Leaving the "UN Human Rights Council" was the Moral Choice, and Long Overdue


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
I bet liberals don't know that Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo sit on the so-called "UN Human Rights Council" (UNHRC). I also bet that liberals don't know that the UNHRC's predecessor organization, the UN Commission on Human Rights, was disbanded in 2006 because even the UN realized it had lost all credibility.

Anyway, after the most recent spat of outrageous anti-Israeli polemic from the UNHRC, the U.S. has finally had enough and has withdrawn from that pro-terrorist, anti-democracy, anti-Israeli group. Here's an excerpt from a recent New York Post editorial on why pulling out was the moral thing to do:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday announced the United States is quitting the UN Human Rights Council — which, as Pompeo put it, is “an exercise in shameless hypocrisy” whose members include serious abusers of the rights it supposedly aims to protect.​

Plus, it’s obsessed with bashing Israel, condemning the Jewish state 70 times on various trumped-up charges over the last 12 years, far more attention than it’s given to actual human-rights violations in the entire rest of the world. (https://nypost.com/2018/06/20/leaving-the-un-human-rights-council-was-the-moral-choice/)​

The Federalist website provides us with more info on the UNHRC:

The Geneva-based body was established in 2006 as the successor organization to the Human Rights Commission. Seeing no reason to grant the new body legitimacy, the Bush administration decided against seeking membership because some of the world’s worst criminal regimes and serial abusers would be included in its rotating membership of 47 states. That changed in 2009 with the “outstretched hand” policy of the Obama administration, which included the decision to join the council and seek its salvation from within.​

A look at the record of the world body reveals the alternative reality it inhabits. From 2006 until 2016, the UNHCR condemned Israel 68 times. By way of contrast, Syria, home to one of the bloodiest civil wars of this century, was condemned only 20 times. North Korea, which operates forced labor camps, and Iran, under a regime that brutally crushed a peaceful protest movement in 2009 and hangs citizens for the crime of homosexuality, were only condemned nine and six times respectively.​

The list of states and organizations never condemned during that decade-long period is equally impressive. It includes Russia, which targets hospitals and schools as a matter of course in Syria, and Turkey, which holds the current record for jailing journalists. Also left off the list is the Palestinian Authority, which runs a “pay to slay” program where it rewards Palestinian families who carry out bombings, stabbings, and other attacks against Israelis; and Islamic Jihad and Hamas, both of which continue to launch rockets and missiles at Israeli civilians from Gaza. (UN Human Rights Council Is A Sham, And The US Is Right To Leave It)​

If you wanna get some idea of just how bad the UNHRC has been, here is some reading for you:

Terror victims son to UNHRC: You encourage murder
Hamas Archives - UN Watch
The U.N. Human Rights Council Does Not Deserve U.S. Support
Articles - Ending The 'Theater of the Absurd' At The UNHRC (Gregg Roman)
Articles - New report confirms Trump wise to leave UN Human Rights Council (Liz Peek)
Articles - Leaving the UN Human Rights Council Was the Right Decision (Yoram Ettinger)
UN Human Rights Council Is A Sham, And The US Is Right To Leave It
Liberman: UN Human Rights Council has become a cheerleader for terrorists
UN Human Rights Council: 'History of hypocrisy'
Liberman urges exit from UN Human Rights Council; Israel not a member
Comment: UN Human Rights Council's unbridled hypocrisy toward Israel
ADL Condemns "Boundless Hypocrisy" of Another Biased U.N. Human Rights Council Resolution Against Israel
Cheering on leaving the UN Council and weakening NATO are clear evidences of a Russian-support Alt Right trumper.
Yes, the liberals are well aware the UNHRC was anti-zionist and continually condemned the terrorist state of Israel for its many war crimes inflicted on the Palestinian people. ... :cool:
Cheering on leaving the UN Council and weakening NATO are clear evidences of a Russian-support Alt Right trumper.

LOL! Only in your alternative-reality universe. And it's not the "UN Council." We're still in the UN.

"Weakening NATO"??? Huh??? Where do you get this nuttiness? Thanks to Trump, some NATO countries are finally being called on to pony up and spend more money on their defense. How is that "weakening" NATO? NATO has been sponging off us for decades. NATO countries do not spend nearly what the NATO treaty requires them to spend. We finally have a president who's willing to call them on it, and, true to form, you guys side with NATO!
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Yes, the liberals are well aware the UNHRC was anti-zionist and continually condemned the terrorist state of Israel for its many war crimes inflicted on the Palestinian people. ... :cool:

Thank you for sharing what is becoming the mainstream view in the Democratic Party.

Of course, you're aware of the Palestinians' long history of being pro-Hitler and denying the Holocaust, right? Right? You know about this, right?
I bet liberals don't know that Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo sit on the so-called "UN Human Rights Council" (UNHRC). I also bet that liberals don't know that the UNHRC's predecessor organization, the UN Commission on Human Rights, was disbanded in 2006 because even the UN realized it had lost all credibility.

Anyway, after the most recent spat of outrageous anti-Israeli polemic from the UNHRC, the U.S. has finally had enough and has withdrawn from that pro-terrorist, anti-democracy, anti-Israeli group. Here's an excerpt from a recent New York Post editorial on why pulling out was the moral thing to do:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday announced the United States is quitting the UN Human Rights Council — which, as Pompeo put it, is “an exercise in shameless hypocrisy” whose members include serious abusers of the rights it supposedly aims to protect.​

Plus, it’s obsessed with bashing Israel, condemning the Jewish state 70 times on various trumped-up charges over the last 12 years, far more attention than it’s given to actual human-rights violations in the entire rest of the world. (https://nypost.com/2018/06/20/leaving-the-un-human-rights-council-was-the-moral-choice/)​

The Federalist website provides us with more info on the UNHRC:

The Geneva-based body was established in 2006 as the successor organization to the Human Rights Commission. Seeing no reason to grant the new body legitimacy, the Bush administration decided against seeking membership because some of the world’s worst criminal regimes and serial abusers would be included in its rotating membership of 47 states. That changed in 2009 with the “outstretched hand” policy of the Obama administration, which included the decision to join the council and seek its salvation from within.​

A look at the record of the world body reveals the alternative reality it inhabits. From 2006 until 2016, the UNHCR condemned Israel 68 times. By way of contrast, Syria, home to one of the bloodiest civil wars of this century, was condemned only 20 times. North Korea, which operates forced labor camps, and Iran, under a regime that brutally crushed a peaceful protest movement in 2009 and hangs citizens for the crime of homosexuality, were only condemned nine and six times respectively.​

The list of states and organizations never condemned during that decade-long period is equally impressive. It includes Russia, which targets hospitals and schools as a matter of course in Syria, and Turkey, which holds the current record for jailing journalists. Also left off the list is the Palestinian Authority, which runs a “pay to slay” program where it rewards Palestinian families who carry out bombings, stabbings, and other attacks against Israelis; and Islamic Jihad and Hamas, both of which continue to launch rockets and missiles at Israeli civilians from Gaza. (UN Human Rights Council Is A Sham, And The US Is Right To Leave It)​

If you wanna get some idea of just how bad the UNHRC has been, here is some reading for you:

Terror victims son to UNHRC: You encourage murder
Hamas Archives - UN Watch
The U.N. Human Rights Council Does Not Deserve U.S. Support
Articles - Ending The 'Theater of the Absurd' At The UNHRC (Gregg Roman)
Articles - New report confirms Trump wise to leave UN Human Rights Council (Liz Peek)
Articles - Leaving the UN Human Rights Council Was the Right Decision (Yoram Ettinger)
UN Human Rights Council Is A Sham, And The US Is Right To Leave It
Liberman: UN Human Rights Council has become a cheerleader for terrorists
UN Human Rights Council: 'History of hypocrisy'
Liberman urges exit from UN Human Rights Council; Israel not a member
Comment: UN Human Rights Council's unbridled hypocrisy toward Israel
ADL Condemns "Boundless Hypocrisy" of Another Biased U.N. Human Rights Council Resolution Against Israel

Well a lot of what the UN is bullshit. The US uses the UN to get what it wants. The US goes around the world talking democracy, and ignores it at home.

Hypocrisy is something the US loves.
I bet liberals don't know that Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo sit on the so-called "UN Human Rights Council" (UNHRC). I also bet that liberals don't know that the UNHRC's predecessor organization, the UN Commission on Human Rights, was disbanded in 2006 because even the UN realized it had lost all credibility.

Anyway, after the most recent spat of outrageous anti-Israeli polemic from the UNHRC, the U.S. has finally had enough and has withdrawn from that pro-terrorist, anti-democracy, anti-Israeli group. Here's an excerpt from a recent New York Post editorial on why pulling out was the moral thing to do:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday announced the United States is quitting the UN Human Rights Council — which, as Pompeo put it, is “an exercise in shameless hypocrisy” whose members include serious abusers of the rights it supposedly aims to protect.​

Plus, it’s obsessed with bashing Israel, condemning the Jewish state 70 times on various trumped-up charges over the last 12 years, far more attention than it’s given to actual human-rights violations in the entire rest of the world. (https://nypost.com/2018/06/20/leaving-the-un-human-rights-council-was-the-moral-choice/)​

The Federalist website provides us with more info on the UNHRC:

The Geneva-based body was established in 2006 as the successor organization to the Human Rights Commission. Seeing no reason to grant the new body legitimacy, the Bush administration decided against seeking membership because some of the world’s worst criminal regimes and serial abusers would be included in its rotating membership of 47 states. That changed in 2009 with the “outstretched hand” policy of the Obama administration, which included the decision to join the council and seek its salvation from within.​

A look at the record of the world body reveals the alternative reality it inhabits. From 2006 until 2016, the UNHCR condemned Israel 68 times. By way of contrast, Syria, home to one of the bloodiest civil wars of this century, was condemned only 20 times. North Korea, which operates forced labor camps, and Iran, under a regime that brutally crushed a peaceful protest movement in 2009 and hangs citizens for the crime of homosexuality, were only condemned nine and six times respectively.​

The list of states and organizations never condemned during that decade-long period is equally impressive. It includes Russia, which targets hospitals and schools as a matter of course in Syria, and Turkey, which holds the current record for jailing journalists. Also left off the list is the Palestinian Authority, which runs a “pay to slay” program where it rewards Palestinian families who carry out bombings, stabbings, and other attacks against Israelis; and Islamic Jihad and Hamas, both of which continue to launch rockets and missiles at Israeli civilians from Gaza. (UN Human Rights Council Is A Sham, And The US Is Right To Leave It)​

If you wanna get some idea of just how bad the UNHRC has been, here is some reading for you:

Terror victims son to UNHRC: You encourage murder
Hamas Archives - UN Watch
The U.N. Human Rights Council Does Not Deserve U.S. Support
Articles - Ending The 'Theater of the Absurd' At The UNHRC (Gregg Roman)
Articles - New report confirms Trump wise to leave UN Human Rights Council (Liz Peek)
Articles - Leaving the UN Human Rights Council Was the Right Decision (Yoram Ettinger)
UN Human Rights Council Is A Sham, And The US Is Right To Leave It
Liberman: UN Human Rights Council has become a cheerleader for terrorists
UN Human Rights Council: 'History of hypocrisy'
Liberman urges exit from UN Human Rights Council; Israel not a member
Comment: UN Human Rights Council's unbridled hypocrisy toward Israel
ADL Condemns "Boundless Hypocrisy" of Another Biased U.N. Human Rights Council Resolution Against Israel

Well a lot of what the UN is BS. The US uses the UN to get what it wants. The US goes around the world talking democracy, and ignores it at home. Hypocrisy is something the US loves.

What country does not try to use the UN to get what it wants? That's like attacking a state for trying to get the most advantageous laws and regulations from the federal government for the state's citizens and economy. Russia always tries to use the UN to serve its own purposes. So does Saudi Arabia. So does Iran. But, oh, you don't like it when the U.S. does the same thing. I see. Perhaps you should move to another country?
I bet liberals don't know that Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo sit on the so-called "UN Human Rights Council" (UNHRC). I also bet that liberals don't know that the UNHRC's predecessor organization, the UN Commission on Human Rights, was disbanded in 2006 because even the UN realized it had lost all credibility.

Anyway, after the most recent spat of outrageous anti-Israeli polemic from the UNHRC, the U.S. has finally had enough and has withdrawn from that pro-terrorist, anti-democracy, anti-Israeli group. Here's an excerpt from a recent New York Post editorial on why pulling out was the moral thing to do:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday announced the United States is quitting the UN Human Rights Council — which, as Pompeo put it, is “an exercise in shameless hypocrisy” whose members include serious abusers of the rights it supposedly aims to protect.​

Plus, it’s obsessed with bashing Israel, condemning the Jewish state 70 times on various trumped-up charges over the last 12 years, far more attention than it’s given to actual human-rights violations in the entire rest of the world. (https://nypost.com/2018/06/20/leaving-the-un-human-rights-council-was-the-moral-choice/)​

The Federalist website provides us with more info on the UNHRC:

The Geneva-based body was established in 2006 as the successor organization to the Human Rights Commission. Seeing no reason to grant the new body legitimacy, the Bush administration decided against seeking membership because some of the world’s worst criminal regimes and serial abusers would be included in its rotating membership of 47 states. That changed in 2009 with the “outstretched hand” policy of the Obama administration, which included the decision to join the council and seek its salvation from within.​

A look at the record of the world body reveals the alternative reality it inhabits. From 2006 until 2016, the UNHCR condemned Israel 68 times. By way of contrast, Syria, home to one of the bloodiest civil wars of this century, was condemned only 20 times. North Korea, which operates forced labor camps, and Iran, under a regime that brutally crushed a peaceful protest movement in 2009 and hangs citizens for the crime of homosexuality, were only condemned nine and six times respectively.​

The list of states and organizations never condemned during that decade-long period is equally impressive. It includes Russia, which targets hospitals and schools as a matter of course in Syria, and Turkey, which holds the current record for jailing journalists. Also left off the list is the Palestinian Authority, which runs a “pay to slay” program where it rewards Palestinian families who carry out bombings, stabbings, and other attacks against Israelis; and Islamic Jihad and Hamas, both of which continue to launch rockets and missiles at Israeli civilians from Gaza. (UN Human Rights Council Is A Sham, And The US Is Right To Leave It)​

If you wanna get some idea of just how bad the UNHRC has been, here is some reading for you:

Terror victims son to UNHRC: You encourage murder
Hamas Archives - UN Watch
The U.N. Human Rights Council Does Not Deserve U.S. Support
Articles - Ending The 'Theater of the Absurd' At The UNHRC (Gregg Roman)
Articles - New report confirms Trump wise to leave UN Human Rights Council (Liz Peek)
Articles - Leaving the UN Human Rights Council Was the Right Decision (Yoram Ettinger)
UN Human Rights Council Is A Sham, And The US Is Right To Leave It
Liberman: UN Human Rights Council has become a cheerleader for terrorists
UN Human Rights Council: 'History of hypocrisy'
Liberman urges exit from UN Human Rights Council; Israel not a member
Comment: UN Human Rights Council's unbridled hypocrisy toward Israel
ADL Condemns "Boundless Hypocrisy" of Another Biased U.N. Human Rights Council Resolution Against Israel

Well a lot of what the UN is BS. The US uses the UN to get what it wants. The US goes around the world talking democracy, and ignores it at home. Hypocrisy is something the US loves.

What country does not try to use the UN to get what it wants? That's like attacking a state for trying to get the most advantageous laws and regulations from the federal government for the state's citizens and economy. Russia always tries to use the UN to serve its own purposes. So does Saudi Arabia. So does Iran. But, oh, you don't like it when the U.S. does the same thing. I see. Perhaps you should move to another country?

But then again, isn't the whole point of this thread that other countries are doing the same?

The US complains about things when they don't work for them, and praises them when they do. Even if it's the same body.

Just because Trump doesn't understand how to use the UN, he criticizes it.

Ah, the same tired old fucking right wing argument of "move to another country".

Why don't you try a better argument?
mike is weaving because of my comments.

We left the UN org on human rights: true.

Trump is trying to weaken NATO: true.
In a display of raw hypocrisy and inconsistency, liberals have cheered when CEOs have resigned from this or that Trump council or commission. They have said nothing about "Oh, don't resign, because then you will have no voice." Nope, they have applauded those CEOs for "acting on conscience" and for "not granting legitimacy" to a Trump council. But, oh, liberals are now attacking Trump for withdrawing the U.S. from the pro-terrorist, anti-democracy, anti-Israeli UNHRC, and they are using the very arguments that they rejected when it came to CEOs withdrawing from Trump councils.

This is because most liberals care nothing about logic or consistency. They just blindly reject anything Trump does.

Do you remember how liberals screamed and scoffed at Mitt Romney in 2012 when he said that Russia was our biggest threat? Do you remember how liberals applauded and cheered when Obama cuddled up with Putin and Medvedev, even when Obama was caught promising to gut our missile-defense program after the 2012 election? But, wow, now liberals are super hawks when it comes to Russia!
The CEOs resigned because they had "no vocie," with mikegriffith fully knows.
Trump did that because he's begun abusing human rights as with the border and ripping children from their parents.

This shitstain in America's underwear will take a long time to wash out after orange turd is gone.
The UN council has some major human rights violators!
1) the "democratic" republic of the Congo:
Mass rape, cannibalism, dismemberment: UN team finds atrocities in ...
Reuters-Jul 3, 2018
GENEVA (Reuters) - Rebels and government troops in Congo have committed atrocities including mass rape, cannibalism and the ...
2) Mexico:
Mexico: 2017 Saw Mexico's Highest Ever Murder Rate | Time
time.com › World › Mexico
Jan 22, 2018 - Mexico has recorded its highest homicide rate in years, with the government's interior ministry reporting there were 29,168 murders in 2017, ...
Journalists keep getting murdered with impunity in Mexico – VICE News
Dec 21, 2017 - Mexico was the deadliest country without an active war zone for reporters.
3) Afghanistan:
85% Of Afghan Women, Children Harassed: AIHRC
TOLOnews-July 8, 2018
Officials from the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission ... 2013 they have addressed over 23,000 cases of violence against women and children.
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