Left wing media and politicians keep saying the rioters are White Suprematists


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

White Supremacists?

What is their evidence?

I see about 40% white and 60% black in most places on television.


If Hollywood celebrities are raising money to pay bail for rioters, why are they bailing out White Supremacists?
The media is lying. These are not White Supremacists. These are organized uprisings from ANTIFA.


You’re a fool if you think there are all local organic grass roots protests,

Everyone knows that white supremacists shave their head, have tattoos all over, and are armed to the teeth.

These guys are ANTIFA and are the rich sons and daughters of governors, mayors, and other high placed individuals.


Does anyone think White Supremacists would burn down a church and threaten the White House?

It belies the left wing mantra.

White Supremacists love Trump, because he is racist. Also White Supremacists are religious zealots who cling to their bibles and guns.

You’re telling me these White Supremacists burned down a church across from the White House and threatened the White House?

Pull your heads out of your asses.
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Anyone trying to claim that white supremacists are behind the riots and looting is delusional. No one is going to believe that ridiculous horseshit. Is this Jussie Smollette 2.0? :laugh:
You have CNN and MSNBC straight up lying and blaming White Supremacists for the looting and arson.

Look at Twitter.
I saw a pic in another thread showing some of the feral animals on top of trashed Baltimore police car. I bet if we look hard enough one of them standing on the hood would look like David Duke in blackface with a little photoshopping.
The media is lying. These are not White Supremacists. These are organized uprisings from ANTIFA.


You’re a fool if you think there are all local organic grass roots protests,

The media is just a wing of the democrat party. Of course they lie. They would sell their grandmothers to slavery if it meant defeating the Great God-Emperor.

They will loose, bigly.
There are no White supremacists in this equation. It's all two Soros funded groups. BLM and antifa. And I'd like someone to tell me how stupid they both are. Antifa hates Blacks. At least they're burning thousands of them into oblivion. BLM follows up and loots those Black owned stores. If you ask me, antifa and BLM are both opportunistic assholes who don't give a shit about Floyd. They're totalitarian assholes, paid indirectly by Soros, and their bonus is anything they can steal. Fuckin Democrats suck.
WTF is the difference between Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Lynch, Schiff, Nadler, Hoyer, Durbin, AOC, Omar, Talaib and Antifa and BLM? Not a fucking thing
WTF is the difference between Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Lynch, Schiff, Nadler, Hoyer, Durbin, AOC, Omar, Talaib and Antifa and BLM? Not a fucking thing

If Antifa attacks the others, who survives?

WTF is the difference between Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Lynch, Schiff, Nadler, Hoyer, Durbin, AOC, Omar, Talaib and Antifa and BLM? Not a fucking thing

If Antifa attacks the others, who survives?

Liberals eat their own? Interesting proposition.

That proposition has been playing out for the past few days.

Leftists destroying their own communities - a great sight.

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