Leaked document shows how the GOP plans to rip you off an give your money to the billionaires

Keep in mind this isn't some anonymous source, it's an actual document detailing plans for tax changes.
“To start things off, corporations got a huge tax break from Trump and Republicans in 2017. Now Republicans want to give them another handout at a cost of $522 billion…” ibid

This is why Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance – their blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded trickle-down economics.

Tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy don’t create jobs, don’t benefit the economy, and don’t help working Americans.
You have no idea what I believe.

Except the FACT that I believe trump is a POS.
I could say the same about you, regard not knowing what I believe.

However, your positions on issues would seem to be clear enough indicators of which directions apply.

Trump is no where near the POS you are.
Nor is Trump anywhere near the POS that Obama, Biden, or Gates are.
“To start things off, corporations got a huge tax break from Trump and Republicans in 2017. Now Republicans want to give them another handout at a cost of $522 billion…” ibid

This is why Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance – their blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded trickle-down economics.

Tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy don’t create jobs, don’t benefit the economy, and don’t help working Americans.
Taxes on corporations are passed on to their customers. Econ 101.

Money not spent on taxes by the corporations and wealthy are spent on other things, or invested, which do create jobs, benefit the economy by helping to produce wealth, which does help Americans, and the world.

DemocRATs are incapable of sound, responsible governance since they are for wealth redistribution rather than wealth creation, and repeat their loot and plunder, steal from the producers, rip-off economics.

DemocRATs and Leftist are the biggest threat to national security and the main source of inflation and economic disruption and dislocations since all they can do is steal and destroy, using government in the typical fascist way they always have.

You are a classic example of the deadwood, deadbeat, non-productive, parasitic DemocRAT and Leftist.
The joke is on them ... I don't have any money.
YOu riding on SS?

If so they are after your money.


They're after your money.


They're after your money.

Starting to get the idea here?
“To start things off, corporations got a huge tax break from Trump and Republicans in 2017. Now Republicans want to give them another handout at a cost of $522 billion…” ibid

This is why Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance – their blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded trickle-down economics.

Tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy don’t create jobs, don’t benefit the economy, and don’t help working Americans.
Exactly. All they do is pad some rich guy's offshore bank account.
More like Gates, Inslee, Ferguson, etc.
Usual POPS Democrats and Leftist fascists (like you).
Sure, I agree that Inslee and Ferguson are worthless turds.

But I don't understand that FAKE outrage y'all have about Gates.
Care to explain?
Using FACTS and not just talking points.
Don't stay deaf, gather as much information as possible from both sides of the isle,
then wait a while & see whose best interest is served. Working folks or the very rich.
We also get this sort of endless crap from the Left-Wing loonies;

Alec Baldwin Rips Americans: 'Very uniformed about reality'​

Alec Baldwin shot and killed a woman... and in his privileged reality, he didn't have to serve any jail time for that.
Alec Baldwin is a good actor. Here we see him acting like average Americans give a shit about his opinions.
But his TEAM TRUMP did.
Accept this.
Unless Trump comes out and says "These are great ideas and I'm going to implement them,", it's just wishful thinking on Heritage's part and fear-mongering on yours.

Accept this.
Oligarchs..... Like Bezos, Musk, Z,

So excited to see them follow POS trump.

The Biggest Political Donors of the 2024 Election

To Democrats
Bloomberg, Michael R.
Moskovitz, Dustin & Cari
Eychaner, Fred
Simons, James H. & Marilyn
Hoffman, Reid Garrett
Mandel, Stephen F. Jr. & Susan Z.
Simon, Deborah J.
Jordan, Wayne D.
Larsen, Christian
Heising, Elizabeth D.

Remember, kids -- billionaires donating money to Democrats is done out of the goodness of their hearts, with no expectation of consideration in return.

Right, Winco?
Taxes on corporations are passed on to their customers. Econ 101.

Money not spent on taxes by the corporations and wealthy are spent on other things, or invested, which do create jobs, benefit the economy by helping to produce wealth, which does help Americans, and the world.

DemocRATs are incapable of sound, responsible governance since they are for wealth redistribution rather than wealth creation, and repeat their loot and plunder, steal from the producers, rip-off economics.

DemocRATs and Leftist are the biggest threat to national security and the main source of inflation and economic disruption and dislocations since all they can do is steal and destroy, using government in the typical fascist way they always have.

You are a classic example of the deadwood, deadbeat, non-productive, parasitic DemocRAT and Leftist.
Leftists believe the rich hoard their wealth in big swimming pools and dive into them like Scrooge McDuck.

Leftists have an exceedingly simplistic (and wrong) view of the world.
Sure, I agree that Inslee and Ferguson are worthless turds.

But I don't understand that FAKE outrage y'all have about Gates.
Care to explain?
Using FACTS and not just talking points.
Gates is a man with absolutely no formal medical education or training, yet people insist he should have a say in medical affairs and people should do what he says.
Gates is a man with absolutely no formal medical education or training, yet people insist he should have a say in medical affairs and people should do what he says.
He's also a thief and crook, having stole from many other innovators and programmers to fabricate his "Microsoft" Operating System software.
Afterward fabricating through hubris a status greater than he is actually worth.

In context of "Cascadia Innovation Corridor" he is working with other elitist oligarchs to create a sub-rosa quasi-government organization that operates above citizen involvement and approval to implement economic and tech systems that will control and direct economic and social systems and structures for the Pacific NorthWest (PNW) region that transcend international boundaries via a coalition between the USA states of Washington and Oregon with the Canadian Province of British Columbia.

Not quite a succession from the National Unions of the USA and Canada, but about as close as possible without breaking laws, it would seem, ... maybe ... ???
Leftists believe the rich hoard their wealth in big swimming pools and dive into them like Scrooge McDuck.

Leftists have an exceedingly simplistic (and wrong) view of the world.
Is that ever an understatement!

I suspect it's because few of them have any "real world" experiences in working AND creating Wealth.

Most of them only know of receiving wealth via 'redistribution' either from parental allowances to them or scamming guv'mint payouts.

We also see where the Left/pseudo-socialists contribute the least to charities and other non-profits since their personal greed makes them cling tightly to any money they get their grubby hands on. Yet they are too selfish to give up what they have while expecting everyone else to give up what they have to "the causes".
That it’s got CCP Wyden squealing is music!

Elon said if you’re not having to add something back, means you didn’t cut enough.

I went to public school in the Bronx in the 1960s and 70s and we had plenty of clean air. Not sure why we suddenly need the Federal Government to provide it
Unless Trump comes out and says "These are great ideas and I'm going to implement them,", it's just wishful thinking on Heritage's part and fear-mongering on yours.

Accept this.

The Biggest Political Donors of the 2024 Election

To Democrats
Bloomberg, Michael R.
Moskovitz, Dustin & Cari
Eychaner, Fred
Simons, James H. & Marilyn
Hoffman, Reid Garrett
Mandel, Stephen F. Jr. & Susan Z.
Simon, Deborah J.
Jordan, Wayne D.
Larsen, Christian
Heising, Elizabeth D.

Remember, kids -- billionaires donating money to Democrats is done out of the goodness of their hearts, with no expectation of consideration in return.

Right, Winco?
Both sides use money to buy the changes they want & your vote,
Any of them working for all Americans?

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