Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

The Koch's 'secret bank' takes another step out of the shadows

Why don't the Koch suckers understand they are supporting an Oligarchy, leading them like sheep into a Neo fascist form of governance?
They are not capable of understanding that because their minds have been bent by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and other propagandists in the employ of the financial aristocracy. They are toadies who comprise a nation of sheep -- which inevitably will beget a government of wolves.

heres good ol' Orrin Hatch (R)

Is there anyone on Planet Earth who Soros has not scammed?
Yes. Me. How about you? How has Soros' activities negatively affected you?

On the other hand, have a peek at what the Koch Brothers have been up to:


This film exposes tactics used by the Koch brothers to sway political power in their favor, while illustrating the dangers of unchecked influence concentrated in the hands of the few. This includes their efforts to suppress voter rights, re-segregate public schools, weaken EPA regulation, and privatize Social Security.

The strategy pursued by the Koch Brothers has a potent history. As Bill Moyers describes in his Nation cover story “How Wall Street Occupied America,” the late Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell’s confidential memorandum in 1971 to his friends in the US Chamber of Commerce was “a call to arms for class war waged from the top down.” It was a blueprint for what is now coming to fruition with the phenomenon of the Koch brothers, Citizens United, and a right-wing activist Supreme Court ready to roll back decades of New Deal jurisprudence.

Koch Brothers Exposed | The Nation


Presuming you are not so rich you won't need Social Security when you reach retirement age, you might wish to pay closer attention to these two greedy hoarders. Because their profile reveals them to be the kind who feel the downer you are the upper they are. And they are motivated to put you and me down.

My only point where Soros is concerned is, while he is a schemer, he isn't driven by the same pathological avarice as are the Kochs.
Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.
So in other words you are a loser. A 'never-waser'. A failure. Never learned the value of hard work. Never earned an education. How n=many times have the 'makers' in your family bailed you out of a financial jam? How much money do you owe you and they know you'll never pay back?
We all understand you much better now.
No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.
Most vast fortunes are the result of hard work, smart investment, and good business, and only a deluded fool would say the opposite. Your assumption that accumulating a vast fortune must include exploitation and criminality suggests your mind is in a dark place.
The Koch's 'secret bank' takes another step out of the shadows

Why don't the Koch suckers understand they are supporting an Oligarchy, leading them like sheep into a Neo fascist form of governance?
More important, why do the left wing extremists believe they have the right to attack people who are rich? If there was reason to believe the Koch brothers were guilty of even 10% of what you nuts claim they would already be in jail. Why don't you recognize it is just penis envy because you don't have his money?

And I don't even like the guys.
So in other words you are a loser. A 'never-waser'. A failure. Never learned the value of hard work. Never earned an education. How n=many times have the 'makers' in your family bailed you out of a financial jam? How much money do you owe you and they know you'll never pay back?
We all understand you much better now.
No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.
Most vast fortunes are the result of hard work, smart investment, and good business, and only a deluded fool would say the opposite. Your assumption that accumulating a vast fortune must include exploitation and criminality suggests your mind is in a dark place.
Beneath the signature line on this message is an invitation. Do yourself a favor and accept it. Spend an hour of your time learning something you really need to know.
No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.
Most vast fortunes are the result of hard work, smart investment, and good business, and only a deluded fool would say the opposite. Your assumption that accumulating a vast fortune must include exploitation and criminality suggests your mind is in a dark place.
Beneath the signature line on this message is an invitation. Do yourself a favor and accept it. Spend an hour of your time learning something you really need to know.
Why would I intentionally subject myself to left wing fanatic propaganda? You have been eaten up with the propaganda stick enough for both of us. I'll stick to reason and facts instead of your brand of bloviation.
So in other words you are a loser. A 'never-waser'. A failure. Never learned the value of hard work. Never earned an education. How n=many times have the 'makers' in your family bailed you out of a financial jam? How much money do you owe you and they know you'll never pay back?
We all understand you much better now.
No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.
Most vast fortunes are the result of hard work, smart investment, and good business, and only a deluded fool would say the opposite. Your assumption that accumulating a vast fortune must include exploitation and criminality suggests your mind is in a dark place.

At what number (amount) is one considered to have a vast fortune?
Soros: Worked with the Nazis, makes his money destroying economies and impoverishing people

Koch: make their money providing products and services that improve the lives of people

Yeah, identical I tell yas!

That's why leftists admire Soros! It's why Soros has the ear (leash, actually) of the President.

What policies is Soros making the President implement?
No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.
Most vast fortunes are the result of hard work, smart investment, and good business, and only a deluded fool would say the opposite. Your assumption that accumulating a vast fortune must include exploitation and criminality suggests your mind is in a dark place.

At what number (amount) is one considered to have a vast fortune?
Based on the study of human behavior it is only in the eyes of the beholder. (Read Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics by George Reisman) I am quite satisfied with my fortunes, but some people are jealous, ie ate up with the penis envy stick.

BTW, there is no such thing, nor has their ever been such a thing as "laissez faire" capitalism.
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No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.

There are a few "workers paradises" around the world you and PMS may want to consider rather than continue suffering here in this debauched capitalist country, comrade.
I'm afraid that unless and until someone finds a better way to generate the world's largest economy, America will continue to stumble down the road Adam Smith immortalized in "the Wealth of Nations" just about the time the US was established.
America was a veritable workers paradise between the late 1940s and the early 1980s, when the laissez-faire capitalist system which brought about the Great Depression was brought under control by a number of prudent socialist regulations, a 91% tax rate on the super-rich, and an active union movement. Then came the union-busting bastard and his Reaganomics atrocity -- with methodical deregulation and "trickle down" that turned out to be siphon-up economics. And the rest is the history you've been conditioned to ignore.

It is right there before your eyes, friend. All you need to do is look at it.

So Comrade, the reason that the average house was 900 sq. ft. with a single bath and 3 bedrooms, no family or dining room in 1970, versus 2800 sq ft. with 3 baths, 4 bedrooms, formal dining and living rooms, and a family room or den today, is that people were doing so much better then?

The reason that the average family had one car in 1970, vs. 3 cars average today, is that people were doing so much better then?

The reson that only 6% of children had their own bedroom in 1970, vs, 81% today, is that people were doing so much better then?

The reason that most families dined on steak twice a year in 1970, as opposed to once a week today, is that people were doing so much better back then?

The reason that the average family ate out once every 2 months in 1970, as opposed to 3 times a week today, is that people were doing so much better back then?

Say, you wouldn't be lying to us, would you Comrade?
heres good ol' Orrin Hatch (R)

Say Comrade, how DID that whole OWS shitter movement work out?

I mean, once it was clear that it was just greedy public unions behind it? I mean, you still have a bumper sticker "I want to tax you 90% so that I can retire at 40 and you can pay for it, then I'll call YOU greedy - brought to you by SEIU."

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