Ksenia Sobchak for President: Proof of the True Democracy in Russia

One of the most dumbest celebrities in Russia run for President.Nothing cam from Putin to stop her. Voters have to decide.Sure she has zero chances to win election, but the fact is: Russia becames a True Democracy where everybody ( even idiots ) can run for the First Office in country. Can you say it about most of EU-countries where folks vote for corrupted parties and can not elect the first person ( e.g. Germany )

Ksenia is analogue of Paris Hilton in Russia...

But at the place of Russian president it would be a "Horse or Apocalypse" :)

As far as I know Paris Hilton has been staying away from politics unlike Sobchack. And Paris Hilton will probably never run for president either. And unlike Sobchack I think Paris Hilton is kinda dumb.

KS is not less dumb as Hilton

Woman, who want to rule Russia successfully would have not only intellect like Elena Glinskaya... She would be also decisive like Olga...:) How much of this character kinds KS have?

According to the Fifth Column it is not necessary. The most important thing is Papa Sobchak's circumcision.
One of the most dumbest celebrities in Russia run for President.Nothing cam from Putin to stop her. Voters have to decide.Sure she has zero chances to win election, but the fact is: Russia becames a True Democracy where everybody ( even idiots ) can run for the First Office in country. Can you say it about most of EU-countries where folks vote for corrupted parties and can not elect the first person ( e.g. Germany )

Ksenia is analogue of Paris Hilton in Russia...

But at the place of Russian president it would be a "Horse or Apocalypse" :)

As far as I know Paris Hilton has been staying away from politics unlike Sobchack. And Paris Hilton will probably never run for president either. And unlike Sobchack I think Paris Hilton is kinda dumb.

KS is not less dumb as Hilton

I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job
One of the most dumbest celebrities in Russia run for President.Nothing cam from Putin to stop her. Voters have to decide.Sure she has zero chances to win election, but the fact is: Russia becames a True Democracy where everybody ( even idiots ) can run for the First Office in country. Can you say it about most of EU-countries where folks vote for corrupted parties and can not elect the first person ( e.g. Germany )

Ksenia is analogue of Paris Hilton in Russia...

But at the place of Russian president it would be a "Horse or Apocalypse" :)

As far as I know Paris Hilton has been staying away from politics unlike Sobchack. And Paris Hilton will probably never run for president either. And unlike Sobchack I think Paris Hilton is kinda dumb.

KS is not less dumb as Hilton

Woman, who want to rule Russia successfully would have not only intellect like Elena Glinskaya... She would be also decisive like Olga...:) How much of this character kinds KS have?

According to the Fifth Column it is not necessary. The most important thing is Papa Sobchak's circumcision.

Ha-ha... If seriously, it's a main problem - she don't know a real life in Russia.

I remember she visited a suburban train near Moscow and was indignant "How it can be! A lot of passengers are a bit drunk at Saturday morning!"

Saturday "morning" for her was 2PM. A weekend after Saturday morning shift for this passengers...
One of the most dumbest celebrities in Russia run for President.Nothing cam from Putin to stop her. Voters have to decide.Sure she has zero chances to win election, but the fact is: Russia becames a True Democracy where everybody ( even idiots ) can run for the First Office in country. Can you say it about most of EU-countries where folks vote for corrupted parties and can not elect the first person ( e.g. Germany )

Ksenia is analogue of Paris Hilton in Russia...

But at the place of Russian president it would be a "Horse or Apocalypse" :)

As far as I know Paris Hilton has been staying away from politics unlike Sobchack. And Paris Hilton will probably never run for president either. And unlike Sobchack I think Paris Hilton is kinda dumb.

KS is not less dumb as Hilton

I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job

In my opinion PH is more smart and honest, she run an Imperial which KS never dreamed about.
KS is just a presstitute whore born by a larcenous and circumcised father.
One of the most dumbest celebrities in Russia run for President.Nothing cam from Putin to stop her. Voters have to decide.Sure she has zero chances to win election, but the fact is: Russia becames a True Democracy where everybody ( even idiots ) can run for the First Office in country. Can you say it about most of EU-countries where folks vote for corrupted parties and can not elect the first person ( e.g. Germany )

Ksenia is analogue of Paris Hilton in Russia...

But at the place of Russian president it would be a "Horse or Apocalypse" :)

As far as I know Paris Hilton has been staying away from politics unlike Sobchack. And Paris Hilton will probably never run for president either. And unlike Sobchack I think Paris Hilton is kinda dumb.

KS is not less dumb as Hilton

I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job

In my opinion PH is more smart and honest, she run an Imperial which KS never dreamed about.
KS is just a presstitute whore born by a larcenous and circumcised father.

What makes you think Anataoly Sobchack was Jewish? He was a very respectable man and a true patriot. Sbiker , what do you know about him?

This is what I found about A. Sobchack on the Internet: His mother’s dad was Russian and mother’s mom was Ukrainian. His father’s dad was Polish and his father’s mom was Czech.
Анатолий Собчак: биография и личная жизнь

He looks like all other Russians do and even has a pug nose:

Ksenia is analogue of Paris Hilton in Russia...

But at the place of Russian president it would be a "Horse or Apocalypse" :)
As far as I know Paris Hilton has been staying away from politics unlike Sobchack. And Paris Hilton will probably never run for president either. And unlike Sobchack I think Paris Hilton is kinda dumb.

KS is not less dumb as Hilton
I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job

In my opinion PH is more smart and honest, she run an Imperial which KS never dreamed about.
KS is just a presstitute whore born by a larcenous and circumcised father.

What makes you think Anataoly Sobchack was Jewish? He was a very respectable man and a true patriot. Sbiker , what do you know about him?

This is what I found about A. Sobchack on the Internet: His mother’s dad was Russian and mother’s mom was Ukrainian. His father’s dad was Polish and his father’s mom was Czech.
Анатолий Собчак: биография и личная жизнь

He looks like all other Russians do and even has a pug nose:


Can you Russian language?
If not than google.

Ксения Собчак обнажила свои еврейские корни
Еврейка Людмила Нарусова: «Русских нужно истребить!» | День X
As far as I know Paris Hilton has been staying away from politics unlike Sobchack. And Paris Hilton will probably never run for president either. And unlike Sobchack I think Paris Hilton is kinda dumb.

KS is not less dumb as Hilton
I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job

In my opinion PH is more smart and honest, she run an Imperial which KS never dreamed about.
KS is just a presstitute whore born by a larcenous and circumcised father.

What makes you think Anataoly Sobchack was Jewish? He was a very respectable man and a true patriot. Sbiker , what do you know about him?

This is what I found about A. Sobchack on the Internet: His mother’s dad was Russian and mother’s mom was Ukrainian. His father’s dad was Polish and his father’s mom was Czech.
Анатолий Собчак: биография и личная жизнь

He looks like all other Russians do and even has a pug nose:


Can you Russian language?
If not than google.

Ксения Собчак обнажила свои еврейские корни
Еврейка Людмила Нарусова: «Русских нужно истребить!» | День X
I know Russian better than I know English because I AM Russian.

I know her mom, L. Narusova, she doesn't look Jewish either, may be more Tatar. And I don't trust Internet if I can see with my own eyes. But everything's possible...
KS is not less dumb as Hilton
I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job

In my opinion PH is more smart and honest, she run an Imperial which KS never dreamed about.
KS is just a presstitute whore born by a larcenous and circumcised father.

What makes you think Anataoly Sobchack was Jewish? He was a very respectable man and a true patriot. Sbiker , what do you know about him?

This is what I found about A. Sobchack on the Internet: His mother’s dad was Russian and mother’s mom was Ukrainian. His father’s dad was Polish and his father’s mom was Czech.
Анатолий Собчак: биография и личная жизнь

He looks like all other Russians do and even has a pug nose:


Can you Russian language?
If not than google.

Ксения Собчак обнажила свои еврейские корни
Еврейка Людмила Нарусова: «Русских нужно истребить!» | День X
I know Russian better than I know English because I AM Russian.

I know her mom, L. Narusova, she doesn't look Jewish either, may be more Tatar. And I don't trust Internet if I can see with my own eyes. But everything's possible...

It is difficult to understand why Jews hate Russians so much. Just for remembrance Russians saved them from concentration camps and ended Holocaust.As 'thank' Russian became 'perestroika'.
As far as I know Paris Hilton has been staying away from politics unlike Sobchack. And Paris Hilton will probably never run for president either. And unlike Sobchack I think Paris Hilton is kinda dumb.

KS is not less dumb as Hilton
I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job

In my opinion PH is more smart and honest, she run an Imperial which KS never dreamed about.
KS is just a presstitute whore born by a larcenous and circumcised father.

What makes you think Anataoly Sobchack was Jewish? He was a very respectable man and a true patriot. Sbiker , what do you know about him?

This is what I found about A. Sobchack on the Internet: His mother’s dad was Russian and mother’s mom was Ukrainian. His father’s dad was Polish and his father’s mom was Czech.
Анатолий Собчак: биография и личная жизнь

He looks like all other Russians do and even has a pug nose:


Can you Russian language?
If not than google.

Ксения Собчак обнажила свои еврейские корни
Еврейка Людмила Нарусова: «Русских нужно истребить!» | День X

You know, Baron, I just read your article and you may be right: Narusova may have some Jewish roots. Who would have known... Sbiker, what do you know about that?
KS is not less dumb as Hilton
I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job

In my opinion PH is more smart and honest, she run an Imperial which KS never dreamed about.
KS is just a presstitute whore born by a larcenous and circumcised father.

What makes you think Anataoly Sobchack was Jewish? He was a very respectable man and a true patriot. Sbiker , what do you know about him?

This is what I found about A. Sobchack on the Internet: His mother’s dad was Russian and mother’s mom was Ukrainian. His father’s dad was Polish and his father’s mom was Czech.
Анатолий Собчак: биография и личная жизнь

He looks like all other Russians do and even has a pug nose:


Can you Russian language?
If not than google.

Ксения Собчак обнажила свои еврейские корни
Еврейка Людмила Нарусова: «Русских нужно истребить!» | День X

You know, Baron, I just read your article and you may be right: Narusova may have some Jewish roots. Who would have known... Sbiker, what do you know about that?

:))) At first, I know a lot of Jews here and I cannot say, they hate Russians. True Jews usually sympathize Russians because of 1). They remember, who stopped the Holocaust and helped to create Israel and 2). Russians are bad businessmen but awesome engineers and mechanicians, working in businesses, Jews organize.

Either Narusova or Sobchak - there are no meaning, have they Jew root, or no. They are "liberals" and "dissidents" - so that's why they hate Russians. It's not a nationality, it's just a phimosis of their brain.

And another one interesting thing. "Jews question" was popular in latest Soviet Union. It was a time, when some clans of Jews owned a lot of good positions in science and industry not by principle of "who is the best for this position" but my principle "who is my relative or, at least, another Jew". So, both kinds of tries - to inflate anti-Semitism or to find "Jews root" in own family - it's a way of later-Soviet thinking, "sovok". That's real serious problem in Russia. After 90ths Russians in mass have learned to live and think, as other people in world. Russian elites in mass - no, almost all of them imagine, they continue to live in a late Soviet Union. People are really seeing, who continue to live in Gorbachev times and don't want to vote for them...
As far as I know Paris Hilton has been staying away from politics unlike Sobchack. And Paris Hilton will probably never run for president either. And unlike Sobchack I think Paris Hilton is kinda dumb.

KS is not less dumb as Hilton
I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job

In my opinion PH is more smart and honest, she run an Imperial which KS never dreamed about.
KS is just a presstitute whore born by a larcenous and circumcised father.

What makes you think Anataoly Sobchack was Jewish? He was a very respectable man and a true patriot. Sbiker , what do you know about him?

This is what I found about A. Sobchack on the Internet: His mother’s dad was Russian and mother’s mom was Ukrainian. His father’s dad was Polish and his father’s mom was Czech.
Анатолий Собчак: биография и личная жизнь

He looks like all other Russians do and even has a pug nose:


Can you Russian language?
If not than google.

Ксения Собчак обнажила свои еврейские корни
Еврейка Людмила Нарусова: «Русских нужно истребить!» | День X

Ha-ha, I just read an article... "Jew by lastname" - a good joke...

Many Jews in Russia really have non-Russian lastnames, not because they Jews, but because they immigrants to Russia not so many generations ago. So, someone like "Ivankin" or "Petrovsky" could be a greater more Jew, then "Narusovich" or "Steinman" etc...
It seems, she's not Jew, but Lithuvian from Belorussia - it explains her anti-Russian speech - just a national Baltic wishes "to find a senior and to serve him" :)
Another woman from show business announced her decision to run for president of Russia. Now it's Catherine Gordon.

Gordon goes to the President: experts and ex-husband skeptical – Russia news today

View attachment 157916

But, of course, they understand that they have no chance. And this is a way to raise your media popularity :)

A cute girl :)

Белковский: «Катя Гордон будет баллотироваться в президенты назло Собчак» / — Ярск-Инфо

It seems she just want to revenge to Sobchak... Why not?
One of the most dumbest celebrities in Russia run for President.Nothing cam from Putin to stop her. Voters have to decide.Sure she has zero chances to win election, but the fact is: Russia becames a True Democracy where everybody ( even idiots ) can run for the First Office in country. Can you say it about most of EU-countries where folks vote for corrupted parties and can not elect the first person ( e.g. Germany )

So, it's a pure democracy because they let people enter and then make sure they'll never, ever be able to win? Er.....

The reality is in most, if not all, European democracies you can make your own party and run to be leader of your country. Most will fail.
The reality is in most, if not all, European democracies you can make your own party and run to be leader of your country. Most will fail.

Democracy is the power of those who control the media :)

Let me tell you, young man — the dirty little secret of democracy is that just because you get a vote, doesn’t mean you get your choice….

// Lois McMaster Bujold - Wikipedia
The reality is in most, if not all, European democracies you can make your own party and run to be leader of your country. Most will fail.

Democracy is the power of those who control the media :)

Let me tell you, young man — the dirty little secret of democracy is that just because you get a vote, doesn’t mean you get your choice….

// Lois McMaster Bujold - Wikipedia

Indeed. People think they're free, and they just roll over like a cute puppy and let themselves be stroked.
People think they're free, and they just roll over like a cute puppy and let themselves be stroked.

Broken windows theory - Wikipedia

The principle is much broader, of course. It deals not only with crime. 2/3 of people do the same thing as everyone else. The notion that "everyone else is doing" nowadays is largely derived from the media, not from the immediate environment :)
KS is not less dumb as Hilton
I think Sobchack is a lot smarter than Paris Hilton.

BTW, yesterday another Russian woman with a big mouth decided to run for President.
Another Russian socialite declares intent to grab Putin’s job

In my opinion PH is more smart and honest, she run an Imperial which KS never dreamed about.
KS is just a presstitute whore born by a larcenous and circumcised father.

What makes you think Anataoly Sobchack was Jewish? He was a very respectable man and a true patriot. Sbiker , what do you know about him?

This is what I found about A. Sobchack on the Internet: His mother’s dad was Russian and mother’s mom was Ukrainian. His father’s dad was Polish and his father’s mom was Czech.
Анатолий Собчак: биография и личная жизнь

He looks like all other Russians do and even has a pug nose:


Can you Russian language?
If not than google.

Ксения Собчак обнажила свои еврейские корни
Еврейка Людмила Нарусова: «Русских нужно истребить!» | День X

You know, Baron, I just read your article and you may be right: Narusova may have some Jewish roots. Who would have known... Sbiker, what do you know about that?

It could be some Jews became Russian patriots.Unfortunately most of them hate both Russia and Russians.

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