Left Wing Viewers Give Resident Biden's Speech Worse Marks Than Trump's First Speech


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Ya... many of those with voters remorse no doubt... in fact, it didn't impress anyone other than the America hating radical Nazi wing of the demtrash party.


CNN’s Left-Wing Viewers Give Biden’s Speech Worse Marks Than They Did Trump’s First Speech In 2017

CNN viewers who tuned into President Joe Biden’s congressional address on Wednesday gave him a worse approval rating than they did to former President Donald Trump after his first speech to the joint session in 2017,

Ya... many of those with voters remorse no doubt... in fact, it didn't impress anyone other than the America hating radical Nazi wing of the demtrash party.


CNN’s Left-Wing Viewers Give Biden’s Speech Worse Marks Than They Did Trump’s First Speech In 2017

CNN viewers who tuned into President Joe Biden’s congressional address on Wednesday gave him a worse approval rating than they did to former President Donald Trump after his first speech to the joint session in 2017,

Wholy Moley, this is incredible news!!!! This must be undeniable truth that Biden is the worst!!! Thank you for enlightening us with this tremendous break through! You may have just saved our country.
Ya... many of those with voters remorse no doubt... in fact, it didn't impress anyone other than the America hating radical Nazi wing of the demtrash party.


CNN’s Left-Wing Viewers Give Biden’s Speech Worse Marks Than They Did Trump’s First Speech In 2017

CNN viewers who tuned into President Joe Biden’s congressional address on Wednesday gave him a worse approval rating than they did to former President Donald Trump after his first speech to the joint session in 2017,

So you finally admit that Biden is President. :heehee:
Ya... many of those with voters remorse no doubt... in fact, it didn't impress anyone other than the America hating radical Nazi wing of the demtrash party.


CNN’s Left-Wing Viewers Give Biden’s Speech Worse Marks Than They Did Trump’s First Speech In 2017

CNN viewers who tuned into President Joe Biden’s congressional address on Wednesday gave him a worse approval rating than they did to former President Donald Trump after his first speech to the joint session in 2017,

Wholy Moley, this is incredible news!!!! This must be undeniable truth that Biden is the worst!!! Thank you for enlightening us with this tremendous break through! You may have just saved our country.
Polls are fake...no wait...they're valid....no wait....we don't pay attention to polls....no wait...polls are important...no wait...................
Obama warned them Biden was a screw up. Obama, "never underestimate Joe's ability to F things up". Go ahead libs comment on that. You won't touch it with a ten foot pole. :itsok:
So is this an admission that Obama's words are final?
The other thread said the poll on Biden's speech was so superawesome for Biden because it was obviously rigged.

Can you BDS-afflictees get together and come up with one consistent conspiracy theory? Are such polls rigged, or aren't they?
Ya... many of those with voters remorse no doubt... in fact, it didn't impress anyone other than the America hating radical Nazi wing of the demtrash party.


CNN’s Left-Wing Viewers Give Biden’s Speech Worse Marks Than They Did Trump’s First Speech In 2017

CNN viewers who tuned into President Joe Biden’s congressional address on Wednesday gave him a worse approval rating than they did to former President Donald Trump after his first speech to the joint session in 2017,

So you finally admit that Biden is President. :heehee:
Read the thread title again, bubble head.
Ya... many of those with voters remorse no doubt... in fact, it didn't impress anyone other than the America hating radical Nazi wing of the demtrash party.


CNN’s Left-Wing Viewers Give Biden’s Speech Worse Marks Than They Did Trump’s First Speech In 2017

CNN viewers who tuned into President Joe Biden’s congressional address on Wednesday gave him a worse approval rating than they did to former President Donald Trump after his first speech to the joint session in 2017,

Wholy Moley, this is incredible news!!!! This must be undeniable truth that Biden is the worst!!! Thank you for enlightening us with this tremendous break through! You may have just saved our country.
Polls are fake...no wait...they're valid....no wait....we don't pay attention to polls....no wait...polls are important...no wait...................
This POLL came from YOUR people so... if you're going to say it's FAKE, well, there ya go, but then stick to it. Say ALL polls coming from CNN are fake from now on. Don't change your mind as soon it says what you want it to say.
Ya... many of those with voters remorse no doubt... in fact, it didn't impress anyone other than the America hating radical Nazi wing of the demtrash party.


CNN’s Left-Wing Viewers Give Biden’s Speech Worse Marks Than They Did Trump’s First Speech In 2017

CNN viewers who tuned into President Joe Biden’s congressional address on Wednesday gave him a worse approval rating than they did to former President Donald Trump after his first speech to the joint session in 2017,

Lol it’s so obnoxious how you idiots cherry pick the polls you like and pretend the ones you don’t like are fake news. You reason like children. It’s impossible to take you seriously.

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