
PoliticalChic, I added your Post #36 to

It is pages and pages of facts and references documenting his incompetence, his ignorance, his dishonesty, and the damage he did worldwide. Even so, it is hopelessly incomplete to describe how bad he was and is today. mean he's not god??????

I see.....he was just the stand-in for their real god, ......government.
9. They try so very hard to paint traditionalists, conservatives, believers as somehow less than their brave, smart atheists….secularists.
What is amusing is how often they appeal to religion as documentation for their faith, or blatantly reverse reality.

Here, an excellent example of rule #2, the latest ‘insult’ is to claim Republican voters belong to a cult.
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
Let's prove it.
The most obvious clue to cult is that they call their hero, their idol, their candidate god, Jesus and the messiah.
And that is exactly the reference Democrats made to Obama.

Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. Google.

I suppose their Militant Secularism could be called either, religion or cult.

I suppose, it fits rule #1 as well….

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

In "The Negro Family: The Case for National Action," written in 1965 by 38-year-old Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then assistant secretary of labor for policy in the Johnson administration, produced a report on a highly sensitive aspect of poverty in America. The report argued that the black family in inner city ghettos was crumbling, and that "so long as this situation persists, the cycle of poverty and disadvantage will continue to repeat itself."

"There is one unmistakable lesson in American history; a community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future - that community asks for and gets chaos." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"In too many cases, if our Government had set out determined to destroy the family, it couldn't have done greater damage than some of what we see today." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"I can live with the robber barons, but how do you live with these pathological radicals?" ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"The steady expansion of welfare programs can be taken as a measure of the steady disintegration of the Negro family structure over the past generation in the United States." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it's so rare." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"The liberal left can be as rigid and destructive as any force in American life." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan
"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

In "The Negro Family: The Case for National Action," written in 1965 by 38-year-old Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then assistant secretary of labor for policy in the Johnson administration, produced a report on a highly sensitive aspect of poverty in America. The report argued that the black family in inner city ghettos was crumbling, and that "so long as this situation persists, the cycle of poverty and disadvantage will continue to repeat itself."

"There is one unmistakable lesson in American history; a community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future - that community asks for and gets chaos." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"In too many cases, if our Government had set out determined to destroy the family, it couldn't have done greater damage than some of what we see today." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"I can live with the robber barons, but how do you live with these pathological radicals?" ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"The steady expansion of welfare programs can be taken as a measure of the steady disintegration of the Negro family structure over the past generation in the United States." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it's so rare." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"The liberal left can be as rigid and destructive as any force in American life." ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Alas.....that was when the Democrats had American's in the party.

Now the Democrat Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald, than to John F. Kennedy.
10. There are evil religions…remember the classic film, Gunga Din?

“The film is about three British sergeants and Gunga Din, their native bhisti (water bearer), who fight the Thuggee, an Indian murder cult, in colonial British India.”
Gunga Din (film) - Wikipedia

And an evil religion has taken hold in America: the Left’s statist religion, Militant Secularism. They have instituted the bizarre re-statement of America, "Justice For All," into entitlement for some, and anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-Americanism for everyone else.

And huge numbers have accepted same.

And they did it in the most astute way: co-opt the schools, marginalize traditional religion, and manage the media.
That and these two bonuses: most Americans just want peace and quiet, and can be bedeviled into silence, and the other political party, Republican, simply isn't up to the job of saving America.

If it is based on faith, not proof, it’s a religion, not science. Global warming and Darwinian evolution are taught in government schools as though they are facts.
They aren't.....there is no scientific proof of either.

Here is one Democrat admitting it: Sen. Mazie Hirono (D., Hawaii) on Tuesday called for liberal activists to believe in climate change as if it were a "religion."
Dem Senator Hirono: Believe in Climate Change Like a Religion

“…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, or vice versa?”
Ben Shapiro
Some of those versions are represented in these various threads and they represent the really angry, science loathing, knowledge fearing, kuffar hating version of Christians.
Same as atheists, correct? If not for the fact I grew up with atheists in the family and am married to an atheist, I might have an horrific view of atheists based on what some atheists post in threads. The point is that it is the fringe that often gets attention whereas the vast majority go unnoticed.
Not all who wander are lost

I have created two original paraprosdokians, one from the apothegm you have underneath your name.
Paraprosdokian originates from a Greek word which means an unexpected ending.

"Not all who wander are lost, but I am."

Nother one:

"No man is an island but I am a remote peninsula."

Now that I reflect on the former one, it occurs to me that there is a wonderful pun to be made.

Many who wonder are lost. (They vote Democrat.)
Some of those versions are represented in these various threads and they represent the really angry, science loathing, knowledge fearing, kuffar hating version of Christians.
Same as atheists, correct? If not for the fact I grew up with atheists in the family and am married to an atheist, I might have an horrific view of atheists based on what some atheists post in threads. The point is that it is the fringe that often gets attention whereas the vast majority go unnoticed.
Not a valid comparison from my perspective. As an example, I see the angry, science loathing, knowledge fearing, kuffar hating version of Christians on this message board reflected in a concerted effort from Christian fundamentalist groups to force Christianity into the public schools. That’s completely at odds with SCOTUS decisions and the US Constitution. I don’t see such a countering effort being made by the evilutionist atheists other than to teach science in the science classroom and let Sunday schools teach religion in Sunday school.
I don’t see such a countering effort being made by the evilutionist atheists other than to teach science in the science classroom and let Sunday schools teach religion in Sunday school.
What if SCOTUS decreed evolution was only to be taught in a reputable science lab, whereas the Bible should be taught in the philosophy classroom? I am not clear on why you seem to fear Biblical instruction--or what that has to do with evolution. Evolution is science; Bible is philosophy.
I don’t see such a countering effort being made by the evilutionist atheists other than to teach science in the science classroom and let Sunday schools teach religion in Sunday school.
What if SCOTUS decreed evolution was only to be taught in a reputable science lab, whereas the Bible should be taught in the philosophy classroom? I am not clear on why you seem to fear Biblical instruction--or what that has to do with evolution. Evolution is science; Bible is philosophy.
The facts are, SCOTUS has not decreed what you suggested. I don’t fear Biblical instruction. I don’t want to see the erosion of education by the introduction of religion in public schools. I want the Constitution to be upheld.

The Bible is philosophy? Not according to the religious syndicates which view the Bible as literal history and certainly not according to many in these threads who view the Bible as a literal rendering of existence.

I’m not clear on why you fear science being taught in public schools and religion being taught in Sunday school.
Evolution is science; Bible is philosophy.

Evolution is pseudoscience. While not written specifically as science, the Holy Bible provides abundant science, beginning with the First Sentence of the First Paragraph of the First Book.

It took scientists two thousand years to verify and validate that simple declaration we now know as The Big Bang. Einstein and other scientists fought it desperately, telling the priest who showed Einstein that his equations led to the Primordial Atom, "Your mathematics are correct but your conclusion is abominable." Only years later did Einstein have to recant and admit that he was wrong, and stubbornly wrong. He let his dogma drive his science, which it should never do.

“WE CONCLUDE – UNEXPECTEDLY – that there is little evidence for the neo-Darwinian view: its theoretical foundations and the experimental evidence supporting it are weak.” – Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Illinois, Chicago, The American Naturalist, November 1992

“Darwin’s theory is no closer to resolution than ever.” – David Berlinski, author of The Devil’s Delusion

“And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field.” Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.
The facts are, SCOTUS has not decreed what you suggested. I don’t fear Biblical instruction. I don’t want to see the erosion of education by the introduction of religion in public schools. I want the Constitution to be upheld.

The Bible is philosophy? Not according to the religious syndicates which view the Bible as literal history and certainly not according to many in these threads who view the Bible as a literal rendering of existence.

I’m not clear on why you fear science being taught in public schools and religion being taught in Sunday school.
I teach science in public school which is why I do not fear it. Considering the amount of misinformation about the Bible that even you bring in is the reason I believe it would be a fine idea to teach the Bible properly in schools. Had you been given a proper understanding of the Bible (Rabbinical for at least two-thirds of it), you might have as little fear of the Bible being taught in the classroom as I have--and would, perhaps, be one of its supporters. The Bible can be taught without pushing anyone into any faith or sect, and that would be to everyone's benefit.
“And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field.” Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.
There is much we do not understand. However, I do not mind teaching scientific theory and investigations. It is fascinating. It can be fun contemplating that somewhere around eighty percent of our genetic make-up (Not DNA, genetic) is the same or similar to that of a potato. This does not mean we evolved from a potato any more than have about ninety-nine percent DNA the same as that of a chimp means that we evolved from an ape. It simply points to a common ancestry or make up. For me, it would be silly not to try to connect the dots and to see where it leads. I am not one who believes God created us and our world in a blink (or six blinks) of an eye.
The facts are, SCOTUS has not decreed what you suggested. I don’t fear Biblical instruction. I don’t want to see the erosion of education by the introduction of religion in public schools. I want the Constitution to be upheld.

The Bible is philosophy? Not according to the religious syndicates which view the Bible as literal history and certainly not according to many in these threads who view the Bible as a literal rendering of existence.

I’m not clear on why you fear science being taught in public schools and religion being taught in Sunday school.
I teach science in public school which is why I do not fear it. Considering the amount of misinformation about the Bible that even you bring in is the reason I believe it would be a fine idea to teach the Bible properly in schools. Had you been given a proper understanding of the Bible (Rabbinical for at least two-thirds of it), you might have as little fear of the Bible being taught in the classroom as I have--and would, perhaps, be one of its supporters. The Bible can be taught without pushing anyone into any faith or sect, and that would be to everyone's benefit.
You don’t identify what misinformation I bring so I can’t address that claim. Also, your comment about a “proper understanding of the Bible” is a rather subjective matter. Who decides what understanding is proper? Moslems will want their religion to have equal school time. What proper understanding of Islam do you want taught? Sunni, Shia, Sufi? You will have to accommodate every other religionist who wants time for their beliefs.

You may be fine with teaching the Bible in public school as dozens of other religionists would be fine with their religion being taught but that is contrary to the Constitution.

I don’t see myself as a supporter of dozens of competing religions being taught in public schools. That’s not a matter of any fear but a matter of providing an education for students to be taught critical thinking skills in an increasingly competitive workplace. I don’t see belief in Arks, talking snakes, people ascending to heaven on golden staircases or animal sacrifice per Santeria as necessarily the best thing to inundate schools with.
I don’t see belief in Arks, talking snakes, people ascending to heaven on golden staircases or animal sacrifice per Santeria as necessarily the best thing to inundate schools with.
And that is precisely why the Bible needs to be taught in school: To move people beyond such a shallow view of the Bible and people of faith.
I don’t see belief in Arks, talking snakes, people ascending to heaven on golden staircases or animal sacrifice per Santeria as necessarily the best thing to inundate schools with.
And that is precisely why the Bible needs to be taught in school: To move people beyond such a shallow view of the Bible and people of faith.
Suggesting the Bible needs to be taught in public school suggests a need to impose your beliefs on others. Would you propose that schools segregate Christians from non-Christians for Bible lessons? Who would teach the lessons? A Catholic Priest? A Minister? A Chaplain, Pastor?
I don’t see belief in Arks, talking snakes, people ascending to heaven on golden staircases or animal sacrifice per Santeria as necessarily the best thing to inundate schools with.
And that is precisely why the Bible needs to be taught in school: To move people beyond such a shallow view of the Bible and people of faith.
Suggesting the Bible needs to be taught in public school suggests a need to impose your beliefs on others. Would you propose that schools segregate Christians from non-Christians for Bible lessons? Who would teach the lessons? A Catholic Priest? A Minister? A Chaplain, Pastor?
They should do as they did in the past. There should be a daily reading from the Psalms and or Proverbs. The reading was done by any student who wished to volunteer, as was the flag held and/or the Pledge of Allegiance lead by any student who wished to volunteer. All one needs to read is a McGuffey Reader from the 19th century to see that there was an influence upon students that GOD was someone of consideration and not to simply ignore or never be exposed to... One could certainly come to one's own conclusions; however, such conclusions were not the indoctrinated end result of ignorance or exclusion for "political/legal" reasons on a part of a governmental failure at attempting to keep a wall of separation between education and religious freedom. In essence, science, mathematics, language, religion, philosophy, and art ----- are all a very important part of education that is being undermined and neglected --- because of a very fickle and narrow-minded society, who believe it's money that makes a difference and not character. The government has no business dictating educational practices or the manipulation of funding in order to promote its own humanistic scientological agenda.
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