Leading cop hater group: Kill more cops; it could've prevented Hitler and Stalin


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010

The cop haters are getting delusional and truly radical. Now...this leading cop hate group is encouraging cop killing. He said if more people killed cops...Hitler and Stalin wouldnt have succeeded in their horrors (ummm...the tanks and planes and bombs helped).

He says if a cop tries to enforce an unjust law...you can (and should) resist up to the point of killing the cop. Wow.

What "unjust laws" is he speaking of? Must be some Hitler shit right? Like making Jewishness illegal. Or death penalties for non Russians in the Soviet empire.

No. Hes talking American thugs and anarchists.

Like....saying they cant rob stores. Or smoke drugs. Or drive drunk. Or assault people. Or vandalize stuff. You know...acting a fool.

Exactly what "unjust laws" are these shitheads being subjected to...that they need to kill cops over...apparently in their mind to prevent the next Hitler?

The new America. ..where NO ONE can be held accountable for any of their actions. Wow...we raised a fucked up generation.

The cop haters are getting delusional and truly radical. Now...this leading cop hate group is encouraging cop killing. He said if more people killed cops...Hitler and Stalin wouldnt have succeeded in their horrors (ummm...the tanks and planes and bombs helped).

He says if a cop tries to enforce an unjust law...you can (and should) resist up to the point of killing the cop. Wow.

What "unjust laws" is he speaking of? Must be some Hitler shit right? Like making Jewishness illegal. Or death penalties for non Russians in the Soviet empire.

No. Hes talking American thugs and anarchists.

Like....saying they cant rob stores. Or smoke drugs. Or drive drunk. Or assault people.

Exactly what "unjust laws" are these shitheads being subjected to...that they need to kill cops over...apparently in their mind to prevent the next Hitler?

The new America. ..where NO ONE can be held accountable for any of their actions. Wow...we raised a fucked up generation.

Actually they failed to raise this generation. They need their daddies.
No. Intelligence and a lack of ignorance could have stopped Stalin or Hitler.

Preferably if Lenin had been hacked to death rather than the Russian royal family, and Europeans woke up to the fact that colonialism wasn't a great motivator for world peace.
The dipshit making this video...probably grew up a spoiled brat in a suburban home. Never was taught discipline. And is shocked that anyone dares have authority to say what he can and cannot do.

Hes obviously never killed a cop. Or he'd be dead or on death row.

But his hatred makes him want to see others do it.

He thinks his "oppression" of...not being free to shoot up heroine, trespass wherever he wants, drive drunk, spray graffiti, or do whatever else these anarchist dipshits think they should be able to do.....is on par with the victims of Hitler and Stalin.

Im glad idiots like this are miserable. Maybe they'll move to Mexico or Iraq where anarchists (drug gangs) or religious tribes are more powerful than the police.
No. Intelligence and a lack of ignorance could have stopped Stalin or Hitler.

Preferably if Lenin had been hacked to death rather than the Russian royal family, and Europeans woke up to the fact that colonialism wasn't a great motivator for world peace.

Well...his theory...which is the theory of leading cop hate organization Cop Block....is that hey, if only the Jews had been cop killers they wouldnt have been slaughtered!

Must have been when the Waffen SS started enforcing DUI laws and noise complaints and drug laws....if only the Jews had fought back then...the Holocaust wouldnt have happened.
Look at it dispassionatly. Wouldn't open warfare be better than this slo mo? Especially with an upcoming presidential election. Get it out there in the streets.
The dipshit making this video...probably grew up a spoiled brat in a suburban home. Never was taught discipline. And is shocked that anyone dares have authority to say what he can and cannot do.

Hes obviously never killed a cop. Or he'd be dead or on death row.

But his hatred makes him want to see others do it.

He thinks his "oppression" of...not being free to shoot up heroine, trespass wherever he wants, drive drunk, spray graffiti, or do whatever else these anarchist dipshits think they should be able to do.....is on par with the victims of Hitler and Stalin.

Im glad idiots like this are miserable. Maybe they'll move to Mexico or Iraq where anarchists (drug gangs) or religious tribes are more powerful than the police.
At least middle class, and has never seen how things are outside of his white picket fence neighborhood.
The problem with cop haters...they just dont like rules. Period. Humanity itself means if you are alive...you WILL live under some sort of rules. Either the drug cartel rules. Or religious rule. Could be crippling communist government rule. Could be simple survival of the fittest rule.

I trust our constitution and our rules. But these loons are encouraging people to shoot cops...because they're mad at what? That they cant steal or smoke dope?
The way our government is structured would make a Hitler nearly impossible.

Our police are under scattered command. There are hundreds of state and city PD and sheriff departments. ..all under their own command. And NONE of them under federal chain of command.

So while that causes headaches at times....it ALSO ensures there will NEVER be a head of the snake. One evil man can never take over command of all cops. And because city and county cops do most policing...that chief and sheriff can be fired by local citizens. They dont have to appeal to Washington for change...like the founding colonies did to England over the red coats tactics.

Laws regulating martial law prevent military from doing it here too.

So...yeah. Our Founders were genius in this design.

But douchebag suburban cop haters will now compare their "struggle" to what the Jews had under Nazi SS.
No. Intelligence and a lack of ignorance could have stopped Stalin or Hitler.

Preferably if Lenin had been hacked to death rather than the Russian royal family, and Europeans woke up to the fact that colonialism wasn't a great motivator for world peace.

Well...his theory...which is the theory of leading cop hate organization Cop Block....is that hey, if only the Jews had been cop killers they wouldnt have been slaughtered!

Must have been when the Waffen SS started enforcing DUI laws and noise complaints and drug laws....if only the Jews had fought back then...the Holocaust wouldnt have happened.
US cops aren't dead set on wiping out a large proportion of the population, and they are constrained the constitution and human rights obligations.

The SS were created to be violent, aggressive, and highly xenophobic; and there were no human rights to speak of in Germany at the time thanks to the Nazi party.

You can resist a government with peaceful means*, if there is a civil society and/or respect for human rights.

Violence is only unavoidable if you really are living in authoritarian dictatorship, and the US certainly isn't one.

The IRS isn't going to shoot people for not paying tax, as this doofus believes.

*Take Gandhi for instance.
No. Intelligence and a lack of ignorance could have stopped Stalin or Hitler.

Preferably if Lenin had been hacked to death rather than the Russian royal family, and Europeans woke up to the fact that colonialism wasn't a great motivator for world peace.

Well...his theory...which is the theory of leading cop hate organization Cop Block....is that hey, if only the Jews had been cop killers they wouldnt have been slaughtered!

Must have been when the Waffen SS started enforcing DUI laws and noise complaints and drug laws....if only the Jews had fought back then...the Holocaust wouldnt have happened.
US cops aren't dead set on wiping out a large proportion of the population, and they are constrained the constitution and human rights obligations.

The SS were created to be violent, aggressive, and highly xenophobic; and there were no human rights to speak of in Germany at the time thanks to the Nazi party.

You can resist a government with peaceful means*, if there is a civil society and/or respect for human rights.

Violence is only unavoidable if you really are living in authoritarian dictatorship, and the US certainly isn't one.

The IRS isn't going to shoot people for not paying tax, as this doofus believes.

*Take Gandhi for instance.

Yep. Well thats your modern spoiled brat cop hater for ya.

To them...unlawful behavior and thoughts of killing cops is like some sort of sensual experience.
Another white criminal that feels he should be able to do whatever he wants.

Yep. Lots of those types. And some types...feel that way AND go out and act on it. They're the ones with the highest crime rate.

You must be proud to have like minded peers who advocate to kill more cops.
1. Cop Block isn't a hate cops group its a cop accountability group
2. The video is correct. Collapse under tyranny or fight back.
Indiana passed a law to allow people to shoot cops if they invade their home.
The dipshit making this video...probably grew up a spoiled brat in a suburban home. Never was taught discipline. And is shocked that anyone dares have authority to say what he can and cannot do.

Hes obviously never killed a cop. Or he'd be dead or on death row.

But his hatred makes him want to see others do it.

He thinks his "oppression" of...not being free to shoot up heroine, trespass wherever he wants, drive drunk, spray graffiti, or do whatever else these anarchist dipshits think they should be able to do.....is on par with the victims of Hitler and Stalin.

Im glad idiots like this are miserable. Maybe they'll move to Mexico or Iraq where anarchists (drug gangs) or religious tribes are more powerful than the police.
sounds like paulitician , that shit stain who starts innumerable anti-police, threads and lives in the basement of his childhood home. A lolibertarian crank loser

Mundanes will never understand, as Chaos is not in their Nature. You cannot expect a sheep to understand a dragon.
Ah...how sweet.

The left wing morons here are coming out in support of Cop Block's advocacy of murdering policemen.

Not surprised.
1. Cop Block isn't a hate cops group its a cop accountability group
2. The video is correct. Collapse under tyranny or fight back.
Indiana passed a law to allow people to shoot cops if they invade their home.

What "tyranny"? Not letting you rob gas stations, drive drunk or shoot up heroine?

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