Latest swing state polls are catastrophic for Joe Biden

It's funny, the Trump cultists thinking they have a chance.

Trump cultists, what's happened after every other one of your junk polls over the past 2 years?

That's right, a Democratic romp.

You can have your really bad polls. We'll keep taking the Democratic wins.

And yes, I do understand that you're all looking for excuses to get violent after the blue wave.

Time to start thinking on new ways to cheat. Maybe you guys can work out another last minute change in the voting process, you know, just to make voting more accessible for everybody. wink *wink

Do you honestly believe that the average American is ok with open borders, trans-everything, higher taxes, etc? It is the fringe that believe in all that nonsense.
Americans are tired of watching a feeble, old man be a puppet leader while the real decision makers are behind the curtain running the country into the ground.
Like Obama. He’s on his third term in destroying America, and aiming for his fourth.
Time to start thinking on new ways to cheat. Maybe you guys can work out another last minute change in the voting process, you know, just to make voting more accessible for everybody. wink *wink

Do you honestly believe that the average American is ok with open borders, trans-everything, higher taxes, etc? It is the fringe that believe in all that nonsense.
Don’t forget that the average American is struggling to buy groceries and fill the gas tank. They’re not OK with that, either.
It's funny, the Trump cultists thinking they have a chance.

Trump cultists, what's happened after every other one of your junk polls over the past 2 years?

That's right, a Democratic romp.

You can have your really bad polls. We'll keep taking the Democratic wins.

And yes, I do understand that you're all looking for excuses to get violent after the blue wave.

Every time I read a post from a liberal on this board, I scratch my head and wonder what happened to you guys. It's as though irrational thought = Democrat.
Every time I read a post from a liberal on this board, I scratch my head and wonder what happened to you guys. It's as though irrational thought = Democrat.
I think there was something in the COVID shot that attacked the brains of Democrats, but no Republicans.

They‘ve gone stark-raving mad.
Don’t forget that the average American is struggling to buy groceries and fill the gas tank. They’re not OK with that, either.

I think these people actually believe that the green-haired, heavily pierced and tattooed transgenders that they see at their local Starbucks every morning represent the average American. I am pretty sure the vast majority of these people don't vote Republican.
I know polls are what they are, but the fear and chaos this causes in the Biden camp is exactly what we Americans want to see right now.

Trump leads Biden in all swing states, with RFK, Jr. reliably taking votes from Pedo Pete:

Think this might have something to do with it? Biden campaign stop in New Hampshire. He could only speak for 12 minutes, literally.

Racist white boomers are Biden's only remaining constituency.

“I’m waiting for someone to shout ‘Bingo!'”

That’s how one journalist covering President Joe Biden’s visit to the Westwood Park YMCA in Nashua described the scene as a quiet crowd awaited an appearance by the leader of the free world.

Now the press conference is over, and the analysts are remarking on how Biden was reading all his answers.
Every time I read a post from a liberal on this board, I scratch my head and wonder what happened to you guys.
Every time I read your posts, I laugh about what a sad sore-loser you are.

Notice the Democrats whupping your loser butts in every election? The nation does. And it's usually right after the polls predicts your glorious victory.

A normal person, one whose brain wasn't pickled by swallowing so much Rusisan and Chinese propaganda, they'd conclude the polls are rigged.

But not you. You're special.

See you in November, loser.

(Now, how does Beijing want you to respond to that? Run and check. You know how much your commie masters hate it when you stray from the OfficialPartyLine.)
Every time I read your posts, I laugh about what a sad sore-loser you are.

Notice the Democrats whupping your loser butts in every election? The nation does. And it's always right after the polls predicts your glorious victry.

A normal person, one whose brain wasn't pickled by guzzling so much commie piss, they'd conclude the polls are rigged.

But not you. You're special.

See you in November, loser.


Gas: +55.5%
Groceries: +21.3%
Eating out: +21.8%
Baby food: +30%
Pet food: +23.1%
K-12 food: +64.9%
Rent: +20.8%
Electricity: +28.5%
Natural gas: +22%
Used cars: +20.4%
Airfare: +38.2%
Public transportation: +26.1%
Real average weekly earnings: -4.4%
Time to start thinking on new ways to cheat. Maybe you guys can work out another last minute change in the voting process, you know, just to make voting more accessible for everybody. wink *wink
Understood. You know you can't win if you don't cheat, so you're dialing the cheating up to "11". You only dialed it up to "9" in 2020, and that wasn't enough.

Do you honestly believe that the average American is ok with open borders, trans-everything, higher taxes, etc?
Afraid of figments of your imagination? Only the weak-minded fall for that. The easily terrified. The ones craving a daddy-gigure to tell them what to do. You know, the conservatives.

While that gutless authoritarian-follower crowd is large, it's not large enough to win nationally, which is why you're all so dead set on cheating.

Gas: +55.5%
Trump did that.

He's bragged about doing it.

It's not debatable, not by anyone who isn't a hellbound liar.

And you love him for screwing you over like that.

Know that he's laughing at you. All your masters are. They see you as sheep to be fleeced.

As far as inflation in general goes, it's much lower in the USA than the rest of the world. Biden is that good.

But please, tell us. How did Biden cause the inflation? What did your cult tell you to say?

And why do you love Trump for raising gas prices so high?
PA is within the margin of Dem cheating historically. It's been said Trump needs +3% just to overcome Dem ballot box stuffing.
PA has a long history of corruption, mostly in the 2 biggest cities.. or the 2 big ones we are familiar with, that is: Pittsburgh and Philadelphia

By the way, we need to all pray that Fani Willis loses in the general in GA

She just won the primary against another D She's being investigated, though... whining about that of course

playing the race card.. of course :rolleyes:
Every time I read your posts, I laugh about what a sad sore-loser you are.

Notice the Democrats whupping your loser butts in every election? The nation does. And it's usually right after the polls predicts your glorious victory.

A normal person, one whose brain wasn't pickled by swallowing so much Rusisan and Chinese propaganda, they'd conclude the polls are rigged.

But not you. You're special.

See you in November, loser.

(Now, how does Beijing want you to respond to that? Run and check. You know how much your commie masters hate it when you stray from the OfficialPartyLine.)
Every time I read your posts, I laugh about what a sad sore-loser you are. You really got me a good one.

Notice the Democrats whupping your loser butts in every election? This is an example what I'm talking about. That's CLEARLY not true. Democracks say shit for affect, as trained.

The nation does. I'm just reading as I go here. See my last response.

And it's usually right after the polls predicts your glorious victory. Again. That's factually incorrect. What are you, 12? Surely you remember Clinton and Trump. And I couldn't give a flying fuck what polls say, they can be decorated. You got your panties in a real bunch over Trump leading in the polls huh? I'm not dumb, the Demonicrats haven't even begun casting new stories of how Trump is a threat to your democracy masters.

A normal person, one whose brain wasn't pickled by swallowing so much Rusisan and Chinese propaganda, they'd conclude the polls are rigged. This is so ironic. Perhaps you better look at your own govt. for corruption. Ha ha haaaaaaa, Russians and Chinese are responsible for all the polls. Geeeezuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

But not you. You're special. You really got me a good one again. That's twice.

See you in November, loser. Would be a beautiful thing should Trump be elected. As of now I really like his chances. But again, the Demonicracks haven't introduced your next meal yet.

(Now, how does Beijing want you to respond to that? This is where slaves to left communism project.

Run and check. You're upset.

You know how much your commie masters hate it when you stray from the OfficialPartyLine.) You really got me a good one again. That's three times, almost like four. You win, four.

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