating and sterilizing young children and we are opposed to this....but we are busy bodies for noticing and trying to save these children.
I think in many cases it is part of kids trying to figure who they are and how they fit in. Accepting them for who they are, without judgement, condemnation, ostracization would go a long way towards helping them work through it Whether they end up deciding they are the gender they were born to or something else, time will tell but we should do the least damage in the process.

With that in mind, I do not think surgery should be done on minors (and it rarely is). I also think treatment decisions should be based on best medical practices at the time and be between the parent, child and doctor, not politicians and a hyped up public on a witch-hunt.

The only witch hunt is the left going after people trying to save children from these butchers.
You're still being dishonest. Still minimizing to avoid discussing the actual topic.

Surgery is included in "gender affirming care." Underage people have had organs removed. Under these California law the can do it without parental consent but "consent" from a judge.That is the topic of the thread.

Your posts are like arguing against banning the death penalty by claiming no one actually gets executed.
No surgeon is going to operate on a minor without parental permission. Grow up.
Yes...the left is actively pushing mutilating and sterilizing young children and we are opposed to this....but we are busy bodies for noticing and trying to save these children.

Standing in front of a young person whose brain hasn't even developed yet, to save them from being forced into an action that will destroy them reproductively and emotionally.

Yeah, right. Busybodies with the power to stop demons.


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