Forced a cease fire deal/hostage release in the Middle East before taking office... no mention from you
Averted the Longshoreman strike that might have crippled the economy.. no mention from you
Saved Tik Tok from an unconstitutional ban... no mention from you
Closed the Southern border... no mention from you
My guess is.. since your a TDS Lib you won't focus on anything positive that Trump does.
That would be accurate, and then some!
No whataboutism. This is all about Trump.
We know, Bodey. :itsok:
So it's day 2 of his 2nd term.. and this is what you got? The Ukraine war?
Once more.. do you call out Dems for broken promises:
Did Obama shut down Gitmo??

Could you keep your health insurance plan and Doctor??

Even more lame ass MAGA MAGGOT deflection. That is all you have, dumber than dog shit deflections. Get better material.
Kruska the fact this sockpuppet troll likes your post and you side with this idiot that has been posting here for over ten years shoots down your credibility. :abgg2q.jpg:

Ignore them. They're losers. Ignore them. The moment you engage with them...only causes problems for your mental health.

They are all deranged fucking losers.
Theowl32 i always put these loser paid trolls of the DNC on ignore,their just seeking attention.

like he said so well folks,DONT FEED THE TROLLS,thats what they want.
Lol. Biden said he would cure cancer if elected. You can bob and weave all you want to.
He said we, America, will cure cancer and proposed a Cancer Moonshot initiative to help get there.

He didn't say when America will cure cancer. He didn't say day 1 or day 100 or well after his own presidency.

Trump's promise on the other hand was very specific to "peace deal on day1 after I'm elected, even before I'm president" - election day and inaguration day came and went with zero done.

He did the same with his 2016 Pay-off-all-Debt, Fix-Inner-City-Violence and empty Obamacare promises, so Trump has a well established pattern of making bold promises during campaign while having zero ideas about how to deliver on them.
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Joe Biden: If I'm elected, we're going to cure cancer.

We are, meaning him and his administration.

Him and his administration are not scientists conducting the research. As usual you don't understand wtf you are even saying.
He said we, America, will cure cancer, and that he will put in place Cancer Moonshot program to help get there.

He didn't say it was going to happen during his tenure.

Is cancer cured? You would have to be really stupid to buy that lame campaign promise
Is cancer cured? You would have to be really stupid to buy that lame campaign promise
It's like talking to a fucking wall.

Cancer is not cured now, but it may get cured in the future, maybe even with Biden's initiative's help. Only time can answer that.

You saying that someone promissed you to cure cancer by year 2025 is your own fantasy.
Even though Biden has been ruining America all his tenure, which seemingly was good for Russia, I couldn't stand the blabbering idiot. I still hope you're not a fag, why did you like him then?

Let me just say that you make a great token Russian (as in Russian Federation citizen).

Thank you for being here and showing to Americans all the backward ignorance and biggoted stupidity that is so common in RF.

Being gay is not definitive to liking Biden, There are some differences but Trump is not against gay marriage for example. Gay voters voted for Trump at almost same rates as black voters did.

I'm straight and very much liked Biden over Trump because he wasn't a pathological liar and a fucking criminal. Biden conducted himself presidentially, administered aptly, respected his office, spoke mostly truthfully and delivered policies I agreed with. None of this has to do with where I put my pee pee.

Specifically on Ukraine Biden talked about and did mostly what I wanted to hear and see done.

Historians view Biden's presidency as a successful one, while Trump is rated as one of the worst presdents America has ever seen. No reason to think his second term will be any better.


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