Laura Ingram Reviews Bidens COVID19 Advisors

Plugs and his slutty giggling ape will never get near the White House.... unless they're cleaning the shitters or the baseboards as part of a work-release program...
Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) Wants to Legalize Prostitution

Plugs and his slutty giggling ape will never get near the White House.... unless they're cleaning the shitters or the baseboards as part of a work-release program...
Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) Wants to Legalize Prostitution

You cant blame a girl for trying to make some dollars the old fashioned way!
Probably better than some orange guy telling everyone it's a hoax or that it'll just go away like a miracle, or organizing superspreader events to try and get reelected.
It is a virus--------------they come, they kill, most are exposed creating herd immunity, and the virus "blends" away killing fewer. Over 99% survival for all those less than 70----the virus will give its last big kills this year and then fade by next year after the herd becomes immunized or develops natural herd immunity.
Probably better than some orange guy telling everyone it's a hoax or that it'll just go away like a miracle, or organizing superspreader events to try and get reelected.
It is a virus--------------they come, they kill, most are exposed creating herd immunity, and the virus "blends" away killing fewer. Over 99% survival for all those less than 70----the virus will give its last big kills this year and then fade by next year after the herd becomes immunized or develops natural herd immunity.

I agree. Biden won't be doing anything that Trump didn't do. Once it got our shores nothing anyone did could stop it.
Plugs and his slutty giggling ape will never get near the White House.... unless they're cleaning the shitters or the baseboards as part of a work-release program...
Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) Wants to Legalize Prostitution

On that point, I agree with Kamletoe. Government has no business regulating who can fuck whom, or the reason, or the price (consenting adults only).

But, that is a state issue.
On that point, I agree with Kamletoe. Government has no business regulating who can fuck whom, or the reason, or the price (consenting adults only).
But, that is a state issue.
And this is why Anarchist Libertarian Positivists will NEVER win an election.
I have just read that one of President Biden's COVID-19 advisers once said that human beings should NOT want to live past the age of 75. I do not know if he has changed his mind.


If Vice President Harris, in fact, wants to legalize prostitution, I am down with that.

I feel that it's terrible to arrest a man simply because he and a sex worker agree to consensual sex.

In every American city, there are male and female (who do the luring) cops who make their living by entrapping men.

After World War II, the Americans made the Japanese outlaw prostitution, but the Japanese today, I hear, turn a blind eye to the prohibition. (What hypocrisy! I have read that the Americans set up brothels in Hawaii, for example, for American soldiers during World War II.)

And in Germany, I hear, sex workers have all the legal protections that other workers have.

I am sad to hear, however, that both England & France are thinking about outlawing prostitution. Why? I dare not discuss the reason.

IMHO, there would be fewer sex crimes if prostitution were legal.
Why should government tell a woman who she can/can't fuck?
1) to slow the spread of sexually transmitted disease
2) to reduce social conflict, especially domestic abuse
3) to prevent further funding of criminal syndicates and human traffickers.
4) most of these women are engaging in prostitution because they are forced to, which amounts to a form of slavery.

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