It seems to me that the promise that Bush made less than three months ago will not come to pass because of Congress. As of now they will only try to rebuild the levees to their original category three level. Congress also refuses to allow Louisiana to keep its oil and gas revenue for eight years so we can fix the problems of the levees and costal erosion ourselves. So let me get this straight. Our country finds our resources so valuable that they will not let us keep them for a relatively short period of time so we can fix the problem ourselves. They will not fix the problem for us. When I see congressmen from resource rich states like Idaho, Montana and Arizona arguing against giving aid to Louisiana I makes me think what is Louisiana to the nation? We are nothing more than a colony like we were to the French and Spanish. Something you suck the resources out of and put as little as possible back into the area to maximize your profits.
A Dutch engineer that visited New Orleans said that protecting New Orleans for 1,000 years is doable but the nation needs the political support to do it. Holland has a situation very similar to New Orleans. The entire nation is below sea level and in 1953 thousands of people died when a huge storm from the North Sea produced a storm surge that busted their levees. No they dont have hurricanes in Holland but they do have huge storms from the North Sea which is one of the most violent seas in the world. After 1953 their government said never again and they have built an unbelievable levee and lock system that makes ours look like something a couple of junior high students put together. The Dutch engineer said something key that is lacking in regards to New Orleans. We lack the support of the nation. The nation as a whole doesnt want to invest any money to protect us beyond enough time to pump the last drop of gas and oil out of the state. We would be better off on our own or at least as a Dutch colony. I wonder if they are interested?
Above is one article that sums up many Americans feeling about New Orleans. I dont recall all these questions when it came to rebuilding Paris, Berlin or Tokyo. If you are sick of hearing about Katrina and Louisiana Im sorry but its kind of like being abandoned by your family. Im in disbelief of the attitude of many people in government and the public in general. Also as I head to work each day I cant escape Katrina because of the mountains of debris that litter the shoulders of the roads. Also I pass a FEMA trailer city. Recently Senators Vitter and Landrieu asked Congress in a desperate bill asked for Louisiana to keep 5% of its oil and gas revenue for a period if memory serves for a period of 8 years but it was voted down. Lets see you will not build the levees up to protect us from a category five status and you will not let us use our own resources to build levees that will secure our future, then what are we to the USA? Simply a colony. Time to go it alone or find a better master.
A Dutch engineer that visited New Orleans said that protecting New Orleans for 1,000 years is doable but the nation needs the political support to do it. Holland has a situation very similar to New Orleans. The entire nation is below sea level and in 1953 thousands of people died when a huge storm from the North Sea produced a storm surge that busted their levees. No they dont have hurricanes in Holland but they do have huge storms from the North Sea which is one of the most violent seas in the world. After 1953 their government said never again and they have built an unbelievable levee and lock system that makes ours look like something a couple of junior high students put together. The Dutch engineer said something key that is lacking in regards to New Orleans. We lack the support of the nation. The nation as a whole doesnt want to invest any money to protect us beyond enough time to pump the last drop of gas and oil out of the state. We would be better off on our own or at least as a Dutch colony. I wonder if they are interested?
Above is one article that sums up many Americans feeling about New Orleans. I dont recall all these questions when it came to rebuilding Paris, Berlin or Tokyo. If you are sick of hearing about Katrina and Louisiana Im sorry but its kind of like being abandoned by your family. Im in disbelief of the attitude of many people in government and the public in general. Also as I head to work each day I cant escape Katrina because of the mountains of debris that litter the shoulders of the roads. Also I pass a FEMA trailer city. Recently Senators Vitter and Landrieu asked Congress in a desperate bill asked for Louisiana to keep 5% of its oil and gas revenue for a period if memory serves for a period of 8 years but it was voted down. Lets see you will not build the levees up to protect us from a category five status and you will not let us use our own resources to build levees that will secure our future, then what are we to the USA? Simply a colony. Time to go it alone or find a better master.