
What world did you just drop out of?
This has been a contention for almost everyone that has a modicum of thought about the influence money has on our political system.
Wake up.
Your kind holler as loud as you can if a Union puts money into someones war chest but its fine for multi-billionares.
Give it a break and stop with the antics.:eusa_whistle:

The left have no problems with their own rich spenders, so quit whining about the rights rich spenders.

Read the link and listen to the interview. Your comment is both partisan and ridiculous, for money in politics, no matter the source, is the problem.

The issue is not about free speech, that is the canard you've consumed thoughtlessly. Follow the money and try real hard to understand consequences.

That is exactly my point.
The left never complained about it in the past, until Citizens United won.
Money would not matter if the voters are well educated on the issues. Which they weren't in the past. This is beginning to change.
They cannot correlate their obsession with Bergdahl, ACA, Benghazi, birth certificate,
executive privilege ..etc.
They just don't get it.


I'm thieving this for the, almost literally, million Bergdahl topics.

The biggest CONjob in recent history was Iraq; most Americans bought it, hook, line & sinker.
What world did you just drop out of?
This has been a contention for almost everyone that has a modicum of thought about the influence money has on our political system.
Wake up.
Your kind holler as loud as you can if a Union puts money into someones war chest but its fine for multi-billionares.
Give it a break and stop with the antics.:eusa_whistle:

Read the link and listen to the interview. Your comment is both partisan and ridiculous, for money in politics, no matter the source, is the problem.

The issue is not about free speech, that is the canard you've consumed thoughtlessly. Follow the money and try real hard to understand consequences.

That is exactly my point.
The left never complained about it in the past, until Citizens United won.
Money would not matter if the voters are well educated on the issues. Which they weren't in the past. This is beginning to change.

You are the one that is not hearing that money means nothing, when we have well educated voters on the issues.
We've heard from the three stooges ^^^, ignorant and blissfully each. Now, those who really care about our country ought to consider the link and the impact money has on governance and the future.

Sure, I'll get right on that.

As soon as you equally slam Tom Steyer for funneling millions to Democrats.
Does it seem liberals have a lot obsessions?

Fox news, palin, Nugent, now the frikken KOCH brothers, etc etc

while they vote for some of RICHEST PEOPLE in congress...

I think they all need thorazine or something
The only ones addicted to the Koch brothers seems to be the left given the number of threads you guys start about them.

Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.
What is understood is it's not big money in politics you have issues with it's the money going to Republicans that bugs you when you give as big a dam about unions and Hollywood elites giving millions and millions of dollars to Democrats and liberal causes as you do the Koch brothers the get back to us and we will have something real to talk about.

You don't know what I think, my disdain for money in politics has nothing to do with the R/D dichotomy; in fact the Kock's are Plutocrats and with their great weatlh have spent $$$ to make moderate Republicans - now known as the RINO - and anyone to the left of center as something to hate.

Had you read the link and listened to the interview you might understand the enormous amount of money these two have used to their benefit. See for example the influence they had on PBS; It is deplorable.
The only ones addicted to the Koch brothers seems to be the left given the number of threads you guys start about them.

Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.

Yeppers.. REAL patriots get it. The Koch Bros are funding LIBERTY, FREE MARKETS, and smaller more focused govt.. ALL very marginal and subversive causes those are... :eusa_hand:

Well what's THIS GUY doing???


A billionaire retired investor is forging plans to spend as much as $100 million during the 2014 election, seeking to pressure federal and state officials to enact climate change measures through a hard-edge campaign of attack ads against governors and lawmakers.

The donor, Tom Steyer, a Democrat who founded one of the world’s most successful hedge funds, burst onto the national political scene during last year’s elections, when he spent $11 million to help elect Terry McAuliffe governor of Virginia and millions more intervening in a Democratic congressional primary in Massachusetts. Now he is rallying other deep-pocketed donors, seeking to build a war chest that would make his political organization, NextGen Climate Action, among the largest outside groups in the country, similar in scale to the conservative political network overseen by Charles and David Koch.

Holy Smokes... A Wall Street Dung Beetle with BILLIONS from hedging bets and nothing contributed to the economy.. Backing a PROPAGANDA campaign to soften the idiotic blow of the Obama Admin -- dismantling our power grid on the basis of lies and fear.. Making THEIR supporters rich with carbon certificates printed in the basement of the White House.

OK -- choose sides.. You're on...
The only ones addicted to the Koch brothers seems to be the left given the number of threads you guys start about them.

Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.

Yeppers.. REAL patriots get it. The Koch Bros are funding LIBERTY, FREE MARKETS, and smaller more focused govt.. ALL very marginal and subversive causes those are... :eusa_hand:

Well what's THIS GUY doing???


A billionaire retired investor is forging plans to spend as much as $100 million during the 2014 election, seeking to pressure federal and state officials to enact climate change measures through a hard-edge campaign of attack ads against governors and lawmakers.

The donor, Tom Steyer, a Democrat who founded one of the world’s most successful hedge funds, burst onto the national political scene during last year’s elections, when he spent $11 million to help elect Terry McAuliffe governor of Virginia and millions more intervening in a Democratic congressional primary in Massachusetts. Now he is rallying other deep-pocketed donors, seeking to build a war chest that would make his political organization, NextGen Climate Action, among the largest outside groups in the country, similar in scale to the conservative political network overseen by Charles and David Koch.

Holy Smokes... A Wall Street Dung Beetle with BILLIONS from hedging bets and nothing contributed to the economy.. Backing a PROPAGANDA campaign to soften the idiotic blow of the Obama Admin -- dismantling our power grid on the basis of lies and fear.. Making THEIR supporters rich with carbon certificates printed in the basement of the White House.

OK -- choose sides.. You're on...

he'll slink away like a two faced hypocrite cockroach always does
We've heard from the three stooges ^^^, ignorant and blissfully each. Now, those who really care about our country ought to consider the link and the impact money has on governance and the future.

Sure, I'll get right on that.

As soon as you equally slam Tom Steyer for funneling millions to Democrats.

I've said it ad neausea, it's about the money, not about the personalities. The Koch Brothers are an example of what is wrong, they are not the only problem. Anyone who listens to TV and Radio hears lies, half-truths and innuendos paid for by the power elite to advance their cause.
Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.
What is understood is it's not big money in politics you have issues with it's the money going to Republicans that bugs you when you give as big a dam about unions and Hollywood elites giving millions and millions of dollars to Democrats and liberal causes as you do the Koch brothers the get back to us and we will have something real to talk about.

You don't know what I think, my disdain for money in politics has nothing to do with the R/D dichotomy; in fact the Kock's are Plutocrats and with their great weatlh have spent $$$ to make moderate Republicans - now known as the RINO - and anyone to the left of center as something to hate.

Had you read the link and listened to the interview you might understand the enormous amount of money these two have used to their benefit. See for example the influence they had on PBS; It is deplorable.

What I know is I have never seen you bitch about mega donations going to Democrats or liberal causes only those going to Republicans and conservative causes. When you want to start posting about liberal millionaires doing the same as Koch brothers with same disdain you show for the Koch's I will take you serious on this subject.
Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.

Yeppers.. REAL patriots get it. The Koch Bros are funding LIBERTY, FREE MARKETS, and smaller more focused govt.. ALL very marginal and subversive causes those are... :eusa_hand:

Well what's THIS GUY doing???


A billionaire retired investor is forging plans to spend as much as $100 million during the 2014 election, seeking to pressure federal and state officials to enact climate change measures through a hard-edge campaign of attack ads against governors and lawmakers.

The donor, Tom Steyer, a Democrat who founded one of the world’s most successful hedge funds, burst onto the national political scene during last year’s elections, when he spent $11 million to help elect Terry McAuliffe governor of Virginia and millions more intervening in a Democratic congressional primary in Massachusetts. Now he is rallying other deep-pocketed donors, seeking to build a war chest that would make his political organization, NextGen Climate Action, among the largest outside groups in the country, similar in scale to the conservative political network overseen by Charles and David Koch.

Holy Smokes... A Wall Street Dung Beetle with BILLIONS from hedging bets and nothing contributed to the economy.. Backing a PROPAGANDA campaign to soften the idiotic blow of the Obama Admin -- dismantling our power grid on the basis of lies and fear.. Making THEIR supporters rich with carbon certificates printed in the basement of the White House.

OK -- choose sides.. You're on...

he'll slink away like a two faced hypocrite cockroach always does

Here^^^ is an example of how stupid people like Stephanie have been duped to believe money which funds propaganda equates to freedom. Me, I'm on the side of the American people; the Kochs and Steyers don't need my support - they quite easily enlist the fools to support them in their quest for more money and power.
Yeppers.. REAL patriots get it. The Koch Bros are funding LIBERTY, FREE MARKETS, and smaller more focused govt.. ALL very marginal and subversive causes those are... :eusa_hand:

Well what's THIS GUY doing???

Holy Smokes... A Wall Street Dung Beetle with BILLIONS from hedging bets and nothing contributed to the economy.. Backing a PROPAGANDA campaign to soften the idiotic blow of the Obama Admin -- dismantling our power grid on the basis of lies and fear.. Making THEIR supporters rich with carbon certificates printed in the basement of the White House.

OK -- choose sides.. You're on...

he'll slink away like a two faced hypocrite cockroach always does

Here^^^ is an example of how stupid people like Stephanie have been duped to believe money which funds propaganda equates to freedom. Me, I'm on the side of the American people; the Kochs and Steyers don't need my support - they quite easily enlist the fools to support them in their quest for more money and power.

That's where you are wrong.. How many Cancer Research Hospitals has Steyer funded. How many lives saved?? How many wings did HE put on the Kennedy Center and what major Science show does HE fund on PBS??

I'm biased because the Kochs lean heavy Libertarian -- NOT conservative.. And they are involved in the founding of both CATO and Reason Magazine.. BOTH some of my favorite reading material. I too --- fund BOTH of them. Are they funding my "indoctrination" or did they fund those things because the organizations already mirrored their personal values.

YOU -- are not allowed to make that judgement. Not unless you have PROOF that they personally tried to buy influence in what gets written or disseminated. That's why money is speech.. You don't BUY a politician and program them -- you find one you can trust and doesn't NEED a lot of "minding"..
What is understood is it's not big money in politics you have issues with it's the money going to Republicans that bugs you when you give as big a dam about unions and Hollywood elites giving millions and millions of dollars to Democrats and liberal causes as you do the Koch brothers the get back to us and we will have something real to talk about.

You don't know what I think, my disdain for money in politics has nothing to do with the R/D dichotomy; in fact the Kock's are Plutocrats and with their great weatlh have spent $$$ to make moderate Republicans - now known as the RINO - and anyone to the left of center as something to hate.

Had you read the link and listened to the interview you might understand the enormous amount of money these two have used to their benefit. See for example the influence they had on PBS; It is deplorable.

What I know is I have never seen you bitch about mega donations going to Democrats or liberal causes only those going to Republicans and conservative causes. When you want to start posting about liberal millionaires doing the same as Koch brothers with same disdain you show for the Koch's I will take you serious on this subject.

When I come across a link as egregious as the one i posted on the Koch''s, related to a Democratic donor, I will be happy to comply.

Hollywood elites have no skin in the game, Unions do and they might be a better comparison.
Yeppers.. REAL patriots get it. The Koch Bros are funding LIBERTY, FREE MARKETS, and smaller more focused govt.. ALL very marginal and subversive causes those are... :eusa_hand:

Well what's THIS GUY doing???

Holy Smokes... A Wall Street Dung Beetle with BILLIONS from hedging bets and nothing contributed to the economy.. Backing a PROPAGANDA campaign to soften the idiotic blow of the Obama Admin -- dismantling our power grid on the basis of lies and fear.. Making THEIR supporters rich with carbon certificates printed in the basement of the White House.

OK -- choose sides.. You're on...

he'll slink away like a two faced hypocrite cockroach always does

Here^^^ is an example of how stupid people like Stephanie have been duped to believe money which funds propaganda equates to freedom. Me, I'm on the side of the American people; the Kochs and Steyers don't need my support - they quite easily enlist the fools to support them in their quest for more money and power.

The koch's and steyer have given hundreds of millions to cancer research and hospitals.
Yeppers.. REAL patriots get it. The Koch Bros are funding LIBERTY, FREE MARKETS, and smaller more focused govt.. ALL very marginal and subversive causes those are... :eusa_hand:

Well what's THIS GUY doing???

Holy Smokes... A Wall Street Dung Beetle with BILLIONS from hedging bets and nothing contributed to the economy.. Backing a PROPAGANDA campaign to soften the idiotic blow of the Obama Admin -- dismantling our power grid on the basis of lies and fear.. Making THEIR supporters rich with carbon certificates printed in the basement of the White House.

OK -- choose sides.. You're on...

he'll slink away like a two faced hypocrite cockroach always does

Here^^^ is an example of how stupid people like Stephanie have been duped to believe money which funds propaganda equates to freedom. Me, I'm on the side of the American people; the Kochs and Steyers don't need my support - they quite easily enlist the fools to support them in their quest for more money and power.

Are YOU gonna be influenced by the Steyer Propaganda campaign? Will YOU be more likely to vote for candidates that Steyer funds? Explaing your answer... Thanx....

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