Leaked document shows how the GOP plans to rip you off an give your money to the billionaires

The old axiom of "the business of America is business" always holds true, our wealth/prosperity as individuals and as a nation stems from it.

Better it go to the real job creators than into the socialistic bottomless pit of .gov corruption/grift as the evil dems have done for the past four years.....Every year over that time period at least 25% were make work jobs created by FJB's .gov.

BTW....Quit wasting site resources.
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lol....you have been TRUMPISIZED crep....you are falling apart faster than im2 and dante are.....lol...
Ain't nuthin' "trump" about me at all, Son, and I'll thank you not to compare me to the useless shitweasel again.
They just mad cause they wanted those billions to go to housing and subsidize for illegals, war in Ukraine and grooming kids.

Democrats freak out like we don’t have the money to spend $5 billion for boarder security but will spread over $100 billion hosting the illegals already inside our country. It’s theater. Reruns.

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