Leave Iran alone- Another Big Lie?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Letter to the Guardian...

Bellicosity towards Iran must be curbed
reddit this guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 November 2011 16.00 EST Article history We are extremely concerned at reports that plans are being drawn up for an attack on Iran (Comment, 9 November). The case being made for war on Iran is based on a series of speculations about "undisclosed nuclear-related activities" reminiscent of the disproven "intelligence" about weapons of mass destruction used to justify the disastrous attack on Iraq.

The west's attitude to Iran's nuclear weapons is hypocritical and contradictory. The US and its allies remain silent about Israel's covert nuclear arsenal, the only one in the Middle East, while they are tightening the campaign of sanctions against Iran without real evidence. Such an attitude, combined with threats of military action, can only serve to isolate and antagonise Iran.

The US is already flooding the Gulf region with arms and increasing its forces deployed in support of the autocracies in the Gulf. Simply ending its militaristic posture towards Iran would ease tensions dramatically. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have had disastrous consequences, including the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the displacement of millions. Any attack on Iran would risk a wave of destruction across the region. Plans for an attack, along with sanctions against Iran, should be scrapped immediately.

The British government must pledge to have no involvement in any military action against Iran, including not allowing Diego Garcia to be used as a launchpad for air strikes.
Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Lindsey German, Kate Hudson, Jemima Khan, Len McCluskey, Mohammed Sawalha
Stop the War Coalition

People from Cain to Penn State etc etc are getting sick of the hype/editorializing/big lie/controversy-ratings mad media...discuss...lol

Iran needs to kick its current leadership to the curb.

They're imposing a 7th century value system onto a modern society.

The best thing the West can do is let the people of Iran topple that regime.

The more Iran feels under attack from outside influence, the more power the current crop of lunatics have within their own borders.
Here is a good article worth reading...

War Tard: Why Israel wants to attack Iran.

There is only 13 millions Jews on Earth, over half of them live in Israel.

Now, take into account that most Muslims want to kill them all and that every one of Israel's neighbors agrees, can you blame them for not trusting Iran? A country who's leaders have openly said over and over again they want to push the Jews into the sea.

Muslims want to take back Jerusalem because it is one of their holiest sites. Muslims think that Jews are like a disease infecting this place. So when one of the leading supporters of terror in the world is only weeks away from building nukes on their own it makes every inhabitant of Israel worry. One nuke would at least destroy half of their country. It doesn't matter how many nukes they have. Once those crazy Mullahs let that beast out of it's cage it's too late. Also we can't forget the blackmail Iran can use against Israel or any of their allies.
Iran needs to kick its current leadership to the curb.

They're imposing a 7th century value system onto a modern society.

The best thing the West can do is let the people of Iran topple that regime.

The more Iran feels under attack from outside influence, the more power the current crop of lunatics have within their own borders.

Remember back in 09? What were obama's words regarding Iran and it's protesters? Where was his outrage when the government started killing it's people? No, you can bet the Iranians because the world allowed it them to be silenced, well not do anything.
Iran needs to kick its current leadership to the curb.

They're imposing a 7th century value system onto a modern society.

The best thing the West can do is let the people of Iran topple that regime.

The more Iran feels under attack from outside influence, the more power the current crop of lunatics have within their own borders.

Remember back in 09? What were obama's words regarding Iran and it's protesters? Where was his outrage when the government started killing it's people? No, you can bet the Iranians because the world allowed it them to be silenced, well not do anything.

A thread about lies. Perfect for you.
Letter to the Guardian...

Bellicosity towards Iran must be curbed
reddit this guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 November 2011 16.00 EST Article history We are extremely concerned at reports that plans are being drawn up for an attack on Iran (Comment, 9 November). The case being made for war on Iran is based on a series of speculations about "undisclosed nuclear-related activities" reminiscent of the disproven "intelligence" about weapons of mass destruction used to justify the disastrous attack on Iraq.

The west's attitude to Iran's nuclear weapons is hypocritical and contradictory. The US and its allies remain silent about Israel's covert nuclear arsenal, the only one in the Middle East, while they are tightening the campaign of sanctions against Iran without real evidence. Such an attitude, combined with threats of military action, can only serve to isolate and antagonise Iran.

The US is already flooding the Gulf region with arms and increasing its forces deployed in support of the autocracies in the Gulf. Simply ending its militaristic posture towards Iran would ease tensions dramatically. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have had disastrous consequences, including the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the displacement of millions. Any attack on Iran would risk a wave of destruction across the region. Plans for an attack, along with sanctions against Iran, should be scrapped immediately.

The British government must pledge to have no involvement in any military action against Iran, including not allowing Diego Garcia to be used as a launchpad for air strikes.
Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Lindsey German, Kate Hudson, Jemima Khan, Len McCluskey, Mohammed Sawalha
Stop the War Coalition

People from Cain to Penn State etc etc are getting sick of the hype/editorializing/big lie/controversy-ratings mad media...discuss...lol

The poor misunderstood Iranians. All they want is to kill Jews. Is that so wrong? :(
Letter to the Guardian...

Bellicosity towards Iran must be curbed
reddit this guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 November 2011 16.00 EST Article history We are extremely concerned at reports that plans are being drawn up for an attack on Iran (Comment, 9 November). The case being made for war on Iran is based on a series of speculations about "undisclosed nuclear-related activities" reminiscent of the disproven "intelligence" about weapons of mass destruction used to justify the disastrous attack on Iraq.

The west's attitude to Iran's nuclear weapons is hypocritical and contradictory. The US and its allies remain silent about Israel's covert nuclear arsenal, the only one in the Middle East, while they are tightening the campaign of sanctions against Iran without real evidence. Such an attitude, combined with threats of military action, can only serve to isolate and antagonise Iran.

The US is already flooding the Gulf region with arms and increasing its forces deployed in support of the autocracies in the Gulf. Simply ending its militaristic posture towards Iran would ease tensions dramatically. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have had disastrous consequences, including the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the displacement of millions. Any attack on Iran would risk a wave of destruction across the region. Plans for an attack, along with sanctions against Iran, should be scrapped immediately.

The British government must pledge to have no involvement in any military action against Iran, including not allowing Diego Garcia to be used as a launchpad for air strikes.
Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Lindsey German, Kate Hudson, Jemima Khan, Len McCluskey, Mohammed Sawalha
Stop the War Coalition

People from Cain to Penn State etc etc are getting sick of the hype/editorializing/big lie/controversy-ratings mad media...discuss...lol

The poor misunderstood Iranians. All they want is to kill Jews. Is that so wrong? :(

Godwin Warning:

Ask Hitler.
Letter to the Guardian...

Bellicosity towards Iran must be curbed
reddit this guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 November 2011 16.00 EST Article history We are extremely concerned at reports that plans are being drawn up for an attack on Iran (Comment, 9 November). The case being made for war on Iran is based on a series of speculations about "undisclosed nuclear-related activities" reminiscent of the disproven "intelligence" about weapons of mass destruction used to justify the disastrous attack on Iraq.

The west's attitude to Iran's nuclear weapons is hypocritical and contradictory. The US and its allies remain silent about Israel's covert nuclear arsenal, the only one in the Middle East, while they are tightening the campaign of sanctions against Iran without real evidence. Such an attitude, combined with threats of military action, can only serve to isolate and antagonise Iran.

The US is already flooding the Gulf region with arms and increasing its forces deployed in support of the autocracies in the Gulf. Simply ending its militaristic posture towards Iran would ease tensions dramatically. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have had disastrous consequences, including the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the displacement of millions. Any attack on Iran would risk a wave of destruction across the region. Plans for an attack, along with sanctions against Iran, should be scrapped immediately.

The British government must pledge to have no involvement in any military action against Iran, including not allowing Diego Garcia to be used as a launchpad for air strikes.
Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Lindsey German, Kate Hudson, Jemima Khan, Len McCluskey, Mohammed Sawalha
Stop the War Coalition

People from Cain to Penn State etc etc are getting sick of the hype/editorializing/big lie/controversy-ratings mad media...discuss...lol

The poor misunderstood Iranians. All they want is to kill Jews. Is that so wrong? :(

Ever since we lost Iran and the Shah, we have been having a war of words. It probably will end up in war.Maybe the idea of detente and MAD will ensue if Iran does develop nukes? Pakistan has nukes and is Muslim but has never used them. Same with N. Korea
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Iran needs to kick its current leadership to the curb.

They're imposing a 7th century value system onto a modern society.

The best thing the West can do is let the people of Iran topple that regime.

The more Iran feels under attack from outside influence, the more power the current crop of lunatics have within their own borders.
There's still Hope....

.....as well.

Letter to the Guardian...

Bellicosity towards Iran must be curbed
reddit this guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 November 2011 16.00 EST Article history We are extremely concerned at reports that plans are being drawn up for an attack on Iran (Comment, 9 November). The case being made for war on Iran is based on a series of speculations about "undisclosed nuclear-related activities" reminiscent of the disproven "intelligence" about weapons of mass destruction used to justify the disastrous attack on Iraq.

The west's attitude to Iran's nuclear weapons is hypocritical and contradictory. The US and its allies remain silent about Israel's covert nuclear arsenal, the only one in the Middle East, while they are tightening the campaign of sanctions against Iran without real evidence. Such an attitude, combined with threats of military action, can only serve to isolate and antagonise Iran.

The US is already flooding the Gulf region with arms and increasing its forces deployed in support of the autocracies in the Gulf. Simply ending its militaristic posture towards Iran would ease tensions dramatically. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have had disastrous consequences, including the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the displacement of millions. Any attack on Iran would risk a wave of destruction across the region. Plans for an attack, along with sanctions against Iran, should be scrapped immediately.

The British government must pledge to have no involvement in any military action against Iran, including not allowing Diego Garcia to be used as a launchpad for air strikes.
Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Lindsey German, Kate Hudson, Jemima Khan, Len McCluskey, Mohammed Sawalha
Stop the War Coalition

People from Cain to Penn State etc etc are getting sick of the hype/editorializing/big lie/controversy-ratings mad media...discuss...lol

The poor misunderstood Iranians. All they want is to kill Jews. Is that so wrong? :(
Yeah.....that's what's goin'-on.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6JPosCyCho]Iranian Youth Ditch Oppressive Islam - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJrC5DQt6gA]Americans talk to average Iranian males in Iran - YouTube[/ame]


Course Persia hasn't attacked anyone since Darius the Great. So much media hype, so much Fox/Pub/RW BS, so much PC...let's tip over a TV truck...
Letter to the Guardian...

Bellicosity towards Iran must be curbed
reddit this guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 November 2011 16.00 EST Article history We are extremely concerned at reports that plans are being drawn up for an attack on Iran (Comment, 9 November). The case being made for war on Iran is based on a series of speculations about "undisclosed nuclear-related activities" reminiscent of the disproven "intelligence" about weapons of mass destruction used to justify the disastrous attack on Iraq.

The west's attitude to Iran's nuclear weapons is hypocritical and contradictory. The US and its allies remain silent about Israel's covert nuclear arsenal, the only one in the Middle East, while they are tightening the campaign of sanctions against Iran without real evidence. Such an attitude, combined with threats of military action, can only serve to isolate and antagonise Iran.

The US is already flooding the Gulf region with arms and increasing its forces deployed in support of the autocracies in the Gulf. Simply ending its militaristic posture towards Iran would ease tensions dramatically. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have had disastrous consequences, including the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the displacement of millions. Any attack on Iran would risk a wave of destruction across the region. Plans for an attack, along with sanctions against Iran, should be scrapped immediately.

The British government must pledge to have no involvement in any military action against Iran, including not allowing Diego Garcia to be used as a launchpad for air strikes.
Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Lindsey German, Kate Hudson, Jemima Khan, Len McCluskey, Mohammed Sawalha
Stop the War Coalition

People from Cain to Penn State etc etc are getting sick of the hype/editorializing/big lie/controversy-ratings mad media...discuss...lol

The poor misunderstood Iranians. All they want is to kill Jews. Is that so wrong? :(

Godwin Warning:

Ask Hitler.
There is a segment of the population that is unwilling or unable to learn from history. They tend to support Iran's nuclear program.

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