Kissinger calls on Obama to create a new world order


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
[ame=]YouTube - Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order[/ame]

Below are also speechs Bush Sr and Clinton both have made in the past on creating a new world order.Funny how Hitler made these same speechs and yet people cant get it around here that Clinton,Bush,Obama or whoever is president,will always try to accomplish what Hitler did as long as we have the same corrupt two party system we have now.:cuckoo:

Clintons new world order speech.

George Bush Sr new world order speech
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He's for both sides. He could care who your with as long as he runs the show. He should be dead.


  • $henry_kissinger_sarah_palin.jpg
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He's for both sides. He could care who your with as long as he runs the show. He should be dead.

exactly.yeah he is one of the members of the elite who run the country.He is wanted in two different countrys for war crimes against humanity and yet this bastard runs around freely.pretty sickening huh? Thats what I was talking about in my other thread on how both parties are corrupt and neither represent the people.Thats why BOTH Clinton,the Bushs,and now Obama always talk about a new world order,the same speech Hitler always made.Till we get a third party president in office,the corruption will never end.
He's for both sides. He could care who your with as long as he runs the show. He should be dead.

exactly.yeah he is one of the members of the elite who run the country.He is wanted in two different countrys for war crimes against humanity and yet this bastard runs around freely.pretty sickening huh? Thats what I was talking about in my other thread on how both parties are corrupt and neither represent the people.Thats why BOTH Clinton,the Bushs,and now Obama always talk about a new world order,the same speech Hitler always made.Till we get a third party president in office,the corruption will never end.

Wow, you should do something about that. Oh yeah, you're powerless and totally useless.
He's for both sides. He could care who your with as long as he runs the show. He should be dead.

exactly.yeah he is one of the members of the elite who run the country.He is wanted in two different countrys for war crimes against humanity and yet this bastard runs around freely.pretty sickening huh? Thats what I was talking about in my other thread on how both parties are corrupt and neither represent the people.Thats why BOTH Clinton,the Bushs,and now Obama always talk about a new world order,the same speech Hitler always made.Till we get a third party president in office,the corruption will never end.

Wow, you should do something about that. Oh yeah, you're powerless and totally useless.

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy".

Henry K. A quote taken from a website off the internet sometime ago.

Wow. So, I wonder how many people in the military would like to hear and give comment about a saying like that? American soldiers are dying for Israel everyday and this is the thanks they get from these people.
exactly.yeah he is one of the members of the elite who run the country.He is wanted in two different countrys for war crimes against humanity and yet this bastard runs around freely.pretty sickening huh? Thats what I was talking about in my other thread on how both parties are corrupt and neither represent the people.Thats why BOTH Clinton,the Bushs,and now Obama always talk about a new world order,the same speech Hitler always made.Till we get a third party president in office,the corruption will never end.

Wow, you should do something about that. Oh yeah, you're powerless and totally useless.

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy".

Henry K. A quote taken from a website off the internet sometime ago.

Wow. So, I wonder how many people in the military would like to hear and give comment about a saying like that? American soldiers are dying for Israel everyday and this is the thanks they get from these people.

yeah really.
He's for both sides. He could care who your with as long as he runs the show. He should be dead.

exactly.yeah he is one of the members of the elite who run the country.He is wanted in two different countrys for war crimes against humanity and yet this bastard runs around freely.pretty sickening huh? Thats what I was talking about in my other thread on how both parties are corrupt and neither represent the people.Thats why BOTH Clinton,the Bushs,and now Obama always talk about a new world order,the same speech Hitler always made.Till we get a third party president in office,the corruption will never end.

Kissinger runs the country? How exactly? He isnt working in any administration and hasnt for years.
exactly.yeah he is one of the members of the elite who run the country.He is wanted in two different countrys for war crimes against humanity and yet this bastard runs around freely.pretty sickening huh? Thats what I was talking about in my other thread on how both parties are corrupt and neither represent the people.Thats why BOTH Clinton,the Bushs,and now Obama always talk about a new world order,the same speech Hitler always made.Till we get a third party president in office,the corruption will never end.

Wow, you should do something about that. Oh yeah, you're powerless and totally useless.

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy".

Henry K. A quote taken from a website off the internet sometime ago.

Wow. So, I wonder how many people in the military would like to hear and give comment about a saying like that? American soldiers are dying for Israel everyday and this is the thanks they get from these people.
a source for that quote would be nice
if it actually exists
When Clinton tried for the emporer of the world position, why did he fail, and what made Bush fail? Will Obama learn from their mistakes and figure out the right formula for taking over the world using the "new world order" format?

Do you guys think Obama will rule with an iron fist? I bet he puts down his opposition brutally. He'll have torture camps and stuff, and he'll burn people alive and kill children in front of their parents. Dark times are upon us.
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Speaking of "a new world order", i think its a pretty lame way to try and take over the world. Theres alot of ways one could go about taking over the world, but that one is so cliche'd, it doesnt seem viable. People are already turned off by the way Hitler handled things and theyve seen enough conspiricies in movies to see that shit coming.

What Obama should do, if he does in fact want to rule the world, he should stage a supernatural event. The best way to control masses of people is to have them be willing followers. Religion is a good tool for this kind of stuff, so i would stage the crash landing of a large crystal, and have "Jesus" emerge from it. Do it in a spot like central park where it will be highly accessable to the press and their cameras. You could pull some sort of effect to make it look likes hes hovering as he gives some inspiring speech about love to the world.

Obama himself could announce to the world, maybe 24 hours prior, that an object moving under its own power is headed to our planet. They could make up some sort of story as to why people couldnt see it with their telescopes, maybe because the object is cloaked and can only be detected by special telescopes which the US has in their "Top Secret" arsenal.

Then they stage the efffect of this object entering our atmosphere and heading to Central Park, maybe by using a missle without a warhead, but glowing bright white in the sky. It crashes next to the spot where they already have a "crystal spacecraft" embedded in the ground. People would come running and see Jesus emerge.

From there its really not to difficult to see how you could use Jesus to manipulate people into going along with whatever plan you wanted. The "Jesus plan" would be so much easier to pull off then to sneak your way into ruling the world, like in this wacky new world order conspiracy of yours.

For the record, the Jesus Plan is trademarked, so dont try and snake my idea.
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Speaking of "a new world order", i think its a pretty lame way to try and take over the world. Theres alot of ways one could go about taking over the world, but that one is so cliche'd, it doesnt seem viable. People are already turned off by the way Hitler handled things and theyve seen enough conspiricies in movies to see that shit coming.

What Obama should do, if he does in fact want to rule the world, he should stage a supernatural event. The best way to control masses of people is to have them be willing followers. Religion is a good tool for this kind of stuff, so i would stage the crash landing of a large crystal, and have "Jesus" emerge from it. Do it in a spot like central park where it will be highly accessable to the press and their cameras. You could pull some sort of effect to make it look likes hes hovering as he gives some inspiring speech about love to the world.

Obama himself could announce to the world, maybe 24 hours prior, that an object moving under its own power is headed to our planet. They could make up some sort of story as to why people couldnt see it with their telescopes, maybe because the object is cloaked and can only be detected by special telescopes which the US has in their "Top Secret" arsenal.

Then they stage the efffect of this object entering our atmosphere and heading to Central Park, maybe by using a missle without a warhead, but glowing bright white in the sky. It crashes next to the spot where they already have a "crystal spacecraft" embedded in the ground. People would come running and see Jesus emerge.

From there its really not to difficult to see how you could use Jesus to manipulate people into going along with whatever plan you wanted. The "Jesus plan" would be so much easier to pull off then to sneak your way into ruling the world, like in this wacky new world order conspiracy of yours.

For the record, the Jesus Plan is trademarked, so dont try and snake my idea.
dang, you should take that to Lucas and Spielberg
that would make an excellent movie
Speaking of "a new world order", i think its a pretty lame way to try and take over the world. Theres alot of ways one could go about taking over the world, but that one is so cliche'd, it doesnt seem viable. People are already turned off by the way Hitler handled things and theyve seen enough conspiricies in movies to see that shit coming.

What Obama should do, if he does in fact want to rule the world, he should stage a supernatural event. The best way to control masses of people is to have them be willing followers. Religion is a good tool for this kind of stuff, so i would stage the crash landing of a large crystal, and have "Jesus" emerge from it. Do it in a spot like central park where it will be highly accessable to the press and their cameras. You could pull some sort of effect to make it look likes hes hovering as he gives some inspiring speech about love to the world.

Obama himself could announce to the world, maybe 24 hours prior, that an object moving under its own power is headed to our planet. They could make up some sort of story as to why people couldnt see it with their telescopes, maybe because the object is cloaked and can only be detected by special telescopes which the US has in their "Top Secret" arsenal.

Then they stage the efffect of this object entering our atmosphere and heading to Central Park, maybe by using a missle without a warhead, but glowing bright white in the sky. It crashes next to the spot where they already have a "crystal spacecraft" embedded in the ground. People would come running and see Jesus emerge.

From there its really not to difficult to see how you could use Jesus to manipulate people into going along with whatever plan you wanted. The "Jesus plan" would be so much easier to pull off then to sneak your way into ruling the world, like in this wacky new world order conspiracy of yours.

For the record, the Jesus Plan is trademarked, so dont try and snake my idea.
dang, you should take that to Lucas and Spielberg
that would make an excellent movie

Thats not a bad idea. Got their number?
Speaking of "a new world order", i think its a pretty lame way to try and take over the world. Theres alot of ways one could go about taking over the world, but that one is so cliche'd, it doesnt seem viable. People are already turned off by the way Hitler handled things and theyve seen enough conspiricies in movies to see that shit coming.

What Obama should do, if he does in fact want to rule the world, he should stage a supernatural event. The best way to control masses of people is to have them be willing followers. Religion is a good tool for this kind of stuff, so i would stage the crash landing of a large crystal, and have "Jesus" emerge from it. Do it in a spot like central park where it will be highly accessable to the press and their cameras. You could pull some sort of effect to make it look likes hes hovering as he gives some inspiring speech about love to the world.

Obama himself could announce to the world, maybe 24 hours prior, that an object moving under its own power is headed to our planet. They could make up some sort of story as to why people couldnt see it with their telescopes, maybe because the object is cloaked and can only be detected by special telescopes which the US has in their "Top Secret" arsenal.

Then they stage the efffect of this object entering our atmosphere and heading to Central Park, maybe by using a missle without a warhead, but glowing bright white in the sky. It crashes next to the spot where they already have a "crystal spacecraft" embedded in the ground. People would come running and see Jesus emerge.

From there its really not to difficult to see how you could use Jesus to manipulate people into going along with whatever plan you wanted. The "Jesus plan" would be so much easier to pull off then to sneak your way into ruling the world, like in this wacky new world order conspiracy of yours.

For the record, the Jesus Plan is trademarked, so dont try and snake my idea.
dang, you should take that to Lucas and Spielberg
that would make an excellent movie

Thats not a bad idea. Got their number?
:lol: wish i did
People shouldn't be worried about little things, like "their children," when Obama is running around creating a new world order.

like all Bush/Obama dupes you twist my words.Bush/Obama dupes like yourselfs are the ones who have left america in the mess that it is cause the ONLY thing you fools worry about is petty little things like how your favorite football team is doing,to ONLY worry about your children like so many idiot americans do is being plain stupid and ignorant.yeah worry about your kids but dont be an idiot and be the monkey that you Bush dupes are who cover your ears and eyes to the truth cause you only see what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear. great comeback to the thread as though it had anything to do with the topic.:cuckoo: further evidence you only see what you want to see and never watch videos like the monkey you are.
When Clinton tried for the emporer of the world position, why did he fail, and what made Bush fail? Will Obama learn from their mistakes and figure out the right formula for taking over the world using the "new world order" format?

Do you guys think Obama will rule with an iron fist? I bet he puts down his opposition brutally. He'll have torture camps and stuff, and he'll burn people alive and kill children in front of their parents. Dark times are upon us.

yeah kinda like Mr "I never had sex with that woman Clinton did." when he lied saying the davidians started the fire at waco accidently knocking over gasoline which according to him,set off the fire and then going on national tv lying like he does every minute of his life saying-we did not start the fire,the davidians did,except for Clinton, the film proved he lied showing us army tanks setting fire to the complex. Then lying as well saying they never opened up fire on them when the film also shows ATF people opening fire on the compound from helicopters.

If pinochio were true,Clintons nose would grow miles long from across several states.Same with Bush and Obama.
People shouldn't be worried about little things, like "their children," when Obama is running around creating a new world order.

like all Bush/Obama dupes you twist my words.Bush/Obama dupes like yourselfs are the ones who have left america in the mess that it is cause the ONLY thing you fools worry about is petty little things like how your favorite football team is doing,to ONLY worry about your children like so many idiot americans do is being plain stupid and ignorant.yeah worry about your kids but dont be an idiot and be the monkey that you Bush dupes are who cover your ears and eyes to the truth cause you only see what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear. great comeback to the thread as though it had anything to do with the topic.:cuckoo: further evidence you only see what you want to see and never watch videos like the monkey you are.
grow a brain first, then post

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