Leftist Logic


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
#1) If I say "All Lives Matter" that makes me a racist.
#2) If I stand for the US flag and the anthem I have to apologize for it.
#3) I am not allowed to go to a temple or a church but I am allowed to deface religious institutions and claim that the depiction of Jesus = white supremacy.
#4) I cannot open my business due to COVID-19 concerns but I am allowed to burn down and loot other peoples businesses.
#5) If I am dressed in blue, carry a gun and wear a badge, I am a racist asshole. If I burn, loot, destroy businesses while wearing a mask, I am considered a peaceful protester. Including stabbing a police horse because police horses are racist!
#6) I cannot peacefully protest the lock down at my capital but I can spray paint all sort of anti American messages at my capital.
#7) I cannot play at the park with my kids but I can destroy the park as part of my peaceful protest.
#8) I am not allowed to protect historical monuments but I can deface them and tear them down.
#9) I am not allowed to have an opinion on racism because I am white but if I don't have an opinion and stay silent that is why there is racism as silence is violence.
#10) I am allowed to riot in the streets with Antifa and BLM but going to a sporting event or a Trump rally means that COVID-19 will only appear then and there.

And you wonder why Donald Trump won in 2016. You are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#1) If I say "All Lives Matter" that makes me a racist.
#2) If I stand for the US flag and the anthem I have to apologize for it.
#3) I am not allowed to go to a temple or a church but I am allowed to deface religious institutions and claim that the depiction of Jesus = white supremacy.
#4) I cannot open my business due to COVID-19 concerns but I am allowed to burn down and loot other peoples businesses.
#5) If I am dressed in blue, carry a gun and wear a badge, I am a racist asshole. If I burn, loot, destroy businesses while wearing a mask, I am considered a peaceful protester. Including stabbing a police horse because police horses are racist!
#6) I cannot peacefully protest the lock down at my capital but I can spray paint all sort of anti American messages at my capital.
#7) I cannot play at the park with my kids but I can destroy the park as part of my peaceful protest.
#8) I am not allowed to protect historical monuments but I can deface them and tear them down.
#9) I am not allowed to have an opinion on racism because I am white but if I don't have an opinion and stay silent that is why there is racism as silence is violence.
#10) I am allowed to riot in the streets with Antifa and BLM but going to a sporting event or a Trump rally means that COVID-19 will only appear then and there.

And you wonder why Donald Trump won in 2016. You are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I f you say “all lives matter” after yet another unarmed black man is murdered by police, it makes you ignorant.

do you say all cancers matter when someone is raising breast cancer awareness?

trumpkin bigots are an embarrassment
#1) If I say "All Lives Matter" that makes me a racist.
#2) If I stand for the US flag and the anthem I have to apologize for it.
#3) I am not allowed to go to a temple or a church but I am allowed to deface religious institutions and claim that the depiction of Jesus = white supremacy.
#4) I cannot open my business due to COVID-19 concerns but I am allowed to burn down and loot other peoples businesses.
#5) If I am dressed in blue, carry a gun and wear a badge, I am a racist asshole. If I burn, loot, destroy businesses while wearing a mask, I am considered a peaceful protester. Including stabbing a police horse because police horses are racist!
#6) I cannot peacefully protest the lock down at my capital but I can spray paint all sort of anti American messages at my capital.
#7) I cannot play at the park with my kids but I can destroy the park as part of my peaceful protest.
#8) I am not allowed to protect historical monuments but I can deface them and tear them down.
#9) I am not allowed to have an opinion on racism because I am white but if I don't have an opinion and stay silent that is why there is racism as silence is violence.
#10) I am allowed to riot in the streets with Antifa and BLM but going to a sporting event or a Trump rally means that COVID-19 will only appear then and there.

And you wonder why Donald Trump won in 2016. You are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I f you say “all lives matter” after yet another unarmed black man is murdered by police, it makes you ignorant.

do you say all cancers matter when someone is raising breast cancer awareness?

trumpkin bigots are an embarrassment
So you can only donate to breast cancer and not to someone dying from another cancer? You’re a moron.
All lives and/or Black lives don't matter, unless they are responsible people, hard-working and contributors to society. The rest can piss up a rope.

Responsible, hard-working, contributors to society matter. Ethnicity, color or political preference is of no importance.
Democrats are so racist they literally believe that certain races can't be racist because of their race which is totally stupid and racist.

Democrats believe America is evil and racist and that everything American is racist and must be destroyed.

In this era, being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis.

The Democrat party has become a domestic terrorist group and its members kneel to, aid abet and encourage domestic terrorist attacks that kill Americans
Leftists emote, logic is something they can't do and it is not in their interest anyways. How to extract resources from successful productive white males is what defines leftism.
Leftists emote, logic is something they can't do and it is not in their interest anyways. How to extract resources from successful productive white males is what defines leftism.
Democrats want to repeal discrimination laws so they can pass racist laws.
#1) If I say "All Lives Matter" that makes me a racist.
#2) If I stand for the US flag and the anthem I have to apologize for it.
#3) I am not allowed to go to a temple or a church but I am allowed to deface religious institutions and claim that the depiction of Jesus = white supremacy.
#4) I cannot open my business due to COVID-19 concerns but I am allowed to burn down and loot other peoples businesses.
#5) If I am dressed in blue, carry a gun and wear a badge, I am a racist asshole. If I burn, loot, destroy businesses while wearing a mask, I am considered a peaceful protester. Including stabbing a police horse because police horses are racist!
#6) I cannot peacefully protest the lock down at my capital but I can spray paint all sort of anti American messages at my capital.
#7) I cannot play at the park with my kids but I can destroy the park as part of my peaceful protest.
#8) I am not allowed to protect historical monuments but I can deface them and tear them down.
#9) I am not allowed to have an opinion on racism because I am white but if I don't have an opinion and stay silent that is why there is racism as silence is violence.
#10) I am allowed to riot in the streets with Antifa and BLM but going to a sporting event or a Trump rally means that COVID-19 will only appear then and there.

And you wonder why Donald Trump won in 2016. You are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I f you say “all lives matter” after yet another unarmed black man is murdered by police, it makes you ignorant.

do you say all cancers matter when someone is raising breast cancer awareness?

trumpkin bigots are an embarrassment
Neo-communist propaganda from domestic terrorist scum
#1) If I say "All Lives Matter" that makes me a racist.
#2) If I stand for the US flag and the anthem I have to apologize for it.
#3) I am not allowed to go to a temple or a church but I am allowed to deface religious institutions and claim that the depiction of Jesus = white supremacy.
#4) I cannot open my business due to COVID-19 concerns but I am allowed to burn down and loot other peoples businesses.
#5) If I am dressed in blue, carry a gun and wear a badge, I am a racist asshole. If I burn, loot, destroy businesses while wearing a mask, I am considered a peaceful protester. Including stabbing a police horse because police horses are racist!
#6) I cannot peacefully protest the lock down at my capital but I can spray paint all sort of anti American messages at my capital.
#7) I cannot play at the park with my kids but I can destroy the park as part of my peaceful protest.
#8) I am not allowed to protect historical monuments but I can deface them and tear them down.
#9) I am not allowed to have an opinion on racism because I am white but if I don't have an opinion and stay silent that is why there is racism as silence is violence.
#10) I am allowed to riot in the streets with Antifa and BLM but going to a sporting event or a Trump rally means that COVID-19 will only appear then and there.

And you wonder why Donald Trump won in 2016. You are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I f you say “all lives matter” after yet another unarmed black man is murdered by police, it makes you ignorant.

do you say all cancers matter when someone is raising breast cancer awareness?

trumpkin bigots are an embarrassment

More black men get struck by lightning than get shot by police while unarmed moron.

Many, many more white people die from legitimate causes, non-criminal ones as well. All lives matter.

Fuck you.
#1) If I say "All Lives Matter" that makes me a racist.
#2) If I stand for the US flag and the anthem I have to apologize for it.
#3) I am not allowed to go to a temple or a church but I am allowed to deface religious institutions and claim that the depiction of Jesus = white supremacy.
#4) I cannot open my business due to COVID-19 concerns but I am allowed to burn down and loot other peoples businesses.
#5) If I am dressed in blue, carry a gun and wear a badge, I am a racist asshole. If I burn, loot, destroy businesses while wearing a mask, I am considered a peaceful protester. Including stabbing a police horse because police horses are racist!
#6) I cannot peacefully protest the lock down at my capital but I can spray paint all sort of anti American messages at my capital.
#7) I cannot play at the park with my kids but I can destroy the park as part of my peaceful protest.
#8) I am not allowed to protect historical monuments but I can deface them and tear them down.
#9) I am not allowed to have an opinion on racism because I am white but if I don't have an opinion and stay silent that is why there is racism as silence is violence.
#10) I am allowed to riot in the streets with Antifa and BLM but going to a sporting event or a Trump rally means that COVID-19 will only appear then and there.

And you wonder why Donald Trump won in 2016. You are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I f you say “all lives matter” after yet another unarmed black man is murdered by police, it makes you ignorant.

do you say all cancers matter when someone is raising breast cancer awareness?

trumpkin bigots are an embarrassment
The globalists and new world order people have pushed this. There are stats for everyone. There are things to work on. But they made sure that a percentage of the population have been indoctrinated enough to believe that most people cops kill are African American and that they are innocent of everything. Yet there are a high percentage of the same people that spout like you who have lived in or near those areas have left them for some reason.
#1) If I say "All Lives Matter" that makes me a racist.
#2) If I stand for the US flag and the anthem I have to apologize for it.
#3) I am not allowed to go to a temple or a church but I am allowed to deface religious institutions and claim that the depiction of Jesus = white supremacy.
#4) I cannot open my business due to COVID-19 concerns but I am allowed to burn down and loot other peoples businesses.
#5) If I am dressed in blue, carry a gun and wear a badge, I am a racist asshole. If I burn, loot, destroy businesses while wearing a mask, I am considered a peaceful protester. Including stabbing a police horse because police horses are racist!
#6) I cannot peacefully protest the lock down at my capital but I can spray paint all sort of anti American messages at my capital.
#7) I cannot play at the park with my kids but I can destroy the park as part of my peaceful protest.
#8) I am not allowed to protect historical monuments but I can deface them and tear them down.
#9) I am not allowed to have an opinion on racism because I am white but if I don't have an opinion and stay silent that is why there is racism as silence is violence.
#10) I am allowed to riot in the streets with Antifa and BLM but going to a sporting event or a Trump rally means that COVID-19 will only appear then and there.

And you wonder why Donald Trump won in 2016. You are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I f you say “all lives matter” after yet another unarmed black man is murdered by police, it makes you ignorant.

do you say all cancers matter when someone is raising breast cancer awareness?

trumpkin bigots are an embarrassment
Yes, cause blacks are the only race police kill/murder.

People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2020 | Statista
I f you say “all lives matter” after yet another unarmed black man is murdered by police, it makes you ignorant.

do you say all cancers matter when someone is raising breast cancer awareness?
The only time I ever see people post "all lives matter" is when some black separatist waves it in everybody's face while ignoring when an unarmed white person gets shot by cops.

In fact, the only time I hear "black lives matter" is when asshole commies want to win an election.
Black lives matter has zero to do with actual lives of black people. Leftists don’t understand that.
#1) If I say "All Lives Matter" that makes me a racist.
#2) If I stand for the US flag and the anthem I have to apologize for it.
#3) I am not allowed to go to a temple or a church but I am allowed to deface religious institutions and claim that the depiction of Jesus = white supremacy.
#4) I cannot open my business due to COVID-19 concerns but I am allowed to burn down and loot other peoples businesses.
#5) If I am dressed in blue, carry a gun and wear a badge, I am a racist asshole. If I burn, loot, destroy businesses while wearing a mask, I am considered a peaceful protester. Including stabbing a police horse because police horses are racist!
#6) I cannot peacefully protest the lock down at my capital but I can spray paint all sort of anti American messages at my capital.
#7) I cannot play at the park with my kids but I can destroy the park as part of my peaceful protest.
#8) I am not allowed to protect historical monuments but I can deface them and tear them down.
#9) I am not allowed to have an opinion on racism because I am white but if I don't have an opinion and stay silent that is why there is racism as silence is violence.
#10) I am allowed to riot in the streets with Antifa and BLM but going to a sporting event or a Trump rally means that COVID-19 will only appear then and there.

And you wonder why Donald Trump won in 2016. You are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I f you say “all lives matter” after yet another unarmed black man is murdered by police, it makes you ignorant.

do you say all cancers matter when someone is raising breast cancer awareness?

trumpkin bigots are an embarrassment
once again more than twice as many whites are killed every yr by the police ...blm is made up of low iq marxist thugs that want free shit ! its nothing more than a gibbs me dat movement ...
If we have fewer pregnancy test we would have fewer pregnancies.-Trump
The more cases we find, the less deadly the virus becomes.
Except for the thousand or so people who die every day
the death rate is down 70 % ....the virus is weakening .. were all those communist packed close together shouting fighting spitting throwing urine ect ...... practicing safe social distancing harlot ?...and yes you are a slut .

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