Leaked emails show Putin supported trump to create chaos


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Now the repub party is taking up the effort. trump has sown his evil seeds into the soul of the repub party.
So then you are admitting on a public forum that you are a Russian agent sowing that division and chaos?
You slid head first into that one.
Millions of Americans voted Trump president, rejecting the Obama legacy, Democrats and that screeching witch Hillary. Get over it snowflakes your Putin PDS is yesterday's news.

Of course Putin wanted Trump. Trump is not too bright and can be manipulated with flattery. Trump had sent Putin several groveling, obsequious letters in the 1990s.
Millions of Americans voted Trump president, rejecting the Obama legacy, Democrats and that screeching witch Hillary. Get over it snowflakes your Putin PDS is yesterday's news.

Trump lost the popular vote. The Obama legacy was NEVER rejected, and in fact came roaring back to take the House in 2018, and to preserve Obamacare, when Republicans tried to end it.

Ending the Obama legacy of police reform really worked well for Trump. Within 3 years of Trump ending all of the police reform programs the Obama Administration started, and Trump encouraging police not to be "gentle" when making arrests, the racial unrest which erupted in the wake of the Michael Brown murder in Ferguson, had exploded into the worst racial unrest since the 1960's.

Ending legal entry into the USA by refugee claimants really worked well for Trump. Within two years, illegal entry had reached the highest levels in 20 years and Trump declared a National Emergency on the Southern Border.

That's in addition to ending the Obama legacy of vigorously prosecuting companies who hire illegal immigrants. Every time a Republican gets into office, they stop prosecution of employers, and big Republican donors like the Koch Company, and Tyson Foods, immediately go back to hiring illegals, resulting in an increase of illegal border crossing under Republican Administrations.

Trump also ended the Obama legacy of the Pandemic Office in the White House, saying it was unnecessary, and he threw out the Obama Pandemic Playbook. While the Obama Administration had 1.5% of the world's deaths from H1N1 using the playbook, versus having 3% of the world's population, Trump had more than 20% of the world's deaths from covid and had to start all over from scratch in figuring out how to fight the pandemic.

Yeah, dismantling the Obama legacy really worked well for Trump and the MAIN reason he's no longer President.
So tell me then...........

Which half of the USA is Putin aiming for,
and which half of the USA is Jinping aiming for???

I'd rather live under Russia's laws than Chinese.
I hear immigration to Russian his really easy. Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out.

Now the repub party is taking up the effort. trump has sown his evil seeds into the soul of the repub party.
Hey comrade, get over it!

Barry's failed, Russian-assissted coup failed and was exposed - that was 5 (FIVE) f*ing years ago!

Biden - the traitor who was a co-conspirator in that failed coup attempt AND a traitor who took both CCP & Russian Money during his Presidential campaign, is now President.

Holy shit...every day you TDS-suffering, Trump-addicted, irrational hate-driven f*ers post another "Orange Man Bad - I Still Hate Trump' thread proving he owns real estate 24/7 in your heads STILL & that you can't move on!

Democrats own tge WH, Congress, & the Senate, & you demebted, mentally ill f*ers STILL can't let him go.

...Probably because he kicked Democrat ass for 5 years...

He beat the 'landslide'
He beat Hillary
He beat Barry's failed Coup Attempt
He beat Barry
He beat Clapper
He beat Brennan
He beat Mueller
He beat Comey
He beat Rice
He beat Pelosi - TWICE
He beat Schiff
He beat Nadler
He beat Swalwell
He beat Feinstein
He beat the corrupt Biden family
He beat Wray
He exposed Democrat corruption, crime, & racism...

...probably because he was the most successful President in DECADES, in many ares the most successful IN US HISTORY....

The more idiots like you Co tinge to create new threads to attack him the more you bring g attention to all of this, keeping it alive, fresh in everyone's minds, reminding everyone of the truth....

Good job.

Millions of Americans voted Trump president, rejecting the Obama legacy, Democrats and that screeching witch Hillary. Get over it snowflakes your Putin PDS is yesterday's news.
Oh we did "get over it" and voted that Orange Asshole out.

Now YOU get over it
Trump lost the popular vote. The Obama legacy was NEVER rejected, and in fact came roaring back to take the House in 2018, and to preserve Obamacare, when Republicans tried to end it.

Ending the Obama legacy of police reform really worked well for Trump. Within 3 years of Trump ending all of the police reform programs the Obama Administration started, and Trump encouraging police not to be "gentle" when making arrests, the racial unrest which erupted in the wake of the Michael Brown murder in Ferguson, had exploded into the worst racial unrest since the 1960's.

Ending legal entry into the USA by refugee claimants really worked well for Trump. Within two years, illegal entry had reached the highest levels in 20 years and Trump declared a National Emergency on the Southern Border.

That's in addition to ending the Obama legacy of vigorously prosecuting companies who hire illegal immigrants. Every time a Republican gets into office, they stop prosecution of employers, and big Republican donors like the Koch Company, and Tyson Foods, immediately go back to hiring illegals, resulting in an increase of illegal border crossing under Republican Administrations.

Trump also ended the Obama legacy of the Pandemic Office in the White House, saying it was unnecessary, and he threw out the Obama Pandemic Playbook. While the Obama Administration had 1.5% of the world's deaths from H1N1 using the playbook, versus having 3% of the world's population, Trump had more than 20% of the world's deaths from covid and had to start all over from scratch in figuring out how to fight the pandemic.

Yeah, dismantling the Obama legacy really worked well for Trump and the MAIN reason he's no longer President.
>Ending legal entry into the USA by refugee claimants really worked well for Trump. Within two years, illegal entry had reached the highest levels in 20 years and Trump declared a National Emergency on the Southern Border.

Don't you get it? The CIA makes a freaking career of interfering in foreign elections with disinformation. Mostly it seems that foreign democracies are too smart to fall for CIA tricksters but left wing hate filled U.S. democrats will fall for any KGB effort to disrupt the U.S. elections with disinformation if it coincides with the media's justification. Gullible don't begin to describe the American left when it is on a hate filled tirade.

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