Land Animals Began Dying in Earth's Greatest Extinction Long Before Marine Life


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Around a quarter of a billion years ago, the vast majority of species on land and sea were wiped out in The Great Dying, thanks to a series of volcanic eruptions spewing out noxious greenhouse gases.

With the discovery that land animals had a big head start in this tremendous mass extinction, researchers are now starting to suspect there might have been a lot more to the story, making the end of the Permian a truly unfortunate time to be alive.

An international team of geologists and palaeobiologists has uncovered evidence that could reset the established timeline on when life around the planet started to die out during the Permian extinction.

That's interesting-a whole new time time line.
Technically, the greatest extinction event was the Oxygen Crisis 2.2 billion years ago ... once respiration had oxidized the free iron in the ocean and our environment started filling up with O2 ... many think only cyanobacteria survived ... but that's strictly speculation ...

The volcanic cause of the Permian Extinction Event is also somewhat speculative ... it did occur during the Siberian Traps episode and there's good theoretical reasons to try and connect the two ... but unless there's been more evidence uncovered, there's still no direct cause-and-effect ... these Traps were a two million year long event, makes Yellowstone look like a firefly compared to a nuclear bomb ...

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