LA County Supervisor dines at restaurant hours after voting to ban outdoor dining, which she described as “a most dangerous situation”

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What, are reporters following all these people around or what? So what if they act like they're above the rules? Is that news to you? Does that make the virus spread slower?
What, are reporters following all these people around or what? So what if they act like they're above the rules? Is that news to you? Does that make the virus spread slower?
It makes me think that they don't believe in the virus that they say is spreading is as bad as they say it is. Trusting hypocrites is very, very, hard.
What, are reporters following all these people around or what? So what if they act like they're above the rules? Is that news to you? Does that make the virus spread slower?
It makes me think that they don't believe in the virus that they say is spreading is as bad as they say it is. Trusting hypocrites is very, very, hard.

the latest episode in this series
What, are reporters following all these people around or what? So what if they act like they're above the rules? Is that news to you? Does that make the virus spread slower?
No, people that work in the restaurants that these hypocrites are closing down are reporting them to the news media! So what if they act like they're above the rules? Did you really just ask that question? Have you ever read Animal Farm by George Orwell? That County Supervisor is one of the pigs in that story! She believes in the whole "All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others!" concept!
What, are reporters following all these people around or what? So what if they act like they're above the rules? Is that news to you? Does that make the virus spread slower?

Ah.h..h... So they're the good guys and don't have to follow the rules they make up.

That puts a whole new twist on vigilante justice even though it sounds like they're dictators who think they are above having to follow their own rules to me.


I'm just sick of all the pissing and moaning about it. What the fuck do I care about some county supervisor all the way across the country being an asswipe. The way you guys rag on California and New York is ridiculous and tbh boring. You gossip like a bunch of old hens about every fucking Democrat you hear about, even a 79 year old woman who is hoping to keep her constituents alive by voting to close the most prolific spreader of the disease. So she needed something to eat. Big fucking deal, KARENS.

What is so especially annoying about this is that you all APPLAUD people who refuse to wear a mask or follow restrictions, but if it's a Democrat, oh my! You all are as big hypocrites as she is.
I'm just sick of all the pissing and moaning about it. What the fuck do I care about some county supervisor all the way across the country being an asswipe. The way you guys rag on California and New York is ridiculous and tbh boring. You gossip like a bunch of old hens about every fucking Democrat you hear about, even a 79 year old woman who is hoping to keep her constituents alive by voting to close the most prolific spreader of the disease. So she needed something to eat. Big fucking deal, KARENS.

What is so especially annoying about this is that you all APPLAUD people who refuse to wear a mask or follow restrictions, but if it's a Democrat, oh my! You all are as big hypocrites as she is.
Its called a messageboard. Its for bitching/pissing/moaning/ragging. If you are so sick of it, do another empty swan song and come back so you can stick your useless nose back into what everyone is saying proclaiming how boring it is. News for ya, OL. You are boring too.

In answer to your question about not caring what goes on across the country, about when where YOU live they destroy every small business with the same hypocracies? If its so fucking dangerous, this flu, why are THEY going maskless but demanding the same from everyone else? I sure hope you are a retired teacher. Its ones like you that are poisoning the minds of kids.

the latest episode in this series
What, are reporters following all these people around or what? So what if they act like they're above the rules? Is that news to you? Does that make the virus spread slower?
It makes tyranny spread faster, so that fucking kuuunt needs to be put down like a fucking tyrant. EXECUTED!!!
I'm just sick of all the pissing and moaning about it. What the fuck do I care about some county supervisor all the way across the country being an asswipe. The way you guys rag on California and New York is ridiculous and tbh boring. You gossip like a bunch of old hens about every fucking Democrat you hear about, even a 79 year old woman who is hoping to keep her constituents alive by voting to close the most prolific spreader of the disease. So she needed something to eat. Big fucking deal, KARENS.

What is so especially annoying about this is that you all APPLAUD people who refuse to wear a mask or follow restrictions, but if it's a Democrat, oh my! You all are as big hypocrites as she is.

It's not news to you that 31,000 restaurants are about to be shut down again? many of which have taken safety precautions and invested money in creating outdoor dining?
When politicians like this old bag make these decisions, dont be surprised if people are going to dissect the decision. It's no small thing that this will disrupt peoples lives very badly.
If this woman truly believes the threat, what the hell is she as an 79 year old and in the HIGH RISK category doing dining out at a restaurant that you now call "the most prolific spreader of the disease"? IS it that she feels it's safer to dine outside?

Absolutely, because it is safer eating outside. Stop acting like a sheep Old Lady... dont be a moron. Outdoor dining is not the most prolific spreader of disease. Can you back that up with any sort of science? What study is that?

the latest episode in this series
What, are reporters following all these people around or what? So what if they act like they're above the rules? Is that news to you? Does that make the virus spread slower?

If they don't take it seriously why the fuck should I take it seriously?

Who do you want to follow, an officer that leads the charge out of the trench or one that just blows his whistle and tells you to charge?
I'm just sick of all the pissing and moaning about it. What the fuck do I care about some county supervisor all the way across the country being an asswipe. The way you guys rag on California and New York is ridiculous and tbh boring. You gossip like a bunch of old hens about every fucking Democrat you hear about, even a 79 year old woman who is hoping to keep her constituents alive by voting to close the most prolific spreader of the disease. So she needed something to eat. Big fucking deal, KARENS.

What is so especially annoying about this is that you all APPLAUD people who refuse to wear a mask or follow restrictions, but if it's a Democrat, oh my! You all are as big hypocrites as she is.

I'll try to make this simple so even a single digit IQ twat like you can understand.

Why should I follow the rules if the people making the rules won't follow them?
I'm just sick of all the pissing and moaning about it. What the fuck do I care about some county supervisor all the way across the country being an asswipe. The way you guys rag on California and New York is ridiculous and tbh boring. You gossip like a bunch of old hens about every fucking Democrat you hear about, even a 79 year old woman who is hoping to keep her constituents alive by voting to close the most prolific spreader of the disease. So she needed something to eat. Big fucking deal, KARENS.

What is so especially annoying about this is that you all APPLAUD people who refuse to wear a mask or follow restrictions, but if it's a Democrat, oh my! You all are as big hypocrites as she is.


Perhaps because we're not the ones who were sending COVID positive patients back to the nursing homes so everyone there becomes infected and dies. Then that same person gets on TV later on and tells everyone how great a job they did handling the pandemic crisis while the media gives them an Emmy for their great performance.




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