LA needs to secede from the USA.


Jul 7, 2005
New Orleans, Louisiana
It seems to me that the promise that Bush made less than three months ago will not come to pass because of Congress. As of now they will only try to rebuild the levees to their original category three level. Congress also refuses to allow Louisiana to keep its oil and gas revenue for eight years so we can fix the problems of the levees and costal erosion ourselves. So let me get this straight. Our country finds our resources so valuable that they will not let us keep them for a relatively short period of time so we can fix the problem ourselves. They will not fix the problem for us. When I see congressmen from resource rich states like Idaho, Montana and Arizona arguing against giving aid to Louisiana I makes me think what is Louisiana to the nation? We are nothing more than a colony like we were to the French and Spanish. Something you suck the resources out of and put as little as possible back into the area to maximize your profits.

A Dutch engineer that visited New Orleans said that protecting New Orleans for 1,000 years is doable but the nation needs the political support to do it. Holland has a situation very similar to New Orleans. The entire nation is below sea level and in 1953 thousands of people died when a huge storm from the North Sea produced a storm surge that busted their levees. No they don’t have hurricanes in Holland but they do have huge storms from the North Sea which is one of the most violent seas in the world. After 1953 their government said never again and they have built an unbelievable levee and lock system that makes ours look like something a couple of junior high students put together. The Dutch engineer said something key that is lacking in regards to New Orleans. We lack the support of the nation. The nation as a whole doesn’t want to invest any money to protect us beyond enough time to pump the last drop of gas and oil out of the state. We would be better off on our own or at least as a Dutch colony. I wonder if they are interested?

Above is one article that sums up many Americans feeling about New Orleans. I don’t recall all these questions when it came to rebuilding Paris, Berlin or Tokyo. If you are sick of hearing about Katrina and Louisiana I’m sorry but it’s kind of like being abandoned by your family. I’m in disbelief of the attitude of many people in government and the public in general. Also as I head to work each day I can’t escape Katrina because of the mountains of debris that litter the shoulders of the roads. Also I pass a FEMA trailer city. Recently Senators Vitter and Landrieu asked Congress in a desperate bill asked for Louisiana to keep 5% of its oil and gas revenue for a period if memory serves for a period of 8 years but it was voted down. Let’s see you will not build the levees up to protect us from a category five status and you will not let us use our own resources to build levees that will secure our future, then what are we to the USA? Simply a colony. Time to go it alone or find a better master.
rcajun90 said:
... Time to go it alone or find a better master.
Sorry you feel that way...Bye.

BTW, I think the oil and gas are mostly in the gulf not LA. Which mean ya don't really have any leverage.

And for GAWDs sake STOP whining!!!!!!! :p:
Mr. P said:
Sorry you feel that way...Bye.

BTW, I think the oil and gas are mostly in the gulf not LA. Which mean ya don't really have any leverage.

And for GAWDs sake STOP whining!!!!!!! :p:

I have to agree, between their incompetent governor, lousy mayor of NO, and the 'demands' of the locals, they lost many of us.
Mr. P said:
Sorry you feel that way...Bye.

BTW, I think the oil and gas are mostly in the gulf not LA. Which mean ya don't really have any leverage.

And for GAWDs sake STOP whining!!!!!!! :p:
If Congress doesn't come through then I will do what I can for us to leave. Why do citizens of a nation need leverage to get the help they need? You live in what is like a war zone for three months with your family. Then only to have the government that you pay taxes to and send your sons and daughters to defend to turn a cold shoulder to you in your time of need. I’m not going to leave even though I could. This is my home and neighbors. It's not whining it is asking for help. As far as the oil and gas it is off the coast of Louisiana and Texas. It is in our territorial waters so yes it does belong to us. The next hurricane season is supposed to be as bad if not worse than this past one. How will you feel if Houston, Tampa or Miami are leveled? Answer this question also, if the government will not build the proper levees and they will not let you use your own resource to do so then what the heck are you suppose to do? Enjoy your high energy bills this winter.
rcajun90 said:
Also it appears now this was a manmade disaster. The national and local firms in charge of building them didn't build them as deep as they were suppose to so they were doomed to fail at some point.

I saw only some of the damage and never got as far as the worst damage but I think it's only a small part of New Orleans that people are wanting to write off. The damage was way more than I expected to see though in cities like Lake Charles and the towns south of there (Cameron and Holly Beach) were basically gone. It was my impression that they are still in the clean up process and areas are being watched by the National Guard. Lousianna needs federal aid for sure but I think most believe that a PART of New Orleans should be left alone.

BTW--I think LA is now in the middle of a political mess and you won't see much more immediate help until the politicians decide who gets to run the show. Your next elections are going to be extremely viscious.
dilloduck said:
I saw only some of the damage and never got as far as the worst damage but I think it's only a small part of New Orleans that people are wanting to write off. The damage was way more than I expected to see though in cities like Lake Charles and the towns south of there (Cameron and Holly Beach) were basically gone. It was my impression that they are still in the clean up process and areas are being watched by the National Guard. Lousianna needs federal aid for sure but I think most believe that a PART of New Orleans should be left alone.

BTW--I think LA is now in the middle of a political mess and you won't see much more immediate help until the politicians decide who gets to run the show. Your next elections are going to be extremely viscious.

You are the only one on this board besides myself that actually saw and lived in it. I respect you tremendously for putting your money where your mouth is and coming down to help. I went down to my home parish of Cameron about a week after Rita went through. The church I grew up in was gone but much to my relief my parents graves and the big cross my father had built was still there. BTW all of that area is above sea level and never had a levee system.
What happened in Lake Charles could happen to any city on the Gulf Coast and Rita was thankfully only a three when it hit. My old home was gone. One of the lasting images I will have with Rita was seeing my old neighbor a man in his late 60's crying how he lost everything and was now on food stamps. He was so upset to be on any type of government assistance for he like most people down there had worked hard all their lives. If you drove down there I bet you saw a lot of working class and middle class everyday people looking through the brush around the foundations to what was their homes for a picture or anything of their former lives.

As far as New Orleans the damage was different because much of the damage was flooding and not wind. The size of the distruction is unbelievable. Nothing but trash and debris as far as the eye can see. No traffic problems around the Superdome the day I went. I saw about four cars down Poydras street. The only part of New Orleans which I think perhaps shouldn't be rebuilt is the 9th ward. It is just to low and it flooded a month ago when a cold front moved through. We don't need any individual aid or food stamps now. If you can't find a job right now in the New Orleans area then you are not looking or perhaps can't find a place to live. Burger joints are giving signing bonuses and up 10.00 an hour. What we need is the nation to help us or let us help ourselves build a levee system similar to the Dutch so that old businesses and new feel comfortable about setting up shop and investing in the area. The locals here are in shock and awe that the federal government only wants to build basically what was already there and that is a level three levee system. I mean if a better system isn't possible at the present time you say look we are shooting for a system like the Dutch in ten years but we know we can get it back to level three by next hurricanne season. Give people some hope and confidence and the people of Louisiana will do the rest. Thank you again Dilio.
dilloduck said:
BTW--I think LA is now in the middle of a political mess and you won't see much more immediate help until the politicians decide who gets to run the show. Your next elections are going to be extremely viscious.

I don't think the next election will be viscious. Blanco would be an idiot to even try to run again. If Bobby Jindal runs he will win by a landslide.
rcajun90 said:
... As far as the oil and gas it is off the coast of Louisiana and Texas. It is in our territorial waters so yes it does belong to us. ...
errrrrrrr...States don't have territories. Besides that, the platforms are in US waters. That’s U.S.A. not “us” in LA. :D
rcajun90 said:
I don't think the next election will be viscious. Blanco would be an idiot to even try to run again. If Bobby Jindal runs he will win by a landslide.

And how many Democratic idiots do you think will run nationwide ? :D
Mr. P said:
errrrrrrr...States don't have territories. Besides that, the platforms are in US waters. That’s U.S.A. not “us” in LA. :D

You have a stuttering problem? Also they are considered to be Louisiana territorial waters or every state from Idaho to Arizona could setup platforms and reap the revenue you twit. :laugh:
rcajun90 said:
You have a stuttering problem? Also they are considered to be Louisiana territorial waters or every state from Idaho to Arizona could setup platforms and reap the revenue you twit. :laugh:
It’s not my job to educate a coonass, but as a favor here's a place for you to start to learn about territorial waters, you have a lot of work to do.
Mr. P said:
It’s not my job to educate a coonass, but as a favor here's a place for you to start to learn about territorial waters, you have a lot of work to do.

You are using wikipedia? :laugh: My wife is an attorney for the state. I think she knows a bit more about territorial waters than you or wikipedia. You use to make me angry but now I see you are just ignorant. I hope you or your family never goes through a disaster like this. God bless you and when I go to mass on Sunday I will say a prayer for you. BTW I’m not a coonass although I wish I was. You will not meet a finer group of people than the Cajuns of Louisiana. Read my profile I’m Cuban. Have a great evening.
The wikipedia link said nothing about state vs. national waters.

However, we can logically say that if national waters are defined as 12 nautical miles of water past the coast, then Louisiana would get the section of water that is within 12 miles of their coast. If they own their own land, then they should get the water that goes with it. It's really simple.

And yes, Louisiana (or any other state for that matter) should have the right to secede. That was the unanimous intent of the founders (even the Great Centralizer, Alexander Hamilton). In other words, the south was right.

BaronVonBigmeat said:
The wikipedia link said nothing about state vs. national waters.

However, we can logically say that if national waters are defined as 12 nautical miles of water past the coast, then Louisiana would get the section of water that is within 12 miles of their coast. If they own their own land, then they should get the water that goes with it. It's really simple.

And yes, Louisiana (or any other state for that matter) should have the right to secede. That was the unanimous intent of the founders (even the Great Centralizer, Alexander Hamilton). In other words, the south was right.


They may have been 'right' but they lost. No quotes.
BaronVonBigmeat said:
The wikipedia link said nothing about state vs. national waters.

However, we can logically say that if national waters are defined as 12 nautical miles of water past the coast, then Louisiana would get the section of water that is within 12 miles of their coast. If they own their own land, then they should get the water that goes with it. It's really simple.

That’s because term “State” is in regards to the sea/ocean is the “Nation” not the individual State. If a coastal state owns 12 NM I guess that means their State Navy an/or Coast Guard should patrol it too, right?

Wikipedia doesn’t explain the issue at hand, but it’s a good place to start.
There are many links there that must be explored to understand who “Owns” and who has “rights” or more appropriately, "stewardship" of the waters.
Mr. P said:
That’s because term “State” is in regards to the sea/ocean is the “Nation” not the individual State. If a coastal state owns 12 NM I guess that means their State Navy an/or Coast Guard should patrol it too, right?

Wikipedia doesn’t explain the issue at hand, but it’s a good place to start.
There are many links there that must be explored to understand who “Owns” and who has “rights” or more appropriately, "stewardship" of the waters.

I'm aware that the word "state" can refer to (and used to only refer to) a soverign, independent nation. The US feds currently have the trump card, and the state can only excercise the powers that aren't forbidden by the feds (a complete reversal of what was originally intended). There's nothing really complicated about it. Ideally, they would be able to secede, stop sending money to washington, and decide what to do with their waterways themselves.

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