Lancelot Love: Digital Censorship(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does our TrumpUSA society of media machinations worry you about communicating integrity?

What do you think?

Do we need more lifestyle fables these days (perhaps a 'metropolitan rendition') of Aesop's Fables?

Sometimes it feels like our civilization requires serious jolts of shared evangelism(!).

Do you feel 'gossipy' about TrumpUSA?


"My name is Lancelot. I'm an excellent knight of the English kingdom of Camelot. I've traveled through time using a portal opened by the wondrous wizard Merlin and landed in 21st Century America ('TrumpUSA'). Merlin sent me here to investigate the moral contours of an 'advanced civilization' and determine if and how governance philosophy has transformed. I was curious to see if TrumpUSA investments in science and art have affected the way people conceived of justice. I met a beautiful woman, a scientist named Karen Parot, who works at the Salk Institute (in California). Parot has been studying if a human gene is responsible for human cognition of ethics. I've been intrigued by Dr. Parot's studies and have fallen in love with her. I disguised myself as a research-assistant/lab-technician and was employed in Parot's lab at Salk and began dating her."


"Parot took an instant liking to me, since she was intrigued by my offbeat work-ethic and my curiosity/fascination with civilization science ethics. We started dating and became infatuated with each other in only one month. Now, I think I will stay in 'TrumpUSA' and marry Dr. Parot. I wonder what I should report to Merlin who opened the time-portal which sent me here in the first place. I wonder also if I will ever to disclose to Dr. Parot my true identity and my time-travel adventure/mission. I've decided that more important than my investigation about TrumpUSA science/arts investments in governance idealism and philosophy is my quest for true love and romance(!) with Dr. Parot. I hope I'm right. I've purchased a video-game console for her son (from her previous marriage) and we spend hours playing on weekends (Xbox) and then talk with Dr. Parot about what we learned/discovered about time well spent together."


"I've compiled my notes about the value of human companionship and love and how it informs a different clarity regarding civilization perspectives on trust, ethics, and social organization (and even governance!). These notes are more intriguing to me now than Merlin's original investigation-mission he sent me here for, to analyze the evolution of civilization governance(!). In fact, Dr. Parot's son and I have made a home-made video-game involving a strange electric mutant creature named 'Video-Man' who can instantly move in and out of electric grids and computer networks. Our Video-Man game involves moving through labyrinths and wall-grids symbolizing modern world cities such as NY and LA. I believe these notes about human imagination about society logic are more valuable than any dissecting study about the dangers of civilization governance evolution. We learned this all using a simple video-game!"


PAROT: Your Video-Game synthesis is intriguing...
LANCELOT: Your son and I enjoy using it to evaluate human imagination!
PAROT: You two have become quite close.
LANCELOT: I'm fortunate for having met you, Karen.
PAROT: I'm glad you're happy; we'll be together forever...
LANCELOT: We're in love!
PAROT: My son wants to publish the Video-Man game.
LANCELOT: That's an excellent idea.
PAROT: I worry, however, that such a game will be censored.
LANCELOT: Censored?
PAROT: Yes; it's very controversial since it pokes fun at civilization logic.
LANCELOT: Oh, it's harmless sociological commentary.
PAROT: Well, I worry that most Americans will consider it too 'sarcastic.'
LANCELOT: TrumpUSA is about dialogue, not censorship, Karen.
PAROT: Yes, but parents want to buy video-games for their kids without 'intrigue.'
LANCELOT: It troubles me to think that simple 'sociological sewing' can be dangerous!
PAROT: Well, this is the world we live in; you can't just escape from here...
LANCELOT: I can always time-travel back to Camelot, Karen.
PAROT: What the heck are you talking about, my love?
LANCELOT: Nothing; I was making a silly joke; I don't see the validity of censorship.
PAROT: Why don't you and my son just keep enjoying your Video-Man game at home?
LANCELOT: Maybe that's wiser...
PAROT: It's an 'odd truth' that social labyrinths are leveraged by humility.
LANCELOT: Can we 'simplify' civilization with considerations about networks/trust?
PAROT: That's the principle of democracy, really!
LANCELOT: Well, then I have no intention to 'escape' back to Camelot...



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