Kristi Noem slams Covid shutdowns, defends South Dakota's record at CPAC

"Potential 2024 presidential hopeful Gov. Kristi Noem defended South Dakota's record on the coronavirus, railing against lockdowns in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

In her lengthy address, Noem argued that government, not the pandemic, “crushed” the reeling U.S. economy."

I realize her kind of delusional blather scores well with the nutbars at CPAC, but the factual record matters to some of us. Though, admittedly, not those in attendance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The Sturgis Rally, an annual motorcycle rally in the Black Hills, was a coronavirus spreader and study of cases in Minnesota shows, a newly released report by the Centers for Disease Control says.

Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.

I have clients in Sioux Falls and Fargo, ND and a bunch of them got COVID. Luckily no one died. But a few still complain about having foggy brain. They had spread it to each other at work before they started getting sick.
COVID is not deadly unless you have a pre-existing conditions. Phony virus. Numbers way over inflated.

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