Laken Riley's Murder Is the Fault of Democrats at Every Level of Government


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
There's just no way to sugar-coat it, people. No way it can be presented in other-than-stark terms.

So here it is -- The democrat party is the enemy of The American People. Period. Don't like it? Suck on it, I don't care.

Read this and tell me I'm wrong. I am not. Read it. It's a good, and accurate, piece.

José Antonio Ibarra, the man charged with killing Laken Riley on the campus of the University of Georgia, wasn’t just an illegal immigrant; he and his brother had a history of criminal activity that the Department of Homeland Security says it was unaware of.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reports that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told CBS on Sunday that Athens-Clarke County, Ga., police failed to notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about crimes that Ibarra committed last fall. Ibarra had previous run-ins with police in New York and Athens-Clarke County in September and October of last year.

In September 2023, authorities in New York charged Ibarra with child endangerment and a motor vehicle license violation. He had allegedly taken a child for a ride on a moped without a helmet.

A month later, in Athens-Clarke County, police cited Ibarra and his brother Diego for shoplifting after they reportedly stole $200 in food and clothing from a Walmart location. Police did not arrest them. Athens-Clarke County claimed that it doesn’t typically arrest suspects on minor crimes like shoplifting and that immigration status checks only take place when jailers book suspects.

“We were not notified in this instance,” Mayorkas said on “Face the Nation” on CBS.

Here it is, people. Top to bottom, inside and out, at every level, State, Local and Federal...... The democrat party simply doesn't care about you.

At all
Lord, we don’t understand murder, but we do understand that you can give victory in the most difficult situations. We ask for you to bring salvation to those who are lost, bring comfort to the mourning, and bring fruit for your kingdom out of the dirt and ashes of pain. Show us how to shine your light, love, and forgiveness in a dark world. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Democrats that voted for Biden, I ask you say as many times as you can to all your other Democrat friends.
Maybe it will sink in you are responsible and you made BIGLY mistake voting for Biden.
There's just no way to sugar-coat it, people. No way it can be presented in other-than-stark terms.

So here it is -- The democrat party is the enemy of The American People. Period. Don't like it? Suck on it, I don't care.

Read this and tell me I'm wrong. I am not. Read it. It's a good, and accurate, piece.

José Antonio Ibarra, the man charged with killing Laken Riley on the campus of the University of Georgia, wasn’t just an illegal immigrant; he and his brother had a history of criminal activity that the Department of Homeland Security says it was unaware of.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reports that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told CBS on Sunday that Athens-Clarke County, Ga., police failed to notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about crimes that Ibarra committed last fall. Ibarra had previous run-ins with police in New York and Athens-Clarke County in September and October of last year.

In September 2023, authorities in New York charged Ibarra with child endangerment and a motor vehicle license violation. He had allegedly taken a child for a ride on a moped without a helmet.

A month later, in Athens-Clarke County, police cited Ibarra and his brother Diego for shoplifting after they reportedly stole $200 in food and clothing from a Walmart location. Police did not arrest them. Athens-Clarke County claimed that it doesn’t typically arrest suspects on minor crimes like shoplifting and that immigration status checks only take place when jailers book suspects.

“We were not notified in this instance,” Mayorkas said on “Face the Nation” on CBS.

Here it is, people. Top to bottom, inside and out, at every level, State, Local and Federal...... The democrat party simply doesn't care about you.

At all

Joe Biden's illegals have murdered 61 Americans since 2021.

There's just no way to sugar-coat it, people. No way it can be presented in other-than-stark terms.

So here it is -- The democrat party is the enemy of The American People. Period. Don't like it? Suck on it, I don't care.

Read this and tell me I'm wrong. I am not. Read it. It's a good, and accurate, piece.

José Antonio Ibarra, the man charged with killing Laken Riley on the campus of the University of Georgia, wasn’t just an illegal immigrant; he and his brother had a history of criminal activity that the Department of Homeland Security says it was unaware of.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reports that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told CBS on Sunday that Athens-Clarke County, Ga., police failed to notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about crimes that Ibarra committed last fall. Ibarra had previous run-ins with police in New York and Athens-Clarke County in September and October of last year.

In September 2023, authorities in New York charged Ibarra with child endangerment and a motor vehicle license violation. He had allegedly taken a child for a ride on a moped without a helmet.

A month later, in Athens-Clarke County, police cited Ibarra and his brother Diego for shoplifting after they reportedly stole $200 in food and clothing from a Walmart location. Police did not arrest them. Athens-Clarke County claimed that it doesn’t typically arrest suspects on minor crimes like shoplifting and that immigration status checks only take place when jailers book suspects.

“We were not notified in this instance,” Mayorkas said on “Face the Nation” on CBS.

Here it is, people. Top to bottom, inside and out, at every level, State, Local and Federal...... The democrat party simply doesn't care about you.

At all

Okay, so let's review.

This man came from a country that BOTH parties have designated as a serial abuser of human rights and was granted parole under asylum rules that we currently have in place.

Because he came here with a wife and child, he was paroled per rules that have been in place that families cannot be detained more than 20 days.

The so-called "endangerment" charge was he gave his child a ride on his moped. Shoplifting is rarely prosecuted, either. Hardly a master criminal.

Now, if he was the person who murdered this woman, he should be held accountable. I point out "if" because in the South, they have a long history of just framing the first person of color they come across.
There's just no way to sugar-coat it, people. No way it can be presented in other-than-stark terms.

So here it is -- The democrat party is the enemy of The American People. Period. Don't like it? Suck on it, I don't care.

Read this and tell me I'm wrong. I am not. Read it. It's a good, and accurate, piece.

José Antonio Ibarra, the man charged with killing Laken Riley on the campus of the University of Georgia, wasn’t just an illegal immigrant; he and his brother had a history of criminal activity that the Department of Homeland Security says it was unaware of.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reports that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told CBS on Sunday that Athens-Clarke County, Ga., police failed to notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about crimes that Ibarra committed last fall. Ibarra had previous run-ins with police in New York and Athens-Clarke County in September and October of last year.

In September 2023, authorities in New York charged Ibarra with child endangerment and a motor vehicle license violation. He had allegedly taken a child for a ride on a moped without a helmet.

A month later, in Athens-Clarke County, police cited Ibarra and his brother Diego for shoplifting after they reportedly stole $200 in food and clothing from a Walmart location. Police did not arrest them. Athens-Clarke County claimed that it doesn’t typically arrest suspects on minor crimes like shoplifting and that immigration status checks only take place when jailers book suspects.

“We were not notified in this instance,” Mayorkas said on “Face the Nation” on CBS.

Here it is, people. Top to bottom, inside and out, at every level, State, Local and Federal...... The democrat party simply doesn't care about you.

At all
The below link tells the story. U only need to read the first 2 paragraphs ESPECIALLY the last half of the 2nd paragraph to get a grasp on WHY the statist left within America are pushing for a "One World Without borders" agenda(Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer). This is WHY our southern border is wide open @ current.

U R correct in your assessment that "The democrat party doesn't care about you" as for the statist left all that matters to them is global control over all people(god complex). Associated links are listed as follows;

Our resident dims and their hive minds are avoiding this like -- Well, like their Hive Queen, the DNC has ordered them to.

They got nothing to add, no Tu Quque fallacies, no rebuttals, no -- Nothing.

You would almost think they're like, you know, being controlled.
The Neo-GOP are again using death as political cannon fodder. The Neo-GOP prove outright that they don't care about the immigration crisis or this poor girls death, they only care about using the Congressional failure to further their political objective. That's why they blocked the Conservative Langford bill from passing because it would solve most of the problem. So they're obviously not only okay with more undocumented people crossing the border every day but also they are doing everything they can to encourage it.

Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP own the border crisis now.
The Neo-GOP are again using death as political cannon fodder. The Neo-GOP prove outright that they don't care about the immigration crisis or this poor girls death, they only care about using the Congressional failure to further their political objective. That's why they blocked the Conservative Langford bill from passing because it would solve most of the problem. So they're obviously not only okay with more undocumented people crossing the border every day but also they are doing everything they can to encourage it.

Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP own the border crisis now.
We blocked the bill because it was a bad bill. It sucked. It solved nothing. It was a total piece of shit. Loaded with pork and useless goobermint spending.

A joke. Kinda like you
We blocked the bill because it was a bad bill. It sucked. It solved nothing. It was a total piece of shit. Loaded with pork and useless goobermint spending.

A joke. Kinda like you
Turn off Faux. It's not really news anyway.
The Neo-GOP are again using death as political cannon fodder. The Neo-GOP prove outright that they don't care about the immigration crisis or this poor girls death, they only care about using the Congressional failure to further their political objective. That's why they blocked the Conservative Langford bill from passing because it would solve most of the problem. So they're obviously not only okay with more undocumented people crossing the border every day but also they are doing everything they can to encourage it.

Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP own the border crisis now.
🥨 🥨🥨
Turn off Faux. It's not really news anyway.
I seldom watch FNC. They have two, maybe three decent programs at best The rest of it is typical media garbage -- Entertainment for the feeble-minded.

Since they railroaded Ailes out the door, it's been downhill for them. They're just the flip side of the same coin in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the media.

If I want news on American Politics, I usually go to the Foreign press. Quite often the Daily Mail. Maybe al Jazeera or the J-Post. Twitter is good if you can stomach the bullshit.

The 'news' in this Country is just garbage but, unfortuantely, out of the garbage, FNC is the most accurate. Even Newsmax uses that dried-up old fossil Crappy Nappy Napolitano, who is an avowed Trump-Hater.

Jeanine Pirro once compared him to a "Well-Hung Field Mouse". I wouldn't know (nor would I be interested) but it sounds quite accurate. He does seem 'testosterone challenged'. Sadly typical of the genre
What Dems like that? Name names.
  • Dennis Prager: "One might as well wish that daily consumption of a hot fudge sundae will lead to weight loss. . . If you still think the left-right divide is bridgeable, it is only because it is too painful to confront the tragic reality of contemporary American life: Today's left-right divide is at least as great as the North-South divide before and during the Civil War. The only thing that remains the same is that it was the Democrat Party that opposed freedom then, and it is the Democrat Party that opposes freedom today."
    The Left-Right Divide Is Not Bridgeable

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