Launched in 1977, Voyager 2 is still cruising iinterstellar space.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Behind her sister Voyager 1.

What happened to the Space Program one may wonder ? Oh yeah Jimmy Carter lost in 1980 to Ronald Reagan ,whose cabinet of war hawks . came along and gave us Star Wars and suckernomics which we never recovered from , countless wars and $23 trillion in debt 40 years later.

Why Voyager 2's discoveries from interstellar space have scientists excited

Voyager 2, first launched in 1977, is the second human-made machine to have officially entered interstellar space. Her companion spacecraft, Voyager 1, accomplished the feat in 2013. The data being returned by both spacecraft - having passed beyond the heliosphere, past where solar winds still blow plasma outward from the sun - have scientists excited.
Scientists speculate that one day we may be able to create something called the Alcubierre Warp Drive, which sounds like something from Star Trek, but has a basis in reality. The warp drive would not so much propel a spacecraft as it would manipulate space itself, compressing it ahead of the spacecraft and stretching it behind, riding a "warp bubble" to achieve faster than light speeds.

Why Voyager 2's discoveries from interstellar space have scientists excited
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Behind her sister Voyager 1.

What happened to the Space Program one may wonder ? Oh yeah Jimmy Carter lost in 1980 to Ronald Reagan ,whose cabinet of war hawks . came along and gave us Star Wars and suckernomics which we never recovered from , countless wars and $23 trillion in debt 40 years later.

Why Voyager 2's discoveries from interstellar space have scientists excited

Voyager 2, first launched in 1977, is the second human-made machine to have officially entered interstellar space. Her companion spacecraft, Voyager 1, accomplished the feat in 2013. The data being returned by both spacecraft - having passed beyond the heliosphere, past where solar winds still blow plasma outward from the sun - have scientists excited.
Scientists speculate that one day we may be able to create something called the Alcubierre Warp Drive, which sounds like something from Star Trek, but has a basis in reality. The warp drive would not so much propel a spacecraft as it would manipulate space itself, compressing it ahead of the spacecraft and stretching it behind, riding a "warp bubble" to achieve faster than light speeds.
With all the pain in my heart, I hate to disappoint you.

Actually no one has the slightest idea of where those spacecrafts are located at this moment.

Their assumed location is nothing but pure speculation.

There is not a single method to find them.

They can be orbiting around Pluto forever and you can't know about it.

We have not the marvelous technology to receive and send information to those spacecrafts knowing their location.

This is to say, we send signals to all directions like crazy and if by chance the spacecraft receives it even partially, same artifact can't send back a response with good aim but doing the same, sending signals in all directions like crazy.

Your argument of "Warp Drive" and similar, please, seriously, it is time to put aside those childhood fantasies and concentrate in observing the universe as it is in physical reality.

I think science fiction must be completely removed from the branch of science, this is to say, time dilatation, black holes, warping space or warping time, etc, all of those must be just storage on the shelves of the fiction section in libraries, web pages, etc.

In order to help you to understand what I'm talking about, use a sound receiver and release a bee in your backyard. You will detect where the bee is at any moment as long as the bee is very close to the range detection of your device. After that, the bee will pass in sporadic runs around the backyard, but you will have hard time to know their "current location" each time because as the bee moves fast, when you have detected the sound of its wings, the bee is half block away from you already.

As you yourself mentioned in your post: "Scientists speculate", then you are right, they just let run their imaginations and write any nonsense they have "experienced" in their brain.

There is no warping space or warping time, no wormholes and black holes, neither white holes and less those parallel universes, and so forth.

Scientifically, nothing of that have been observed with sure evidential background.

Some decades ago, a magazine published a black square half page size, with nothing but the black background, and as a joke it was writing in the legend "Picture of a black hole in space".

Then, the followers of such belief have started to "add" characteristics to that imaginary dark body in order to make it "visible to the eye".

Such is nothing more than pure computer simulations and computer image manipulations. Those bodies do not exist.

Same as well with these two spacecrafts, there are several videos about them babbling a lot but without a sole evidence of their current whereabouts. They can talk about the environment detected in those areas beyond Pluto, and the same, such assumed detection of gases, radiation, and more at the "edge" of our solar system are mostly speculations as well.

The truth is some guys are making big profit spreading around all these fantasies, that's all... freedom of expression...
Supposedly the data indicates extra layers outside of our solar system between our solar system's bubble and interstellar space.
From the article ;
Scientists estimate, though, that within about five years, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 will run out of the decaying plutonium that fuels their RTG power generators. Then the two spacecraft will fly forever outward, each bearing a gold audio-visual disk containing greetings from the people of Earth.

Unless the Voyager probes collide with something or are picked up by alien space explorers, they will, in theory, keep flying until the end of the universe.
From the article ;
Scientists estimate, though, that within about five years, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 will run out of the decaying plutonium that fuels their RTG power generators. Then the two spacecraft will fly forever outward, each bearing a gold audio-visual disk containing greetings from the people of Earth.

Unless the Voyager probes collide with something or are picked up by alien space explorers, they will, in theory, keep flying until the end of the universe.

The future of the spacecraft has already been determined.

From the article ;
Scientists estimate, though, that within about five years, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 will run out of the decaying plutonium that fuels their RTG power generators. Then the two spacecraft will fly forever outward, each bearing a gold audio-visual disk containing greetings from the people of Earth.

Unless the Voyager probes collide with something or are picked up by alien space explorers, they will, in theory, keep flying until the end of the universe.

The assumption of traveling by its own forever without a source of energy impulsing the motion of a body is a weak and peanut argument.

The sure conclusion is that such a belief is based in good for nothing theories, while reality calls for something completely different.

The conjecture that light will travel forever if nothing is on its way has been the base foundation for several more assumptions which have never been proved.

If the Voyager loses its own power of motion, then this aircraft will be like a tree log taken away by the current of the river.

There are sure observations of what I say here, which have been detected, but because the fanaticism for keeping doctrines of false theories "as the only accepted explanation", many scientists can look at the phenomenon everyday but they never will be able to see it.

In base of my argument, having the Voyager losing its own source of power right after passing Pluto -as an example- then next step will be slowing down and be pulled or pushed by any force caused by any body or force, like star winds, and more.

This analysis was made after I found out the origin of light from all available sources -without exception-. This is my thing. Light has an initial speed, a maximum speed and a decaying speed in the cosmos. Any theory saying different, such a theory is obsolete already.

Same applies to any force or body in the universe. After losing its own power of motion, then in order to move will be at the mercy of forces around the object.

I will advice you to ask those scientists of any evidence that when a spaceship loses its power after leaving earth, this spaceship have been observed going out of our solar system just by the initial impulse when its source of power right before stop working.

I can assure you that they have nothing to prove such beliefs of them.On the contrary, first thing they will observe is that such spaceship will be at the mercy of any planet motion force or of the same Sun gravity. But it won't continue its former straight path going out of the solar system... no way Jose.
Supposedly the data indicates extra layers outside of our solar system between our solar system's bubble and interstellar space.

How can I explain it? Lets say, It might be like the shell of an egg, or like our skin. A border. Yup. This is a good analogy, the "skin of the solar system".

A border that must contain something different or better to say, a different concentration of forces/elements between our solar system and the outer space beyond of it.
Behind her sister Voyager 1.

What happened to the Space Program one may wonder ? Oh yeah Jimmy Carter lost in 1980 to Ronald Reagan ,whose cabinet of war hawks . came along and gave us Star Wars and suckernomics which we never recovered from , countless wars and $23 trillion in debt 40 years later.

Why Voyager 2's discoveries from interstellar space have scientists excited

Voyager 2, first launched in 1977, is the second human-made machine to have officially entered interstellar space. Her companion spacecraft, Voyager 1, accomplished the feat in 2013. The data being returned by both spacecraft - having passed beyond the heliosphere, past where solar winds still blow plasma outward from the sun - have scientists excited.
Scientists speculate that one day we may be able to create something called the Alcubierre Warp Drive, which sounds like something from Star Trek, but has a basis in reality. The warp drive would not so much propel a spacecraft as it would manipulate space itself, compressing it ahead of the spacecraft and stretching it behind, riding a "warp bubble" to achieve faster than light speeds.

Why Voyager 2's discoveries from interstellar space have scientists excited

So is george Clooney, and specks of bruce Willis is flying to Neptune
Behind her sister Voyager 1.

What happened to the Space Program one may wonder ? Oh yeah Jimmy Carter lost in 1980 to Ronald Reagan ,whose cabinet of war hawks . came along and gave us Star Wars and suckernomics which we never recovered from , countless wars and $23 trillion in debt 40 years later.

Why Voyager 2's discoveries from interstellar space have scientists excited

Voyager 2, first launched in 1977, is the second human-made machine to have officially entered interstellar space. Her companion spacecraft, Voyager 1, accomplished the feat in 2013. The data being returned by both spacecraft - having passed beyond the heliosphere, past where solar winds still blow plasma outward from the sun - have scientists excited.
Scientists speculate that one day we may be able to create something called the Alcubierre Warp Drive, which sounds like something from Star Trek, but has a basis in reality. The warp drive would not so much propel a spacecraft as it would manipulate space itself, compressing it ahead of the spacecraft and stretching it behind, riding a "warp bubble" to achieve faster than light speeds.
With all the pain in my heart, I hate to disappoint you.

Actually no one has the slightest idea of where those spacecrafts are located at this moment.

Their assumed location is nothing but pure speculation.

There is not a single method to find them.

They can be orbiting around Pluto forever and you can't know about it.

We have not the marvelous technology to receive and send information to those spacecrafts knowing their location.

This is to say, we send signals to all directions like crazy and if by chance the spacecraft receives it even partially, same artifact can't send back a response with good aim but doing the same, sending signals in all directions like crazy.

Your argument of "Warp Drive" and similar, please, seriously, it is time to put aside those childhood fantasies and concentrate in observing the universe as it is in physical reality.

I think science fiction must be completely removed from the branch of science, this is to say, time dilatation, black holes, warping space or warping time, etc, all of those must be just storage on the shelves of the fiction section in libraries, web pages, etc.

In order to help you to understand what I'm talking about, use a sound receiver and release a bee in your backyard. You will detect where the bee is at any moment as long as the bee is very close to the range detection of your device. After that, the bee will pass in sporadic runs around the backyard, but you will have hard time to know their "current location" each time because as the bee moves fast, when you have detected the sound of its wings, the bee is half block away from you already.

As you yourself mentioned in your post: "Scientists speculate", then you are right, they just let run their imaginations and write any nonsense they have "experienced" in their brain.

There is no warping space or warping time, no wormholes and black holes, neither white holes and less those parallel universes, and so forth.

Scientifically, nothing of that have been observed with sure evidential background.

Some decades ago, a magazine published a black square half page size, with nothing but the black background, and as a joke it was writing in the legend "Picture of a black hole in space".

Then, the followers of such belief have started to "add" characteristics to that imaginary dark body in order to make it "visible to the eye".

Such is nothing more than pure computer simulations and computer image manipulations. Those bodies do not exist.

Same as well with these two spacecrafts, there are several videos about them babbling a lot but without a sole evidence of their current whereabouts. They can talk about the environment detected in those areas beyond Pluto, and the same, such assumed detection of gases, radiation, and more at the "edge" of our solar system are mostly speculations as well.

The truth is some guys are making big profit spreading around all these fantasies, that's all... freedom of expression...

Winner and welcome.

If Voyager was launched today, they'd have to change that picture of a naked man standing next to a naked woman.

They'd have to add a naked man butt fucking a naked man, a naked woman going down on a naked woman, and a naked person with genitals of both genders watching the proceedings.
Behind her sister Voyager 1.

What happened to the Space Program one may wonder ? Oh yeah Jimmy Carter lost in 1980 to Ronald Reagan ,whose cabinet of war hawks . came along and gave us Star Wars and suckernomics which we never recovered from , countless wars and $23 trillion in debt 40 years later.

Why Voyager 2's discoveries from interstellar space have scientists excited

Voyager 2, first launched in 1977, is the second human-made machine to have officially entered interstellar space. Her companion spacecraft, Voyager 1, accomplished the feat in 2013. The data being returned by both spacecraft - having passed beyond the heliosphere, past where solar winds still blow plasma outward from the sun - have scientists excited.
Scientists speculate that one day we may be able to create something called the Alcubierre Warp Drive, which sounds like something from Star Trek, but has a basis in reality. The warp drive would not so much propel a spacecraft as it would manipulate space itself, compressing it ahead of the spacecraft and stretching it behind, riding a "warp bubble" to achieve faster than light speeds.
With all the pain in my heart, I hate to disappoint you.

Actually no one has the slightest idea of where those spacecrafts are located at this moment.

Their assumed location is nothing but pure speculation.

There is not a single method to find them.

They can be orbiting around Pluto forever and you can't know about it.

We have not the marvelous technology to receive and send information to those spacecrafts knowing their location.

This is to say, we send signals to all directions like crazy and if by chance the spacecraft receives it even partially, same artifact can't send back a response with good aim but doing the same, sending signals in all directions like crazy.

Your argument of "Warp Drive" and similar, please, seriously, it is time to put aside those childhood fantasies and concentrate in observing the universe as it is in physical reality.

I think science fiction must be completely removed from the branch of science, this is to say, time dilatation, black holes, warping space or warping time, etc, all of those must be just storage on the shelves of the fiction section in libraries, web pages, etc.

In order to help you to understand what I'm talking about, use a sound receiver and release a bee in your backyard. You will detect where the bee is at any moment as long as the bee is very close to the range detection of your device. After that, the bee will pass in sporadic runs around the backyard, but you will have hard time to know their "current location" each time because as the bee moves fast, when you have detected the sound of its wings, the bee is half block away from you already.

As you yourself mentioned in your post: "Scientists speculate", then you are right, they just let run their imaginations and write any nonsense they have "experienced" in their brain.

There is no warping space or warping time, no wormholes and black holes, neither white holes and less those parallel universes, and so forth.

Scientifically, nothing of that have been observed with sure evidential background.

Some decades ago, a magazine published a black square half page size, with nothing but the black background, and as a joke it was writing in the legend "Picture of a black hole in space".

Then, the followers of such belief have started to "add" characteristics to that imaginary dark body in order to make it "visible to the eye".

Such is nothing more than pure computer simulations and computer image manipulations. Those bodies do not exist.

Same as well with these two spacecrafts, there are several videos about them babbling a lot but without a sole evidence of their current whereabouts. They can talk about the environment detected in those areas beyond Pluto, and the same, such assumed detection of gases, radiation, and more at the "edge" of our solar system are mostly speculations as well.

The truth is some guys are making big profit spreading around all these fantasies, that's all... freedom of expression...

You can't Blame them too much. The real truth is rather bleak and depressing. The realization that the entire night sky is really nothing more than an ancient Hologram is rather terrifying on its face. The extremely tiny percentage of objects that are sending information that is under 100 years old when it gets here doesn't offer much in the way of possible refuge from our Sun's red giant stage. Ahh well we might as well enjoy the ride.... There isn't a hell of a lot else we can do.


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