Leftards think harassing Manchin and Sinema is going to do the job

Xidens residency is stolen from we the people.

10 months and still no evidence.
There's a pattern forming here.
Because you supported the over Throw of democracy at the capitol, excludes your right to call yourself a citizen of American.
10 months and still no evidence.
There's a pattern forming here.
Because you supported the over Throw of democracy at the capitol, excludes your right to call yourself a citizen of American.

No, there is tons of evidence. Your wilful blindness is because you liked the result.
No, there is tons of evidence. Your wilful blindness is because you liked the result.

Well why hasn't it been presented to the supreme court?
Don't keep it at home in your gun closet.
Show the world. Be brave.
Well why hasn't it been presented to the supreme court?
Don't keep it at home in your gun closet.
Show the world. Be brave.

Because the Courts won't allow it to be presented. Surely you have a basic understanding of how our legal system (note I didn't call it a justice system) works? If the powers that be don't want something presented, the Court simply says no.
Because the Courts won't allow it to be presented. Surely you have a basic understanding of how our legal system (note I didn't call it a justice system) works? If the powers that be don't want something presented, the Court simply says no.

An election that you have proof was fraudulent and a SC stacked with Republicans anxiously waiting to help trump and you say they won't allow it???
Who Do you think you are kidding.

Here's the facts. They have already seen what you call evidence and dismissed it as that. Nothing.
There's no evidence and the Republican funded audit in AZ proved it.
You'll probably die before the truth penetrates your thick head. You lack a serious education or something.
Manchin could retire or just not seek re-election if they keep up their idiocy. That would give the Senate back to Republicans. Sinema seems to be sticking to her guns. I’ll admit to a slight surprise at that one. Though now it looks like being a maverick isn’t a good thing?
Depending on how this turns out, they might switch, or go independent, like Andrew Yang.
An election that you have proof was fraudulent and a SC stacked with Republicans anxiously waiting to help trump and you say they won't allow it???
Who Do you think you are kidding.

Here's the facts. They have already seen what you call evidence and dismissed it as that. Nothing.
There's no evidence and the Republican funded audit in AZ proved it.
You'll probably die before the truth penetrates your thick head. You lack a serious education or something.

It's the political class, against WE THE PEOPLE of the USA. Corruptocrats against the citizenry.
10 months and still no evidence.
There's a pattern forming here.
Because you supported the over Throw of democracy at the capitol, excludes your right to call yourself a citizen of American.
Gee, 1/4 of the time Democrats and their lackeys in the media poisoned the public with their Russia conspiracy collusion crap.
what happened to hashtag me too? why aren’t folks out there protesting the actions of this demcult fascist brownshirts harassing this woman in the rest room?
Or why aren't they protesting Biden betraying millions of Afghan women by handing them over to the barbaric Taliban? I feel sorry for them, for the first time in recent history, Afghan women were attending school, allowed to work, hold govt. positions, allowed to vote, dress as they like, etc. and then comes Joe Biden from the so called "party of women's rights". And let's not mention gays and transgenders who are now enjoying getting killed or burned alive. "This is a fight over the spirit of America" said Joe Biden.
I want them left alone to ensure the country gets a real good look at idiots. Its beneficial to the democrats in future elections. If republicans were capable of recognising idiots, Trump would have been elected.
Trump was elected........
Gee, 1/4 of the time Democrats and their lackeys in the media poisoned the public with their Russia conspiracy collusion crap.

How is that relevant to what I said?
But since you mentioned it, what happened to the deep state conspiracy. How about obamagate?
They are not in gaol yet.

Have another swing.
Yeah, it'll piss them off even more! Keep up the thuggery and bullying, I'm looking forward to these two crossing over to the Republican Party soon!

No one is going to ‘cross over’ to join a dishonest, corrupt ‘party’ that harbors terrorists, racists, and bigots and has nothing but contempt for sound responsible governance and the Constitution.

No one is going to ‘cross over’ to join a dishonest, corrupt ‘party’ that harbors terrorists, racists, and bigots and has nothing but contempt for sound responsible governance and the Constitution.
What you accuse the GOP of is actually what the Democrats and their party are far more guilty of.
You voted for Joe Biden........think about that.....bwahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Yes that's correct. He is the president and none of your childish remarks will change that. The sooner you accept that your trump defeat syndrome will subside.

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