Leading AZ Fraudit Proponent Concludes It's All a Lie


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
She believed the "Stop the Steal" so much that she blew her entire life savings of $400,000 to prove it was true. But she concluded that this was all part of The Big Lie by grifters taking money and increasing their own power.

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Those who held Burk up as a savior have abandoned her, taking her cell phone and some of her recordings and documents with them. They’re more interested in cashing in, she says, than proving fraud, if there was any.​
Now she’s on the lam, hiding out from many of her former cohorts, afraid for her life, unsure who to trust and utterly confused about whether she was used as a pawn to spread a massive lie and undermine the 2020 presidential election. ...​
But let’s back up. If you have heard of Burk, it’s probably because she’s one of those names that keeps popping up in far-fetched stories about election fraud.​
The bamboo ballot conspiracy that the national news and late-night comedy shows found irresistible sprouted out of her claim that a member of the Koch family admitted to unloading fake ballots from a South Korean airplane.1
She unsuccessfully sued Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey with her “kraken 2.0” lawsuit — a nod to the failed “kraken” lawsuit brought by former Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell that made many of the same claims, including the notion that the Dominion software Maricopa County used to count ballots was designed to rig elections in Venezuela.2
Burk was among the team of dumpster divers who filmed themselves finding allegedly shredded ballots at the Maricopa County Elections Department office. ...​
At one point, Burk even tried to stop the Arizona Senate’s audit after deciding that it was a false flag operation designed to cover up the real fraud.5
So when we stumbled upon a series of emails Burk sent to election officials and the Attorney General’s Office declaring she no longer believed many of the conspiracies she helped spread, and she thought she was “lied to and duped” by a network of people with “financial and ulterior motives as well as a specific plan and agenda,” we were… let’s go with dumbfounded.​
“You wanna talk about what a fool I am?” she said when we called.​

She's realizing that the people whom she trusted, whom she believed in, are liars and grifters, who don't give a flying fuck about the people they claim to represent.

It's all about money and power. And these people will throw their followers and believers under a bus in a heartbeat if they think it will advance their interests.
She believed the "Stop the Steal" so much that she blew her entire life savings of $400,000 to prove it was true. But she concluded that this was all part of The Big Lie by grifters taking money and increasing their own power.

Those who held Burk up as a savior have abandoned her, taking her cell phone and some of her recordings and documents with them. They’re more interested in cashing in, she says, than proving fraud, if there was any.​
Now she’s on the lam, hiding out from many of her former cohorts, afraid for her life, unsure who to trust and utterly confused about whether she was used as a pawn to spread a massive lie and undermine the 2020 presidential election. ...​
But let’s back up. If you have heard of Burk, it’s probably because she’s one of those names that keeps popping up in far-fetched stories about election fraud.​
The bamboo ballot conspiracy that the national news and late-night comedy shows found irresistible sprouted out of her claim that a member of the Koch family admitted to unloading fake ballots from a South Korean airplane.1
She unsuccessfully sued Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey with her “kraken 2.0” lawsuit — a nod to the failed “kraken” lawsuit brought by former Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell that made many of the same claims, including the notion that the Dominion software Maricopa County used to count ballots was designed to rig elections in Venezuela.2
Burk was among the team of dumpster divers who filmed themselves finding allegedly shredded ballots at the Maricopa County Elections Department office. ...​
At one point, Burk even tried to stop the Arizona Senate’s audit after deciding that it was a false flag operation designed to cover up the real fraud.5
So when we stumbled upon a series of emails Burk sent to election officials and the Attorney General’s Office declaring she no longer believed many of the conspiracies she helped spread, and she thought she was “lied to and duped” by a network of people with “financial and ulterior motives as well as a specific plan and agenda,” we were… let’s go with dumbfounded.​
“You wanna talk about what a fool I am?” she said when we called.​

She's realizing that the people whom she trusted, whom she believed in, are liars and grifters, who don't give a flying fuck about the people they claim to represent.

It's all about money and power. And these people will throw their followers and believers under a bus in a heartbeat if they think it will advance their interests.
Thoughts and prayers.
Well if all those that voted for Trump just donate one thousand dollars they would make Donald “ The Marvelous “ happy as can be…

In the end many of those that believed will one day wake and realize that Donald made the look foolish…
I told Sharper Image I would donate $1000 to maga if they'd send me a greatest, best , ultimate,USA 16 oz. steak.
I got a message back from Kosher Image that it would work if the donation was $2000 and the steaks were now 12 oz.
Send any complaints or questions to CEO Kushner ???

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