College student allegedly plotted 'mass casualty attack' targeting Jews

It is a correct statement and absolutely not misleading - as for my Yemenite/Israeli friend confirmed in regards to her family having run and owned businesses through generations - and the same was also confirmed by an Israeli friend of mine who's family had been running own businesses also for generations in former Ottoman Palestine, aka today's Jordan.

However all are in agreement that upon Ben-Gurion's deceleration of Independence - the situation for them changed dramatically. As such having to face the same exodus and persecution situation as those Arab-Palestinians.
OH how interesting----what sort of business did they run and in which
province of Yemen? How did their situation "change" and how and why? When did they leave Yemen? (hint---your statement indicates that you
are clueless as to the history of jews in Yemen.) You enjoy making a fool
of yourself?
Well waa waa waa. You present nothing but expletives, and in the debate world, that usually indicates you lost your argument.

Wasn't it you who is so concerned that Christian religious zealots are going to take over congress and impose their views on you and the masses?

I graciously pointed out to you that there are Constitutional restrictions on you should be able to sleep tonight.

Have a nice evening.............. :biggrin:
Constitutional protections? Who the fuck do you think your kidding. You’re either trying to gaslight me with that codswallop or you are stupid enough to believe it . With Trumps stacked court there is no such thing as constitutional protections that we can count on. The conservative majority has repeatedly shown that they have no regard for precedent and what was once considered settled law. They rule on ideology and disregard the facts and the law. Even those like Thomas who profess to be textualists adhere to that philosophy only to the extent that it suits their ideological goals

Now, go back and read my posts 223 and 263 which you never actually responded to and certainly did not even attempt to refute . Lets see if you can come up with some sort of reasonable response based on facts and logic without resorting to fallacies and obfuscations . I dare you
It is a correct statement and absolutely not misleading - as for my Yemenite/Israeli friend confirmed in regards to her family having run and owned businesses through generations - and the same was also confirmed by an Israeli friend of mine who's family had been running own businesses also for generations in former Ottoman Palestine, aka today's Jordan.

However all are in agreement that upon Ben-Gurion's deceleration of Independence - the situation for them changed dramatically. As such having to face the same exodus and persecution situation as those Arab-Palestinians.
you are parroting Islamo-nazi propaganda. I read that stuff in the late
1950s and early 1960s ----I lived in a town which was founded in the
pre-revolution era and full of jerks like you. Today you can find the same
propaganda in the vicinity of methadone clinics, brothels and in prisons
OH how interesting----what sort of business did they run and in which
province of Yemen? How did their situation "change" and how and why? When did they leave Yemen? (hint---your statement indicates that you
are clueless as to the history of jews in Yemen.) You enjoy making a fool
of yourself?
ROFLMAO----you "disagree" but can't answer any of the very germane
Constitutional protections? Who the fuck do you think your kidding. You’re either trying to gaslight me with that codswallop or you are stupid enough to believe it . With Trumps stacked court there is no such thing as constitutional protections that we can count on. The conservative majority has repeatedly shown that they have no regard for precedent and what was once considered settled law. They rule on ideology and disregard the facts and the law. Even those like Thomas who profess to be textualists adhere to that philosophy only to the extent that it suits their ideological goals

Now, go back and read my posts 223 and 263 which you never actually responded to and certainly did not even attempt to refute . Lets see if you can come up with some sort of reasonable response based on facts and logic without resorting to fallacies and obfuscations . I dare you
So that's all you got Delldude Not surprised. We're done here . My work is done.
So that's all you got Delldude Not surprised. We're done here . My work is done.
LOL........answering your own posts?

Show where these religious fanatics have or are attempting to do what you claimed...

You can't...................."my work is done"...............exit stage left................

I'm sorry if I beat you in your own debate.................. :auiqs.jpg:
I already have. But I cannot make the blind see or the imbeciles think
Is Christian Nationalism being imposed on the masses by radicals in congress any different than being forced into the progressive vision for America ala democratic socialism, the justice movements, redistribution of wealth and so on, by radicals in congress?

Oh the humanities.
^^^^^^ bullshit

"The People Who Claim Eternal Ownership of Jerusalem​

"Many people believe that Jews today are linked to the ancient Judeans, even though no evidence supports this assertion.

"City of David is an organization that was founded to act on that belief: not only to create a narrative about continued Jewish presence in Jerusalem’s ancient past and today, but also to claim ownership of the area and dispossess the Palestinians who have been living there for generations. Impressions from a tour of the place."

The People Who Claim Eternal Ownership of Jerusalem | The Regional Thinking Forum

"The People Who Claim Eternal Ownership of Jerusalem​

"Many people believe that Jews today are linked to the ancient Judeans, even though no evidence supports this assertion.

"City of David is an organization that was founded to act on that belief: not only to create a narrative about continued Jewish presence in Jerusalem’s ancient past and today, but also to claim ownership of the area and dispossess the Palestinians who have been living there for generations. Impressions from a tour of the place."

The People Who Claim Eternal Ownership of Jerusalem | The Regional Thinking Forum

Was Jesus a Palestinian or a Jew?

"The People Who Claim Eternal Ownership of Jerusalem​

"Many people believe that Jews today are linked to the ancient Judeans, even though no evidence supports this assertion.

"City of David is an organization that was founded to act on that belief: not only to create a narrative about continued Jewish presence in Jerusalem’s ancient past and today, but also to claim ownership of the area and dispossess the Palestinians who have been living there for generations. Impressions from a tour of the place."

The People Who Claim Eternal Ownership of Jerusalem | The Regional Thinking Forum

Raz Segal, huh? LOL
Is Christian Nationalism being imposed on the masses by radicals in congress any different than being forced into the progressive vision for America ala democratic socialism, the justice movements, redistribution of wealth and so on, by radicals in congress?

Oh the humanities.
So you finally admit that there are Christian Radicals in Congress!! Thank you !!

To answer your question: Actually there is a big difference,. ,The first Amendment guarantees freedom of religion which- as I have established -includes the freedom from religion, There is no amendment, or clause in the constitution that bestows a right to unfettered capitalistic greed and exploitation. In addition many of the programs, laws and policies that you deride as socialism have been a cornerstone of our economic system the early days of the of the 1900s when Teddy Roosevelt promoted the Progressive Movement. Roosevelt and many progressive who came after understood that the purpose of government is to improve peoples lives and not just an end in itself. The social safety net programs, and progressive tax structure ( yes-redistribution of wealth) that pays for them , as well as labor rights. Civil rights and environmental protection are the glue that holds society together and makes capitalism sustainable. If we do not take care of people in need there will be not readily available pool of labor when needed, social unrest, widespread diseases and a general collapse of society. Think about the French Revolution before you cry “let them eat cake” (or was it grass) For a more in depth explanation you should read…….

regulating the poor piven and cloward summary - Google Search

"Regulating the Poor" by Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward argues that welfare programs in the United States are not primarily designed to help the poor, but rather to control them by acting as a tool to maintain social order and regulate the labor force, expanding during times of social unrest and contracting when stability returns, effectively keeping the poor from causing major disruptions while ensuring a readily available low-wage labor pool; essentially, the system "regulates" the poor population through its cyclical nature of providing relief and then restricting access to it.

Key points of the argument:

  • Political function:
Welfare programs are used to quell social unrest and political instability by providing temporary relief during times of economic crisis or mass protest, preventing large-scale disruptions.

  • Labor market function:
When the economy stabilizes, welfare systems tighten eligibility criteria to push people back into the workforce, serving as a mechanism to maintain a supply of low-wage labor.

Next $%*&^##! question
So you finally admit that there are Christian Radicals in Congress!!
Never said there wasn't........

Interesting, Cloward and Piven are your socialist Gods.

The strategy aims to utilize "militant anti poverty groups" to facilitate a "political crisis" by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and "redistributing income through the federal government".

Collapse the system and institute an annual income for everyone......for openers.

That's what the open border was all about. Cities overloaded to the point of financial collapse.
Last edited:

Raz Segal, huh? LOL
Your link:

"First, Segal refers to Israelis as 'settler colonizers.'

"He also believes that 'Israel’s creation reproduced the racism and white supremacy that had targeted Jews for exclusion and, ultimately, destruction in Europe.'"

Zionism is a settler-colonial movement designed to replace the indigenous population of Palestine with European Jews; a policy that has produced collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and genocide:

Raz Segal - Wikipedia

"According to Segal, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are actively engaged in three genocidal actions: acts of killing, infliction of severe bodily harm, and implementation of measures strategically designed to destroy Palestinian existence.

"As evidence, he accuses the IDF of engaging in total warfare by destroying mass swathes of Gaza and imposing a strict blockade of essential goods.[6]

"This characterization caused the cancellation of a job offer from the University of Minnesota to lead the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, after a campaign led by the pro-Israel group Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas and the quitting of two board members in opposition to Segal's selection.[7][8]"
Never said there wasn't........

Interesting, Cloward and Piven are your socialist Gods.

The strategy aims to utilize "militant anti poverty groups" to facilitate a "political crisis" by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and "redistributing income through the federal government".

Collapse the system and institute an annual income for everyone......for openers.

That's what the open border was all about. Cities overloaded to the point of financial collapse.
Seriously?? That's you'r understanding of Cloward and Piven?? How long do you think that Capitalism would last without an element of what you deride as Socialism? The fact is that there are no pure economic models that work. Communism was a failure as was Lesi Faire capitalism as evidenced by the great depression and other historical events. . But we are way off topic now.

The issue is Christian Nationalism which you denied existed but now claim that you never denied it. Are you fucking serious??
We no longer function as a capitalist society.
That is really an extremely absurd statement Obviously. Among the many things that you don’t understand, Capitalism is but one of them . For it to be true. You would have to show that for profit private enterprise` has been abolished. You would have to document that the stock market no longer exists, and that private property has been confiscated. And you would have to demonstrate that all means of production have been nationalized . Can you do any of that.? Can you do anything besides blow smoke and try to gaslight me?
Please show me where I denied it existed.
Stop it! Just fucking STOP IT. Another attempt at gaslighting.

From your post 191: What is Christian nationalism?
Who is promoting it?

From your post # 192 : What is Christian nationalism?
Another one of those cooked up leftist terms that mean nothing to the educated.

From your post # 346: “Show where these religious fanatics have or are attempting to do what you claimed...”

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