Kristen Gillbrand white privilege keeps whites from being shot


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) launched into a lesson on white privilege during the Democrat presidential primary debate in Detroit, Michigan, on Wednesday night.
Kirsten Gillibrand: White Privilege Keeps Whites from 'Being Shot'

If you can't figure out why we call you gawd dam idiots and morons well let this be one more bonus point to your clueless unknowing.
How come white privilege doesn't keep people from having the shit beat out of them by roving gangs of "youths" or being murdered, as we see nearly every other day, in particularly heinous crimes? This is who the democrats want to be president?
That lady looks normal but the shit that comes out of her mouth suggests otherwise. Thank God we won't be seeing her on the stage any more. Now if they would just please vote her out.
That's it. Tell white women thst their white privilege is what keeps them from getting shot. Then promise to take all that privilege away.
Prog women will not learn until they get the beat down and worse. This western protection is our waterloo. Men will end up fighting men with these azzes in control. People that talk this and then keep living the privilege at its 7 deadly sin best while disparaging others of the same culture from living under a roof and eating some food are dead ends to civilization.
Respect for law enforcement is what keeps whites from being shot.

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