Las Vegas shooting - a point not yet made

I'm not the one who brought up 'more powerful weapons'. I'm saying the AR was used in the most deadly mass shooting in this country's history as well as many if not most of the runner ups. It's something I don't believe you're compensating for in your argument.
Mostly because it isn't relevant to the point made in the OP.
I'm not the one who brought up 'more powerful weapons'. I'm saying the AR was used in the most deadly mass shooting in this country's history as well as many if not most of the runner ups. It's something I don't believe you're compensating for in your argument.
Mostly because it isn't relevant to the point made in the OP.

I'm disagreeing with your point and your failing to understand that. Not my problem.
The LV shooter fired 1100 rounds, with 480 hits (58 Killed, 422 wounded) for a 43.6% hit rate,
This is impressively low, given the target and distance.

Indeed, the casualties caused by LV shooter were -limited- by the fact he used a number of AR15s with bump stocks - he could have easily killed and wounded significantly more people with a different choice of weapon.

Now, no one knows for sure why this guy did what he did, and what he did made no sense at all - but it is clear, he deliberately chose to buy and use AR15s in lieu of other more effective weapons - weapons he certainly knew about and had access to.

The question: Why?
We'll never know, of course.
But, given what could have happened, we should be thankful he chose his weapons poorly.

I'm not sure I really care about this argument. But for a guy going on his first rampage how did you come to the conclusion that 43.8% is low? Did that include the number of rounds he fired aimlessly through the door of his hotel room?
44% is pathetic at best...
He obviously had no idea what center mass even is

How do you aim a quarter mile away with no scope?
But limited his casualty count by his choice of weapon.
The casualty count is higher than anyone else. He got the high score in other words.
This does not negate what I said.
It absolutely does
With specificity, how does the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon?
How do you aim a quarter mile away with no scope?
Add 2.5 minutes elevation.
Considering the shooter didn't have much experience I guess he relied on the AR, extended clips and bump stocks to make up for it.
-Someone- has some talking points they need to get out

Nope. They guy had little experience so relied on the tools that anyone can use to kill a lot of people and that's just what he did.
How do you aim a quarter mile away with no scope?
Add 2.5 minutes elevation.
Considering the shooter didn't have much experience I guess he relied on the AR, extended clips and bump stocks to make up for it.
-Someone- has some talking points they need to get out
Nope. They guy had little experience so relied on the tools that anyone can use to kill a lot of people and that's just what he did.
Oh look - another talking point.
Short on your monthly quota?

With specificity, how does the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon?
Almost all the big mass shootings use ARs. If he used a hand gun he wouldn't have gotten anywhere.
Why do you refuse to understand the point of this topic?
I understand it, I just disagree.
Why do you disagree that he could have -easily- killed and wounded more people had he chosen a different weapon?
Why do you disagree that the fact he chose a less effective weapon means he limited the number casualties he could create?
Because he doesn’t know jack shit about firearms… He watches too many movies made by a child molesting Hollywood types.

And this defines him perfectly...

You haven't proved anything. While I can demonstrate that a guy with several ARs, extended clips and bump stocks can commit the largest mass shooting to date.
You’re proving my point, you don’t know jack shit about firearms. You watch too many movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. And you can’t even get the terms right… You sound like a fucking retard.
Till The Vegas shooting I could not sell a bump stock to save my life in my shop. I had a few and they sat collecting dust for a few years. Then bleeding hearts like yourself lit your hair fire finding out some ass clown used bump stock equipped firearms in the Vegas shooting I could not keep them in stock after that. And Trump outlawed bumpstocks. And that did not stop any mass shootings, Obviously anyone could figure that out. Lol
ARs are just sporting rifle’s and can be chambered for multiple cartridges/calibers, And so called “high powered” is not a good description of any of them. It just makes the person calling them that sound childish, ignorant and just plain fucking stupid.
They are called magazines not fucking clips… Like I said you watch too many movies made by child molesting Hollywood types... lol

There’s a reason why he had to have more than one ar, Over the counter ARs do not pass military muster, They fail miserably after a very short time on full auto.

So like I’ve said all along political correctness makes people fucking retarded
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Mostly because it isn't relevant to the point made in the OP.
I'm disagreeing with your point....
And have yet to do anything that demonstrates how that point is unsound.
That the weapons he used were enough to be the most effective mass shooting in U.S. history.
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate how my point is unsound.

I just did. He committed a violent act that killed more people than anyone else has been able to. He couldn't have done it without the weapons he chose.

We're going around in circles and it begins with you not recognizing the severity of the crime. You're actively reducing it's weight only because you have an agenda behind it.
I just did. He committed a violent act that killed more people than anyone else has been able to. He couldn't have done it without the weapons he chose.
With specificity, how does the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon?
How do you aim a quarter mile away with no scope?
Add 2.5 minutes elevation.
Considering the shooter didn't have much experience I guess he relied on the AR, extended clips and bump stocks to make up for it.
-Someone- has some talking points they need to get out

Nope. They guy had little experience so relied on the tools that anyone can use to kill a lot of people and that's just what he did.
He had plenty of time, any firearm would’ve done the same. He just happen to be a fucking moron, Definitely a progressive.

You haven't proved anything. While I can demonstrate that a guy with several ARs, extended clips and bump stocks can commit the largest mass shooting to date.
But limited his casualty count by his choice of weapon.

The casualty count is higher than anyone else. He got the high score in other words. The AR was used in the country's worst mass shooting to date and several others that rank very high as well. Because there might be something more effective is kind of irrelevant other than to say whoever is in favor of an AWB would probably want to ban those weapons as well.
Any firearm would’ve done the same... Even pistols when it comes to pray and spray.

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