Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans, go bankrupt, die when you get sick. It's how it's done

The congressional Republicans, especially Ryan, would enjoy watching grandmas thrown off cliffs. They would enjoy it even more if they could charge for the use of the cliffs, with all proceeds going to the top 0.1%.

Those compassionate Christian conservatives, as Dubya called them, are not compassionate, nor Christian, at least not in the way Jesus taught.


/----- How much did taxpayers shell out so Manchella could fly on a different plane than Obozo when they went to Hawaii a million times? No fake outrage over that, eh Spanky?

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When millions lose their health insurance, some will die or become disabled prematurely. So what are those tax breaks for the 1% worth in lives to them? How many bodies is okay? 100? 1000? 10000? As Liz Warren said, these tax cuts are blood money.
Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans and when you get sick, first go bankrupt. And then just die. That's how it's done.

And if you have a disabled child, leave it alone. It must be God's will. And later, you can have another one. Maybe that one won't be sick.

And you didn't sign any contract to help elderly family members. If they didn't plan, that's their fault. You have no obligation to help them.

All this help your neighbor nonsense. We don't need it. We want to make America great again. Giving tax cuts to the rich shows the world what a great country this is. Republican values are American values.

/----- Obozocare created the Death Panel and rationed care.

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WTF are youi talking about you fuckign retard idiot. No it didn't! What it did do is help tens of millions of people become insured.

Now the AHCA will sure as fuck do that. It will make life a living fucking hell for millions.
If the republicans want to live in 18th century America and rough it through life. Well, let them...Let them do so in there own southern states while everyone else enjoys modern life.

Fucking trash shouldn't be able to fuck the rest of us over.
"Die when you are sick"

Still better than dying for being white.
Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans and when you get sick, first go bankrupt. And then just die. That's how it's done.

And if you have a disabled child, leave it alone. It must be God's will. And later, you can have another one. Maybe that one won't be sick.

And you didn't sign any contract to help elderly family members. If they didn't plan, that's their fault. You have no obligation to help them.

All this help your neighbor nonsense. We don't need it. We want to make America great again. Giving tax cuts to the rich shows the world what a great country this is. Republican values are American values.

I guess the Inuits of Alaska must be Republicans because when they get old and sick they sit on an Ice flow and just drift away to sea. But I suppose thanks to the Republicans and global warming, they're gonna run out of Ice Flows pretty soon. What the hell they gonna do then? .... get health insurance maybe. :badgrin:

/---- Don't Libs idolize the Injun ways, how they are one with nature?

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Republicans are targeting the elderly. They like targets that don't move much.

/---- How much do the babies move when they are ripped apart at Planned Parenthood?

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Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans and when you get sick, first go bankrupt. And then just die. That's how it's done.

And if you have a disabled child, leave it alone. It must be God's will. And later, you can have another one. Maybe that one won't be sick.

And you didn't sign any contract to help elderly family members. If they didn't plan, that's their fault. You have no obligation to help them.

All this help your neighbor nonsense. We don't need it. We want to make America great again. Giving tax cuts to the rich shows the world what a great country this is. Republican values are American values.

/----- Obozocare created the Death Panel and rationed care.

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WTF are youi talking about you fuckign retard idiot. No it didn't! What it did do is help tens of millions of people become insured.

Now the AHCA will sure as fuck do that. It will make life a living fucking hell for millions.
/---- If the deductibles are so high, people can't afford it then that is rationed care. The poor get sick and die with Obozcare.
Despite President Barack Obama’s glowing account of his “signature” accomplishment, the ACA’s six-year record demonstrates that the legislative product he signed into law is deeply—and in many respects irreparably—flawed. Obamacare is bedeviled by poor performance in a number of vital areas:

  • Increased costs for individuals, families, and businesses;
  • Resumption of excessive health care spending and middle-class taxation; and
  • A seemingly endless series of managerial failures or unanticipated consequences.
The ACA is a formidable engine of concentrated bureaucratic power and control, yet its future is clouded by persistent unpopularity.
If you seriously think you have a right to a rich man's money.... why don't you just take one of them to court?

The ballot box is the court and it has ruled over and over that the American people do not want the poor to sink or swim on their own, with no help from the rest of us.
If you honestly believe that the poor should not be entitled to a dime of your money then you should support ending public education.

Sadly, we will now hear from the RW extremists on USMB (or the trolls) who will proclaim that they believe the poor should be denied an education if they can't pay fair market value for it...
Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans and when you get sick, first go bankrupt. And then just die. That's how it's done.

And if you have a disabled child, leave it alone. It must be God's will. And later, you can have another one. Maybe that one won't be sick.

And you didn't sign any contract to help elderly family members. If they didn't plan, that's their fault. You have no obligation to help them.

All this help your neighbor nonsense. We don't need it. We want to make America great again. Giving tax cuts to the rich shows the world what a great country this is. Republican values are American values.
If the republicans want to live in 18th century America and rough it through life. Well, let them...Let them do so in there own southern states while everyone else enjoys modern life.

Fucking trash shouldn't be able to fuck the rest of us over.
Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans and when you get sick, first go bankrupt. And then just die. That's how it's done.

No. Conservatives skip the bankrupt part. Just kill yourself so that you're not a burden on anyone.

And if you have a disabled child, leave it alone. It must be God's will. And later, you can have another one. Maybe that one won't be sick.

No. Provide the best care and treatment you can afford personally and through private means. Just dont burden the rest of the population with your problems.

And you didn't sign any contract to help elderly family members. If they didn't plan, that's their fault. You have no obligation to help them

100% correct. See my response to the first paragraph.

All this help your neighbor nonsense. We don't need it. We want to make America great again. Giving tax cuts to the rich shows the world what a great country this is. Republican values are American values.

Givi g tax cuts to everyone paying above a certain percentage and tax raises to everyone under that percentage, so everyone pays the same is the Conservative way to do things.
Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans and when you get sick, first go bankrupt. And then just die. That's how it's done.

And if you have a disabled child, leave it alone. It must be God's will. And later, you can have another one. Maybe that one won't be sick.

And you didn't sign any contract to help elderly family members. If they didn't plan, that's their fault. You have no obligation to help them.

All this help your neighbor nonsense. We don't need it. We want to make America great again. Giving tax cuts to the rich shows the world what a great country this is. Republican values are American values.

No retard, learn personal responsibility like a republican, do the right things like republicans, get a job, pay for your insurance like republicans and when you get sick, get treated and recover, like republicans.

Don't act irresponsibly, like democrats, don't be stupid and piss your life away like democrats, don't then demand that others pay you to live, like democrats, and when you get sick, don't demand others pay for it, like democrats do.
Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans and when you get sick, first go bankrupt. And then just die. That's how it's done.

No. Conservatives skip the bankrupt part. Just kill yourself so that you're not a burden on anyone.

And if you have a disabled child, leave it alone. It must be God's will. And later, you can have another one. Maybe that one won't be sick.

No. Provide the best care and treatment you can afford personally and through private means. Just dont burden the rest of the population with your problems.

And you didn't sign any contract to help elderly family members. If they didn't plan, that's their fault. You have no obligation to help them

100% correct. See my response to the first paragraph.

All this help your neighbor nonsense. We don't need it. We want to make America great again. Giving tax cuts to the rich shows the world what a great country this is. Republican values are American values.

Givi g tax cuts to everyone paying above a certain percentage and tax raises to everyone under that percentage, so everyone pays the same is the Conservative way to do things.

Idiots like dean here don't understand nor even believe that it isn't a tax cut as much as it is a reduction in the amount of money the government steals from you. He thinks that it's all the governments money and that they are just lending it out. There are, unfortunately, quite a lot of people as profoundly stupid as ole dean.
Bear in mind that the AHCA (as it is currently written,) NOT ONLY rejects Obamacare, but also reverts many of the advances made even before the ACA, all for the sake of giving tax cuts to the very wealthy....

Fuck head, McConnell, is ensuring that wealthy donors pay back the favors that republicans in congress are giving them through generous donations to the GOP in 2020.....after all, isn't this what America should be?
When millions lose their health insurance, some will die or become disabled prematurely. So what are those tax breaks for the 1% worth in lives to them? How many bodies is okay? 100? 1000? 10000? As Liz Warren said, these tax cuts are blood money.
/--- So your position is that people will lose their right to buy health insurance and those premiums will then be sent to the 1% rich? How is the money transferred? What about the 2%? Are they getting cheated out of their share?
Bernie Sanders Voter.jpg
Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans and when you get sick, first go bankrupt. And then just die. That's how it's done.

And if you have a disabled child, leave it alone. It must be God's will. And later, you can have another one. Maybe that one won't be sick.

And you didn't sign any contract to help elderly family members. If they didn't plan, that's their fault. You have no obligation to help them.

All this help your neighbor nonsense. We don't need it. We want to make America great again. Giving tax cuts to the rich shows the world what a great country this is. Republican values are American values.

We republicans are not responsible for the voices in your head.
Learn to be rough and tough like Republicans and when you get sick, first go bankrupt. And then just die. That's how it's done.

And if you have a disabled child, leave it alone. It must be God's will. And later, you can have another one. Maybe that one won't be sick.

And you didn't sign any contract to help elderly family members. If they didn't plan, that's their fault. You have no obligation to help them.

All this help your neighbor nonsense. We don't need it. We want to make America great again. Giving tax cuts to the rich shows the world what a great country this is. Republican values are American values.
There are much worse things than dying, like living in a country void of individuality and freedom… LOL
What exactly do these people want?

Do they want a Scrooge era Britain like America where the rich have everything and everyone else are paupers? Do they think they can survive a collapse of society where cops become private protection services hired out to the highest bidders? Do they expect that they can destroy the desire of the masses to live under the rule of law to exist as they stomp everyone but the rich like them into the dirt?
Not everyone should be equal financially… Not even the least bit. You're given what you can handle financially… Facts of life

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